True True True 5 vertical 5 True True 0 Your fingerprint: <span weight="bold" face="monospace">01234567 89ABCDEF 01234567 89ABCDEF 01234567</span> True True 0 True 0 Purported fingerprint for <span weight="bold" face="monospace">01234567 89ABCDEF 01234567 89ABCDEF 01234567</span> True True 1 True True True verifiedmodel 0 0 False 0 True 0.20000000298023224 verified that the purported fingerprint is in fact the correct fingerprint for that contact. True False 1 2 True Authentication 1 False True 0 none True 5 vertical 5 True OTR version 2 allowed True True False True True 1 Encryption required True True False True 2 Show others we understand OTR True True False True True 3 Automatically initiate encryption if partner understands OTR True True False True True 4 Use the default settings True True False True True 1 True OTR Settings 1 False I have NOT I have False True vertical True 5 vertical 5 True label True True 0 True Use question: True True False True False 0 True True 1 False 1 True label 2 True True False 3 0 True 5 True False 0 True end gtk-cancel True True True True False False 0 gtk-ok True True True True False False 1 1 False 1 True False Off-the-Record Encryption True True OTR settings / fingerprint True True Authenticate contact True True Start / Refresh OTR True True False End OTR True