DEFAULT_DATA = { "afaik": "as far as I know", "afair": "as far as I can remember", "afaict": "as far as I can tell", "afk": "away from keyboard", "asap": "as soon as possible", "atm": "at the moment", "bbiab": "be back in a bit", "bbiaf": "be back in a few (minutes)", "bbl": "be back later", "bbs": "be back soon", "b/c": "because", "bf": "boyfriend", "bfo": "blinding flash of the obvious", "brb": "be right back", "bsod": "blue screen of death", "btw": "by the way", "ciao": "Italian for goodbye", "ctrn": "can't talk right now", "cul8r": "see you later", "cya": "see ya", "dhtb": "don't have the bandwidth", "dm": "direct message", "f2f": "face to face", "fubar": "fucked up beyond all recognition", "fwiw": "for what it's worth", "fyi": "for your information", "": "grin", "*g*": "grin", "gf": "girlfriend", "gmta": "great minds think alike", "g2g": "got to go", "iam": "in a meeting", "ianal": "I am not a lawyer", "idk": "I don't know", "ihmb": "I hate my boss", "iirc": "if I recall correctly", "imho": "in my humble opinion", "imo": "in my opinion", "iow": "in other words", "irl": "in real life", "jid": "jabber identifier", "j/k": "just kidding", "lmao": "laughing my ass off", "ok": "okay", "lol": "laugh out loud", "l8r": "later", "msg": "message", "n/m": "nevermind", "n/p": "no problem", "nvm": "nevermind", "oAo": "over and out!", "omg": "oh my god", "oob": "out of band", "op": "original poster", "ot": "off topic", "otoh": "on the other hand", "otp": "on the phone", "oww": "oops, wrong window!", "pita": "pain in the ass", "pm": "private message", "pov": "point of view", "pw": "password", "rotfl": "rolling on the floor laughing", "rsn": "real soon now", "rtfm": "read the friendly manual", "slap": "sounds like a plan", "smh": "shaking my head", "tbh": "to be honest", "thx": "thanks", "tia": "thanks in advance", "til": "today I learned", "tldr": "too long, didn't read", "tla": "three-letter arconym", "ttfn": "ta ta for now", "ttyl": "talk to you later", "wb": "welcome back", "wfm": "works for me", "wtf": "what the fuck?!", "wth": "what the hell", "wtg": "way to go!", "xfer": "transfer", "ymmv": "your mileage may vary", }