/* * mktm_r.c * Original Author: Adapted from tzcode maintained by Arthur David Olson. * Modifications: Changed to mktm_r and added __tzcalc_limits - 04/10/02, Jeff Johnston * Fixed bug in mday computations - 08/12/04, Alex Mogilnikov * Fixed bug in __tzcalc_limits - 08/12/04, Alex Mogilnikov * * Converts the calendar time pointed to by tim_p into a broken-down time * expressed as local time. Returns a pointer to a structure containing the * broken-down time. */ #include #include #include "local.h" static _CONST int mon_lengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] = { {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}, {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31} } ; static _CONST int year_lengths[2] = { 365, 366 } ; struct tm * _DEFUN (_mktm_r, (tim_p, res, is_gmtime), _CONST time_t * tim_p _AND struct tm *res _AND int is_gmtime) { long days, rem; time_t lcltime; int y; int yleap; _CONST int *ip; __tzinfo_type *tz = __gettzinfo (); /* base decision about std/dst time on current time */ lcltime = *tim_p; days = ((long)lcltime) / SECSPERDAY; rem = ((long)lcltime) % SECSPERDAY; while (rem < 0) { rem += SECSPERDAY; --days; } while (rem >= SECSPERDAY) { rem -= SECSPERDAY; ++days; } /* compute hour, min, and sec */ res->tm_hour = (int) (rem / SECSPERHOUR); rem %= SECSPERHOUR; res->tm_min = (int) (rem / SECSPERMIN); res->tm_sec = (int) (rem % SECSPERMIN); /* compute day of week */ if ((res->tm_wday = ((EPOCH_WDAY + days) % DAYSPERWEEK)) < 0) res->tm_wday += DAYSPERWEEK; /* compute year & day of year */ y = EPOCH_YEAR; if (days >= 0) { for (;;) { yleap = isleap(y); if (days < year_lengths[yleap]) break; y++; days -= year_lengths[yleap]; } } else { do { --y; yleap = isleap(y); days += year_lengths[yleap]; } while (days < 0); } res->tm_year = y - YEAR_BASE; res->tm_yday = days; ip = mon_lengths[yleap]; for (res->tm_mon = 0; days >= ip[res->tm_mon]; ++res->tm_mon) days -= ip[res->tm_mon]; res->tm_mday = days + 1; if (!is_gmtime) { long offset; int hours, mins, secs; TZ_LOCK; if (_daylight) { if (y == tz->__tzyear || __tzcalc_limits (y)) res->tm_isdst = (tz->__tznorth ? (*tim_p >= tz->__tzrule[0].change && *tim_p < tz->__tzrule[1].change) : (*tim_p >= tz->__tzrule[0].change || *tim_p < tz->__tzrule[1].change)); else res->tm_isdst = -1; } else res->tm_isdst = 0; offset = (res->tm_isdst == 1 ? tz->__tzrule[1].offset : tz->__tzrule[0].offset); hours = (int) (offset / SECSPERHOUR); offset = offset % SECSPERHOUR; mins = (int) (offset / SECSPERMIN); secs = (int) (offset % SECSPERMIN); res->tm_sec -= secs; res->tm_min -= mins; res->tm_hour -= hours; if (res->tm_sec >= SECSPERMIN) { res->tm_min += 1; res->tm_sec -= SECSPERMIN; } else if (res->tm_sec < 0) { res->tm_min -= 1; res->tm_sec += SECSPERMIN; } if (res->tm_min >= MINSPERHOUR) { res->tm_hour += 1; res->tm_min -= MINSPERHOUR; } else if (res->tm_min < 0) { res->tm_hour -= 1; res->tm_min += MINSPERHOUR; } if (res->tm_hour >= HOURSPERDAY) { ++res->tm_yday; ++res->tm_wday; if (res->tm_wday > 6) res->tm_wday = 0; ++res->tm_mday; res->tm_hour -= HOURSPERDAY; if (res->tm_mday > ip[res->tm_mon]) { res->tm_mday -= ip[res->tm_mon]; res->tm_mon += 1; if (res->tm_mon == 12) { res->tm_mon = 0; res->tm_year += 1; res->tm_yday = 0; } } } else if (res->tm_hour < 0) { res->tm_yday -= 1; res->tm_wday -= 1; if (res->tm_wday < 0) res->tm_wday = 6; res->tm_mday -= 1; res->tm_hour += 24; if (res->tm_mday == 0) { res->tm_mon -= 1; if (res->tm_mon < 0) { res->tm_mon = 11; res->tm_year -= 1; res->tm_yday = 364 + isleap(res->tm_year + 1900); } res->tm_mday = ip[res->tm_mon]; } } TZ_UNLOCK; } else res->tm_isdst = 0; return (res); } int _DEFUN (__tzcalc_limits, (year), int year) { int days, year_days, years; int i, j; __tzinfo_type *tz = __gettzinfo (); if (year < EPOCH_YEAR) return 0; tz->__tzyear = year; years = (year - EPOCH_YEAR); year_days = years * 365 + (years - 1 + EPOCH_YEARS_SINCE_LEAP) / 4 - (years - 1 + EPOCH_YEARS_SINCE_CENTURY) / 100 + (years - 1 + EPOCH_YEARS_SINCE_LEAP_CENTURY) / 400; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (tz->__tzrule[i].ch == 'J') { /* The Julian day n (1 <= n <= 365). */ days = year_days + tz->__tzrule[i].d + (isleap(year) && tz->__tzrule[i].d >= 60); /* Convert to yday */ --days; } else if (tz->__tzrule[i].ch == 'D') days = year_days + tz->__tzrule[i].d; else { int yleap = isleap(year); int m_day, m_wday, wday_diff; _CONST int *ip = mon_lengths[yleap]; days = year_days; for (j = 1; j < tz->__tzrule[i].m; ++j) days += ip[j-1]; m_wday = (EPOCH_WDAY + days) % DAYSPERWEEK; wday_diff = tz->__tzrule[i].d - m_wday; if (wday_diff < 0) wday_diff += DAYSPERWEEK; m_day = (tz->__tzrule[i].n - 1) * DAYSPERWEEK + wday_diff; while (m_day >= ip[j-1]) m_day -= DAYSPERWEEK; days += m_day; } /* store the change-over time in GMT form by adding offset */ tz->__tzrule[i].change = days * SECSPERDAY + tz->__tzrule[i].s + tz->__tzrule[i].offset; } tz->__tznorth = (tz->__tzrule[0].change < tz->__tzrule[1].change); return 1; }