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Diffstat (limited to 'src/common/GnuPGInterface.py')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/GnuPGInterface.py b/src/common/GnuPGInterface.py
index c026d6d6c..d91f776e3 100644
--- a/src/common/GnuPGInterface.py
+++ b/src/common/GnuPGInterface.py
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ Process object, which contains the filehandles to talk to GnuPG with.
Example code:
>>> import GnuPGInterface
>>> plaintext = "Three blind mice"
>>> passphrase = "This is the passphrase"
>>> gnupg = GnuPGInterface.GnuPG()
>>> gnupg.options.armor = 1
>>> gnupg.options.meta_interactive = 0
>>> gnupg.options.extra_args.append('--no-secmem-warning')
>>> # Normally we might specify something in
>>> # gnupg.options.recipients, like
>>> # gnupg.options.recipients = [ '0xABCD1234', 'bob@foo.bar' ]
@@ -55,39 +55,39 @@ Example code:
>>> # If you are doing standard, public-key encryption, using
>>> # --encrypt, you will need to specify recipients before
>>> # calling gnupg.run()
>>> # First we'll encrypt the test_text input symmetrically
>>> p1 = gnupg.run(['--symmetric'],
... create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout', 'passphrase'])
>>> p1.handles['passphrase'].write(passphrase)
>>> p1.handles['passphrase'].close()
>>> p1.handles['stdin'].write(plaintext)
>>> p1.handles['stdin'].close()
>>> ciphertext = p1.handles['stdout'].read()
>>> p1.handles['stdout'].close()
>>> # process cleanup
>>> p1.wait()
>>> # Now we'll decrypt what we just encrypted it,
>>> # using the convience method to get the
>>> # passphrase to GnuPG
>>> gnupg.passphrase = passphrase
>>> p2 = gnupg.run(['--decrypt'], create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout'])
>>> p2.handles['stdin'].write(ciphertext)
>>> p2.handles['stdin'].close()
>>> decrypted_plaintext = p2.handles['stdout'].read()
>>> p2.handles['stdout'].close()
>>> # process cleanup
>>> p2.wait()
>>> # Our decrypted plaintext:
>>> decrypted_plaintext
'Three blind mice'
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ Example code:
>>> ##################################################
>>> # Now let's trying using run()'s attach_fhs paramter
>>> # we're assuming we're running on a unix...
>>> input = open('/etc/motd')
>>> p1 = gnupg.run(['--symmetric'], create_fhs=['stdout'],
... attach_fhs={'stdin': input})
@@ -111,26 +111,26 @@ Example code:
>>> # process cleanup
>>> p1.wait()
>>> # Now let's run the output through GnuPG
>>> # We'll write the output to a temporary file,
>>> import tempfile
>>> temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
>>> p2 = gnupg.run(['--decrypt'], create_fhs=['stdin'],
... attach_fhs={'stdout': temp})
>>> # give GnuPG our encrypted stuff from the first run
>>> p2.handles['stdin'].write(ciphertext)
>>> p2.handles['stdin'].close()
>>> # process cleanup
>>> p2.wait()
>>> # rewind the tempfile and see what GnuPG gave us
>>> temp.seek(0)
>>> decrypted_plaintext = temp.read()
>>> # compare what GnuPG decrypted with our original input
>>> input.seek(0)
>>> input_data = input.read()
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ so that it has an encrypt_string() method that returns
>>> import GnuPGInterface
>>> class MyGnuPG(GnuPGInterface.GnuPG):
... def __init__(self):
@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ ciphertext.
... def encrypt_string(self, string, recipients):
... gnupg.options.recipients = recipients # a list!
... proc = gnupg.run(['--encrypt'], create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout'])
... proc.handles['stdin'].write(string)
... proc.handles['stdin'].close()
... output = proc.handles['stdout'].read()
... proc.handles['stdout'].close()
@@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ Here is an example of generating a key:
>>> # but we capture logger to surpress the dry-run command.
>>> # We also have to capture stdout since otherwise doctest complains;
>>> # Normally you can let stdout through when generating a key.
>>> proc = gnupg.run(['--gen-key'], create_fhs=['stdin', 'stdout',
... 'logger'])
>>> proc.handles['stdin'].write('''Key-Type: DSA
... Key-Length: 1024
... # We are only testing syntax this time, so dry-run
@@ -212,12 +212,12 @@ Here is an example of generating a key:
... %pubring foo.pub
... %secring foo.sec
... ''')
>>> proc.handles['stdin'].close()
>>> report = proc.handles['logger'].read()
>>> proc.handles['logger'].close()
>>> proc.wait()
@@ -250,21 +250,21 @@ _fd_options = { 'passphrase': '--passphrase-fd',
class GnuPG:
"""Class instances represent GnuPG.
Instance attributes of a GnuPG object are:
* call -- string to call GnuPG with. Defaults to "gpg"
* passphrase -- Since it is a common operation
to pass in a passphrase to GnuPG,
and working with the passphrase filehandle mechanism directly
can be mundane, if set, the passphrase attribute
- works in a special manner. If the passphrase attribute is set,
+ works in a special manner. If the passphrase attribute is set,
and no passphrase file object is sent in to run(),
then GnuPG instnace will take care of sending the passphrase to
GnuPG, the executable instead of having the user sent it in manually.
- * options -- Object of type GnuPGInterface.Options.
+ * options -- Object of type GnuPGInterface.Options.
Attribute-setting in options determines
the command-line options used when calling GnuPG.
@@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ class GnuPG:
self.call = 'gpg'
self.passphrase = None
self.options = Options()
def run(self, gnupg_commands, args=None, create_fhs=None, attach_fhs=None):
"""Calls GnuPG with the list of string commands gnupg_commands,
complete with prefixing dashes.
For example, gnupg_commands could be
'["--sign", "--encrypt"]'
Returns a GnuPGInterface.Process object.
args is an optional list of GnuPG command arguments (not options),
such as keyID's to export, filenames to process, etc.
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class GnuPG:
'handles' attribute. The generated filehandles can be used
to communicate with GnuPG via standard input, standard output,
the status-fd, passphrase-fd, etc.
Valid GnuPG filehandle names are:
* stdin
* stdout
@@ -298,10 +298,10 @@ class GnuPG:
* passphase
* command
* logger
The purpose of each filehandle is described in the GnuPG
attach_fhs is an optional dictionary with GnuPG filehandle
names mapping to opened files. GnuPG will read or write
to the file accordingly. For example, if 'my_file' is an
@@ -309,21 +309,21 @@ class GnuPG:
will read its standard input from my_file. This is useful
if you want GnuPG to read/write to/from an existing file.
For instance:
f = open("encrypted.gpg")
gnupg.run(["--decrypt"], attach_fhs={'stdin': f})
Using attach_fhs also helps avoid system buffering
issues that can arise when using create_fhs, which
can cause the process to deadlock.
If not mentioned in create_fhs or attach_fhs,
GnuPG filehandles which are a std* (stdin, stdout, stderr)
are defaulted to the running process' version of handle.
Otherwise, that type of handle is simply not used when calling GnuPG.
For example, if you do not care about getting data from GnuPG's
status filehandle, simply do not specify it.
run() returns a Process() object which has a 'handles'
which is a dictionary mapping from the handle name
(such as 'stdin' or 'stdout') to the respective
@@ -331,47 +331,47 @@ class GnuPG:
For instance, if the call was
process = gnupg.run(["--decrypt"], stdin=1)
after run returns 'process.handles["stdin"]'
is a FileObject connected to GnuPG's standard input,
and can be written to.
if args is None: args = []
if create_fhs is None: create_fhs = []
if attach_fhs is None: attach_fhs = {}
for std in _stds:
if std not in attach_fhs \
and std not in create_fhs:
attach_fhs.setdefault(std, getattr(sys, std))
handle_passphrase = 0
if self.passphrase is not None \
and 'passphrase' not in attach_fhs \
and 'passphrase' not in create_fhs:
handle_passphrase = 1
process = self._attach_fork_exec(gnupg_commands, args,
create_fhs, attach_fhs)
if handle_passphrase:
passphrase_fh = process.handles['passphrase']
passphrase_fh.write( self.passphrase )
del process.handles['passphrase']
return process
def _attach_fork_exec(self, gnupg_commands, args, create_fhs, attach_fhs):
"""This is like run(), but without the passphrase-helping
(note that run() calls this)."""
process = Process()
for fh_name in create_fhs + attach_fhs.keys():
if fh_name not in _fd_modes:
raise KeyError, \
@@ -393,26 +393,26 @@ class GnuPG:
# if we are writing
if _fd_modes[fh_name] == 'w': pipe = (pipe[1], pipe[0])
process._pipes[fh_name] = Pipe(pipe[0], pipe[1], 0)
for fh_name, fh in attach_fhs.items():
process._pipes[fh_name] = Pipe(fh.fileno(), fh.fileno(), 1)
process.pid = os.fork()
if process.pid == 0: self._as_child(process, gnupg_commands, args)
return self._as_parent(process)
def _as_parent(self, process):
"""Stuff run after forking in parent"""
for k, p in process._pipes.items():
if not p.direct:
process.handles[k] = os.fdopen(p.parent, _fd_modes[k])
# user doesn't need these
del process._pipes
return process
@@ -422,27 +422,27 @@ class GnuPG:
for std in _stds:
p = process._pipes[std]
os.dup2( p.child, getattr(sys, "__%s__" % std).fileno() )
for k, p in process._pipes.items():
if p.direct and k not in _stds:
# we want the fh to stay open after execing
fcntl.fcntl( p.child, fcntl.F_SETFD, 0 )
fd_args = []
for k, p in process._pipes.items():
# set command-line options for non-standard fds
if k not in _stds:
fd_args.extend([ _fd_options[k], "%d" % p.child ])
if not p.direct: os.close(p.parent)
command = [ self.call ] + fd_args + self.options.get_args() \
+ gnupg_commands + args
os.execvp( command[0], command )
class Pipe:
"""simple struct holding stuff about pipes we use"""
def __init__(self, parent, child, direct):
@@ -456,14 +456,14 @@ class Options:
This class is responsible for determining command-line arguments
which are based on options. It can be said that a GnuPG
object has-a Options object in its options attribute.
Attributes which correlate directly to GnuPG options:
Each option here defaults to false or None, and is described in
GnuPG documentation.
Booleans (set these attributes to booleans)
* armor
* no_greeting
* no_verbose
@@ -475,54 +475,54 @@ class Options:
* force_v3_sigs
* no_options
* textmode
Strings (set these attributes to strings)
* homedir
* default_key
* comment
* compress_algo
* options
Lists (set these attributes to lists)
* recipients (***NOTE*** plural of 'recipient')
* encrypt_to
Meta options
Meta options are options provided by this module that do
not correlate directly to any GnuPG option by name,
but are rather bundle of options used to accomplish
a specific goal, such as obtaining compatibility with PGP 5.
The actual arguments each of these reflects may change with time. Each
defaults to false unless otherwise specified.
meta_pgp_5_compatible -- If true, arguments are generated to try
to be compatible with PGP 5.x.
meta_pgp_2_compatible -- If true, arguments are generated to try
to be compatible with PGP 2.x.
meta_interactive -- If false, arguments are generated to try to
help the using program use GnuPG in a non-interactive
environment, such as CGI scripts. Default is true.
extra_args -- Extra option arguments may be passed in
via the attribute extra_args, a list.
>>> import GnuPGInterface
- >>>
+ >>>
>>> gnupg = GnuPGInterface.GnuPG()
>>> gnupg.options.armor = 1
>>> gnupg.options.recipients = ['Alice', 'Bob']
>>> gnupg.options.extra_args = ['--no-secmem-warning']
- >>>
+ >>>
>>> # no need for users to call this normally; just for show here
>>> gnupg.options.get_args()
['--armor', '--recipient', 'Alice', '--recipient', 'Bob', '--no-secmem-warning']
def __init__(self):
# booleans
self.armor = 0
@@ -553,13 +553,13 @@ class Options:
# lists
self.encrypt_to = []
self.recipients = []
# miscellaneous arguments
self.extra_args = []
def get_args( self ):
"""Generate a list of GnuPG arguments based upon attributes."""
return self.get_meta_args() + self.get_standard_args() + self.extra_args
def get_standard_args( self ):
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ class Options:
args.extend( [ '--compress-algo', self.compress_algo ] )
if self.default_key is not None:
args.extend( [ '--default-key', self.default_key ] )
if self.no_options: args.append( '--no-options' )
if self.armor: args.append( '--armor' )
if self.textmode: args.append( '--textmode' )
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ class Options:
for r in self.recipients: args.extend( [ '--recipient', r ] )
for r in self.encrypt_to: args.extend( [ '--encrypt-to', r ] )
return args
def get_meta_args( self ):
@@ -610,26 +610,26 @@ class Options:
class Process:
"""Objects of this class encompass properties of a GnuPG
process spawned by GnuPG.run().
# gnupg is a GnuPG object
process = gnupg.run( [ '--decrypt' ], stdout = 1 )
out = process.handles['stdout'].read()
os.waitpid( process.pid, 0 )
Data Attributes
handles -- This is a map of filehandle-names to
the file handles, if any, that were requested via run() and hence
are connected to the running GnuPG process. Valid names
of this map are only those handles that were requested.
pid -- The PID of the spawned GnuPG process.
Useful to know, since once should call
os.waitpid() to clean up the process, especially
if multiple calls are made to run().
def __init__(self):
self._pipes = {}
self.handles = {}
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ class Process:
def wait(self):
"""Wait on the process to exit, allowing for child cleanup.
Will raise an IOError if the process exits non-zero."""
e = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0)[1]
if e != 0:
raise IOError, "GnuPG exited non-zero, with code %d" % (e << 8)