/* * videoagp.h * * Video miniport AGP interface * * This file is part of the w32api package. * * Contributors: * Created by Casper S. Hornstrup * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #ifndef __VIDEOAGP_H #define __VIDEOAGP_H #if __GNUC__ >=3 #pragma GCC system_header #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "ntddk.h" #include "video.h" #define VIDEO_AGP_RATE_1X 0x00000001 #define VIDEO_AGP_RATE_2X 0x00000002 #define VIDEO_AGP_RATE_4X 0x00000004 #define VIDEO_AGP_RATE_8X 0x00000008 typedef enum _VIDEO_PORT_CACHE_TYPE { VpNonCached = 0, VpWriteCombined, VpCached } VIDEO_PORT_CACHE_TYPE; typedef BOOLEAN DDKAPI (*PAGP_COMMIT_PHYSICAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ PVOID PhysicalReserveContext, /*IN*/ ULONG Pages, /*IN*/ ULONG Offset); typedef PVOID DDKAPI (*PAGP_COMMIT_VIRTUAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ PVOID VirtualReserveContext, /*IN*/ ULONG Pages, /*IN*/ ULONG Offset); typedef VOID DDKAPI (*PAGP_FREE_PHYSICAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ PVOID PhysicalReserveContext, /*IN*/ ULONG Pages, /*IN*/ ULONG Offset); typedef VOID DDKAPI (*PAGP_FREE_VIRTUAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ PVOID VirtualReserveContext, /*IN*/ ULONG Pages, /*IN*/ ULONG Offset); typedef VOID DDKAPI (*PAGP_RELEASE_PHYSICAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ PVOID PhysicalReserveContext); typedef VOID DDKAPI (*PAGP_RELEASE_VIRTUAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ PVOID VirtualReserveContext); typedef PHYSICAL_ADDRESS DDKAPI (*PAGP_RESERVE_PHYSICAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ ULONG Pages, /*IN*/ VIDEO_PORT_CACHE_TYPE Caching, /*OUT*/ PVOID *PhysicalReserveContext); typedef PVOID DDKAPI (*PAGP_RESERVE_VIRTUAL)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ HANDLE ProcessHandle, /*IN*/ PVOID PhysicalReserveContext, /*OUT*/ PVOID *VirtualReserveContext); typedef BOOLEAN DDKAPI (*PAGP_SET_RATE)( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ ULONG AgpRate); typedef struct _VIDEO_PORT_AGP_SERVICES { PAGP_RESERVE_PHYSICAL AgpReservePhysical; PAGP_RELEASE_PHYSICAL AgpReleasePhysical; PAGP_COMMIT_PHYSICAL AgpCommitPhysical; PAGP_FREE_PHYSICAL AgpFreePhysical; PAGP_RESERVE_VIRTUAL AgpReserveVirtual; PAGP_RELEASE_VIRTUAL AgpReleaseVirtual; PAGP_COMMIT_VIRTUAL AgpCommitVirtual; PAGP_FREE_VIRTUAL AgpFreeVirtual; ULONGLONG AllocationLimit; } VIDEO_PORT_AGP_SERVICES, *PVIDEO_PORT_AGP_SERVICES; VPAPI BOOLEAN DDKAPI VideoPortGetAgpServices( /*IN*/ PVOID HwDeviceExtension, /*IN*/ PVIDEO_PORT_AGP_SERVICES AgpServices); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __VIDEOAGP_H */