/* * File: cancel7.c * * Test Synopsis: Test if sleep is a cancellation point. * * Test Method (Validation or Falsification): * - * * Requirements Tested: * - * * Features Tested: * - * * Cases Tested: * - * * Description: * - * * Environment: * - * * Input: * - None. * * Output: * - File name, Line number, and failed expression on failure. * - No output on success. * * Assumptions: * - have working pthread_create, pthread_cancel, pthread_setcancelstate * pthread_join * * Pass Criteria: * - Process returns zero exit status. * * Fail Criteria: * - Process returns non-zero exit status. */ #include "test.h" static int has5secsleeped = 0; static void *Thread(void *punused) { assert (pthread_setcancelstate (PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL) == 0); /* thread should sleep 5 seconds and not get canceled */ sleep(5); has5secsleeped = 1; assert (pthread_setcancelstate (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) == 0); /* thread should cancel here */ sleep (5); return NULL; } int main (void) { void * result; pthread_t t; assert (pthread_create (&t, NULL, Thread, NULL) == 0); assert (pthread_cancel (t) == 0); assert (pthread_join (t, &result) == 0); assert (has5secsleeped == 1); assert (result == PTHREAD_CANCELED); return 0; }