import os import time import logging import sqlite3 import nbxmpp from nbxmpp.simplexml import Node from nbxmpp import JID from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import MessageNotSentEvent from omemo.xmpp import ( NS_NOTIFY, NS_OMEMO, NS_EME, NS_HINTS, BundleInformationAnnouncement, BundleInformationQuery, DeviceListAnnouncement, DevicelistQuery, OmemoMessage, successful, unpack_device_bundle, unpack_device_list_update, unpack_encrypted) from omemo.omemo.state import OmemoState ALLOWED_TAGS = [('request', nbxmpp.NS_RECEIPTS), ('active', nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES), ('gone', nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES), ('inactive', nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES), ('paused', nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES), ('composing', nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES), ('no-store', nbxmpp.NS_MSG_HINTS), ('store', nbxmpp.NS_MSG_HINTS), ('no-copy', nbxmpp.NS_MSG_HINTS), ('no-permanent-store', nbxmpp.NS_MSG_HINTS), ('replace', nbxmpp.NS_CORRECT), ('thread', None), ('origin-id', nbxmpp.NS_SID), ] log = logging.getLogger('gajim.plugin_system.omemo') class OMEMOConnection: def __init__(self, account, plugin): self.account = account self.plugin = plugin self.own_jid = self.get_own_jid(stripped=True) self.omemo = self.__get_omemo() self.groupchat = {} self.temp_groupchat = {} self.gc_message = {} self.query_for_bundles = [] self.query_for_devicelists = [] app.ged.register_event_handler('pep-received', ged.PRECORE, self.handle_device_list_update) app.ged.register_event_handler('signed-in', ged.PRECORE, self.signed_in) app.ged.register_event_handler('gc-presence-received', ged.PRECORE, self.gc_presence_received) app.ged.register_event_handler('gc-config-changed-received', ged.PRECORE, self.gc_config_changed_received) def get_con(self): return app.connections[self.account] def send_with_callback(self, stanza, callback, data=None): if data is None: self.get_con().connection.SendAndCallForResponse(stanza, callback) else: self.get_con().connection.SendAndCallForResponse( stanza, callback, data) def get_own_jid(self, stripped=False): if stripped: return self.get_con().get_own_jid().getStripped() return self.get_con().get_own_jid() def __get_omemo(self): """ Returns the the OmemoState for the specified account. Creates the OmemoState if it does not exist yet. Parameters ---------- account : str the account name Returns ------- OmemoState """ data_dir = configpaths.get('MY_DATA') db_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'omemo_' + self.own_jid + '.db') conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path, check_same_thread=False) conn.execute("PRAGMA secure_delete=1") return OmemoState(self.own_jid, conn, self.account, self) def signed_in(self, event): """ Method called on SignIn Parameters ---------- event : SignedInEvent """ if != self.account: return'%s => Announce Support after Sign In', self.account) self.query_for_bundles = [] self.publish_bundle() self.query_devicelist() def activate(self): """ Method called when the Plugin is activated in the PluginManager """ if app.caps_hash[self.account] != '': # Gajim has already a caps hash calculated, update it helpers.update_optional_features(self.account) if app.account_is_connected(self.account):'%s => Announce Support after Plugin Activation', self.account) self.query_for_bundles = [] self.publish_bundle() self.query_devicelist() def deactivate(self): """ Method called when the Plugin is deactivated in the PluginManager """ self.query_for_bundles = [] @staticmethod def update_caps(account): if NS_NOTIFY not in app.gajim_optional_features[account]: app.gajim_optional_features[account].append(NS_NOTIFY) def message_received(self, conn, obj, callback): if obj.encrypted: return if == 'message-received': self._message_received(obj) elif == 'mam-message-received': self._mam_message_received(obj) elif == 'mam-gc-message-received': self._mam_gc_message_received(obj) if obj.encrypted == 'OMEMO': callback(obj) def _mam_gc_message_received(self, event): """ Handles an incoming GC MAM message Payload is decrypted and the plaintext is written into the event object. Afterwards the event is passed on further to Gajim. Parameters ---------- event : MamGcMessageReceivedEvent Returns ------- Return means that the Event is passed on to Gajim """ if != self.account: return # Compatibility for Gajim 1.0.3 if hasattr(event, 'message'): message = event.message else: message = event.msg_ omemo = message.getTag('encrypted', namespace=NS_OMEMO) if omemo is None: return if event.real_jid is None: log.error('%s => Received Groupchat Message without real jid', self.account) return'%s => Groupchat Message received', self.account) msg_dict = unpack_encrypted(omemo) msg_dict['sender_jid'] = JID(event.real_jid).getStripped() plaintext = self.omemo.decrypt_msg(msg_dict) if not plaintext: event.encrypted = 'drop' return self.print_msg_to_log(message) event.msgtxt = plaintext event.encrypted = self.plugin.encryption_name self.add_additional_data(event.additional_data) def _mam_message_received(self, event): """ Handles an incoming MAM message Payload is decrypted and the plaintext is written into the event object. Afterwards the event is passed on further to Gajim. Parameters ---------- event : MamMessageReceivedEvent Returns ------- Return means that the Event is passed on to Gajim """ if != self.account: return # Compatibility for Gajim 1.0.3 if hasattr(event, 'message'): message = event.message else: message = event.msg_ omemo_encrypted_tag = message.getTag('encrypted', namespace=NS_OMEMO) if omemo_encrypted_tag: log.debug('%s => OMEMO MAM msg received', self.account) msg_dict = unpack_encrypted(omemo_encrypted_tag) if msg_dict is None: log.error('Invalid omemo message received:\n%s', message) event.encrypted = 'drop' return msg_dict['sender_jid'] = message.getFrom().getStripped() plaintext = self.omemo.decrypt_msg(msg_dict) if not plaintext: event.encrypted = 'drop' return self.print_msg_to_log(message) event.msgtxt = plaintext event.encrypted = self.plugin.encryption_name self.add_additional_data(event.additional_data) return def _message_received(self, msg): """ Handles an incoming message Payload is decrypted and the plaintext is written into the event object. Afterwards the event is passed on further to Gajim. Parameters ---------- msg : MessageReceivedEvent Returns ------- Return means that the Event is passed on to Gajim """ if != self.account: return if msg.stanza.getTag('encrypted', namespace=NS_OMEMO): log.debug('%s => OMEMO msg received', self.account) if msg.forwarded and msg.sent: from_jid = str(msg.stanza.getTo()) # why gajim? why? log.debug('message was forwarded doing magic') else: from_jid = str(msg.stanza.getFrom()) self.print_msg_to_log(msg.stanza) msg_dict = unpack_encrypted(msg.stanza.getTag ('encrypted', namespace=NS_OMEMO)) if msg.mtype == 'groupchat': address_tag = msg.stanza.getTag('addresses', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_ADDRESS) if address_tag: # History Message from MUC from_jid = address_tag.getTag( 'address', attrs={'type': 'ofrom'}).getAttr('jid') else: try: from_jid = self.groupchat[msg.jid][msg.resource] except KeyError: log.debug('Groupchat: Last resort trying to ' 'find SID in DB') from_jid = \ getJidFromDevice(msg_dict['sid']) if not from_jid: log.error('%s => Cant decrypt GroupChat Message ' 'from %s', self.account, msg.resource) msg.encrypted = 'drop' return self.groupchat[msg.jid][msg.resource] = from_jid log.debug('GroupChat Message from: %s', from_jid) plaintext = '' if msg_dict['sid'] == self.omemo.own_device_id: if msg_dict['payload'] in self.gc_message: plaintext = self.gc_message[msg_dict['payload']] del self.gc_message[msg_dict['payload']] else: log.error('%s => Cant decrypt own GroupChat Message', self.account) msg.encrypted = 'drop' return else: msg_dict['sender_jid'] = app. \ get_jid_without_resource(from_jid) plaintext = self.omemo.decrypt_msg(msg_dict) if not plaintext: msg.encrypted = 'drop' return msg.msgtxt = plaintext # Gajim bug: there must be a body or the message # gets dropped from history msg.stanza.setBody(plaintext) msg.encrypted = self.plugin.encryption_name self.add_additional_data(msg.additional_data) def room_memberlist_received(self, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.error('Room %s Memberlist received: %s', stanza.getFrom(), stanza.getError()) return room_jid = stanza.getFrom().getStripped()'Room %s Memberlist received', room_jid) if room_jid not in self.groupchat: self.groupchat[room_jid] = {} def jid_known(jid): for nick in self.groupchat[room_jid]: if self.groupchat[room_jid][nick] == jid: return True return False items = stanza.getTag( 'query', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_ADMIN).getTags('item') for item in items: if not item.has_attr('jid'): continue try: jid = helpers.parse_jid(item.getAttr('jid')) except helpers.InvalidFormat: log.warning( 'Invalid JID: %s, ignoring it', item.getAttr('jid')) continue if not jid_known(jid): # Add JID with JID because we have no Nick yet self.groupchat[room_jid][jid] = jid'JID Added: %s', jid) if not self.is_contact_in_roster(jid): # Query Devicelists from JIDs not in our Roster'%s not in Roster, query devicelist...', jid) self.query_devicelist(jid) def is_contact_in_roster(self, jid): if jid == self.own_jid: return True contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(self.account, jid) if contact is None: return False return contact.sub == 'both' def gc_presence_received(self, event): if != self.account: return if not hasattr(event, 'real_jid') or not event.real_jid: return room = event.room_jid jid = app.get_jid_without_resource(event.real_jid) nick = event.nick if '303' in event.status_code: # Nick Changed if room in self.groupchat: if nick in self.groupchat[room]: del self.groupchat[room][nick] self.groupchat[room][event.new_nick] = jid log.debug('Nick Change: old: %s, new: %s, jid: %s ', nick, event.new_nick, jid) log.debug('Members after Change: %s', self.groupchat[room]) else: if nick in self.temp_groupchat[room]: del self.temp_groupchat[room][nick] self.temp_groupchat[room][event.new_nick] = jid return if room not in self.groupchat: if room not in self.temp_groupchat: self.temp_groupchat[room] = {} if nick not in self.temp_groupchat[room]: self.temp_groupchat[room][nick] = jid else: # Check if we received JID over Memberlist if jid in self.groupchat[room]: del self.groupchat[room][jid] # Add JID with Nick if nick not in self.groupchat[room]: self.groupchat[room][nick] = jid log.debug('JID Added: %s', jid) if not self.is_contact_in_roster(jid): # Query Devicelists from JIDs not in our Roster'%s not in Roster, query devicelist...', jid) self.query_devicelist(jid) if '100' in event.status_code: # non-anonymous Room (Full JID) if room not in self.groupchat: self.groupchat[room] = self.temp_groupchat[room]'OMEMO capable Room found: %s', room) self.get_affiliation_list(room, 'owner') self.get_affiliation_list(room, 'admin') self.get_affiliation_list(room, 'member') def get_affiliation_list(self, room_jid, affiliation): iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='get', to=room_jid, queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_ADMIN) item = iq.setQuery().setTag('item') item.setAttr('affiliation', affiliation) self.get_con().connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self.room_memberlist_received) def gc_config_changed_received(self, event): if != self.account: return room = event.room_jid if '172' in event.status_code: if room not in self.groupchat: self.groupchat[room] = self.temp_groupchat[room] log.debug('CONFIG CHANGE') log.debug(event.room_jid) log.debug(event.status_code) def gc_encrypt_message(self, conn, event, callback): """ Manipulates the outgoing groupchat stanza The body is getting encrypted Parameters ---------- conn : nbxmpp.NonBlockingClient event : GcStanzaMessageOutgoingEvent callback: func The callback. Its only called if the stanza was encrypted. This prevents any accidental sending of unencrypted messages. """ if != self.account: return try: self.cleanup_stanza(event) if not event.message: callback(event) return to_jid = app.get_jid_without_resource(event.jid) msg_dict = self.omemo.create_gc_msg( self.own_jid, to_jid, event.message.encode('utf8')) if not msg_dict: raise OMEMOError('Error while encrypting') except OMEMOError as error: log.error(error) MessageNotSentEvent( None, conn=conn, jid=event.jid, message=event.message, error=error, time_=time.time(), session=None)) return self.gc_message[msg_dict['payload']] = event.message encrypted_node = OmemoMessage(msg_dict) event.msg_iq.addChild(node=encrypted_node) # XEP-0380: Explicit Message Encryption eme_node = Node('encryption', attrs={'xmlns': NS_EME, 'name': 'OMEMO', 'namespace': NS_OMEMO}) event.msg_iq.addChild(node=eme_node) # Add Message for devices that dont support OMEMO support_msg = _('You received a message encrypted with ' \ 'OMEMO but your client doesnt support OMEMO.') event.msg_iq.setBody(support_msg) # Store Hint for MAM store = Node('store', attrs={'xmlns': NS_HINTS}) event.msg_iq.addChild(node=store) self.print_msg_to_log(event.msg_iq) callback(event) def encrypt_message(self, conn, event, callback): """ Manipulates the outgoing stanza Encrypt the body Parameters ---------- conn : nbxmpp.NonBlockingClient event : StanzaMessageOutgoingEvent callback: func The callback. Its only called if the stanza was encrypted. This prevents any accidental sending of unencrypted messages. """ if != self.account: return try: self.cleanup_stanza(event) if not event.message: callback(event) return to_jid = app.get_jid_without_resource(event.jid) plaintext = event.message.encode('utf8') msg_dict = self.omemo.create_msg(self.own_jid, to_jid, plaintext) if not msg_dict: raise OMEMOError('Error while encrypting') except OMEMOError as error: log.error(error) MessageNotSentEvent( None, conn=conn, jid=event.jid, message=event.message, error=error, time_=time.time(), session=event.session)) return encrypted_node = OmemoMessage(msg_dict) event.msg_iq.addChild(node=encrypted_node) # XEP-0380: Explicit Message Encryption eme_node = Node('encryption', attrs={'xmlns': NS_EME, 'name': 'OMEMO', 'namespace': NS_OMEMO}) event.msg_iq.addChild(node=eme_node) # Store Hint for MAM store = Node('store', attrs={'xmlns': NS_HINTS}) event.msg_iq.addChild(node=store) self.print_msg_to_log(event.msg_iq) event.xhtml = None event.encrypted = self.plugin.encryption_name self.add_additional_data(event.additional_data) callback(event) @staticmethod def cleanup_stanza(obj): ''' We make sure only allowed tags are in the stanza ''' stanza = nbxmpp.Message( to=obj.msg_iq.getTo(), typ=obj.msg_iq.getType()) stanza.setID(obj.stanza_id) stanza.setThread(obj.msg_iq.getThread()) for tag, ns in ALLOWED_TAGS: node = obj.msg_iq.getTag(tag, namespace=ns) if node: stanza.addChild(node=node) obj.msg_iq = stanza def handle_device_list_update(self, event): """ Check if the passed event is a device list update and store the new device ids. Parameters ---------- event : PEPReceivedEvent Returns ------- bool True if the given event was a valid device list update event """ if != self.account: return if event.pep_type != 'omemo-devicelist': return self._handle_device_list_update(None, event.stanza) # Dont propagate event further return True def _handle_device_list_update(self, conn, stanza, fetch_bundle=False): """ Check if the passed event is a device list update and store the new device ids. Parameters ---------- conn : nbxmpp.NonBlockingClient stanza: nbxmpp.Iq fetch_bundle: If True, bundles are fetched for the device ids """ devices_list = list(set(unpack_device_list_update(stanza, self.account))) contact_jid = stanza.getFrom().getStripped() if not devices_list: log.error('%s => Received empty or invalid Devicelist from: %s', self.account, contact_jid) return False if self.get_own_jid().bareMatch(contact_jid):'%s => Received own device list: %s', self.account, devices_list) self.omemo.set_own_devices(devices_list) devices_list, self.own_jid) # remove contact from list, so on send button pressed # we query for bundle and build a session if contact_jid in self.query_for_bundles: self.query_for_bundles.remove(contact_jid) if not self.omemo.own_device_id_published(): # Our own device_id is not in the list, it could be # overwritten by some other client self.publish_own_devices_list() else:'%s => Received device list for %s: %s', self.account, contact_jid, devices_list) self.omemo.set_devices(contact_jid, devices_list) devices_list, contact_jid) # remove contact from list, so on send button pressed # we query for bundle and build a session if contact_jid in self.query_for_bundles: self.query_for_bundles.remove(contact_jid) if fetch_bundle: self.are_keys_missing(contact_jid) # Enable Encryption on receiving first Device List # TODO def publish_own_devices_list(self, new=False): """ Get all currently known own active device ids and publish them Parameters ---------- new : bool if True, a devicelist with only one (the current id of this instance) device id is pushed """ if new: devices_list = [self.omemo.own_device_id] else: devices_list = self.omemo.own_devices devices_list.append(self.omemo.own_device_id) devices_list = list(set(devices_list)) self.omemo.set_own_devices(devices_list)'%s => Publishing own Devices: %s', self.account, devices_list) device_announce = DeviceListAnnouncement(devices_list) self.send_with_callback(device_announce, self.device_list_publish_result) def device_list_publish_result(self, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.error('%s => Publishing devicelist failed: %s', self.account, stanza.getError()) def are_keys_missing(self, contact_jid): """ Checks if devicekeys are missing and querys the bundles Parameters ---------- contact_jid : str bare jid of the contact Returns ------- bool Returns True if there are no trusted Fingerprints """ # Fetch Bundles of own other Devices if self.own_jid not in self.query_for_bundles: devices_without_session = self.omemo \ .devices_without_sessions(self.own_jid) self.query_for_bundles.append(self.own_jid) if devices_without_session: for device_id in devices_without_session: self.fetch_device_bundle_information(self.own_jid, device_id) # Fetch Bundles of contacts devices if contact_jid not in self.query_for_bundles: devices_without_session = self.omemo \ .devices_without_sessions(contact_jid) self.query_for_bundles.append(contact_jid) if devices_without_session: for device_id in devices_without_session: self.fetch_device_bundle_information(contact_jid, device_id) if self.omemo.getTrustedFingerprints(contact_jid): return False return True def fetch_device_bundle_information(self, jid, device_id): """ Fetch bundle information for specified jid, key, and create axolotl session on success. Parameters ---------- jid : str The jid to query for bundle information device_id : int The device id for which we want the bundle """'%s => Fetch bundle device %s#%s', self.account, device_id, jid) bundle_query = BundleInformationQuery(jid, device_id) self.send_with_callback(bundle_query, self.session_from_prekey_bundle, {'jid': jid, 'device_id': device_id}) def session_from_prekey_bundle(self, conn, stanza, jid, device_id): """ Starts a session from a PreKey bundle. This method tries to build an axolotl session when a PreKey bundle is fetched. If a session can not be build it will fail silently but log the a warning. Parameters ---------- conn : nbxmpp.NonBlockingClient stanza : nbxmpp.Iq The stanza jid : str Jid of the contact device_id : int The device id """ bundle_dict = unpack_device_bundle(stanza, device_id) if not bundle_dict: log.warning('Failed to build Session with %s', jid) return if self.omemo.build_session(jid, device_id, bundle_dict):'%s => session created for: %s', self.account, jid) # Trigger dialog to trust new Fingerprints if # the Chat Window is Open ctrl = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control( jid, self.account) if ctrl: self.plugin.new_fingerprints_available(ctrl) def query_devicelist(self, jid=None, fetch_bundle=False): """ Query own devicelist from the server """ if jid in self.query_for_devicelists: return if jid is None: device_query = DevicelistQuery(self.own_jid)'%s => Querry own devicelist ...', self.account) self.send_with_callback(device_query, self.handle_devicelist_result) else: device_query = DevicelistQuery(jid)'%s => Querry devicelist from %s', self.account, jid) self.send_with_callback(device_query, self._handle_device_list_update, data={'fetch_bundle': fetch_bundle}) self.query_for_devicelists.append(jid) def publish_bundle(self): """ Publish our bundle information to the PEP node """ bundle_announce = BundleInformationAnnouncement( self.omemo.bundle, self.omemo.own_device_id)'%s => Publishing bundle ...', self.account) self.send_with_callback(bundle_announce, self.handle_publish_result) def handle_publish_result(self, stanza): """ Log if publishing our bundle was successful Parameters ---------- stanza : nbxmpp.Iq The stanza """ if successful(stanza):'%s => Publishing bundle was successful', self.account) else: log.error('%s => Publishing bundle was NOT successful', self.account) def handle_devicelist_result(self, stanza): """ If query was successful add own device to the list. Parameters ---------- stanza : nbxmpp.Iq The stanza """ if successful(stanza): devices_list = list(set(unpack_device_list_update(stanza, self.account))) if not devices_list: self.publish_own_devices_list(new=True) return self.omemo.set_own_devices(devices_list) devices_list, self.own_jid)'%s => Devicelistquery was successful', self.account) if not self.omemo.own_device_id_published(): # Our own device_id is not in the list, it could be # overwritten by some other client self.publish_own_devices_list() else: log.error('%s => Devicelistquery was NOT successful: %s', self.account, stanza.getError()) self.publish_own_devices_list(new=True) def clear_device_list(self): """ Overwrite the current devicelist on the server with only our device id. """ if not app.account_is_connected(self.account): return devices_list = [self.omemo.own_device_id] self.omemo.set_own_devices(devices_list)'%s => Clearing devices_list %s', self.account, devices_list) device_announce = DeviceListAnnouncement(devices_list) self.send_with_callback(device_announce, self.clear_device_list_result) @staticmethod def clear_device_list_result(stanza): @staticmethod def print_msg_to_log(stanza): """ Prints a stanza in a fancy way to the log """ log.debug('-'*15) stanzastr = '\n' + stanza.__str__(fancy=True) stanzastr = stanzastr[0:-1] log.debug(stanzastr) log.debug('-'*15) def add_additional_data(self, data): data['encrypted'] = {'name': self.plugin.encryption_name} class OMEMOError(Exception): pass