#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Turney # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # # tests # import collections import contextlib import filecmp import io import json import logging import os import pprint import re import shutil import tempfile import types import unittest import calm.calm import calm.common_constants as common_constants import calm.hint as hint import calm.maintainers as maintainers import calm.package as package import calm.pkg2html as pkg2html import calm.uploads as uploads from calm.version import SetupVersion from .utils import compare_with_expected_file ARGDIRS = ['rel_area', 'homedir', 'htdocs', 'stagingdir', 'vault'] # # helper functions # # # capture a directory tree as a dict 'tree', where each key is a directory path # and the value is a sorted list of filenames # def capture_dirtree(basedir): tree = {} for dirpath, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir): tree[os.path.relpath(dirpath, basedir)] = sorted(filenames) return tree # # a context to monkey-patch pprint so OrderedDict appears as with python <3.5 # (a dict, with lines ordered, rather than OrderedDict repr) # def patched_pprint_ordered_dict(self, obj, stream, indent, allowance, context, level): write = stream.write write('{') if self._indent_per_level > 1: write((self._indent_per_level - 1) * ' ') length = len(obj) if length: items = list(obj.items()) self._format_dict_items(items, stream, indent, allowance + 1, context, level) write('}') @contextlib.contextmanager def pprint_patch(): if isinstance(getattr(pprint.PrettyPrinter, '_dispatch', None), dict): orig = pprint.PrettyPrinter._dispatch[collections.OrderedDict.__repr__] pprint.PrettyPrinter._dispatch[collections.OrderedDict.__repr__] = patched_pprint_ordered_dict try: yield finally: pprint.PrettyPrinter._dispatch[collections.OrderedDict.__repr__] = orig else: yield # # # class CalmTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_hint_parser(self): self.maxDiff = None basedir = 'testdata/relarea' for (dirpath, _subdirs, files) in os.walk(basedir): relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, basedir) for f in files: expected = os.path.join('testdata/hints', relpath) if f.endswith('.hint'): if f == 'override.hint': kind = hint.override name = 'override' elif f.endswith('-src.hint'): kind = hint.spvr name = f[:-5] else: kind = hint.pvr name = f[:-5] with self.subTest(package=os.path.basename(dirpath)): logging.info('Reading %s' % os.path.join(dirpath, f)) results = hint.hint_file_parse(os.path.join(dirpath, f), kind) with pprint_patch(): compare_with_expected_file(self, expected, results, name) # # something like "find -name results -execdir cp results expected \;" can be # used to update the expected output (after you have checked it to make sure it # is really correct, of course :) ) # def test_html_writer(self): self.maxDiff = None htdocs = 'testdata/htdocs' args = types.SimpleNamespace() args.arch = 'x86_64' args.htdocs = htdocs args.rel_area = 'testdata/relarea' args.homedir = 'testdata/homes' args.dryrun = False args.force = True args.pkglist = 'testdata/pkglist/cygwin-pkg-maint' try: shutil.rmtree(htdocs) except FileNotFoundError: pass packages = {} for arch in common_constants.ARCHES: packages[arch] = {} packages[args.arch], _ = package.read_packages(args.rel_area, args.arch) package.validate_packages(args, packages[args.arch]) pkg2html.update_package_listings(args, packages) # compare the output dirtree with expected with self.subTest('dirtree'): dirlist = capture_dirtree(htdocs) compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/htdocs.expected', dirlist, 'dirtree') # compare the output files with expected for (dirpath, _subdirs, files) in os.walk(htdocs): relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, htdocs) for f in files: with self.subTest(file=os.path.join(relpath, f)): results = os.path.join(htdocs, relpath, f) expected = os.path.join('testdata/htdocs.expected', relpath, f) if not filecmp.cmp(results, expected, shallow=False): logging.info("%s different", os.path.join(relpath, f)) with open(results) as r, open(expected) as e: self.assertMultiLineEqual(e.read(), r.read()) else: logging.info("%s identical", os.path.join(relpath, f)) def test_version_sort(self): test_data = [ ["1.0.0", "2.0.0", -1], [".0.0", "2.0.0", -1], ["alpha", "beta", -1], ["1.0", "1.0.0", -1], ["2.456", "2.1000", -1], ["2.1000", "3.111", -1], ["2.001", "2.1", 0], ["2.34", "2.34", 0], ["6.1.2-4", "6.3.8-1", -1], ["", "2.0.0-b8-1", -1], ["1.3.30c-2", "1.3.30c-10", -1], ["2.24.51-1", "2.25-1", -1], ["2.1.5+20120813+gitdcbe778-1", "2.1.5-3", 1], ["3.4.1-1", "3.4b1-1", 1], ["041206-1", "200090325-1", -1], ["0.6.2+git20130413-2", "0.6.2-1", 1], ["2.6.0+bzr6602-1", "2.6.0-2", 1], ["2.6.0-2", "2.6b2-1", 1], ["2.6.0+bzr6602-1", "2.6b2-1", 1], ["0.6.7+20150214+git3a710f9-1", "0.6.7-1", 1], ["15.8b-1", "", -1], ["1.2rc1-1", "1.2.0-2", -1], ["20090325-1", "1:5.6.0-1", -1], ["0:20090325-1", "1:5.6.0-1", -1], ["2:20090325-1", "1:5.6.0-1", 1], ["2:1.0-1", "1:5.6.0-1", 1], ["1.0-1", "0:1.0-1", 0], # examples from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Archive:Tools/RPM/VersionComparison ["1.0010", "1.9", 1], ["1.05", "1.5", 0], ["1.0", "1", 1], ["2.50", "2.5", 1], ["fc4", "fc.4", 0], ["FC5", "fc4", -1], ["2a", "2.0", -1], ["1.0", "1.fc4", 1], ["3.0.0_fc", "3.0.0.fc", 0], # from RPM tests ["1.0", "1.0", 0], ["1.0", "2.0", -1], ["2.0", "1.0", 1], ["2.0.1", "2.0.1", 0], ["2.0", "2.0.1", -1], ["2.0.1", "2.0", 1], ["2.0.1a", "2.0.1a", 0], ["2.0.1a", "2.0.1", 1], ["2.0.1", "2.0.1a", -1], ["5.5p1", "5.5p1", 0], ["5.5p1", "5.5p2", -1], ["5.5p2", "5.5p1", 1], ["5.5p10", "5.5p10", 0], ["5.5p1", "5.5p10", -1], ["5.5p10", "5.5p1", 1], ["10xyz", "10.1xyz", -1], ["10.1xyz", "10xyz", 1], ["xyz10", "xyz10", 0], ["xyz10", "xyz10.1", -1], ["xyz10.1", "xyz10", 1], ["xyz.4", "xyz.4", 0], ["xyz.4", "8", -1], ["8", "xyz.4", 1], ["xyz.4", "2", -1], ["2", "xyz.4", 1], ["5.5p2", "5.6p1", -1], ["5.6p1", "5.5p2", 1], ["5.6p1", "6.5p1", -1], ["6.5p1", "5.6p1", 1], ["6.0.rc1", "6.0", 1], ["6.0", "6.0.rc1", -1], ["10b2", "10a1", 1], ["10a2", "10b2", -1], ["1.0aa", "1.0aa", 0], ["1.0a", "1.0aa", -1], ["1.0aa", "1.0a", 1], ["10.0001", "10.0001", 0], ["10.0001", "10.1", 0], ["10.1", "10.0001", 0], ["10.0001", "10.0039", -1], ["10.0039", "10.0001", 1], ["4.999.9", "5.0", -1], ["5.0", "4.999.9", 1], ["20101121", "20101121", 0], ["20101121", "20101122", -1], ["20101122", "20101121", 1], ["2_0", "2_0", 0], ["2.0", "2_0", 0], ["2_0", "2.0", 0], ["a", "a", 0], ["a+", "a+", 0], ["a+", "a_", 0], ["a_", "a+", 0], ["+a", "+a", 0], ["+a", "_a", 0], ["_a", "+a", 0], ["+_", "+_", 0], ["_+", "+_", 0], ["_+", "_+", 0], ["+", "_", 0], ["_", "+", 0], ] for d in test_data: a = SetupVersion(d[0]) b = SetupVersion(d[1]) e = d[2] # logging.info("%s %s %d" % (a, b, e)) self.assertEqual(SetupVersion.__cmp__(a, b), e, msg='%s %s %d' % (a, b, e)) self.assertEqual(SetupVersion.__cmp__(b, a), -e, msg='%s %s %d' % (a, b, -e)) def test_maint_pkglist(self): self.maxDiff = None args = types.SimpleNamespace() args.homedir = 'testdata/homes' args.pkglist = 'testdata/pkglist/cygwin-pkg-maint' mlist = {} mlist = maintainers.maintainer_list(args) compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/pkglist', mlist) def test_scan_uploads(self): self.maxDiff = None test_root = tempfile.mktemp() logging.info('test_root = %s', test_root) args = types.SimpleNamespace() args.arch = 'x86_64' args.rel_area = 'testdata/relarea' args.dryrun = False shutil.copytree('testdata/homes', os.path.join(test_root, 'testdata/homes')) oldcwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(test_root) pkglist = ['after-ready', 'not-ready', 'testpackage', 'testpackage2', 'testpackage-zstd'] mlist = {} mlist = maintainers.add_directories(mlist, 'testdata/homes') m = mlist['Blooey McFooey'] m.pkgs.extend(pkglist + ['not-on-package-list']) ready_fns = [(os.path.join(m.homedir(), 'x86_64', 'release', 'testpackage', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m.homedir(), 'x86_64', 'release', 'testpackage2', 'testpackage2-subpackage', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m.homedir(), 'x86_64', 'release', 'testpackage-zstd', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m.homedir(), 'x86_64', 'release', 'after-ready', '!ready'), '-t 198709011700'), (os.path.join(m.homedir(), 'x86_64', 'release', 'corrupt', '!ready'), '')] for (f, t) in ready_fns: os.system('touch %s "%s"' % (t, f)) scan_result = uploads.scan('testdata/homes', m, pkglist + ['not-on-maintainer-list'], args.arch, args) os.chdir(oldcwd) shutil.rmtree(test_root) self.assertEqual(scan_result.error, False) compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/uploads', dict(scan_result.to_relarea.movelist), 'move') self.assertCountEqual(scan_result.to_vault.movelist, {'x86_64/release/testpackage': ['x86_64/release/testpackage/testpackage-0.1-1.tar.bz2']}) self.assertCountEqual(scan_result.remove_always, [f for (f, t) in ready_fns]) self.assertEqual(scan_result.remove_success, ['testdata/homes/Blooey McFooey/x86_64/release/testpackage/-testpackage-0.1-1-src.tar.bz2', 'testdata/homes/Blooey McFooey/x86_64/release/testpackage/-testpackage-0.1-1.tar.bz2']) with pprint_patch(): compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/uploads', dict(scan_result.packages), 'pkglist') def test_package_set(self): self.maxDiff = None args = types.SimpleNamespace() args.arch = 'x86_64' args.dryrun = False args.force = True args.inifile = 'testdata/inifile/setup.ini' args.pkglist = 'testdata/pkglist/cygwin-pkg-maint' args.rel_area = 'testdata/relarea' args.release = 'testing' args.setup_version = '4.321' packages, _ = package.read_packages(args.rel_area, args.arch) package.delete(packages, 'x86_64/release/nonexistent', 'nosuchfile-1.0.0.tar.xz') self.assertEqual(package.validate_packages(args, packages), True) package.write_setup_ini(args, packages, args.arch) with open(args.inifile) as inifile: results = inifile.read() # fix the timestamp to match expected results = re.sub('setup-timestamp: .*', 'setup-timestamp: 1458221800', results, 1) results = re.sub('generated at .*', 'generated at 2016-03-17 13:36:40 GMT', results, 1) compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/inifile', (results,), 'setup.ini') # XXX: delete a needed package, and check validate fails def test_process_uploads_conflict(self): self.maxDiff = None args = types.SimpleNamespace() for d in ARGDIRS: setattr(args, d, tempfile.mktemp()) logging.info('%s = %s', d, getattr(args, d)) shutil.copytree('testdata/relarea', args.rel_area) shutil.copytree('testdata/homes.conflict', args.homedir) os.mkdir(args.stagingdir) args.dryrun = False args.email = None args.force = False args.pkglist = 'testdata/pkglist/cygwin-pkg-maint' args.stale = True # set appropriate !ready m_homedir = os.path.join(args.homedir, 'Blooey McFooey') os.system('touch "%s"' % (os.path.join(m_homedir, 'x86_64', 'release', 'staleversion', '!ready'))) state = calm.calm.CalmState() state.packages = calm.calm.process_relarea(args, state) state.packages = calm.calm.process_uploads(args, state) self.assertTrue(state.packages) for d in ARGDIRS: with self.subTest(directory=d): dirlist = capture_dirtree(getattr(args, d)) compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/conflict', dirlist, d) shutil.rmtree(getattr(args, d)) def test_process(self): self.maxDiff = None args = types.SimpleNamespace() for d in ARGDIRS: setattr(args, d, tempfile.mktemp()) logging.info('%s = %s', d, getattr(args, d)) args.dryrun = False args.email = None args.force = False args.inifile = os.path.join(args.rel_area, 'setup.ini') args.pkglist = 'testdata/pkglist/cygwin-pkg-maint' args.release = 'trial' args.setup_version = '3.1415' args.stale = True state = calm.calm.CalmState() state.args = args shutil.copytree('testdata/relarea', args.rel_area) shutil.copytree('testdata/homes', args.homedir) os.mkdir(args.stagingdir) # set appropriate !readys m_homedir = os.path.join(args.homedir, 'Blooey McFooey') ready_fns = [(os.path.join(m_homedir, 'x86_64', 'release', 'testpackage', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m_homedir, 'x86_64', 'release', 'testpackage2', 'testpackage2-subpackage', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m_homedir, 'x86_64', 'release', 'after-ready', '!ready'), '-t 198709011700'), (os.path.join(m_homedir, 'noarch', 'release', 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m_homedir, 'x86_64', 'release', 'corrupt', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m_homedir, 'x86_64', 'release', 'per-version', '!ready'), ''), (os.path.join(m_homedir, 'x86_64', 'release', 'per-version-replacement-hint-only', '!ready'), '')] for (f, t) in ready_fns: os.system('touch %s "%s"' % (t, f)) packages = calm.calm.process(args, state) self.assertTrue(packages) pkg2html.update_package_listings(args, packages) package.write_setup_ini(args, packages['x86_64'], 'x86_64') with open(os.path.join(args.rel_area, 'setup.ini')) as inifile: results = inifile.read() # fix the timestamp to match expected results = re.sub('setup-timestamp: .*', 'setup-timestamp: 1473797080', results, 1) results = re.sub('generated at .*', 'generated at 2016-09-13 21:04:40 BST', results, 1) compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/process_arch', (results,), 'setup.ini') for d in ARGDIRS: with self.subTest(directory=d): dirlist = capture_dirtree(getattr(args, d)) compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/process_arch', dirlist, d) with io.StringIO() as jsonfile: package.write_repo_json(args, packages, jsonfile) j = json.loads(jsonfile.getvalue(), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) del j['timestamp'] compare_with_expected_file(self, 'testdata/process_arch', json.dumps(j, sort_keys=True, indent=4), 'packages.json') for d in ARGDIRS: shutil.rmtree(getattr(args, d)) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # testdata is located in the same directory as this file os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # ensure sha512.sum files exist os.system("find testdata/relarea/x86_64 testdata/relarea/noarch -type d -exec sh -c 'cd {} ; sha512sum * >sha512.sum 2>/dev/null' \\;") # should remove a sha512.sum file so that we test functioning when it's absent os.unlink('testdata/relarea/x86_64/release/arc/sha512.sum') # remove !ready files os.system("find testdata/homes -name !ready -exec rm {} \\;") # fix up package timestamps # (git doesn't store timestamps, so they will all be dated the time of checkout) # set all package timestamps to some arbitrary date os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC' for dirpath, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join('testdata', 'relarea')): for f in filenames: os.system('touch "%s" -d %s' % (os.path.join(dirpath, f), '2018-03-02')) # then adjust packages where we need highest version to also be latest relarea_arch = os.path.join('testdata', 'relarea', 'x86_64', 'release') relarea_noarch = os.path.join('testdata', 'relarea', 'noarch', 'release') home_conflict = os.path.join('testdata', 'homes.conflict', 'Blooey McFooey', 'x86_64', 'release') touches = [(os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-2.2.0-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-2.2.0-1-src.tar.xz'), '2016-11-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-2.2.1-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-2.2.1-1-src.tar.xz'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-debuginfo', 'cygwin-debuginfo-2.2.0-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-debuginfo', 'cygwin-debuginfo-2.2.1-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-devel', 'cygwin-devel-2.2.0-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'cygwin', 'cygwin-devel', 'cygwin-devel-2.2.1-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'base-cygwin', 'base-cygwin-3.6-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'per-version', 'per-version-4.0-1.tar.xz'), '2017-04-09'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'per-version', 'per-version-4.0-1-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-09'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'rpm-doc', 'rpm-doc-4.1-2.tar.bz2'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'rpm-doc', 'rpm-doc-4.1-2-src.tar.bz2'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-240-1.tar.xz'), '2017-04-07'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-240-1-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-07'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-242-0.tar.xz'), '2017-04-08'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-242-0-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-08'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-243-0.tar.xz'), '2017-04-09'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-243-0-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-09'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-250-0.tar.xz'), '2017-04-10'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-250-0-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-10'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-251-0.tar.xz'), '2017-04-09'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-251-0-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-09'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-260-0.tar.xz'), '2017-04-12'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-260-0-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-12'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'keychain', 'keychain-2.6.8-1.tar.bz2'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_arch, 'keychain', 'keychain-2.6.8-1-src.tar.bz2'), '2016-11-02'), (os.path.join(relarea_noarch, 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL', 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01-1.tar.xz'), '2016-09-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_noarch, 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL', 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01-1-src.tar.xz'), '2016-09-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_noarch, 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL', 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.02-1.tar.xz'), '2016-10-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_noarch, 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL', 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.02-1-src.tar.xz'), '2016-10-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_noarch, 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL', 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03-1.tar.xz'), '2016-11-01'), (os.path.join(relarea_noarch, 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL', 'perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03-1-src.tar.xz'), '2016-11-01'), (os.path.join(home_conflict, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-230-1.hint'), '2017-04-06'), (os.path.join(home_conflict, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-230-1.tar.xz'), '2017-04-06'), (os.path.join(home_conflict, 'staleversion', 'staleversion-230-1-src.tar.xz'), '2017-04-06')] for (f, t) in touches: os.system('touch "%s" -d %s' % (f, t)) # ensure !reminder-timestamp is created for uploads home = os.path.join('testdata', 'homes', 'Blooey McFooey') os.system('find "%s" -type f -exec touch -d "12 hours ago" {} +' % (home)) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s') unittest.main()