#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Turney # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # # utilities for working with a package database # import copy import difflib import hashlib import json import logging import os import pprint import re import textwrap import time from collections import defaultdict from enum import Enum, IntEnum, unique import xtarfile from . import common_constants from . import hint from . import maintainers from . import past_mistakes from . import utils from .movelist import MoveList from .version import SetupVersion # kinds of packages @unique class Kind(Enum): binary = 1 # aka 'install' source = 2 # a path inside a package repository (e.g relative to relarea) class RepoPath(): def __init__(self, _arch=None, _path=None, _fn=None): self.arch = _arch self.path = _path self.fn = _fn # convert to a path, absolute if given a base directory def abspath(self, basedir=None): pc = [self.arch, 'release', self.path, self.fn] if basedir: pc.insert(0, basedir) return os.path.join(*pc) # convert to a MoveList tuple def move(self): return (os.path.join(self.arch, 'release', self.path), self.fn) # information we keep about a package class Package(object): def __init__(self): self.pkgpath = '' # path to package, relative to arch self.tarfiles = {} self.hints = {} self.is_used_by = set() self.version_hints = {} self.override_hints = {} self.not_for_output = False def __repr__(self): return "Package('%s', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % ( self.pkgpath, pprint.pformat(self.tarfiles), pprint.pformat(self.version_hints), pprint.pformat(self.override_hints), self.not_for_output) def tar(self, vr): return self.tarfiles[vr] def versions(self): return self.tarfiles.keys() def srcpackage(self, vr, suffix=True): if self.kind == Kind.source: spn = self.name else: # source tarfile is in the external-source package, if specified, # otherwise it's in the sibling source package hints = self.version_hints.get(vr, {}) spn = hints.get('external-source', self.name + '-src') # strip '-src' suffix? if not suffix: if spn.endswith('-src'): spn = spn[:-4] return spn # information we keep about a tar file class Tar(object): def __init__(self): self.repopath = RepoPath() # pathname of tar archive self.sha512 = '' self.size = 0 self.is_empty = False self.is_used = False def __repr__(self): return "Tar('%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %s)" % (self.repopath.fn, os.path.join(self.repopath.arch, 'release', self.repopath.path), self.sha512, self.size, self.is_empty) # information we keep about a hint file class Hint(object): def __init__(self): self.repopath = RepoPath() # pathname of hint file self.hints = {} # XXX: duplicates version_hints, for the moment # # read a packages from a directory hierarchy # def read_packages(rel_area, arch): packages = {} # / noarch/ and src/ directories are considered for root in ['noarch', 'src', arch]: packages[root] = {} releasedir = os.path.join(rel_area, root) logging.debug('reading packages from %s' % releasedir) for (dirpath, _subdirs, files) in os.walk(releasedir, followlinks=True): read_package_dir(packages[root], rel_area, dirpath, files) logging.debug("%d packages read from %s" % (len(packages[root]), releasedir)) return merge({}, *packages.values()) # helper function to compute sha512 for a particular file # (block_size should be some multiple of sha512 block size which can be efficiently read) def sha512_file_hash(fn, block_size=256 * 128): sha512 = hashlib.sha512() with open(fn, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''): sha512.update(chunk) return sha512.hexdigest() # helper function to parse a sha512.sum file @utils.mtime_cache def sha512sum_file_read(sum_fn): sha512 = {} with open(sum_fn) as fo: for l in fo: match = re.match(r'^(\S+)\s+(?:\*|)(\S+)$', l) if match: sha512[match.group(2)] = match.group(1) else: logging.warning("bad line '%s' in checksum file %s" % (l.strip(), sum_fn)) return sha512 # helper function to determine sha512 for a particular file # # read sha512 checksum from a sha512.sum file, if present, otherwise compute it def sha512_file(fn): (dirname, basename) = os.path.split(fn) sum_fn = os.path.join(dirname, 'sha512.sum') if os.path.exists(sum_fn): sha512 = sha512sum_file_read(sum_fn) if basename in sha512: return sha512[basename] else: logging.debug("no line for file %s in checksum file %s" % (basename, sum_fn)) else: logging.debug("no sha512.sum in %s" % dirname) sha512 = sha512_file_hash(fn) logging.debug("computed sha512 hash for %s is %s" % (basename, sha512)) return sha512 # process a list of package version-constraints def process_package_constraint_list(pcl): # split, keeping optional version-relation, trim and sort deplist = {} if ',' in pcl: # already comma separated is simple for r in pcl.split(','): r = r.strip() item = re.sub(r'(.*)\s+\(.*?\)', r'\1', r) deplist[item] = r else: # otherwise, split into a sequence of package names, version-relation # constraints and white-space, and group package name with any following # constraint item = None for r in re.split(r'(\(.*?\)|\s+)', pcl): r = r.strip() if not r: continue if r.startswith('('): if not item: logging.warning("constraint '%s' before any package" % (r)) elif '(' in deplist[item]: logging.warning("multiple constraints after package %s" % (item)) else: deplist[item] = item + ' ' + r else: item = r deplist[item] = item # return a sorted list of package names with an optional version constraint. return sorted(deplist.values()) # helper function to read hints def read_hints(p, fn, kind, strict=False): hints = hint.hint_file_parse(fn, kind, strict) if 'parse-errors' in hints: for l in hints['parse-errors']: logging.error("package '%s': %s" % (p, l)) logging.error("errors while parsing hints for package '%s'" % p) return None if 'parse-warnings' in hints: for l in hints['parse-warnings']: logging.info("package '%s': %s" % (p, l)) # generate depends: from requires: # XXX: store this as a list, rather than splitting it into one everywhere we # use it hints['depends'] = ', '.join(process_package_constraint_list(hints.get('requires', ''))) # erase requires:, to ensure there is nothing using it hints.pop('requires', None) return hints # helper function to clean up hints def clean_hints(p, hints, warnings): # # fix some common defects in the hints # # don't allow a redundant 'package:' or 'package - ' at start of sdesc # # match case-insensitively, and use a base package name (trim off any # leading 'lib' from package name, remove any soversion or 'devel' # suffix) # if 'sdesc' in hints: colon = re.match(r'^"(.*?)(\s*:|\s+-)', hints['sdesc']) if colon: package_basename = re.sub(r'^lib(.*?)(|-devel|\d*)$', r'\1', p) if package_basename.upper().startswith(colon.group(1).upper()): logging.error("package '%s' sdesc starts with '%s'; this is redundant as the UI will show both the package name and sdesc" % (p, ''.join(colon.group(1, 2)))) warnings = True return warnings # # read a single package directory # # (may contain at most one source package and one binary package) # (return True if problems, False otherwise) # def read_package_dir(packages, basedir, dirpath, files, upload=False): relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, basedir) # the package name is always the directory name p = os.path.basename(dirpath) # ignore dotfiles, backup files and checksum files for f in files[:]: if f.startswith('.') or f.endswith('.bak') or f == 'sha512.sum': files.remove(f) # no .hint files if not any([f.endswith('.hint') for f in files]): if (relpath.count(os.path.sep) > 1): if len(files) > 0: logging.error("no .hint files in %s but has files: %s" % (dirpath, ', '.join(files))) return True return False # classify files for which kind of package they belong to fl = {} for kind in list(Kind) + ['all']: fl[kind] = [] for f in files[:]: if f == 'override.hint': fl['all'].append(f) files.remove(f) elif re.match(r'^' + re.escape(p) + r'.*\.hint$', f): if f.endswith('-src.hint'): fl[Kind.source].append(f) else: fl[Kind.binary].append(f) files.remove(f) elif re.match(r'^' + re.escape(p) + r'.*\.tar' + common_constants.PACKAGE_COMPRESSIONS_RE + r'$', f): if '-src.tar' in f: fl[Kind.source].append(f) else: fl[Kind.binary].append(f) files.remove(f) # read package result = False for kind in Kind: # only create a package if there's archives for it to contain if fl[kind]: result = read_one_package(packages, p, relpath, dirpath, fl[kind] + fl['all'], kind, upload) or result # warn about unexpected files, including tarfiles which don't match the # package name if files: logging.error("unexpected files in %s: %s" % (p, ', '.join(files))) result = True return result # # read a single package # def read_one_package(packages, p, relpath, dirpath, files, kind, strict): warnings = False if not re.match(r'^[\w\-._+]*$', p): logging.error("package '%s' name contains illegal characters" % p) return True # assumption: no real package names end with '-src' # # enforce this, because source and install package names exist in a # single namespace currently, and otherwise there could be a collision if p.endswith('-src'): logging.error("package '%s' name ends with '-src'" % p) return True # check for duplicate package names at different paths (arch, release, pkgpath) = relpath.split(os.sep, 2) assert release == 'release' pn = p + ('-src' if kind == Kind.source else '') if pn in packages: logging.error("duplicate package name at paths %s and %s" % (relpath, packages[p].pkgpath)) return True if 'override.hint' in files: # read override.hint override_hints = read_hints(p, os.path.join(dirpath, 'override.hint'), hint.override) if override_hints is None: logging.error("error parsing %s" % (os.path.join(dirpath, 'override.hint'))) return True files.remove('override.hint') else: override_hints = {} # build a list of version-releases (since replacement pvr.hint files are # allowed to be uploaded, we must consider both .tar and .hint files for # that), and collect the attributes for each tar file tars = {} vr_list = set() for f in list(files): # warn if filename doesn't follow P-V-R naming convention # # P must match the package name, V can contain anything, R must # start with a number match = re.match(r'^' + re.escape(p) + r'-(.+)-(\d[0-9a-zA-Z.]*)(-src|)\.(tar' + common_constants.PACKAGE_COMPRESSIONS_RE + r'|hint)$', f) if not match: logging.error("file '%s' in package '%s' doesn't follow naming convention" % (f, p)) return True else: v = match.group(1) r = match.group(2) # historically, V can contain a '-' (since we can use the fact # we already know P to split unambiguously), but this is a bad # idea. if '-' in v: if v in past_mistakes.hyphen_in_version.get(p, []): lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.ERROR warnings = True logging.log(lvl, "file '%s' in package '%s' contains '-' in version" % (f, p)) if not v[0].isdigit(): logging.error("file '%s' in package '%s' has a version which doesn't start with a digit" % (f, p)) warnings = True # if not there already, add to version-release list vr = '%s-%s' % (v, r) vr_list.add(vr) if not f.endswith('.hint'): # a package can only contain tar archives of the appropriate type if not re.search(r'-src.*\.tar', f): if kind == Kind.source: logging.error("source package '%s' has install archives" % (p)) return True else: if kind == Kind.binary: logging.error("package '%s' has source archives" % (p)) return True # for each version, a package can contain at most one tar file (of # the appropriate type). Warn if we have too many (for e.g. both a # .xz and .bz2 install tar file). if vr in tars: logging.error("package '%s' has more than one tar file for version '%s'" % (p, vr)) return True # collect the attributes for each tar file t = Tar() t.repopath.arch = arch t.repopath.path = pkgpath t.repopath.fn = f t.size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) t.is_empty = tarfile_is_empty(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) t.mtime = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) t.sha512 = sha512_file(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) tars[vr] = t # determine hints for each version we've encountered version_hints = {} hints = {} actual_tars = {} for vr in vr_list: hint_fn = '%s-%s%s.hint' % (p, vr, '-src' if kind == Kind.source else '') if hint_fn in files: # is there a PVR.hint file? pvr_hint = read_hints(p, os.path.join(dirpath, hint_fn), hint.pvr if kind == Kind.binary else hint.spvr, strict) if not pvr_hint: logging.error("error parsing %s" % (os.path.join(dirpath, hint_fn))) return True warnings = clean_hints(p, pvr_hint, warnings) else: # it's an error to not have a pvr.hint logging.error("package %s has packages for version %s, but no %s" % (p, vr, hint_fn)) return True # apply a version override if 'version' in pvr_hint: ovr = pvr_hint['version'] # also record the version before the override pvr_hint['original-version'] = vr else: ovr = vr # external source will always point to a source package if 'external-source' in pvr_hint: pvr_hint['external-source'] += '-src' hintobj = Hint() hintobj.repopath.arch = arch hintobj.repopath.path = pkgpath hintobj.repopath.fn = hint_fn hintobj.hints = pvr_hint version_hints[ovr] = pvr_hint hints[ovr] = hintobj if vr in tars: actual_tars[ovr] = tars[vr] packages[pn] = Package() packages[pn].name = pn packages[pn].version_hints = version_hints packages[pn].override_hints = override_hints packages[pn].tarfiles = actual_tars packages[pn].hints = hints packages[pn].pkgpath = pkgpath packages[pn].kind = kind # since we are kind of inventing the source package names, and don't # want to report them, keep track of the real name packages[pn].orig_name = p return warnings # # utility to determine if a tar file is empty # def tarfile_is_empty(tf): size = os.path.getsize(tf) # report invalid files (smaller than the smallest possible compressed file # for any of the compressions we support) if size < 14: logging.error("tar archive %s is too small (%d bytes)" % (tf, size)) return True # sometimes compressed empty files are used rather than a compressed empty # tar archive if size <= 32: return True # parsing the tar archive just to determine if it contains at least one # archive member is relatively expensive, so we just assume it contains # something if it's over a certain size threshold if size > 1024: return False # if it's really a tar file, does it contain zero files? try: with xtarfile.open(tf, mode='r') as a: if any(a) == 0: return True except Exception as e: logging.error("exception %s while reading %s" % (type(e).__name__, tf)) logging.debug('', exc_info=True) return False # a sorting which forces packages which begin with '!' to be sorted first, # packages which begin with '_" to be sorted last, and others to be sorted # case-insensitively def sort_key(k): k = k.lower() if k[0] == '!': k = chr(0) + k elif k[0] == '_': k = chr(255) + k return k # # generate missing_obsolete data for upgrading old-style obsoletion install # packages: # # they are empty, have the '_obsolete' category, and requires: exactly 1 # package, their replacement. # # generate a record to add an obsoletes: header to the replacement package. # OBSOLETE_CONVERT_THRESHOLD_YEARS = 20 def upgrade_oldstyle_obsoletes(packages): missing_obsolete = {} certain_age = time.time() - (OBSOLETE_CONVERT_THRESHOLD_YEARS * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60) logging.debug("cut-off date for _obsolete package to be considered for conversion is %s" % (time.strftime("%F %T %Z", time.localtime(certain_age)))) for p in sorted(packages): if packages[p].kind == Kind.binary: for vr in sorted(packages[p].versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True): # we only really want to consider packages where the current # version is obsolete. # # (if older versions are obsolete and we were somehow # un-obsoleted, we'd need to somehow infer version constraints # on the obsoletions, or something) # # as a proxy for that, stop considering versions of this package # when one isn't obsolete, don't consider older versions if not (packages[p].tar(vr).is_empty and '_obsolete' in packages[p].version_hints[vr]['category']): break # initially apply to a subset over a certain age, to gradually # introduce this change mtime = packages[p].tar(vr).mtime if mtime > certain_age: continue logging.debug("_obsolete package '%s' version '%s' mtime '%s' is over cut-off age" % (p, vr, time.strftime("%F %T %Z", time.localtime(mtime)))) requires = packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('depends', '').split(', ') requires = [re.sub(r'(.*) +\(.*\)', r'\1', r) for r in requires] o = None for oso_re, oso_o in past_mistakes.old_style_obsolete_by.items(): if re.match(r'^' + oso_re + r'$', p): o = oso_o break if o is not None: # empty replacement means "ignore" if not o: continue logging.debug('%s is hardcoded as obsoleted by %s ' % (p, o)) else: # ignore self-destruct packages provides = packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('provides', '') if '_self-destruct' in provides: continue if len(requires) == 0: # obsolete but has no replacement logging.warning('%s is obsolete, but has no replacement' % (p)) continue elif len(requires) == 1: o = requires[0] elif len(requires) >= 2: # obsolete with multiple replacements (pick one?) logging.warning('%s %s is obsoleted by %d packages (%s)' % (p, vr, len(requires), requires)) continue # ignore if o it's blacklisted if o in ['cygwin-debuginfo', 'calligra-libs']: logging.debug("not adding 'obsoletes: %s' to '%s' as blacklisted" % (p, o)) continue if o in packages: if o not in missing_obsolete: missing_obsolete[o] = set() missing_obsolete[o].add(p) logging.info("converting from empty, _obsolete category package '%s' to 'obsoletes: %s' in package '%s'" % (p, p, o)) return missing_obsolete # # validate the package database # def validate_packages(args, packages, valid_requires_extra=None, missing_obsolete_extra=None): error = False if packages is None: return False if missing_obsolete_extra is None: missing_obsolete_extra = {} # build the set of valid things to requires: etc. valid_requires = set() if valid_requires_extra: valid_requires.update(valid_requires_extra) for p in packages: valid_requires.add(p) for hints in packages[p].version_hints.values(): valid_requires.update(hints.get('provides', '').split()) # reset computed package state packages[p].obsolete = False packages[p].rdepends = set() packages[p].build_rdepends = set() packages[p].orphaned = False # perform various package validations for p in sorted(packages.keys()): logging.log(5, "validating package '%s'" % (p)) has_requires = False for (v, hints) in packages[p].version_hints.items(): for (c, okmissing, splitchar) in [ ('depends', 'missing-depended-package', ','), ('obsoletes', 'missing-obsoleted-package', ',') ]: # if c is in hints, and not the empty string if hints.get(c, ''): for r in hints[c].split(splitchar): # remove any extraneous whitespace r = r.strip() # strip off any version relation enclosed in '()' # following the package name if splitchar: r = re.sub(r'(.*) +\(.*\)', r'\1', r) if c == 'depends': # don't count cygwin-debuginfo for the purpose of # checking if this package has any requires, as # cygport always makes debuginfo packages require # that, even if they are empty if r != 'cygwin-debuginfo': has_requires = True # a package should not appear in it's own hint if r == p: lvl = logging.WARNING if p not in past_mistakes.self_requires else logging.DEBUG logging.log(lvl, "package '%s' version '%s' %s itself" % (p, v, c)) # all packages listed in a hint must exist (unless the # disable-check option says that's ok) if (r not in valid_requires) and (r not in past_mistakes.nonexistent_provides): if okmissing not in getattr(args, 'disable_check', []): logging.error("package '%s' version '%s' %s: '%s', but nothing satisfies that" % (p, v, c, r)) error = True continue # package relation hint referencing a source package makes no sense if r in packages and packages[r].kind == Kind.source: logging.error("package '%s' version '%s' %s source package '%s'" % (p, v, c, r)) error = True # some old packages are missing needed obsoletes:, add them where # needed, and make sure the uploader is warned if/when package is # updated for mo in [past_mistakes.missing_obsolete, missing_obsolete_extra]: if p in mo: obsoletes = packages[p].version_hints[v].get('obsoletes', '').split(',') obsoletes = [o.strip() for o in obsoletes] obsoletes = [o for o in obsoletes if o] # XXX: this needs to recurse so we don't drop transitive missing obsoletes? needed = mo[p] for n in sorted(needed): if n not in obsoletes: obsoletes.append(n) packages[p].version_hints[v]['obsoletes'] = ', '.join(obsoletes) logging.info("added 'obsoletes: %s' to package '%s' version '%s'" % (n, p, v)) # if external-source is used, the package must exist if 'external-source' in hints: e = hints['external-source'] if e not in packages: logging.error("package '%s' version '%s' refers to non-existent or errored external-source '%s'" % (p, v, e)) error = True # If package A is obsoleted by package B, B should appear in the # requires: for A (so the upgrade occurs with pre-depends: aware # versions of setup), but not in the depends: for A (as that creates an # unsatisfiable dependency when explicitly installing A with lisolv # versions of setup, which should just install B). This condition can # occur since we might have synthesized the depends: from the requires: # in read_hints(), so fix that up here. for hints in packages[p].version_hints.values(): obsoletes = hints.get('obsoletes', '') if obsoletes: for o in obsoletes.split(','): o = o.strip() o = re.sub(r'(.*) +\(.*\)', r'\1', o) if o in packages: packages[o].obsolete = True for (ov, ohints) in packages[o].version_hints.items(): if 'depends' in ohints: depends = ohints['depends'].split(',') if p in depends: depends = [d for d in depends if d != p] packages[o].version_hints[ov]['depends'] = ','.join(depends) logging.debug("removed obsoleting '%s' from the depends: of package '%s'" % (p, o)) else: logging.debug("can't ensure package '%s' doesn't depends: on obsoleting '%s'" % (o, p)) has_nonempty_install = False if packages[p].kind == Kind.binary: for vr in packages[p].versions(): if not packages[p].tar(vr).is_empty: has_nonempty_install = True obsolete = any(['_obsolete' in packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('category', '') for vr in packages[p].version_hints]) # if the package has no non-empty install tarfiles, and no dependencies # installing it will do nothing (and making it appear in the package # list is just confusing), so if it's not obsolete, mark it as # 'not_for_output' if packages[p].kind == Kind.binary: if not has_nonempty_install and not has_requires and not obsolete: if not packages[p].not_for_output: packages[p].not_for_output = True logging.info("package '%s' has no non-empty install tarfiles and no dependencies, marking as 'not for output'" % (p)) else: packages[p].not_for_output = False # identify a 'best' version to take certain information from: this is # the curr version, if we have one, otherwise, the highest version. for v in sorted(packages[p].versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True): if 'test' not in packages[p].version_hints[v]: packages[p].best_version = v break else: if len(packages[p].versions()): packages[p].best_version = sorted(packages[p].versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True)[0] # warn if no non-test ('curr') version exists if (('missing-curr' not in packages[p].version_hints[packages[p].best_version].get('disable-check', '')) and ('missing-curr' not in getattr(args, 'disable_check', []))): logging.warning("package '%s' doesn't have any non-test versions (i.e. no curr: version)" % (p)) else: # the package must have some versions logging.error("package '%s' doesn't have any versions" % (p)) packages[p].best_version = None error = True # error if the curr: version isn't the most recent non-test: version mtimes = {} for vr in packages[p].versions(): mtimes[vr] = packages[p].tar(vr).mtime cv = None nontest_versions = [v for v in sorted(packages[p].versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True) if 'test' not in packages[p].version_hints.get(v, {})] if len(nontest_versions) >= 1: cv = nontest_versions[0] for v in sorted(packages[p].versions(), key=lambda v: mtimes[v], reverse=True): if 'test' in packages[p].version_hints[v]: continue if cv not in packages[p].versions(): continue if cv != v: if mtimes[v] == mtimes[cv]: # don't consider an equal mtime to be more recent continue if ((p in past_mistakes.mtime_anomalies) or ('curr-most-recent' in packages[p].override_hints.get('disable-check', '')) or ('curr-most-recent' in getattr(args, 'disable_check', []))): lvl = logging.DEBUG else: lvl = logging.ERROR error = True logging.log(lvl, "package '%s' ordering discrepancy in non-test versions: '%s' has most recent timestamp, but version '%s' is greatest" % (p, v, cv)) break if 'replace-versions' in packages[p].override_hints: for rv in packages[p].override_hints['replace-versions'].split(): # warn if replace-versions lists a version which is less than # the current version (which is pointless as the current version # will replace it anyhow) bv = packages[p].best_version if bv: if SetupVersion(rv) <= SetupVersion(bv): logging.warning("package '%s' replace-versions: uselessly lists version '%s', which is <= current version '%s'" % (p, rv, bv)) # warn if replace-versions lists a version which is also # available to install (as this doesn't work as expected) if rv in packages[p].version_hints: if ('test' in packages[p].version_hints[rv]) == ('test' in packages[p].version_hints[bv]): logging.warning("package '%s' replace-versions: lists version '%s', which is also available to install" % (p, rv)) # If the install tarball is empty, we should probably either be marked # obsolete (if we have no dependencies) or virtual (if we do) if packages[p].kind == Kind.binary and not packages[p].not_for_output: for vr in packages[p].versions(): if packages[p].tar(vr).is_empty: # this classification relies on obsoleting packages # not being present in depends if packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('depends', ''): # also allow '_obsolete' because old obsoletion # packages depend on their replacement, but are not # obsoleted by it expected_categories = ['virtual', '_obsolete'] else: expected_categories = ['_obsolete'] if all(c not in packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('category', '').lower() for c in expected_categories): if ((vr in past_mistakes.empty_but_not_obsolete.get(p, [])) or ('empty-obsolete' in packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('disable-check', ''))): lvl = logging.DEBUG else: lvl = logging.ERROR error = True logging.log(lvl, "package '%s' version '%s' has empty install tar file, but it's not in %s category" % (p, vr, expected_categories)) # If the source tarball is empty, that can't be right! elif packages[p].kind == Kind.source: for vr in packages[p].versions(): if packages[p].tar(vr).is_empty: if ((vr in past_mistakes.empty_source.get(p, [])) and '_obsolete' in packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('category', '')): lvl = logging.DEBUG else: error = True lvl = logging.ERROR logging.log(lvl, "package '%s' version '%s' has empty source tar file" % (p, vr)) # build the set of packages which depends: on this package (rdepends), and # the set of packages which build-depends: on it (build_rdepends) for p in packages: for hints in packages[p].version_hints.values(): for k, a in [ ('depends', 'rdepends'), ('build-depends', 'build_rdepends') ]: if k in hints: dpl = hints[k].split(',') for dp in dpl: dp = dp.strip() dp = re.sub(r'(.*)\s+\(.*\)', r'\1', dp) if dp in packages: getattr(packages[dp], a).add(p) # make another pass to verify a source tarfile exists for every install # tarfile version for p in packages.keys(): packages[p].is_used_by = set() for p in sorted(packages.keys()): if not packages[p].kind == Kind.binary: continue for v in sorted(packages[p].versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True): sourceless = False missing_source = True es_p = packages[p].srcpackage(v) # mark the source tarfile as being used by an install tarfile if es_p in packages: if v in packages[es_p].versions(): packages[es_p].tar(v).is_used = True packages[es_p].is_used_by.add(p) missing_source = False # also check that they match in presence or absence test: label # # (this is needed if we are going to compare best_version # between install and source packages for some information, # as we do in some places...) if ('test' in packages[p].version_hints[v]) != ('test' in packages[es_p].version_hints[v]): logging.error("package '%s' version '%s' test: label mismatches source package '%s'" % (p, v, es_p)) if missing_source: # unless the install tarfile is empty if packages[p].tar(v).is_empty: sourceless = True missing_source = False # unless this package is marked as 'self-source' if p in past_mistakes.self_source: sourceless = True missing_source = False # ... it's an error for this package to be missing source packages[p].tar(v).sourceless = sourceless if missing_source: logging.error("package '%s' version '%s' is missing source" % (p, v)) error = True # make another pass to verify that each non-empty source tarfile version has # at least one corresponding non-empty install tarfile, in some package. for p in sorted(packages.keys()): for v in sorted(packages[p].versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True): if not packages[p].kind == Kind.source: continue if packages[p].tar(v).is_empty: continue if '_obsolete' in packages[p].version_hints[v].get('category', ''): continue if not packages[p].tar(v).is_used: logging.error("package '%s' version '%s' source has no non-empty install tarfiles" % (p, v)) error = True # do all the packages which use this source package have the same # current version? for source_p in sorted(packages.keys()): versions = defaultdict(list) for install_p in packages[source_p].is_used_by: # ignore package which are getting removed if install_p not in packages: continue # ignore obsolete packages if packages[install_p].obsolete: continue if any(['_obsolete' in packages[install_p].version_hints[vr].get('category', '') for vr in packages[install_p].version_hints]): continue # ignore runtime library packages, as we may keep old versions of # those if re.match(common_constants.SOVERSION_PACKAGE_RE, install_p): continue # ignore Python module packages, as we may keep old versions of # those if re.match(r'^python[23][5678]?-.*', install_p): continue # ignore packages where best_version is a test version (i.e doesn't # have a current version, is test only), since the check we are # doing here is 'same current version' if 'test' not in packages[install_p].version_hints[packages[install_p].best_version]: continue # ignore packages which have a different external-source: # (e.g. where a different source package supersedes this one) es = packages[install_p].srcpackage(packages[install_p].best_version) if es != source_p: continue # ignore specific packages we disable this check for if ((install_p in past_mistakes.nonunique_versions) or ('unique-version' in packages[install_p].version_hints[packages[install_p].best_version].get('disable-check', ''))): continue versions[packages[install_p].best_version].append(install_p) if len(versions) > 1: out = [] most_common = True for v in sorted(versions, key=lambda v: len(versions[v]), reverse=True): # try to keep the output compact by not listing all the packages # the most common current version has, unless it's only one. if most_common and len(versions[v]) != 1: out.append("%s (%s others)" % (v, len(versions[v]))) else: out.append("%s (%s)" % (v, ','.join(versions[v]))) most_common = False error = True logging.error("install packages from source package '%s' have non-unique current versions %s" % (packages[source_p].orig_name, ', '.join(reversed(out)))) # validate that all packages are in the package maintainers list error = validate_package_maintainers(args, packages) or error return not error # def validate_package_maintainers(args, packages): error = False if not args.pkglist: return error # read maintainer list mlist = {} mlist = maintainers.add_packages(mlist, args.pkglist) pkg_maintainers = maintainers.invert(mlist) # make the list of all packages all_packages = maintainers.all_packages(mlist) # validate that all packages are in the package list for p in sorted(packages): # ignore obsolete packages if packages[p].obsolete: continue if any(['_obsolete' in packages[p].version_hints[vr].get('category', '') for vr in packages[p].version_hints]): continue # validate that the package is in a path which starts with something in the package list if not is_in_package_list(packages[p].pkgpath, all_packages): logging.error("package '%s' on path '%s', which doesn't start with a package in the package list" % (p, packages[p].pkgpath)) error = True # source which is superseded by a different package, but retained due to # old install versions can be unmaintained and non-obsolete if packages[p].kind == Kind.source: continue # validate that the source package has a maintainer bv = packages[p].best_version if bv: es = packages[p].srcpackage(bv) if es in packages: es_pn = packages[es].orig_name if es_pn not in all_packages and p not in all_packages: if bv not in past_mistakes.maint_anomalies.get(p, []): logging.error("package '%s' is not obsolete, but has no maintainer" % (p)) error = True if 'ORPHANED' in pkg_maintainers[es_pn]: # note orphaned packages packages[p].orphaned = True return error # # write setup.ini # def write_setup_ini(args, packages, arch): logging.debug('writing %s' % (args.inifile)) with open(args.inifile, 'w') as f: tz = time.time() # write setup.ini header print(textwrap.dedent('''\ # This file was automatically generated at %s. # # If you edit it, your edits will be discarded next time the file is # generated. # # See https://sourceware.org/cygwin-apps/setup.ini.html for a description # of the format.''') % (time.strftime("%F %T %Z", time.localtime(tz))), file=f) if args.release: print("release: %s" % args.release, file=f) print("arch: %s" % arch, file=f) print("setup-timestamp: %d" % tz, file=f) if args.setup_version: # this token exists in the lexer, but not in the grammar up until # 2.878 (when it was removed), so will cause a parse error with # versions prior to that. print("include-setup: setup <2.878 not supported", file=f) # not implemented until 2.890, ignored by earlier versions print("setup-minimum-version: 2.903", file=f) # for setup to check if a setup upgrade is possible print("setup-version: %s" % args.setup_version, file=f) # for each package for pn in sorted(packages, key=sort_key): po = packages[pn] if po.kind == Kind.source: continue # do nothing if not_for_output if po.not_for_output: continue # write package data print("\n@ %s" % pn, file=f) bv = po.best_version print("sdesc: %s" % po.version_hints[bv]['sdesc'], file=f) if 'ldesc' in po.version_hints[bv]: print("ldesc: %s" % po.version_hints[bv]['ldesc'], file=f) # mark orphaned packages with the 'unmaintained' pseudo-category category = po.version_hints[bv]['category'] if po.orphaned: category += ' unmaintained' # for historical reasons, category names must start with a capital # letter category = ' '.join(map(upper_first_character, category.split())) print("category: %s" % category, file=f) if 'message' in po.version_hints[bv]: print("message: %s" % po.version_hints[bv]['message'], file=f) if 'replace-versions' in po.override_hints: print("replace-versions: %s" % po.override_hints['replace-versions'], file=f) # make a list of version sections # # (they are put in a particular order to ensure certain behaviour # from setup) vs = [] # put 'curr' first # # due to a historic bug in setup (fixed in 78e4c7d7), we keep the # [curr] version first, to ensure that dependencies are used # correctly. nontest_versions = [v for v in sorted(po.versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True) if 'test' not in po.version_hints.get(v, {})] curr_version = None if len(nontest_versions) >= 1: curr_version = nontest_versions[0] vs.append((curr_version, 'curr')) # purely for compatibility with previous ordering, identify the # 'prev' version (the non-test version before the current version), # if it exists, so we can put it last. prev_version = None if len(nontest_versions) >= 2: prev_version = nontest_versions[1] # ditto the 'test' version test_version = None test_versions = [v for v in sorted(po.versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True) if 'test' in po.version_hints.get(v, {})] if len(test_versions) >= 1: test_version = test_versions[0] # next put any other versions # # these [prev] or [test] sections are superseded by the final ones. # # (to maintain historical behaviour, include versions which only # exist as a source package) # versions = set(po.versions()) sibling_src = pn + '-src' if sibling_src in packages: versions.update(packages[sibling_src].versions()) for version in sorted(versions, key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True): # skip over versions which have a special place in the ordering: # 'curr' has already been done, 'prev' and 'test' will be done # later if ((version == curr_version) or (version == prev_version) or (version == test_version)): continue # test versions receive the test label if 'test' in po.version_hints.get(version, {}): level = "test" else: level = "prev" vs.append((version, level)) # add the 'prev' version if prev_version: vs.append((prev_version, "prev")) # finally, add the 'test' version # # because setup processes version sections in order, these supersede # any previous [prev] and [test] sections (hopefully). i.e. the # version in the final [test] section is the one selected when test # packages are requested. if test_version: vs.append((test_version, "test")) # write the section for each version for (version, tag) in vs: # [curr] can be omitted if it's the first section if tag != 'curr': print("[%s]" % tag, file=f) print("version: %s" % version, file=f) is_empty = False if version in po.versions(): tar_line(po, 'install', version, f) is_empty = po.tar(version).is_empty hints = po.version_hints.get(version, {}) # follow external-source s = po.srcpackage(version) if s not in packages: s = None # external-source points to a source file in another package if s: if version in packages[s].versions(): tar_line(packages[s], 'source', version, f) else: if not (is_empty or packages[s].orig_name in past_mistakes.self_source): logging.warning("package '%s' version '%s' has no source in '%s'" % (pn, version, packages[s].orig_name)) # external-source should also be capable of pointing to a 'real' # source package (if cygport could generate such a thing), in # which case we should emit a 'Source:' line, and the package is # also itself emitted. if version in po.versions(): if hints.get('depends', ''): print("depends2: %s" % hints.get('depends', ''), file=f) if hints.get('obsoletes', ''): print("obsoletes: %s" % hints['obsoletes'], file=f) if hints.get('provides', ''): print("provides: %s" % hints['provides'], file=f) if hints.get('conflicts', ''): print("conflicts: %s" % hints['conflicts'], file=f) if s: src_hints = packages[s].version_hints.get(version, {}) bd = src_hints.get('build-depends', '') # Ideally, we'd transform dependency atoms which aren't # cygwin package names into package names. For the moment, # we don't have the information to do that, so filter them # all out. if bd: bd = [atom for atom in bd.split(', ') if '(' not in atom] if bd: print("build-depends: %s" % ', '.join(bd), file=f) # helper function to output details for a particular tar file def tar_line(p, category, v, f): to = p.tar(v) fn = to.repopath.abspath() sha512 = to.sha512 size = to.size print("%s: %s %d %s" % (category, fn, size, sha512), file=f) # helper function to change the first character of a string to upper case, # without altering the rest def upper_first_character(s): return s[:1].upper() + s[1:] # # write a json summary of packages # def write_repo_json(args, packages, f): package_list = set() for arch in packages: package_list.update(packages[arch]) mlist = maintainers.read(args, None) pkg_maintainers = maintainers.invert(mlist) pl = [] for pn in sorted(package_list): po = None arches = [] for arch in common_constants.ARCHES: if pn in packages[arch]: po = packages[arch][pn] arches.append(arch) def package(p): for arch in common_constants.ARCHES: if p in packages[arch]: return packages[arch][p] # will lead to AttributeError as has no version_hints return None bv = po.best_version if po.kind != Kind.source: continue versions = {} for vr in sorted(po.version_hints.keys(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v)): key = 'test' if 'test' in po.version_hints[vr] else 'stable' versions[key] = versions.get(key, []) + [vr] d = { 'name': po.orig_name, 'versions': versions, 'summary': po.version_hints[bv]['sdesc'].strip('"'), 'subpackages': [{'name': sp, 'categories': package(sp).version_hints[package(sp).best_version].get('category', '').split()} for sp in sorted(po.is_used_by)], 'arches': arches, } if 'homepage' in po.version_hints[bv]: d['homepage'] = po.version_hints[bv]['homepage'] if 'license' in po.version_hints[bv]: d['license'] = po.version_hints[bv]['license'] if pkg_maintainers[po.orig_name] and ('ORPHANED' not in pkg_maintainers[po.orig_name]): d['maintainers'] = sorted(pkg_maintainers[po.orig_name]) pl.append(d) j = { 'repository_name': args.release, 'timestamp': int(time.time()), 'num_packages': len(pl), 'packages': pl, } json.dump(j, f) # # merge sets of packages # # for each package which exist in both a and b: # - they must exist at the same relative path # - we combine the list of tarfiles, duplicates are not permitted # - we use the hints from b, and warn if they are different to the hints for a # def merge(a, *l): # start with a copy of a c = copy.deepcopy(a) for b in l: for p in b: # if the package is in b but not in a, add it to the copy if p not in c: c[p] = b[p] # else, if the package is both in a and b, we have to do a merge else: # package must be of the same kind if c[p].kind != b[p].kind: logging.error("package '%s' is of more than one kind" % (p)) return None # package must exist at same relative path if c[p].pkgpath != b[p].pkgpath: logging.error("package '%s' is at paths %s and %s" % (p, c[p].pkgpath, b[p].pkgpath)) return None else: for vr in b[p].tarfiles: if vr in c[p].tarfiles: logging.error("package '%s' has duplicate tarfile for version %s" % (p, vr)) return None else: c[p].tarfiles[vr] = b[p].tarfiles[vr] # hints from b override hints from a, but warn if they have # changed for vr in b[p].version_hints: c[p].version_hints[vr] = b[p].version_hints[vr] if vr in c[p].version_hints: if c[p].version_hints[vr] != b[p].version_hints[vr]: diff = '\n'.join(difflib.ndiff( pprint.pformat(c[p].version_hints[vr]).splitlines(), pprint.pformat(b[p].version_hints[vr]).splitlines())) logging.warning("package '%s' version '%s' hints changed\n%s" % (p, vr, diff)) # overrides from b take precedence c[p].override_hints.update(b[p].override_hints) # merge hint file lists c[p].hints.update(b[p].hints) return c # # delete a file from a package set # def delete(packages, path, fn): ex_packages = [] (_, _, pkgpath) = path.split(os.sep, 2) for p in packages: if packages[p].pkgpath == pkgpath: for vr in packages[p].tarfiles: if packages[p].tarfiles[vr].repopath.fn == fn: del packages[p].tarfiles[vr] break for h in packages[p].hints: if packages[p].hints[h].repopath.fn == fn: del packages[p].hints[h] del packages[p].version_hints[h] break # if nothing remains, also remove from package set if not packages[p].tarfiles and not packages[p].hints: ex_packages.append(p) # (modify package set outside of iteration over it) for p in ex_packages: logging.debug("removing package '%s' from package set" % (p)) del packages[p] # # verify that the package path starts with a package in the list of packages # # (This means that a maintainer can upload a package with any name, provided the # path contains one allowed for that maintainer) # # This avoids the need to have to explicitly list foo, foo_autorebase, # foo-devel, foo-doc, foo-debuginfo, libfoo0, girepository-foo, etc. instead of # just foo in the package list # # But means only the rule that a package can't exist in multiple paths prevents # arbitrary package upload. # def is_in_package_list(ppath, plist): superpackage = ppath.split(os.sep, 1)[0] return superpackage in plist # # helper function to mark a package version as fresh (not stale) # @unique class Freshness(IntEnum): # ordered most dominant first fresh = 1 conditional = 2 # fresh, if other install packages from this source are fresh, stale otherwise stale = 3 def mark_package_fresh(packages, p, v, mark=Freshness.fresh): if callable(mark): mark = mark(v) packages[p].tar(v).fresh = mark # # construct a move list of stale packages # SO_AGE_THRESHOLD_YEARS = 5 def stale_packages(packages): certain_age = time.time() - (SO_AGE_THRESHOLD_YEARS * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60) logging.debug("cut-off date for soversion package to be considered old is %s" % (time.strftime("%F %T %Z", time.localtime(certain_age)))) # mark install packages for freshness for pn, po in packages.items(): if po.kind != Kind.binary: continue # 'conditional' package retention means the package is weakly retained. # This allows total expiry when a source package no longer provides # anything useful: # # - if all we have is a source package and a debuginfo package, then we # shouldn't retain anything. # # - shared library packages which don't come from the current version of # source (i.e. is superseded or removed), have no packages from a # different source package which depend on them, and are over a certain # age # mark = Freshness.fresh if pn.endswith('-debuginfo'): mark = Freshness.conditional bv = po.best_version es = po.version_hints[bv].get('external-source', None) if (re.match(common_constants.SOVERSION_PACKAGE_RE, pn) and not any(packages[p].srcpackage(packages[p].best_version) != es for p in po.rdepends)): if es and (packages[es].best_version != bv): def dep_so_age_mark(v): mtime = po.tar(v).mtime if mtime < certain_age: logging.debug("deprecated soversion package '%s' version '%s' mtime '%s' is over cut-off age" % (pn, v, time.strftime("%F %T %Z", time.localtime(mtime)))) return Freshness.conditional else: return Freshness.fresh mark = dep_so_age_mark elif 'noretain' in po.override_hints: def noretain_hint_mark(v): noretain_versions = po.override_hints.get('noretain', '').split() if (v in noretain_versions) or ('all' in noretain_versions): return Freshness.conditional else: return Freshness.fresh mark = noretain_hint_mark # mark any versions explicitly listed in the keep: override hint (unconditionally) for v in po.override_hints.get('keep', '').split(): if v in po.versions(): mark_package_fresh(packages, pn, v) else: logging.error("package '%s' has non-existent keep: version '%s'" % (pn, v)) # mark as fresh the highest n non-test versions, where n is given by the # keep-count: override hint, (defaulting to DEFAULT_KEEP_COUNT) keep_count = int(po.override_hints.get('keep-count', common_constants.DEFAULT_KEEP_COUNT)) for v in sorted(po.versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True): if 'test' not in po.version_hints[v]: if keep_count <= 0: break mark_package_fresh(packages, pn, v, mark) keep_count = keep_count - 1 # mark as fresh the highest n test versions, where n is given by the # keep-count-test: override hint, (defaulting to DEFAULT_KEEP_COUNT_TEST) # # only consider versions not superseded by non-test versions (unless # 'keep-superseded-test' is present). keep_count = int(po.override_hints.get('keep-count-test', common_constants.DEFAULT_KEEP_COUNT_TEST)) for v in sorted(po.versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v), reverse=True): if 'test' in po.version_hints[v]: if keep_count <= 0: break mark_package_fresh(packages, pn, v, mark) keep_count = keep_count - 1 else: if 'keep-superseded-test' not in po.override_hints: break # mark as fresh all versions after the first one which is newer than # the keep-days: override hint, (defaulting to DEFAULT_KEEP_DAYS) # (as opposed to checking the mtime for each version to determine if # it is included) keep_days = po.override_hints.get('keep-days', common_constants.DEFAULT_KEEP_DAYS) newer = False for v in sorted(po.versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v)): if not newer: if po.tar(v).mtime > (time.time() - (keep_days * 24 * 60 * 60)): newer = True if newer: mark_package_fresh(packages, pn, v, mark) # mark source packages as fresh if any install package which uses it is fresh for po in packages.values(): if po.kind == Kind.source: for v in po.versions(): mark = Freshness.stale for ip in po.is_used_by: if v in packages[ip].versions(): mark = min(getattr(packages[ip].tar(v), 'fresh', Freshness.stale), mark) # if conditional is the best we could do, mark this source # package as stale, otherwise we are fresh if mark == Freshness.conditional: mark = Freshness.stale po.tar(v).fresh = mark # update install packages which use this source package to the # matching state for ip in po.is_used_by: if v in packages[ip].versions(): if getattr(packages[ip].tar(v), 'fresh', Freshness.stale) == Freshness.conditional: packages[ip].tar(v).fresh = mark # build a move list of stale versions stale = MoveList() for pn, po in packages.items(): all_stale = {} for v in sorted(po.versions(), key=lambda v: SetupVersion(v)): all_stale[v] = True if getattr(po.tar(v), 'fresh', Freshness.stale) != Freshness.fresh: to = po.tar(v) stale.add(*to.repopath.move()) logging.debug("package '%s' version '%s' is stale" % (pn, v)) else: all_stale[v] = False for v in po.hints: # if there's a pvr.hint without a fresh source or install of the # same version (including version: overrides), move it as well ov = po.hints[v].hints.get('original-version', v) if all_stale.get(v, True) and all_stale.get(ov, True): stale.add(*po.hints[v].repopath.move()) logging.debug("package '%s' version '%s' hint is stale" % (pn, v)) # clean up freshness mark for v in po.versions(): try: delattr(po.tar(v), 'fresh') except AttributeError: pass return stale # # # if __name__ == "__main__": for arch in common_constants.ARCHES: packages = read_packages(common_constants.FTP, arch) print("arch %s has %d packages" % (arch, len(packages)))