# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## import os import hashlib import binascii import logging import math from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.parse import unquote from io import BytesIO import shutil from functools import partial from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GLib, GdkPixbuf from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim import dialogs from gajim import gtkgui_helpers from gajim.plugins import GajimPlugin from gajim.plugins.helpers import log_calls from gajim.plugins.plugins_i18n import _ from url_image_preview.http_functions import get_http_head, get_http_file from url_image_preview.config_dialog import UrlImagePreviewConfigDialog from gajim.gtk.filechoosers import FileSaveDialog from gajim.gtk.util import get_cursor log = logging.getLogger('gajim.p.preview') ERROR_MSG = None try: from PIL import Image from url_image_preview.resize_gif import resize_gif except: log.debug('Pillow not available') ERROR_MSG = 'Please install python-pillow' try: if os.name == 'nt': from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl import backend else: from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes import GCM decryption_available = True except Exception: DEP_MSG = 'For preview of encrypted images, ' \ 'please install python-cryptography!' log.exception('Error') log.info('Decryption/Encryption disabled due to errors') decryption_available = False ACCEPTED_MIME_TYPES = ('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/raw', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/x-ms-bmp') class UrlImagePreviewPlugin(GajimPlugin): @log_calls('UrlImagePreviewPlugin') def init(self): if ERROR_MSG: self.activatable = False self.available_text = ERROR_MSG self.config_dialog = None return if not decryption_available: self.available_text = DEP_MSG self.config_dialog = partial(UrlImagePreviewConfigDialog, self) self.gui_extension_points = { 'chat_control_base': (self.connect_with_chat_control, self.disconnect_from_chat_control), 'history_window': (self.connect_with_history, self.disconnect_from_history), 'print_real_text': (self.print_real_text, None), } self.config_default_values = { 'PREVIEW_SIZE': (150, 'Preview size(10-512)'), 'MAX_FILE_SIZE': (5242880, 'Max file size for image preview'), 'ALLOW_ALL_IMAGES': (False, ''), 'LEFTCLICK_ACTION': ('open_menuitem', 'Open'), 'ANONYMOUS_MUC': (False, ''), 'GEO_PREVIEW_PROVIDER': ('Google', 'Google Maps'), 'VERIFY': (True, ''),} self.controls = {} self.history_window_control = None @log_calls('UrlImagePreviewPlugin') def connect_with_chat_control(self, chat_control): account = chat_control.contact.account.name jid = chat_control.contact.jid if account not in self.controls: self.controls[account] = {} self.controls[account][jid] = Base(self, chat_control.conv_textview) @log_calls('UrlImagePreviewPlugin') def disconnect_from_chat_control(self, chat_control): account = chat_control.contact.account.name jid = chat_control.contact.jid self.controls[account][jid].deinit_handlers() del self.controls[account][jid] @log_calls('UrlImagePreviewPlugin') def connect_with_history(self, history_window): if self.history_window_control: self.history_window_control.deinit_handlers() self.history_window_control = Base( self, history_window.history_textview) @log_calls('UrlImagePreviewPlugin') def disconnect_from_history(self, history_window): if self.history_window_control: self.history_window_control.deinit_handlers() self.history_window_control = None def print_real_text(self, tv, real_text, text_tags, graphics, iter_, additional_data): if tv.used_in_history_window and self.history_window_control: self.history_window_control.print_real_text( real_text, text_tags, graphics, iter_, additional_data) account = tv.account for jid in self.controls[account]: if self.controls[account][jid].textview != tv: continue self.controls[account][jid].print_real_text( real_text, text_tags, graphics, iter_, additional_data) return class Base(object): def __init__(self, plugin, textview): self.plugin = plugin self.textview = textview self.handlers = {} self.directory = os.path.join(configpaths.get('MY_DATA'), 'downloads') self.thumbpath = os.path.join(configpaths.get('MY_CACHE'), 'downloads.thumb') try: self._create_path(self.directory) self._create_path(self.thumbpath) except Exception: log.error("Error creating download and/or thumbnail folder!") raise def deinit_handlers(self): # remove all register handlers on wigets, created by self.xml # to prevent circular references among objects for i in list(self.handlers.keys()): if self.handlers[i].handler_is_connected(i): self.handlers[i].disconnect(i) del self.handlers[i] def print_real_text(self, real_text, text_tags, graphics, iter_, additional_data): if len(real_text.split(' ')) > 1: # urlparse dont recognises spaces as URL delimiter log.debug('Url with text will not be displayed: %s', real_text) return urlparts = urlparse(unquote(real_text)) if not self._accept_uri(urlparts, real_text, additional_data): return # Don't print the URL in the message window (in the calling function) self.textview.plugin_modified = True buffer_ = self.textview.tv.get_buffer() if not iter_: iter_ = buffer_.get_end_iter() # Show URL, until image is loaded (if ever) ttt = buffer_.get_tag_table() repl_start = buffer_.create_mark(None, iter_, True) buffer_.insert_with_tags(iter_, real_text, *[(ttt.lookup(t) if isinstance(t, str) else t) for t in ["url"]]) repl_end = buffer_.create_mark(None, iter_, True) # Handle geo:-URIs if real_text.startswith('geo:'): if self.plugin.config['GEO_PREVIEW_PROVIDER'] == 'no_preview': return size = self.plugin.config['PREVIEW_SIZE'] geo_provider = self.plugin.config['GEO_PREVIEW_PROVIDER'] key = '' iv = '' encrypted = False ext = '.png' color = 'blue' zoom = 16 location = real_text[4:] lat, _, lon = location.partition(',') if lon == '': return filename = 'location_' + geo_provider + '_' \ + location.replace(',', '_').replace('.', '-') newfilename = filename + ext thumbfilename = filename + '_thumb_' \ + str(self.plugin.config['PREVIEW_SIZE']) + ext filepath = os.path.join(self.directory, newfilename) thumbpath = os.path.join(self.thumbpath, thumbfilename) filepaths = [filepath, thumbpath] # Google if geo_provider == 'Google': url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?' \ 'center={}&zoom={}&size={}x{}&markers=color:{}' \ '|label:.|{}'.format(location, zoom, size, size, color, location) weburl = 'https://www.google.com/maps/place/{}' \ .format(location) real_text = url else: # OpenStreetMap / MapQuest apikey = 'F7x36jLVv2hiANVAXmhwvUB044XvGASh' url = 'https://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v4/' \ 'getmap?key={}¢er={}&zoom={}&size={},{}&type=map' \ '&imagetype=png&pois={},{}&scalebar=false' \ .format(apikey, location, zoom, size, size, color, location) weburl = 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/' \ '?mlat={}&mlon={}#map={}/{}/{}&layers=N' \ .format(lat, lon, zoom, lat, lon) real_text = url else: weburl = real_text filename = os.path.basename(urlparts.path) ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] if len(name) > 90: # Many Filesystems have a limit on filename length # Most have 255, some encrypted ones only 143 # We add around 50 chars for the hash, # so the filename should not exceed 90 name = name[:90] namehash = hashlib.sha1(real_text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() newfilename = name + '_' + namehash + ext thumbfilename = name + '_' + namehash + '_thumb_' \ + str(self.plugin.config['PREVIEW_SIZE']) + ext filepath = os.path.join(self.directory, newfilename) thumbpath = os.path.join(self.thumbpath, thumbfilename) filepaths = [filepath, thumbpath] key = '' iv = '' encrypted = False if urlparts.fragment: fragment = binascii.unhexlify(urlparts.fragment) key = fragment[16:] iv = fragment[:16] if len(key) == 32 and len(iv) == 16: encrypted = True if not encrypted: key = fragment[12:] iv = fragment[:12] if len(key) == 32 and len(iv) == 12: encrypted = True # file exists but thumbnail got deleted if os.path.exists(filepath) and not os.path.exists(thumbpath): if urlparts.scheme == 'geo': real_text = weburl with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: mem = f.read() app.thread_interface( self._save_thumbnail, [thumbpath, mem], self._update_img, [real_text, repl_start, repl_end, filepath, encrypted]) # display thumbnail if already downloadeded # (but only if file also exists) elif os.path.exists(filepath) and os.path.exists(thumbpath): if urlparts.scheme == 'geo': real_text = weburl app.thread_interface( self._load_thumbnail, [thumbpath], self._update_img, [real_text, repl_start, repl_end, filepath, encrypted]) # or download file, calculate thumbnail and finally display it else: if encrypted and not decryption_available: log.debug('Please install Crytography to decrypt pictures') else: # First get the http head request # which does not fetch data, just headers # then check the mime type and filesize if urlparts.scheme == 'aesgcm': real_text = 'https://' + real_text[9:] verify = self.plugin.config['VERIFY'] app.thread_interface( get_http_head, [self.textview.account, real_text, verify], self._check_mime_size, [real_text, weburl, repl_start, repl_end, filepaths, key, iv, encrypted]) def _accept_uri(self, urlparts, real_text, additional_data): try: oob_url = additional_data["gajim"]["oob_url"] except (KeyError, AttributeError): oob_url = None if not urlparts.netloc: log.info('No netloc found in URL %s', real_text) return False # geo if urlparts.scheme == "geo": if self.plugin.config['GEO_PREVIEW_PROVIDER'] == 'no_preview': log.info('geo: link preview is disabled') return False return True # aesgcm if urlparts.scheme == 'aesgcm': return True # https if urlparts.scheme == 'https': if real_text == oob_url or self.plugin.config['ALLOW_ALL_IMAGES']: return True log.info('Incorrect oob data found') return False log.info('Not supported URI scheme found: %s', real_text) return False def _save_thumbnail(self, thumbpath, mem): size = self.plugin.config['PREVIEW_SIZE'] try: loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader() loader.write(mem) loader.close() if loader.get_format().get_name() == 'gif': pixbuf = loader.get_animation() else: pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() except GLib.GError as error: log.info('Failed to load image using Gdk.Pixbuf') log.debug(error) # Try Pillow image = Image.open(BytesIO(mem)).convert("RGBA") array = GLib.Bytes.new(image.tobytes()) width, height = image.size pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_bytes( array, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8, width, height, width * 4) try: self._create_path(os.path.dirname(thumbpath)) thumbnail = pixbuf if isinstance(pixbuf, GdkPixbuf.PixbufAnimation): if size < pixbuf.get_width() or size < pixbuf.get_height(): resize_gif(mem, thumbpath, (size, size)) thumbnail = self._load_thumbnail(thumbpath) else: self._write_file(thumbpath, mem) else: width, height = self._get_thumbnail_size(pixbuf, size) thumbnail = pixbuf.scale_simple( width, height, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR) thumbnail.savev(thumbpath, 'png', [], []) except Exception as error: GLib.idle_add( self._raise_error_dialog, _('Could not save file'), _('Exception raised while saving thumbnail ' 'for image file (see error log for more ' 'information)')) log.exception(error) return return thumbnail @staticmethod def _get_thumbnail_size(pixbuf, size): # Calculates the new thumbnail size while preserving the aspect ratio image_width = pixbuf.get_width() image_height = pixbuf.get_height() if image_width > image_height: if image_width > size: image_height = math.ceil((size / float(image_width) * image_height)) image_width = int(size) else: if image_height > size: image_width = math.ceil((size / float(image_height) * image_width)) image_height = int(size) return image_width, image_height @staticmethod def _load_thumbnail(thumbpath): ext = os.path.splitext(thumbpath)[1] if ext == '.gif': return GdkPixbuf.PixbufAnimation.new_from_file(thumbpath) return GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(thumbpath) @staticmethod def _write_file(path, data): log.info("Writing '%s' of size %d...", path, len(data)) try: with open(path, "wb") as output_file: output_file.write(data) output_file.closed except Exception as e: log.error("Failed to write file '%s'!", path) raise def _get_at_end(self): try: # Gajim 1.0.0 return self.textview.at_the_end() except AttributeError: # Gajim 1.0.1 return self.textview.autoscroll def _scroll_to_end(self): try: # Gajim 1.0.0 self.textview.scroll_to_end_iter() except AttributeError: # Gajim 1.0.1 self.textview.scroll_to_end() def _update_img(self, pixbuf, url, repl_start, repl_end, filepath, encrypted): if pixbuf is None: # If image could not be downloaded, URL is already displayed log.error('Could not download image for URL: %s', url) return urlparts = urlparse(unquote(url)) filename = os.path.basename(urlparts.path) if os.path.basename(filepath).startswith('location_'): filename = os.path.basename(filepath) def add_to_textview(): try: at_end = self._get_at_end() buffer_ = repl_start.get_buffer() iter_ = buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(repl_start) buffer_.insert(iter_, "\n") anchor = buffer_.create_child_anchor(iter_) anchor.plaintext = url image = self._create_clickable_image(pixbuf, url) self.textview.tv.add_child_at_anchor(image, anchor) buffer_.delete(iter_, buffer_.get_iter_at_mark(repl_end)) image.connect( 'button-press-event', self.on_button_press_event, filepath, filename, url, encrypted) image.get_window().set_cursor(get_cursor('HAND2')) if at_end: self._scroll_to_end() except Exception as ex: log.exception("Exception while loading %s: %s", url, ex) return False # add to mainloop --> make call threadsafe GLib.idle_add(add_to_textview) def _create_clickable_image(self, pixbuf, url): if isinstance(pixbuf, GdkPixbuf.PixbufAnimation): image = Gtk.Image.new_from_animation(pixbuf) else: image = Gtk.Image.new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) css = '''#Preview { box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 0px alpha(@theme_text_color, 0.2); margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px; }''' gtkgui_helpers.add_css_to_widget(image, css) image.set_name('Preview') event_box = Gtk.EventBox() event_box.set_tooltip_text(url) event_box.add(image) event_box.show_all() return event_box def _check_mime_size(self, tuple_arg, url, weburl, repl_start, repl_end, filepaths, key, iv, encrypted): file_mime, file_size = tuple_arg # Check if mime type is acceptable if not file_mime or not file_size: log.info("Failed to load HEAD Request for URL: '%s' " "mime: %s, size: %s", url, file_mime, file_size) # URL is already displayed return if file_mime.lower() not in ACCEPTED_MIME_TYPES: log.info("Not accepted mime type '%s' for URL: '%s'", file_mime.lower(), url) # URL is already displayed return # Check if file size is acceptable max_size = int(self.plugin.config['MAX_FILE_SIZE']) if file_size > max_size or file_size == 0: log.info("File size (%s) too big or unknown (zero) for URL: '%s'", file_size, url) # URL is already displayed return attributes = {'src': url, 'verify': self.plugin.config['VERIFY'], 'max_size': max_size, 'filepaths': filepaths, 'key': key, 'iv': iv} app.thread_interface( self._download_image, [self.textview.account, attributes, encrypted], self._update_img, [weburl, repl_start, repl_end, filepaths[0], encrypted]) def _download_image(self, account, attributes, encrypted): filepath = attributes['filepaths'][0] thumbpath = attributes['filepaths'][1] key = attributes['key'] iv = attributes['iv'] mem, alt = get_http_file(account, attributes) # Decrypt file if necessary if encrypted: mem = self._aes_decrypt_fast(key, iv, mem) try: # Write file to harddisk self._write_file(filepath, mem) except Exception as e: GLib.idle_add( self._raise_error_dialog, _('Could not save file'), _('Exception raised while saving image file' ' (see error log for more information)')) log.error(str(e)) # Create thumbnail, write it to harddisk and return it return self._save_thumbnail(thumbpath, mem) def _create_path(self, folder): if os.path.exists(folder): return log.debug("creating folder '%s'" % folder) os.mkdir(folder, 0o700) def _aes_decrypt_fast(self, key, iv, payload): # Use AES128 GCM with the given key and iv to decrypt the payload. if os.name == 'nt': be = backend else: be = default_backend() data = payload[:-16] tag = payload[-16:] decryptor = Cipher( algorithms.AES(key), GCM(iv, tag=tag), backend=be).decryptor() return decryptor.update(data) + decryptor.finalize() def make_rightclick_menu(self, event, data): xml = Gtk.Builder() xml.set_translation_domain('gajim_plugins') xml.add_from_file(self.plugin.local_file_path('context_menu.ui')) menu = xml.get_object('context_menu') open_menuitem = xml.get_object('open_menuitem') save_as_menuitem = xml.get_object('save_as_menuitem') copy_link_location_menuitem = \ xml.get_object('copy_link_location_menuitem') open_link_in_browser_menuitem = \ xml.get_object('open_link_in_browser_menuitem') open_file_in_browser_menuitem = \ xml.get_object('open_file_in_browser_menuitem') extras_separator = \ xml.get_object('extras_separator') if data["encrypted"]: open_link_in_browser_menuitem.hide() if app.config.get('autodetect_browser_mailer') \ or app.config.get('custombrowser') == '': extras_separator.hide() open_file_in_browser_menuitem.hide() id_ = open_menuitem.connect( 'activate', self.on_open_menuitem_activate, data) self.handlers[id_] = open_menuitem id_ = save_as_menuitem.connect( 'activate', self.on_save_as_menuitem_activate_new, data) self.handlers[id_] = save_as_menuitem id_ = copy_link_location_menuitem.connect( 'activate', self.on_copy_link_location_menuitem_activate, data) self.handlers[id_] = copy_link_location_menuitem id_ = open_link_in_browser_menuitem.connect( 'activate', self.on_open_link_in_browser_menuitem_activate, data) self.handlers[id_] = open_link_in_browser_menuitem id_ = open_file_in_browser_menuitem.connect( 'activate', self.on_open_file_in_browser_menuitem_activate, data) self.handlers[id_] = open_file_in_browser_menuitem return menu def on_open_menuitem_activate(self, menu, data): filepath = data["filepath"] original_filename = data["original_filename"] url = data["url"] if original_filename.startswith('location_'): helpers.launch_browser_mailer('url', url) return helpers.launch_file_manager(filepath) def on_save_as_menuitem_activate_new(self, menu, data): filepath = data["filepath"] original_filename = data["original_filename"] def on_ok(target_path): dirname = os.path.dirname(target_path) if not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK): dialogs.ErrorDialog( _('Directory "%s" is not writable') % dirname, _('You do not have permission to ' 'create files in this directory.')) return shutil.copy(filepath, target_path) FileSaveDialog(on_ok, path=app.config.get('last_save_dir'), file_name=original_filename, transient_for=app.app.get_active_window()) def on_copy_link_location_menuitem_activate(self, menu, data): url = data["url"] clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) clipboard.set_text(url, -1) clipboard.store() def on_open_link_in_browser_menuitem_activate(self, menu, data): url = data["url"] if data["encrypted"]: dialogs.ErrorDialog( _('Encrypted file'), _('You cannot open encrypted files in your ' 'browser directly. Try "Open Downloaded File ' 'in Browser" instead.'), transient_for=app.app.get_active_window()) else: helpers.launch_browser_mailer('url', url) def on_open_file_in_browser_menuitem_activate(self, menu, data): if os.name == "nt": filepath = "file://" + os.path.abspath(data["filepath"]) else: filepath = "file://" + data["filepath"] if app.config.get('autodetect_browser_mailer') \ or app.config.get('custombrowser') == '': dialogs.ErrorDialog( _('Cannot open downloaded file in browser'), _('You have to set a custom browser executable ' 'in your gajim settings for this to work.'), transient_for=app.app.get_active_window()) return command = app.config.get('custombrowser') command = helpers.build_command(command, filepath) try: helpers.exec_command(command) except Exception: pass def on_button_press_event(self, eb, event, filepath, original_filename, url, encrypted): data = {"filepath": filepath, "original_filename": original_filename, "url": url, "encrypted": encrypted} # left click if event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: method = getattr(self, "on_" + self.plugin.config['LEFTCLICK_ACTION'] + "_activate") method(event, data) # right klick elif event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 3: menu = self.make_rightclick_menu(event, data) # menu.attach_to_widget(self.tv, None) # menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) menu.popup_at_pointer(event) @staticmethod def _raise_error_dialog(pritext, sectext): # Used by methods that run in a different thread dialogs.ErrorDialog(pritext, sectext, transient_for=app.app.get_active_window()) def disconnect_from_chat_control(self): pass