/* FUNCTION <>---get a character from a file or stream INDEX fgetc ANSI_SYNOPSIS #include int fgetc(FILE *<[fp]>); TRAD_SYNOPSIS #include int fgetc(<[fp]>) FILE *<[fp]>; DESCRIPTION Use <> to get the next single character from the file or stream identified by <[fp]>. As a side effect, <> advances the file's current position indicator. For a macro version of this function, see <>. RETURNS The next character (read as an <>, and cast to <>), unless there is no more data, or the host system reports a read error; in either of these situations, <> returns <>. You can distinguish the two situations that cause an <> result by using the <> and <> functions. PORTABILITY ANSI C requires <>. Supporting OS subroutines required: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>. */ #include int _DEFUN (fgetc, (fp), FILE * fp) { return __sgetc (fp); }