#! /bin/sh -f # generate a table for Unicode case conversion; entries: # struct caseconv_entry defined in towctrans_l.c if [ -r UnicodeData.txt ] then UnicodeData=UnicodeData.txt elif [ -r /usr/share/unicode/ucd/UnicodeData.txt ] then UnicodeData=/usr/share/unicode/ucd/UnicodeData.txt else echo UnicodeData.txt not found >&2 exit 1 fi LC_ALL=C export LC_ALL compact=true #0041;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;0061; #0061;LATIN SMALL LETTER A;Ll;0;L;;;;;N;;;0041;;0041 #0130;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE;Lu;0;L;0049 0307;;;;N;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I DOT;;;0069; #01C4;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ WITH CARON;Lu;0;L; 0044 017D;;;;N;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D Z HACEK;;;01C6;01C5 #01C5;LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON;Lt;0;L; 0044 017E;;;;N;LATIN LETTER CAPITAL D SMALL Z HACEK;;01C4;01C6;01C5 #01C6;LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ WITH CARON;Ll;0;L; 0064 017E;;;;N;LATIN SMALL LETTER D Z HACEK;;01C4;;01C5 tr -d '\015' < $UnicodeData | sed \ -e 's,^\([^;]*\);[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;\([^;][^;]*\);\([^;]*\);\([^;]*\)$,src \1 upper "\2" lower "\3" title "\4",' \ -e t \ -e 's,^\([^;]*\);[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;\([^;]*\);\([^;][^;]*\);\([^;]*\)$,src \1 upper "\2" lower "\3" title "\4",' \ -e t \ -e 's,^\([^;]*\);[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;\([^;]*\);\([^;]*\);\([^;][^;]*\)$,src \1 upper "\2" lower "\3" title "\4",' \ -e t \ -e d | (#src 01C5 upper "01C4" lower "01C6" title "01C5" if $compact then ( cat <<\/EOS src () { if [ -n "$3" ] then tohi=$(( 0x0$3 - 0x0$1 )) else tohi=0 fi if [ -n "$5" ] then tolo=$(( 0x0$5 - 0x0$1 )) else tolo=0 fi case "$tolo.$tohi" in 0.0) true;; 0.*) case "$1.$tohi" in *[02468ACE].1) echo "'#error' U+$1 ODDSML";; *[02468ACE].-1) echo " 0x$1 TO1 ODDCAP";; *[13579BDF].1) echo "'#error' U+$1 EVENSML";; *[13579BDF].-1) echo " 0x$1 TO1 EVENCAP";; *) echo " 0x$1 TOUP $tohi";; esac;; *.0) case "$1.$tolo" in *[02468ACE].1) echo " 0x$1 TO1 EVENCAP";; *[02468ACE].-1) echo "'#error' U+$1 EVENSML";; *[13579BDF].1) echo " 0x$1 TO1 ODDCAP";; *[13579BDF].-1) echo "'#error' U+$1 ODDSML";; *) echo " 0x$1 TOLO $tolo";; esac;; *) case "$tolo.$tohi" in 1.-1) echo " 0x$1 TOBOTH 0";; *) echo "'#error' U+$1";; esac;; esac } /EOS cat ) | sh | uniq -f1 --group=append | sed -e "s,^$,range," -e t -e "s,^,item ," | ( cat <<\/EOS first= diff=-1 max=255 range () { # $diff == $(($last - $first)) if [ "$diff" -ge 0 ] then # we have items at all echo " {$first, $diff, $v2, $v3}," fi first= diff=-1 } item () { if [ "$1" = "#error" ] then echo "$*" return fi if [ $diff -eq $max ] then range elif [ -n "$first" ] then if [ $(( $1 )) -ne $(( ${last-0} + 1 )) ] then range fi fi if [ -z "$first" ] then first=$1 v2=$2 v3=$3 fi last=$1 diff=$(( $diff + 1 )) } /EOS cat ) | sh elif false then sed -e 's/src \([^ ]*\) upper "\([^ ]*\)" lower "\([^ ]*\)" title "\([^ ]*\)"/ {0x\1, 0x\2 - 0x\1, 0x\3 - 0x\1},/' \ -e 's/0x - 0x[^ ,}]*/0/g' -e 's/0x}/0}/' \ -e 's/\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]*\) - \(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]*\)/$((`printf %d \1` - `printf %d \2`))/g' \ -e 's/^/echo "/' -e 's/$/"/' | sh else sed -e 's/src \([^ ]*\) upper "\([^ ]*\)" lower "\([^ ]*\)" title "\([^ ]*\)"/ {0x\1, 0x\2 - 0x\1, 0x\3 - 0x\1},/' \ -e 's/0x - 0x[^ ,}]*/0/g' -e 's/0x}/0}/' fi ) > caseconv.t