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Diffstat (limited to 'syntax_highlight/syntax_highlight.py')
1 files changed, 656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syntax_highlight/syntax_highlight.py b/syntax_highlight/syntax_highlight.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2686337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax_highlight/syntax_highlight.py
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+import logging
+import re
+from enum import Enum, IntEnum, unique
+from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk
+from gi.repository.Gtk import TextSearchFlags
+from gi.repository.Pango import FontDescription
+from gajim.plugins.helpers import log_calls, log
+from gajim.plugins import GajimPlugin
+from gajim.plugins.gui import GajimPluginConfigDialog
+class MatchType(Enum):
+ INLINE = 0
+ TEXT = 2
+class LineBreakOptions(IntEnum):
+ NEVER = 0
+ ALWAYS = 1
+class CodeMarkerOptions(IntEnum):
+ HIDE = 1
+PYGMENTS_MISSING = 'You are missing Python-Pygments.'
+log = logging.getLogger('gajim.plugin_system.syntax_highlight')
+DEFAULT_LEXER = "python"
+# Only on multi-line code blocks:
+DEFAULT_STYLE = "default"
+DEFAULT_FONT = "Monospace 10"
+ import pygments
+ from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, get_all_lexers
+ from pygments.styles import get_all_styles
+ from .gtkformatter import GTKFormatter
+except Exception as exception:
+ log.error("Import Error: %s.", exception)
+class SyntaxHighlighterPluginConfiguration(GajimPluginConfigDialog):
+ @log_calls('SyntaxHighlighterPluginConfiguration')
+ def init(self):
+ self.GTK_BUILDER_FILE_PATH = self.plugin.local_file_path(
+ 'config_dialog.ui')
+ self.xml = Gtk.Builder()
+ self.xml.set_translation_domain('gajim_plugins')
+ self.xml.add_objects_from_file(self.GTK_BUILDER_FILE_PATH,
+ ['mainBox', 'line_break_selection', 'code_marker_selection',
+ 'preview_textbuffer'])
+ box = self.xml.get_object('mainBox')
+ self.get_child().pack_start(box, False, False, 0)
+ self.result_label = self.xml.get_object('result_label')
+ self.liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str)
+ self.default_lexer_combobox = self.xml.get_object('default_lexer_combobox')
+ self.default_lexer_combobox.set_property("model", self.liststore)
+ self.style_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str)
+ self.style_combobox = self.xml.get_object('style_combobox')
+ self.style_combobox.set_property("model", self.style_liststore)
+ self.bg_color_checkbox = self.xml.get_object('bg_color_checkbutton')
+ self.bg_color_colorbutton = self.xml.get_object('bg_color_colorbutton')
+ self.line_break_combobox = self.xml.get_object('line_break_combobox')
+ self.code_marker_combobox = self.xml.get_object('code_marker_combobox')
+ self.preview_textview = self.xml.get_object('preview_textview')
+ self.preview_textview.get_buffer().connect("insert-text", self.on_preview_text_inserted)
+ self.preview_textview.set_size_request(-1, 130)
+ self.font_button = self.xml.get_object('font_button')
+ self.xml.connect_signals(self)
+ self.default_lexer_id = 0
+ self.style_id = 0
+ def set_config(self, config):
+ self.config = config
+ self.lexers = self.config.get_lexer_list()
+ self.styles = self.config.get_styles_list()
+ default_lexer = self.config.get_default_lexer_name()
+ default_style = self.config.get_style_name()
+ for i, lexer in enumerate(self.lexers):
+ self.liststore.append([lexer[0]])
+ if lexer[1] == default_lexer:
+ self.default_lexer_id = i
+ for i, style in enumerate(self.styles):
+ self.style_liststore.append([style])
+ if style == default_style:
+ self.style_id = i
+ self.update_preview()
+ def lexer_changed(self, _widget):
+ new = self.default_lexer_combobox.get_active()
+ if new != self.default_lexer_id:
+ self.default_lexer_id = new
+ self.config.set_default_lexer(self.lexers[self.default_lexer_id][1])
+ self.update_preview()
+ def line_break_changed(self, _widget):
+ new = LineBreakOptions(self.line_break_combobox.get_active())
+ if new != self.config.get_line_break_action():
+ self.config.set_line_break_action(new)
+ self.update_preview()
+ def code_marker_changed(self, _widget):
+ new = CodeMarkerOptions(self.code_marker_combobox.get_active())
+ if new != self.config.get_code_marker_setting():
+ self.config.set_code_marker_setting(new)
+ def bg_color_enabled(self, _widget):
+ new = self.bg_color_checkbox.get_active()
+ if new != self.config.is_bgcolor_override_enabled():
+ bg_override_enabled = new
+ self.config.set_bgcolor_override_enabled(bg_override_enabled)
+ self.bg_color_colorbutton.set_sensitive(bg_override_enabled)
+ self.update_preview()
+ def bg_color_changed(self, _widget):
+ new = self.bg_color_colorbutton.get_color()
+ if new != self.config.get_bgcolor():
+ self.config.set_bgcolor(new)
+ self.update_preview()
+ def style_changed(self, _widget):
+ new = self.style_combobox.get_active()
+ if new != self.style_id:
+ self.style_id = new
+ self.config.set_style(self.styles[self.style_id])
+ self.update_preview()
+ def font_changed(self, _widget):
+ new = self.font_button.get_font()
+ if new != self.config.get_font():
+ self.config.set_font(new)
+ self.update_preview()
+ def update_preview(self):
+ self.format_preview_text()
+ def on_preview_text_inserted(self, _buf, _iterator, text, length, *_args):
+ if (length == 1 and re.match(r'\s', text)) or length > 1:
+ self.format_preview_text()
+ def format_preview_text(self):
+ buf = self.preview_textview.get_buffer()
+ start_iter = buf.get_start_iter()
+ start_mark = buf.create_mark(None, start_iter, True)
+ buf.remove_all_tags(start_iter, buf.get_end_iter())
+ formatter = GTKFormatter(
+ style=self.config.get_style_name(),
+ start_mark=start_mark)
+ code = start_iter.get_text(buf.get_end_iter())
+ lexer = self.config.get_default_lexer()
+ tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer)
+ pygments.format(tokens, formatter, buf)
+ buf.delete_mark(start_mark)
+ self.preview_textview.override_font(
+ FontDescription.from_string(self.config.get_font()))
+ color = Gdk.RGBA()
+ if color.parse(self.config.get_bgcolor()):
+ self.preview_textview.override_background_color(
+ Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, color)
+ def on_run(self):
+ self.default_lexer_combobox.set_active(self.default_lexer_id)
+ self.line_break_combobox.set_active(self.config.get_line_break_action())
+ self.code_marker_combobox.set_active(self.config.get_code_marker_setting())
+ self.style_combobox.set_active(self.style_id)
+ self.font_button.set_font(self.config.get_font())
+ bg_override_enabled = self.config.is_bgcolor_override_enabled()
+ self.bg_color_checkbox.set_active(bg_override_enabled)
+ self.bg_color_colorbutton.set_sensitive(bg_override_enabled)
+ parsed, color = Gdk.Color.parse(self.config.get_bgcolor())
+ if parsed:
+ self.bg_color_colorbutton.set_color(color)
+class ChatSyntaxHighlighter:
+ def hide_code_markup(self, buf, start, end):
+ tag = buf.get_tag_table().lookup('hide_code_markup')
+ if tag is None:
+ tag = Gtk.TextTag.new('hide_code_markup')
+ tag.set_property('invisible', True)
+ buf.get_tag_table().add(tag)
+ buf.apply_tag_by_name('hide_code_markup', start, end)
+ def check_line_break(self, is_multiline):
+ line_break = self.config.get_line_break_action()
+ return (line_break == LineBreakOptions.ALWAYS) \
+ or (is_multiline and line_break == LineBreakOptions.MULTILINE)
+ def format_code(self, buf, s_tag, s_code, e_tag, e_code, language):
+ style = self.config.get_style_name()
+ if self.config.get_code_marker_setting() == CodeMarkerOptions.HIDE:
+ self.hide_code_markup(buf, s_tag, s_code)
+ self.hide_code_markup(buf, e_code, e_tag)
+ else:
+ comment_tag = GTKFormatter.create_tag_for_token(
+ pygments.token.Comment,
+ pygments.styles.get_style_by_name(style))
+ buf.get_tag_table().add(comment_tag)
+ buf.apply_tag(comment_tag, s_tag, s_code)
+ buf.apply_tag(comment_tag, e_tag, e_code)
+ code = s_code.get_text(e_code)
+ log.debug("full text to encode: %s.", code)
+ start_mark = buf.create_mark(None, s_code, False)
+ lexer = None
+ if language is None:
+ lexer = self.config.get_default_lexer()
+ log.info("No Language specified. Falling back to default lexer: %s.",
+ self.config.get_default_lexer_name())
+ else:
+ log.debug("Using lexer for %s.", str(language))
+ lexer = self.config.get_lexer_with_fallback(language)
+ if lexer is None:
+ iterator = buf.get_iter_at_mark(start_mark)
+ buf.insert(iterator, '\n')
+ else:
+ tokens = pygments.lex(code, lexer)
+ formatter = GTKFormatter(style=style, start_mark=start_mark)
+ pygments.format(tokens, formatter, buf)
+ def find_multiline_matches(self, text):
+ start = None
+ matches = []
+ for i in re.finditer(r'\n?```(?:\S*\n)?', text, re.DOTALL):
+ if start is None:
+ start = i
+ elif re.match(r'^\n```', i.group(0)) is not None:
+ matches.append(
+ (start.start(), i.end(), text[start.start():i.end()]))
+ start = None
+ else:
+ # not an end...
+ continue
+ return matches
+ def find_inline_matches(self, text):
+ return [(i.start(), i.end(), i.group(0)) for i in \
+ re.finditer(r'(?<!`)`(?!`|\n).+(?<!`)`', text)]
+ def merge_match_groups(self, real_text, inline_matches, multiline_matches):
+ it_inline = iter(inline_matches)
+ it_multi = iter(multiline_matches)
+ length = len(real_text)
+ # Just to get cleaner code below...
+ def get_next(iterator):
+ return next(iterator, (length, length, ""))
+ # In order to simplify the process, we use the 'length' here.
+ cur_inline = get_next(it_inline)
+ cur_multi = get_next(it_multi)
+ pos = 0
+ # This will contain tuples with parts of the input and its classification
+ parts = []
+ while pos < length:
+ log.debug("-> in: %s", str(cur_inline))
+ log.debug("-> mu: %s", str(cur_multi))
+ # selected = (start, end, type)
+ selected = (cur_inline[0], cur_inline[1], MatchType.INLINE) \
+ if cur_inline[0] < cur_multi[0] \
+ else (cur_multi[0], cur_multi[1], MatchType.MULTILINE) \
+ if cur_multi[0] < length \
+ else (pos, length, MatchType.TEXT)
+ log.debug("--> select: %s", str(selected))
+ # Handle plain text string parts (and unforseen errors...)
+ if pos < selected[0]:
+ end = selected[0] if selected[0] != pos else selected[1]
+ parts.append((real_text[pos:end], MatchType.TEXT))
+ pos = selected[0]
+ elif pos > selected[0]:
+ log.error("Should not happen, position > found match.")
+ # Cut out and append selected text segment
+ parts.append((real_text[selected[0]:selected[1]], selected[2]))
+ pos = selected[1]
+ # Depending on the match type, we have to forward the iterators.
+ # Also, forward the other one, if regions overlap or we took over...
+ if selected[2] == MatchType.INLINE:
+ if cur_multi[0] < cur_inline[1]:
+ cur_multi = get_next(it_multi)
+ cur_inline = get_next(it_inline)
+ elif selected[2] == MatchType.MULTILINE:
+ if cur_inline[0] < cur_multi[1]:
+ cur_inline = get_next(it_inline)
+ cur_multi = get_next(it_multi)
+ return parts
+ def process_text(self, real_text, other_tags, _graphics, iter_,
+ _additional):
+ def fix_newline(char, marker_len_no_newline, force=False):
+ fixed = (marker_len_no_newline, '')
+ if char == '\n':
+ fixed = (marker_len_no_newline + 1, '')
+ elif force:
+ fixed = (marker_len_no_newline + 1, '\n')
+ return fixed
+ buf = self.textview.tv.get_buffer()
+ # first, try to find inline or multiline code snippets
+ inline_matches = self.find_inline_matches(real_text)
+ multiline_matches = self.find_multiline_matches(real_text)
+ if not inline_matches and not multiline_matches:
+ log.debug("Stopping early, since there is no code block in it....")
+ return
+ iterator = iter_ if iter_ is not None else buf.get_end_iter()
+ # Create a start marker with left gravity before inserting text.
+ start_mark = buf.create_mark("SHP_start", iterator, True)
+ end_mark = buf.create_mark("SHP_end", iterator, False)
+ insert_newline_for_multiline = self.check_line_break(True)
+ insert_newline_for_inline = self.check_line_break(False)
+ split_text = self.merge_match_groups(
+ real_text, inline_matches, multiline_matches)
+ buf.begin_user_action()
+ for num, (text_to_insert, match_type) in enumerate(split_text):
+ marker = [("", 0), ("", 0)]
+ language = None
+ end_of_message = num == (len(split_text) - 1)
+ if match_type == MatchType.TEXT:
+ self.textview.detect_and_print_special_text(
+ text_to_insert, other_tags, graphics=_graphics,
+ iter_=iterator, additional_data=_additional)
+ else:
+ if match_type == MatchType.MULTILINE:
+ language_match = re.search(
+ '\n*```([^\n]*)\n', text_to_insert, re.DOTALL)
+ language = None if language_match is None \
+ else language_match.group(1)
+ language_len = 0 if language is None else len(language)
+ # We account the language word width for the front marker
+ front = fix_newline(text_to_insert[0], 3 + language_len,
+ insert_newline_for_multiline)
+ back = fix_newline(text_to_insert[-1], 3,
+ insert_newline_for_multiline and not end_of_message)
+ else:
+ front = fix_newline(text_to_insert[0], 1,
+ insert_newline_for_inline)
+ back = fix_newline(text_to_insert[-1], 1,
+ insert_newline_for_inline and not end_of_message)
+ marker_widths = (front[0], back[0])
+ text_to_insert = ''.join([front[1], text_to_insert, back[1]])
+ # insertion invalidates iterator, let's use our start mark...
+ self.insert_and_format_code(buf, text_to_insert, language,
+ marker_widths, start_mark, other_tags)
+ iterator = buf.get_iter_at_mark(end_mark)
+ # the current end of the buffer's contents is the start for the
+ # next iteration
+ buf.move_mark(start_mark, iterator)
+ buf.delete_mark(start_mark)
+ buf.delete_mark(end_mark)
+ buf.end_user_action()
+ # We have to make sure this is the last thing we do (i.e. no calls to
+ # the other textview methods no more from here on), because the
+ # print_special_text method is resetting the plugin_modified variable...
+ self.textview.plugin_modified = True
+ def insert_and_format_code(self, buf, insert_text, language, marker, start_mark, other_tags=None):
+ start_iter = buf.get_iter_at_mark(start_mark)
+ if other_tags:
+ buf.insert_with_tags_by_name(start_iter, insert_text,
+ *other_tags)
+ else:
+ buf.insert(start_iter, insert_text)
+ start_iter = buf.get_iter_at_mark(start_mark)
+ tag_start = start_iter
+ tag_end = buf.get_end_iter()
+ s_code = start_iter.copy()
+ e_code = tag_end.copy()
+ s_code.forward_chars(marker[0])
+ e_code.backward_chars(marker[1])
+ log.debug("full text between tags: %s.", tag_start.get_text(tag_end))
+ self.format_code(buf, tag_start, s_code, tag_end, e_code, language)
+ self.textview.plugin_modified = True
+ # Set general code block format
+ tag = Gtk.TextTag.new()
+ if self.config.is_bgcolor_override_enabled():
+ tag.set_property('background', self.config.get_bgcolor())
+ tag.set_property('paragraph-background', self.config.get_bgcolor())
+ tag.set_property('font', self.config.get_font())
+ buf.get_tag_table().add(tag)
+ buf.apply_tag(tag, start_iter, buf.get_end_iter())
+ buf.end_user_action()
+ def __init__(self, config, textview):
+ self.last_end_mark = None
+ self.config = config
+ self.textview = textview
+class SyntaxHighlighterConfig:
+ def _create_lexer_list(self):
+ self.lexers = []
+ # Iteration over get_all_lexers() seems to be broken somehow. Workarround
+ all_lexers = get_all_lexers()
+ for lexer in all_lexers:
+ # We don't want to add lexers that we cant identify by name later
+ if lexer[1] is not None and lexer[1]:
+ self.lexers.append((lexer[0], lexer[1][0]))
+ self.lexers.sort()
+ return self.lexers
+ def get_lexer_by_name(self, name):
+ lexer = None
+ try:
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name(name)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return lexer
+ def get_lexer_with_fallback(self, language):
+ lexer = self.get_lexer_by_name(language)
+ if lexer is None:
+ log.info("Falling back to default lexer for %s.",
+ self.get_default_lexer_name())
+ lexer = self.default_lexer[1]
+ return lexer
+ def set_font(self, font):
+ if font is None or font == "":
+ self.config['font'] = font
+ def set_style(self, style):
+ if style is None or style == "":
+ self.config['style'] = style
+ def set_line_break_action(self, option):
+ if isinstance(option, int):
+ option = LineBreakOptions(option)
+ self.config['line_break'] = option
+ def set_default_lexer(self, name):
+ lexer = get_lexer_by_name(name)
+ if lexer is None and self.default_lexer is None:
+ log.error("Failed to get default lexer by name."\
+ "Falling back to simply using the first in the list.")
+ lexer = self.lexer_list[0]
+ name = lexer[0]
+ self.default_lexer = (name, lexer)
+ if lexer is None and self.default_lexer is not None:
+ log.info("Failed to get default lexer by name, keeping previous"\
+ "setting (lexer = %s).", self.default_lexer[0])
+ name = self.default_lexer[0]
+ else:
+ self.default_lexer = (name, lexer)
+ self.config['default_lexer'] = name
+ def set_bgcolor_override_enabled(self, state):
+ self.config['bgcolor_override'] = state
+ def set_bgcolor(self, color):
+ if isinstance(color, Gdk.Color):
+ color = color.to_string()
+ self.config['bgcolor'] = color
+ def set_code_marker_setting(self, option):
+ if isinstance(option, int):
+ option = CodeMarkerOptions(option)
+ self.config['code_marker'] = option
+ def get_default_lexer(self):
+ return self.default_lexer[1]
+ def get_default_lexer_name(self):
+ return self.default_lexer[0]
+ def get_lexer_list(self):
+ return self.lexer_list
+ def get_line_break_action(self):
+ # return int only
+ action = DEFAULT_LINE_BREAK.value
+ if 'line_break' in self.config:
+ # in case of legacy settings...
+ if isinstance(self.config['line_break'], int):
+ action = self.config['line_break']
+ else:
+ action = self.config['line_break'].value
+ return action
+ def get_font(self):
+ return DEFAULT_FONT \
+ if 'font' not in self.config \
+ else self.config['font']
+ def get_style_name(self):
+ return DEFAULT_STYLE \
+ if 'style' not in self.config \
+ else self.config['style']
+ def is_bgcolor_override_enabled(self):
+ if 'bgcolor_override' not in self.config \
+ else self.config['bgcolor_override']
+ def get_bgcolor(self):
+ if 'bgcolor' not in self.config \
+ else self.config['bgcolor']
+ def get_code_marker_setting(self):
+ if 'code_marker' not in self.config \
+ else self.config['code_marker']
+ def get_styles_list(self):
+ return self.style_list
+ def __init__(self, config, default_lexer_name):
+ self.lexer_list = self._create_lexer_list()
+ self.style_list = [s for s in get_all_styles()]
+ self.default_lexer = None
+ self.config = config
+ self.style_list.sort()
+ self.set_default_lexer(default_lexer_name \
+ if not 'default_lexer' in self.config \
+ or self.config['default_lexer'] is None \
+ else self.config['default_lexer'])
+class SyntaxHighlighterPlugin(GajimPlugin):
+ @log_calls('SyntaxHighlighterPlugin')
+ def on_connect_with_chat_control(self, chat_control):
+ account = chat_control.contact.account.name
+ jid = chat_control.contact.jid
+ if account not in self.ccontrol:
+ self.ccontrol[account] = {}
+ self.ccontrol[account][jid] = ChatSyntaxHighlighter(
+ self.conf, chat_control.conv_textview)
+ @log_calls('SyntaxHighlighterPlugin')
+ def on_disconnect_from_chat_control(self, chat_control):
+ account = chat_control.contact.account.name
+ jid = chat_control.contact.jid
+ del self.ccontrol[account][jid]
+ @log_calls('SyntaxHighlighterPlugin')
+ def on_print_real_text(self, text_view, real_text, other_tags, graphics,
+ iterator, additional):
+ account = text_view.account
+ for jid in self.ccontrol[account]:
+ if self.ccontrol[account][jid].textview != text_view:
+ continue
+ self.ccontrol[account][jid].process_text(
+ real_text, other_tags, graphics, iterator, additional)
+ return
+ @log_calls('SyntaxHighlighterPlugin')
+ def init(self):
+ self.activatable = False
+ self.available_text = ERROR_MSG
+ self.config_dialog = None
+ return
+ self.conf = SyntaxHighlighterConfig(self.config, DEFAULT_LEXER)
+ self.ccontrol = {}
+ self.config_dialog = SyntaxHighlighterPluginConfiguration(self)
+ self.config_default_values = {
+ 'default_lexer': (DEFAULT_LEXER, "Default Lexer"),
+ 'line_break': (DEFAULT_LINE_BREAK, "Add line break")
+ }
+ self.config_dialog.set_config(self.conf)
+ self.gui_extension_points = {
+ 'chat_control_base': (
+ self.on_connect_with_chat_control,
+ self.on_disconnect_from_chat_control
+ ),
+ 'print_real_text': (self.on_print_real_text, None),
+ }