/* FUNCTION <>---compare two memory areas INDEX bcmp ANSI_SYNOPSIS #include int bcmp(const char *<[s1]>, const char *<[s2]>, size_t <[n]>); TRAD_SYNOPSIS #include int bcmp(<[s1]>, <[s2]>, <[n]>) char *<[s1]>; char *<[s2]>; size_t <[n]>; DESCRIPTION This function compares not more than <[n]> characters of the object pointed to by <[s1]> with the object pointed to by <[s2]>. This function is identical to <>. RETURNS The function returns an integer greater than, equal to or less than zero according to whether the object pointed to by <[s1]> is greater than, equal to or less than the object pointed to by <[s2]>. PORTABILITY <> requires no supporting OS subroutines. QUICKREF bcmp ansi pure */ #include int _DEFUN (bcmp, (m1, m2, n), _CONST char *m1 _AND _CONST char *m2 _AND size_t n) { return memcmp (m1, m2, n); }