# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from __future__ import annotations from typing import cast import json from pathlib import Path from functools import partial from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gtk from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim.gui.message_actions_box import MessageActionsBox from gajim.gui.message_input import MessageInputTextView from gajim.plugins import GajimPlugin from gajim.plugins.plugins_i18n import _ from quick_replies.quick_replies import DEFAULT_DATA from quick_replies.gtk.config import ConfigDialog class QuickRepliesPlugin(GajimPlugin): def init(self) -> None: self.description = _('Adds a menu with customizable quick replies') self.config_dialog = partial(ConfigDialog, self) self.gui_extension_points = { 'message_actions_box': (self._message_actions_box_created, None), } self._button = None self.quick_replies = self._load_quick_replies() def deactivate(self) -> None: assert self._button is not None self._button.destroy() del self._button def _message_actions_box_created(self, message_actions_box: MessageActionsBox, gtk_box: Gtk.Box ) -> None: self._button = QuickRepliesButton( self, message_actions_box.msg_textview) gtk_box.pack_start(self._button, False, False, 0) self._button.show() @staticmethod def _load_quick_replies() -> list[str]: try: data_path = Path(configpaths.get('PLUGINS_DATA')) except KeyError: # PLUGINS_DATA was added in return DEFAULT_DATA path = data_path / 'quick_replies' / 'quick_replies' if not path.exists(): return DEFAULT_DATA with path.open('r') as file: quick_replies = json.load(file) return quick_replies @staticmethod def _save_quick_replies(quick_replies: list[str]) -> None: try: data_path = Path(configpaths.get('PLUGINS_DATA')) except KeyError: # PLUGINS_DATA was added in return path = data_path / 'quick_replies' if not path.exists(): path.mkdir(parents=True) filepath = path / 'quick_replies' with filepath.open('w') as file: json.dump(quick_replies, file) def set_quick_replies(self, quick_replies: list[str]) -> None: self.quick_replies = quick_replies self._save_quick_replies(quick_replies) assert self._button is not None self._button.update_menu() class QuickRepliesButton(Gtk.MenuButton): def __init__(self, plugin: QuickRepliesPlugin, message_input: MessageInputTextView ) -> None: Gtk.MenuButton.__init__(self) self.get_style_context().add_class('chatcontrol-actionbar-button') self.set_property('relief', Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE) self.set_can_focus(False) plugin_path = Path(__file__).parent img_path = plugin_path.resolve() / 'quick_replies.png' img = Gtk.Image.new_from_file(str(img_path)) self.set_image(img) self.set_tooltip_text(_('Quick Replies')) self._plugin = plugin self._message_input = message_input self._menu = Gio.Menu() self._popover = Gtk.Popover() self._popover.bind_model(self._menu) self.set_popover(self._popover) self.update_menu() def update_menu(self) -> None: self._menu.remove_all() # Add config item action_data = GLib.Variant('s', 'plugin-configuration') menu_item = Gio.MenuItem() menu_item.set_label(_('Manage Replies…')) menu_item.set_attribute_value('action-data', action_data) self._menu.append_item(menu_item) # Add quick replies for reply in self._plugin.quick_replies: assert isinstance(reply, str) action_data = GLib.Variant('s', reply) menu_item = Gio.MenuItem() menu_item.set_label(reply) menu_item.set_attribute_value('action-data', action_data) self._menu.append_item(menu_item) menu_buttons = self._get_menu_buttons() for button in menu_buttons: button.connect( 'clicked', self._on_button_clicked, menu_buttons.index(button)) def _on_button_clicked(self, _button: Gtk.MenuButton, index: int) -> None: variant = self._menu.get_item_attribute_value( index, 'action-data') if variant.get_string() == 'plugin-configuration': self._popover.popdown() self._plugin.config_dialog(app.window) return message_buffer = self._message_input.get_buffer() message_buffer.insert_at_cursor(variant.get_string().rstrip() + ' ') self._popover.popdown() self._message_input.grab_focus() def _get_menu_buttons(self) -> list[Gtk.ModelButton]: stack = cast(Gtk.Stack, self._popover.get_children()[0]) menu_section_box = cast(Gtk.Box, stack.get_children()[0]) box = cast(Gtk.Box, menu_section_box.get_children()[0]) items = cast(list[Gtk.ModelButton], box.get_children()) return items