# Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Marie Traissard # Junglecow J # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2007 Brendan Taylor # Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer # Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Hörist # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from __future__ import annotations from typing import cast import importlib.resources import os import sys import tempfile from collections.abc import Generator from pathlib import Path from gi.repository import GLib import gajim from gajim.common.const import PathLocation from gajim.common.const import PathType from gajim.common.i18n import _ PathTupleT = tuple[PathLocation | None, Path, PathType | None] def get(key: str) -> Path: return _paths[key] def get_plugin_dirs() -> list[Path]: if gajim.IS_FLATPAK: return [Path(_paths['PLUGINS_BASE']), Path('/app/plugins')] return [Path(_paths['PLUGINS_BASE']), Path(_paths['PLUGINS_USER'])] def get_paths(type_: PathType) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: # pylint: disable=unnecessary-dict-index-lookup for key, value in _paths.items(): path_type = value[2] if type_ != path_type: continue yield _paths[key] def set_separation(active: bool) -> None: _paths.profile_separation = active def set_profile(profile: str) -> None: _paths.profile = profile def set_config_root(config_root: str) -> None: _paths.custom_config_root = Path(config_root).resolve() def init() -> None: _paths.init() def create_paths() -> None: for path in get_paths(PathType.FOLDER): if path.is_file(): print(_('%s is a file but it should be a directory') % path) print(_('Gajim will now exit')) sys.exit() if not path.exists(): for parent_path in reversed(path.parents): # Create all parent folders # don't use mkdir(parent=True), as it ignores `mode` # when creating the parents if not parent_path.exists(): print(('creating %s directory') % parent_path) parent_path.mkdir(mode=0o700) print(('creating %s directory') % path) path.mkdir(mode=0o700) class ConfigPaths: def __init__(self) -> None: self._paths: dict[str, PathTupleT] = {} self.profile = '' self.profile_separation = False self.custom_config_root: Path | None = None if os.name == 'nt': if gajim.IS_PORTABLE: application_path = Path(sys.executable).parent self.config_root = self.cache_root = self.data_root = \ application_path.parent / 'UserData' else: # Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application Data\Gajim self.config_root = self.cache_root = self.data_root = \ Path(os.environ['APPDATA']) / 'Gajim' else: self.config_root = Path(GLib.get_user_config_dir()) / 'gajim' self.cache_root = Path(GLib.get_user_cache_dir()) / 'gajim' self.data_root = Path(GLib.get_user_data_dir()) / 'gajim' basedir = cast(Path, importlib.resources.files('gajim')) source_paths = [ ('DATA', basedir / 'data'), ('STYLE', basedir / 'data' / 'style'), ('GUI', basedir / 'data' / 'gui'), ('ICONS', basedir / 'data' / 'icons'), ('HOME', Path.home()), ('PLUGINS_BASE', basedir / 'data' / 'plugins'), ] for path in source_paths: self.add(*path) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Path: location, path, _ = self._paths[key] if location == PathLocation.CONFIG: return self.config_root / path if location == PathLocation.CACHE: return self.cache_root / path if location == PathLocation.DATA: return self.data_root / path return path def items(self) -> Generator[tuple[str, PathTupleT], None, None]: yield from self._paths.items() def _prepare(self, path: Path, unique: bool) -> Path: if os.name == 'nt': path = Path(str(path).capitalize()) if self.profile: if unique or self.profile_separation: return Path(f'{path}.{self.profile}') return path def add(self, name: str, path: Path | str, location: PathLocation | None = None, path_type: PathType | None = None, unique: bool = False) -> None: path = Path(path) if location is not None: path = self._prepare(path, unique) self._paths[name] = (location, path, path_type) def init(self): if self.custom_config_root: self.config_root = self.custom_config_root self.cache_root = self.data_root = self.custom_config_root user_dir_paths = [ ('TMP', Path(tempfile.gettempdir()), None, None), ('MY_CONFIG', Path(), PathLocation.CONFIG, PathType.FOLDER), ('MY_CACHE', Path(), PathLocation.CACHE, PathType.FOLDER), ('MY_DATA', Path(), PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FOLDER), ] for path in user_dir_paths: self.add(*path) # These paths are unique per profile unique_profile_paths = [ # Data paths ('SECRETS_FILE', 'secrets', PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FILE), ('CERT_STORE', 'cert_store', PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FOLDER), ('DEBUG', 'debug', PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FOLDER), ('PLUGINS_DATA', 'plugins_data', PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FOLDER), # Config paths ('SETTINGS', 'settings.sqlite', PathLocation.CONFIG, PathType.FILE), ('CONFIG_FILE', 'config', PathLocation.CONFIG, PathType.FILE), ('PLUGINS_CONFIG_DIR', 'pluginsconfig', PathLocation.CONFIG, PathType.FOLDER), ('MY_SHORTCUTS', 'shortcuts.json', PathLocation.CONFIG, PathType.FILE), ] for path in unique_profile_paths: self.add(*path, unique=True) # These paths are only unique per profile if the commandline arg # `separate` is passed paths = [ # Data paths ('LOG_DB', 'logs.db', PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FILE), ('PLUGINS_DOWNLOAD', 'plugins_download', PathLocation.CACHE, PathType.FOLDER), ('PLUGINS_IMAGES', 'plugins_images', PathLocation.CACHE, PathType.FOLDER), ('PLUGINS_USER', 'plugins', PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FOLDER), ('MY_ICONSETS', 'iconsets', PathLocation.DATA, PathType.FOLDER_OPTIONAL), # Cache paths ('CACHE_DB', 'cache.db', PathLocation.CACHE, PathType.FILE), ('AVATAR', 'avatars', PathLocation.CACHE, PathType.FOLDER), ('BOB', 'bob', PathLocation.CACHE, PathType.FOLDER), # Config paths ('MY_THEME', 'theme', PathLocation.CONFIG, PathType.FOLDER), ] for path in paths: self.add(*path) _paths = ConfigPaths()