/* * gmtime.c * Original Author: G. Haley * * Converts the calendar time pointed to by tim_p into a broken-down time * expressed as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Returns a pointer to a structure * containing the broken-down time, or a null pointer if GMT is not * available. */ /* FUNCTION <>---convert time to UTC traditional form INDEX gmtime ANSI_SYNOPSIS #include struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *<[clock]>); struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *<[clock]>, struct tm *<[res]>); TRAD_SYNOPSIS #include struct tm *gmtime(<[clock]>) const time_t *<[clock]>; struct tm *gmtime_r(<[clock]>, <[res]>) const time_t *<[clock]>; struct tm *<[res]>; DESCRIPTION <> assumes the time at <[clock]> represents a local time. <> converts it to UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, also known in some countries as GMT, Greenwich Mean time), then converts the representation from the arithmetic representation to the traditional representation defined by <>. <> constructs the traditional time representation in static storage; each call to <> or <> will overwrite the information generated by previous calls to either function. RETURNS A pointer to the traditional time representation (<>). PORTABILITY ANSI C requires <>. <> requires no supporting OS subroutines. */ #include #include #define _GMT_OFFSET 0 #ifndef _REENT_ONLY struct tm * _DEFUN (gmtime, (tim_p), _CONST time_t * tim_p) { _REENT_CHECK_TM(_REENT); return gmtime_r (tim_p, (struct tm *)_REENT_TM(_REENT)); } #endif