using SkiaSharp; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace com.clusterrr.Famicom.NesTiler { public class Program { public const string REPO_PATH = ""; public static DateTime BUILD_TIME = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(long.Parse(Properties.Resources.buildtime.Trim())); public const int MAX_BG_COLOR_AUTODETECT_ITERATIONS = 5; static void PrintAppInfo() { Console.WriteLine($"NesTiler v{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()?.GetName()?.Version?.Major}.{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()?.GetName()?.Version?.Minor}"); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Commit {Properties.Resources.gitCommit} @ {REPO_PATH}"); Console.WriteLine($" Debug version, build time: {BUILD_TIME.ToLocalTime()}"); #endif Console.WriteLine(" (c) Alexey 'Cluster' Avdyukhin / /"); Console.WriteLine(""); } static void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: {Path.GetFileName(Process.GetCurrentProcess()?.MainModule?.FileName)} "); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Available options:"); foreach (var arg in IArg.Args) { var s = "-" + (arg.HasIndex ? (arg.Short + "<#>") : arg.Short); var l = "--" + (arg.HasIndex ? (arg.Long + "-<#>") : arg.Long) + (arg.Params != null ? " " + arg.Params : ""); var description = arg.Description.Replace("\n", "\n" + String.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(" ", 48))); Console.WriteLine("{0,-5} {1,-42}{2}", s, l, description); } } public static int Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length == 0 || args.Contains("help") || args.Contains("--help")) { PrintAppInfo(); PrintHelp(); return 0; } var c = Config.Parse(args); Trace.Listeners.Clear(); if (!c.Quiet) { PrintAppInfo(); Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out)); } if (!c.ImageFiles.Any() && string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.OutColorsTable)) { Console.WriteLine("Nothing to do."); Console.WriteLine(); PrintHelp(); return 1; } // Data var images = new Dictionary(); var paletteIndexes = new Dictionary(); var patternTables = new Dictionary>(); var nameTables = new Dictionary>(); int tileID = 0; // Loading and parsing palette JSON var nesColors = new ColorFinder(c.ColorsFile); // CSV output var outTilesCsvLines = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.OutTilesCsv) ? new List() : null; var outPalettesCsvLines = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.OutPalettesCsv) ? new List() : null; if (c.OutColorsTable != null) { Trace.WriteLine($"Writing color table to {c.OutColorsTable}..."); nesColors.WriteColorsTable(c.OutColorsTable); } // Stop if there are no images if (!c.ImageFiles.Any()) return 0; // Change the fixed palettes to colors from the NES palette for (int i = 0; i < c.FixedPalettes.Length; i++) { if (c.FixedPalettes[i] == null) continue; var colorsInPalette = c.FixedPalettes[i]!.ToArray(); for (int j = 0; j < colorsInPalette.Length; j++) colorsInPalette[j] = nesColors.FindSimilarColor(colorsInPalette[j]); c.FixedPalettes[i] = new Palette(colorsInPalette, nosort: true); } // Loading images foreach (var imageFile in c.ImageFiles) { Trace.WriteLine($"Loading image #{imageFile.Key} - {Path.GetFileName(imageFile.Value)}..."); var offsetRegex = new Regex(@"^(?.*?)(:(?[0-9]+)(:(?[0-9]+))?)?$"); var match = offsetRegex.Match(imageFile.Value); var filename = match.Groups["filename"].Value; var offsetS = match.Groups["offset"].Value; var heightS = match.Groups["height"].Value; // Crop it if need int offset = 0; int height = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(offsetS)) { offset = int.Parse(offsetS); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(heightS)) height = int.Parse(heightS); } if (!File.Exists(filename)) throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find file '{filename}'.", filename); var image = FastBitmap.Decode(filename, offset, height); if (image == null) throw new InvalidDataException($"Can't load {filename}."); images[imageFile.Key] = image; if (c.Mode == Config.TilesMode.Backgrounds && image.Width != 256) throw new ArgumentException("Image width must be 256 for backgrounds mode.", filename); if (image.Width % c.TileWidth != 0) throw new ArgumentException($"Image width must be divisible by {c.TileWidth}.", filename); if (image.Height % c.TileHeight != 0) throw new ArgumentException($"Image height must be divisible by {c.TileHeight}.", filename); } // Change all colors in the images to colors from the NES palette foreach (var imageNum in images.Keys) { Trace.WriteLine($"Adjusting colors for image #{imageNum}..."); var image = images[imageNum]; for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++) { var color = image.GetPixelColor(x, y); if (color.Alpha >= 0x80 || c.Mode == Config.TilesMode.Backgrounds) { var similarColor = nesColors.FindSimilarColor(color); if (c.LossyLevel <= 0 && similarColor != color) throw new InvalidDataException($"Image #{imageNum}, pixel X={x} Y={y} has color {color.ToHtml()} " + $"but most similar NES color is {similarColor.ToHtml()}."); image.SetPixelColor(x, y, similarColor); } else { if (!c.BgColor.HasValue) throw new InvalidDataException("You must specify background color for images with transparency."); image.SetPixelColor(x, y, c.BgColor.Value); } } } } Palette[] calculatedPalettes; var maxCalculatedPaletteCount = Enumerable.Range(0, 4) .Select(i => c.PaletteEnabled[i] && c.FixedPalettes[i] == null).Count(); SKColor bgColor; Palette.LossyInfo? lossyInfo; // Detect background color if (c.BgColor.HasValue) { // Manually bgColor = nesColors.FindSimilarColor(c.BgColor.Value); (calculatedPalettes, lossyInfo) = CalculatePalettes(images, c.PaletteEnabled, c.FixedPalettes, c.PattributeTableYOffsets, c.TilePalWidth, c.TilePalHeight, c.BgColor.Value); if ((c.LossyLevel <= 1) && (lossyInfo != null)) throw new InvalidDataException($"Image #{lossyInfo?.ImageNum}, " + $"tile at ({lossyInfo?.TileX},{lossyInfo?.TileY})-" + $"({lossyInfo?.TileX + lossyInfo?.TileWidth},{lossyInfo?.TileY + lossyInfo?.TileHeight}) has {lossyInfo?.Colors?.Length} " + $"colors ({string.Join(", ", lossyInfo?.Colors?.Select(c => c.ToHtml())!)}) while only 4 possible."); } else { // Autodetect most used color Trace.Write($"Background color autodetect... "); Dictionary colorPerTileCounter = new(); foreach (var imageNum in images.Keys) { var image = images[imageNum]; for (int tileY = 0; tileY < image.Height / c.TilePalHeight; tileY++) { for (int tileX = 0; tileX < image.Width / c.TilePalWidth; tileX++) { // Count each color only once per tile/sprite var colorsInTile = new List(); for (int y = 0; y < c.TilePalHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < c.TilePalWidth; x++) { var color = image.GetPixelColor((tileX * c.TilePalWidth) + x, (tileY * c.TilePalHeight) + y); if (!colorsInTile.Contains(color)) colorsInTile.Add(color); } } foreach (var color in colorsInTile) { if (!colorPerTileCounter.ContainsKey(color)) colorPerTileCounter[color] = 0; colorPerTileCounter[color]++; } } } } // Most used colors var candidates = colorPerTileCounter.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value).Select(kv => kv.Key).ToArray(); // Try to calculate palettes for every background color var calcResults = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(candidates.Length, MAX_BG_COLOR_AUTODETECT_ITERATIONS); i++) { calcResults[candidates[i]] = CalculatePalettes(images, c.PaletteEnabled, c.FixedPalettes, c.PattributeTableYOffsets, c.TilePalWidth, c.TilePalHeight, candidates[i]); } // Select background color which uses minimum palettes // TODO: less palettes != best solution? Take tile count into account. var kvAllLossless = calcResults.Where(kv => kv.Value.LossyInfo == null).OrderBy(kv => kv.Value.Palettes.Length); if (kvAllLossless.Any()) { // Lossless combinations found, get best var kv = kvAllLossless.First(); (bgColor, calculatedPalettes) = (kv.Key, kv.Value.Palettes); } else { // Lossy combinations found var kvLossy = calcResults.OrderBy(kv => kv.Value.Palettes.Length).First(); lossyInfo = kvLossy.Value.LossyInfo; if (c.LossyLevel <= 1) throw new InvalidDataException($"Image #{lossyInfo?.ImageNum}, " + $"tile at ({lossyInfo?.TileX},{lossyInfo?.TileY})-" + $"({lossyInfo?.TileX + lossyInfo?.TileWidth},{lossyInfo?.TileY + lossyInfo?.TileHeight}) has {lossyInfo?.Colors?.Length} " + $"colors ({string.Join(", ", lossyInfo?.Colors?.Select(c => c.ToHtml())!)}) while only 4 possible."); (bgColor, calculatedPalettes) = (kvLossy.Key, kvLossy.Value.Palettes); } Trace.WriteLine(bgColor.ToHtml()); } if (calculatedPalettes.Length > maxCalculatedPaletteCount) { // Check lossy and throw error in case it's too low if (c.LossyLevel <= 2) throw new InvalidDataException($"Can't fit {calculatedPalettes.Length} palettes, {maxCalculatedPaletteCount} is maximum."); // Just warning Trace.WriteLine($"WARNING! Can't fit {calculatedPalettes.Length} palettes, {maxCalculatedPaletteCount} is maximum. {calculatedPalettes.Length - maxCalculatedPaletteCount} will be discarded."); } // Select palettes var palettes = new Palette?[4] { null, null, null, null }; outPalettesCsvLines?.Add("palette_id,color0,color1,color2,color3"); var calculatedPalettesList = new List(calculatedPalettes); for (var i = 0; i < palettes.Length; i++) { if (c.PaletteEnabled[i]) { if (c.FixedPalettes[i] != null) { palettes[i] = c.FixedPalettes[i]; } else if (calculatedPalettesList.Any()) { palettes[i] = calculatedPalettesList.First(); calculatedPalettesList.RemoveAt(0); } if (palettes[i] != null) { Trace.WriteLine($"Palette #{i}: {bgColor.ToHtml()}(BG) {string.Join(" ", palettes[i]!.Select(p => p.ToHtml()))}"); // Write CSV if required outPalettesCsvLines?.Add($"{i},{bgColor.ToHtml()},{string.Join(",", Enumerable.Range(1, 3).Select(c => (palettes[i]![c] != null ? palettes[i]![c]!.Value.ToHtml() : "")))}"); } } } calculatedPalettes = calculatedPalettesList.ToArray(); // Calculate palette as color indices and save them to files var bgColorIndex = nesColors.FindSimilarColorIndex(bgColor); for (int p = 0; p < palettes.Length; p++) { if (c.PaletteEnabled[p] && c.OutPalette.ContainsKey(p)) { var paletteRaw = new byte[4]; paletteRaw[0] = bgColorIndex; for (int colorIndex = 1; colorIndex <= 3; colorIndex++) { if (palettes[p] == null) paletteRaw[colorIndex] = 0; else if (palettes[p]![colorIndex].HasValue) paletteRaw[colorIndex] = nesColors.FindSimilarColorIndex(palettes[p]![colorIndex]!.Value); } File.WriteAllBytes(c.OutPalette[p], paletteRaw); Trace.WriteLine($"Palette #{p} saved to {c.OutPalette[p]}"); } } // Select palette for each tile/sprite and recolorize using them foreach (var imageNum in images.Keys) { Trace.WriteLine($"Mapping palettes for image #{imageNum}..."); var image = images[imageNum]; c.PattributeTableYOffsets.TryGetValue(imageNum, out int attributeTableOffset); paletteIndexes[imageNum] = new byte[image.Width / c.TilePalWidth, (int)Math.Ceiling((image.Height + attributeTableOffset) / (float)c.TilePalHeight)]; // For each tile/sprite for (int tilePalY = 0; tilePalY < (int)Math.Ceiling((image.Height + attributeTableOffset) / (float)c.TilePalHeight); tilePalY++) { for (int tilePalX = 0; tilePalX < image.Width / c.TilePalWidth; tilePalX++) { double minDelta = double.MaxValue; byte bestPaletteIndex = 0; // Try each palette for (byte paletteIndex = 0; paletteIndex < palettes.Length; paletteIndex++) { if (palettes[paletteIndex] == null) continue; double delta = palettes[paletteIndex]!.GetTileDelta( image, tilePalX * c.TilePalWidth, (tilePalY * c.TilePalHeight) - attributeTableOffset, c.TilePalWidth, c.TilePalHeight, bgColor); // Find palette with most similar colors if (delta < minDelta) { minDelta = delta; bestPaletteIndex = paletteIndex; } } Palette bestPalette = palettes[bestPaletteIndex]!; // at least one palette enabled, so can't be null here // Remember palette index paletteIndexes[imageNum][tilePalX, tilePalY] = bestPaletteIndex; // Change tile colors to colors from the palette for (int y = 0; y < c.TilePalHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < c.TilePalWidth; x++) { var cy = (tilePalY * c.TilePalHeight) + y - attributeTableOffset; if (cy < 0) continue; var color = image.GetPixelColor((tilePalX * c.TilePalWidth) + x, cy); var similarColor = nesColors.FindSimilarColor(Enumerable.Concat( bestPalette, new[] { bgColor } ), color); image.SetPixelColor( (tilePalX * c.TilePalWidth) + x, cy, similarColor); } } } // tile palette X } // tile palette Y // Save preview if required if (c.OutPreview.ContainsKey(imageNum)) { File.WriteAllBytes(c.OutPreview[imageNum], image.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 0)); Trace.WriteLine($"Preview #{imageNum} saved to {c.OutPreview[imageNum]}"); } } // Generate attribute tables foreach (var imageNum in c.OutAttributeTable.Keys) { if (c.Mode != Config.TilesMode.Backgrounds) throw new InvalidOperationException("Attribute table generation available for backgrounds mode only."); Trace.WriteLine($"Creating attribute table for image #{imageNum}..."); var image = images[imageNum]; c.PattributeTableYOffsets.TryGetValue(imageNum, out int attributeTableOffset); var attributeTableRaw = new List(); int width = paletteIndexes[imageNum].GetLength(0); int height = paletteIndexes[imageNum].GetLength(1); for (int ptileY = 0; ptileY < Math.Ceiling(height / 2.0); ptileY++) { for (int ptileX = 0; ptileX < Math.Ceiling(width / 2.0); ptileX++) { byte topLeft = 0; byte topRight = 0; byte bottomLeft = 0; byte bottomRight = 0; topLeft = paletteIndexes[imageNum][ptileX * 2, ptileY * 2]; topLeft = paletteIndexes[imageNum][ptileX * 2, ptileY * 2]; topRight = paletteIndexes[imageNum][(ptileX * 2) + 1, ptileY * 2]; topRight = paletteIndexes[imageNum][(ptileX * 2) + 1, ptileY * 2]; if ((ptileY * 2) + 1 < height) { bottomLeft = paletteIndexes[imageNum][ptileX * 2, (ptileY * 2) + 1]; bottomLeft = paletteIndexes[imageNum][ptileX * 2, (ptileY * 2) + 1]; bottomRight = paletteIndexes[imageNum][(ptileX * 2) + 1, (ptileY * 2) + 1]; bottomRight = paletteIndexes[imageNum][(ptileX * 2) + 1, (ptileY * 2) + 1]; } var atv = (byte) (topLeft // top left | (topRight << 2) // top right | (bottomLeft << 4) // bottom left | (bottomRight << 6)); // bottom right attributeTableRaw.Add(atv); } } // Save to file if (c.OutAttributeTable.ContainsKey(imageNum)) { File.WriteAllBytes(c.OutAttributeTable[imageNum], attributeTableRaw.ToArray()); Trace.WriteLine($"Attribute table #{imageNum} saved to {c.OutAttributeTable[imageNum]}"); } } // Generate pattern tables and nametables outTilesCsvLines?.Add("image_id,image_file,line,column,tile_x,tile_y,tile_width,tile_height,tile_id,palette_id"); foreach (var imageNum in images.Keys) { Trace.WriteLine($"Creating pattern table for image #{imageNum}..."); var image = images[imageNum]; c.PattributeTableYOffsets.TryGetValue(imageNum, out int attributeTableOffset); if (!patternTables.ContainsKey(!c.SharePatternTable ? imageNum : 0)) patternTables[!c.SharePatternTable ? imageNum : 0] = new Dictionary(); var patternTable = patternTables[!c.SharePatternTable ? imageNum : 0]; if (!nameTables.ContainsKey(imageNum)) nameTables[imageNum] = new List(); var nameTable = nameTables[imageNum]; if (!c.SharePatternTable) { if (!c.PatternTableStartOffsets.ContainsKey(imageNum)) c.PatternTableStartOffsets[imageNum] = 0; tileID = c.PatternTableStartOffsets[imageNum]; } else { tileID = Math.Max(tileID, c.PatternTableStartOffsetShared); c.PatternTableStartOffsets[imageNum] = tileID; } for (int tileY = 0; tileY < image.Height / c.TileHeight; tileY++) { for (int tileX = 0; tileX < image.Width / c.TileWidth; tileX++) { var tileData = new byte[c.TileWidth * c.TileHeight]; byte paletteID = 0; for (int y = 0; y < c.TileHeight; y++) for (int x = 0; x < c.TileWidth; x++) { var color = image.GetPixelColor((tileX * c.TileWidth) + x, (tileY * c.TileHeight) + y); paletteID = paletteIndexes[imageNum][tileX / (c.TilePalWidth / c.TileWidth), (tileY + (attributeTableOffset / c.TileHeight)) / (c.TilePalHeight / c.TileHeight)]; var palette = palettes[paletteID]; byte colorIndex = 0; if (color != bgColor) { colorIndex = 1; while (palette![colorIndex] != color) colorIndex++; } tileData[(y * c.TileWidth) + x] = colorIndex; } var tile = new Tile(tileData, c.TileHeight); int currentTileID; if (patternTable.TryGetValue(tile, out int id)) { if (c.Mode == Config.TilesMode.Backgrounds) nameTable.Add(id); currentTileID = id; } else { patternTable[tile] = tileID; if (c.Mode == Config.TilesMode.Backgrounds) nameTable.Add(tileID); currentTileID = tileID; tileID++; } currentTileID = ((currentTileID & 0x7F) << 1) | ((currentTileID & 0x80) >> 7); // Write CSV if required outTilesCsvLines?.Add($"{imageNum},{c.ImageFiles[imageNum]},{tileY},{tileX},{tileX * c.TileWidth},{tileY * c.TileHeight},{c.TileWidth},{c.TileHeight},{currentTileID},{paletteID}"); } } if (c.SharePatternTable && tileID > c.PatternTableStartOffsetShared) Trace.WriteLine($"#{imageNum} tiles range: {c.PatternTableStartOffsetShared}-{tileID - 1}"); else if (tileID > c.PatternTableStartOffsets[imageNum]) Trace.WriteLine($"#{imageNum} tiles range: {c.PatternTableStartOffsets[imageNum]}-{tileID - 1}"); else Trace.WriteLine($"Pattern table is empty."); if (tileID > 256) throw new InvalidDataException("Tiles out of range."); // Save pattern table to file if (c.OutPatternTable.ContainsKey(imageNum) && !c.SharePatternTable) { var patternTableReversed = patternTable.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Value, kv => kv.Key); var patternTableRaw = new List(); for (int t = c.PatternTableStartOffsets[imageNum]; t < tileID; t++) { var raw = patternTableReversed[t].GetAsPatternData(); patternTableRaw.AddRange(raw); } File.WriteAllBytes(c.OutPatternTable[imageNum], patternTableRaw.ToArray()); Trace.WriteLine($"Pattern table #{imageNum} saved to {c.OutPatternTable[imageNum]}"); } // Save nametable to file if (c.OutNameTable.ContainsKey(imageNum)) { if (c.Mode != Config.TilesMode.Backgrounds) throw new InvalidOperationException("Nametable table generation available for backgrounds mode only."); File.WriteAllBytes(c.OutNameTable[imageNum], nameTable.Select(i => (byte)i).ToArray()); Trace.WriteLine($"Nametable #{imageNum} saved to {c.OutNameTable[imageNum]}"); } } // Save shared pattern table to file if (c.SharePatternTable && c.OutPatternTableShared != null) { var patternTableReversed = patternTables[0].ToDictionary(kv => kv.Value, kv => kv.Key); var patternTableRaw = new List(); for (int t = c.PatternTableStartOffsetShared; t < tileID; t++) { var raw = patternTableReversed[t].GetAsPatternData(); patternTableRaw.AddRange(raw); } File.WriteAllBytes(c.OutPatternTableShared, patternTableRaw.ToArray()); Trace.WriteLine($"Pattern table saved to {c.OutPatternTableShared}"); } // Save CSV tiles report if (c.OutTilesCsv != null && outTilesCsvLines != null) { File.WriteAllLines(c.OutTilesCsv, outTilesCsvLines); } // Save CSV palettes report if (c.OutPalettesCsv != null && outPalettesCsvLines != null) { File.WriteAllLines(c.OutPalettesCsv, outPalettesCsvLines); } return 0; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error. {ex.Message}"); return 1; } catch (JsonException ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Can't parse JSON: {ex.Message}"); return 1; } catch (Exception ex) when (ex is InvalidDataException || ex is InvalidOperationException || ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException || ex is FileNotFoundException) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error. {ex.Message}"); return 1; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Unexpected error {ex.GetType()}: {ex.Message}{ex.StackTrace}"); return 1; } } static (Palette[] palettes, Palette.LossyInfo? lossyInfo) CalculatePalettes(Dictionary images, bool[] paletteEnabled, Palette?[] fixedPalettes, Dictionary attributeTableOffsets, int tilePalWidth, int tilePalHeight, SKColor bgColor) { var required = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(i => paletteEnabled[i] && fixedPalettes[i] == null); // Creating and counting the palettes var paletteCounter = new Dictionary(); Palette.LossyInfo? lossyInfo = null; foreach (var imageNum in images.Keys) { var image = images[imageNum]; attributeTableOffsets.TryGetValue(imageNum, out int attributeTableOffset); // For each tile/sprite for (int tileY = 0; tileY < (image.Height + attributeTableOffset) / tilePalHeight; tileY++) { for (int tileX = 0; tileX < image.Width / tilePalWidth; tileX++) { // Create palette using up to three most used colors var palette = new Palette( imageNum, image, tileX * tilePalWidth, (tileY * tilePalHeight) - attributeTableOffset, tilePalWidth, tilePalHeight, bgColor); lossyInfo ??= palette.ColorLossy; // Skip tiles with only background color if (!palette.Any()) continue; // Do not count predefined palettes if (fixedPalettes.Where(p => p != null && p.Contains(palette)).Any()) continue; // Count palette usage if (!paletteCounter.ContainsKey(palette)) paletteCounter[palette] = 0; paletteCounter[palette]++; } } } // Group palettes var resultPalettes = new Palette[0]; // Multiple iterations while (true) { // Remove unused palettes paletteCounter = paletteCounter.Where(kv => kv.Value > 0).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value); // Sort by usage resultPalettes = paletteCounter.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value).Select(kv => kv.Key).ToArray(); // Some palettes can contain all colors from other palettes, so we need to combine them foreach (var palette2 in resultPalettes) foreach (var palette1 in resultPalettes) { if ((palette2 != palette1) && (palette2.Count >= palette1.Count) && palette2.Contains(palette1)) { // Move counter paletteCounter[palette2] += paletteCounter[palette1]; paletteCounter[palette1] = 0; } } // Remove unused palettes paletteCounter = paletteCounter.Where(kv => kv.Value > 0).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value); // Sort them again resultPalettes = paletteCounter.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value).Select(kv => kv.Key).ToArray(); // Get most used palettes var top = resultPalettes.Take(required.Count()).ToList(); // Use free colors in palettes to store less popular palettes bool grouped = false; foreach (var t in top) { if (paletteCounter[t] > 0 && t.Count < 3) { foreach (var p in resultPalettes) { var newColors = p.Where(c => !t.Contains(c)); if ((p != t) && (paletteCounter[p] > 0) && (newColors.Count() + t.Count <= 3)) { var count1 = paletteCounter[t]; var count2 = paletteCounter[p]; paletteCounter[t] = 0; paletteCounter[p] = 0; var newPalette = new Palette(Enumerable.Concat(t, p).Distinct()); paletteCounter[newPalette] = count1 + count2; grouped = true; } } } } if (!grouped) break; // Nothing changed, stop iterations } // Remove unused palettes paletteCounter = paletteCounter.Where(kv => kv.Value > 0).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value); // Sort them again resultPalettes = paletteCounter.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value).Select(kv => kv.Key).ToArray(); return (resultPalettes, lossyInfo); } } }