* upload a hash at the same time as package, and pass that through to setup.ini * mksetupini should have an okmissing option for override.hint which names non-existent versions * use ./setup.hint inside the tar file, avoiding all the hint/tar coherence problems * mksetupini should write to stdout if --inifile not specified * check packages for path collisions * don't do upload authorization by path, then remove unique path constraint * mksetupini should be able to verify requires: contains valid package names using a provided list of packages (or a cygwin-pkg-maint file?) * make override.hint (optionally?) apply recursively? * something to expire old soversions * atomically update .ini/.sig (rename of containing directory, if we put release/ was somewhere else?) * report changes in override.hint like we used to for setup.hint * empty override.hint should be acceptable (hint parser should better distinguish error and empty states)