/* FUNCTION <>---copy memory regions ANSI_SYNOPSIS #include void bcopy(const char *<[in]>, char *<[out]>, size_t <[n]>); TRAD_SYNOPSIS void bcopy(<[in]>, <[out]>, <[n]> char *<[in]>; char *<[out]>; size_t <[n]>; DESCRIPTION This function copies <[n]> bytes from the memory region pointed to by <[in]> to the memory region pointed to by <[out]>. This function is implemented in term of <>. PORTABILITY <> requires no supporting OS subroutines. QUICKREF bcopy - pure */ #include void _DEFUN (bcopy, (b1, b2, length), _CONST char *b1 _AND char *b2 _AND size_t length) { memmove ((_PTR) b2, (_PTR) b1, length); }