# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from typing import cast from typing import Literal import logging import time from collections.abc import Generator from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from nbxmpp.errors import StanzaError from nbxmpp.modules.security_labels import Displaymarking from nbxmpp.protocol import JID from nbxmpp.structs import CommonError from nbxmpp.structs import MucSubject from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import events from gajim.common import types from gajim.common.helpers import AdditionalDataDict from gajim.common.helpers import get_start_of_day from gajim.common.helpers import to_user_string from gajim.common.modules.contacts import BareContact from gajim.common.modules.contacts import GroupchatContact from gajim.common.modules.httpupload import HTTPFileTransfer from gajim.common.storage.archive import ConversationRow from gajim.common.types import ChatContactT from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.base import BaseRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.call import CallRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.command_output import CommandOutputRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.date import DateRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.encryption_info import EncryptionInfoRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.file_transfer import FileTransferRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.file_transfer_jingle import \ FileTransferJingleRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.info import InfoMessage from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.message import MessageRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.muc_join_left import MUCJoinLeft from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.muc_subject import MUCSubject from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.read_marker import ReadMarkerRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.scroll_hint import ScrollHintRow from gajim.gtk.conversation.rows.user_status import UserStatus log = logging.getLogger('gajim.gtk.conversation_view') class ConversationView(Gtk.ScrolledWindow): __gsignals__ = { 'request-history': ( GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST | GObject.SignalFlags.ACTION, None, (bool, ) ), 'autoscroll-changed': ( GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, (bool,) ) } def __init__(self) -> None: Gtk.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self) self.set_overlay_scrolling(False) self.get_style_context().add_class('scrolled-no-border') self.get_style_context().add_class('no-scroll-indicator') self.get_style_context().add_class('scrollbar-style') self.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN) self.set_vexpand(True) self.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) # This is a workaround: as soon as a line break occurs in Gtk.TextView # with word-char wrapping enabled, a hyphen character is automatically # inserted before the line break. This triggers the hscrollbar to show, # see: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/2384 # Using set_hscroll_policy(Gtk.Scrollable.Policy.NEVER) would cause bad # performance during resize, and prevent the window from being shrunk # horizontally under certain conditions (applies to GroupchatControl) self.get_hscrollbar().hide() self._contact: ChatContactT | None = None self._client = None self._list_box = Gtk.ListBox() # Keeps track of the number of rows shown in ConversationView self._row_count: int = 0 self._max_row_count: int = 100 # Keeps track of date rows we have added to the list self._active_date_rows: set[datetime] = set() # message_id -> row mapping self._message_id_row_map: dict[str, MessageRow] = {} self._read_marker_row = None self._scroll_hint_row = None self._current_upper: float = 0 self._autoscroll: bool = True self._request_history_at_upper: float | None = None self._upper_complete: bool = False self._lower_complete: bool = True self._requesting: str | None = None self._block_signals = False self._signal_handlers_enabled = False self._signal_handler_ids = (0, 0) self.add(self._list_box) self.set_focus_vadjustment(Gtk.Adjustment()) app.window.get_action('scroll-view-up').connect( 'activate', self._on_scroll_view) app.window.get_action('scroll-view-down').connect( 'activate', self._on_scroll_view) def copy_selected_messages(self) -> None: format_string = app.settings.get('date_time_format') selection_text = '' for row in cast(list[BaseRow], self._list_box.get_selected_rows()): if isinstance(row, MessageRow): timestamp_formatted = row.timestamp.strftime(format_string) selection_text += (f'{timestamp_formatted} - {row.name}:\n' f'{row.get_text()}\n') clip = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) clip.set_text(selection_text, -1) self.disable_row_selection() def enable_row_selection(self, log_line_id: int | None ) -> None: self._list_box.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.MULTIPLE) if log_line_id is not None: row = self.get_row_by_log_line_id(log_line_id) self._list_box.select_row(row) for row in self.iter_rows(): row.enable_selection_mode() def disable_row_selection(self) -> None: self._list_box.unselect_all() self._list_box.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE) for row in self.iter_rows(): row.disable_selection_mode() def _on_scroll_view(self, action: Gio.SimpleAction, _param: Literal[None]) -> None: action_name = action.get_name() if action_name == 'scroll-view-down': self.emit('scroll-child', Gtk.ScrollType.PAGE_DOWN, False) elif action_name == 'scroll-view-up': self.emit('scroll-child', Gtk.ScrollType.PAGE_UP, False) def _enable_signal_handlers(self, enable: bool) -> None: if self._signal_handlers_enabled == enable: return vadjustment = self.get_vadjustment() if enable: upper_id = vadjustment.connect('notify::upper', self._on_adj_upper_changed) value_id = vadjustment.connect('notify::value', self._on_adj_value_changed) self._signal_handler_ids = (upper_id, value_id) else: upper_id, value_id = self._signal_handler_ids vadjustment.disconnect(upper_id) vadjustment.disconnect(value_id) self._signal_handlers_enabled = enable def clear(self) -> None: app.settings.disconnect_signals(self) self._enable_signal_handlers(False) self._reset() self._contact = None self._client = None def switch_contact(self, contact: ChatContactT) -> None: self._contact = contact self._client = app.get_client(contact.account) self._enable_signal_handlers(False) self._block_signals = True self._reset() self.disable_row_selection() self._read_marker_row = ReadMarkerRow(self._contact) self._list_box.add(self._read_marker_row) self._scroll_hint_row = ScrollHintRow(self._contact.account) self._list_box.add(self._scroll_hint_row) app.settings.disconnect_signals(self) app.settings.connect_signal('print_join_left', self._on_contact_setting_changed, account=contact.account, jid=contact.jid) app.settings.connect_signal('print_status', self._on_contact_setting_changed, account=contact.account, jid=contact.jid) self._block_signals = False self._enable_signal_handlers(True) def get_autoscroll(self) -> bool: return self._autoscroll def block_signals(self, value: bool) -> None: self._block_signals = value def _emit(self, signal_name: str, *args: Any) -> None: if not self._block_signals: log.debug('emit %s, %s', signal_name, args) self.emit(signal_name, *args) def _reset_list_box(self) -> None: self._list_box.destroy() self._list_box = Gtk.ListBox() self._list_box.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE) self._list_box.set_sort_func(self._sort_func) self._list_box.show() current_child = self.get_child() assert current_child is not None current_child.destroy() self.add(self._list_box) def _reset(self) -> None: self._current_upper = 0 self._autoscroll = True self._request_history_at_upper = None self._upper_complete = False self._lower_complete = True self._requesting = None self.set_history_complete(True, False) self._reset_list_box() self._row_count = 0 self._active_date_rows = set() self._message_id_row_map = {} self._read_marker_row = None self._scroll_hint_row = None def reset(self) -> None: assert self._contact is not None self.switch_contact(self._contact) def set_history_complete(self, before: bool, complete: bool) -> None: if before: self._upper_complete = complete if self._scroll_hint_row is None: return self._scroll_hint_row.set_history_complete(complete) else: self._lower_complete = complete def get_lower_complete(self) -> bool: return self._lower_complete def _on_adj_upper_changed(self, adj: Gtk.Adjustment, _pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) -> None: upper = adj.get_upper() diff = upper - self._current_upper if diff != 0: self._current_upper = upper if self._autoscroll: adj.set_value(adj.get_upper() - adj.get_page_size()) else: # Workaround # https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/395 self.set_kinetic_scrolling(True) if self._requesting == 'before': adj.set_value(adj.get_value() + diff) if upper == adj.get_page_size(): # There is no scrollbar if not self._block_signals: self._emit('request-history', True) self._lower_complete = True self._autoscroll = True self._emit('autoscroll-changed', self._autoscroll) self._requesting = None def _on_adj_value_changed(self, adj: Gtk.Adjustment, _pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) -> None: if self._requesting is not None: return bottom = adj.get_upper() - adj.get_page_size() self._autoscroll = bottom - adj.get_value() < 1 self._emit('autoscroll-changed', self._autoscroll) if self._upper_complete: self._request_history_at_upper = None if self._lower_complete: return if self._request_history_at_upper == adj.get_upper(): # Abort here if we already did a history request and the upper # did not change. This can happen if we scroll very fast and the # value changes while the request has not been fulfilled. return self._request_history_at_upper = None distance = adj.get_page_size() * 2 if adj.get_value() < distance: # Load messages when we are near the top if self._upper_complete: return self._request_history_at_upper = adj.get_upper() # Workaround: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/395 self.set_kinetic_scrolling(False) if not self._block_signals: self._emit('request-history', True) self._requesting = 'before' elif (adj.get_upper() - (adj.get_value() + adj.get_page_size()) < distance): # ..or near the bottom if self._lower_complete: return # Workaround: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/395 self.set_kinetic_scrolling(False) if not self._block_signals: self._emit('request-history', False) self._requesting = 'after' @property def contact(self) -> types.ChatContactT: assert self._contact is not None return self._contact def _get_row_at_index(self, index: int) -> BaseRow: row = self._list_box.get_row_at_index(index) assert row is not None return cast(BaseRow, row) def get_first_message_row(self) -> MessageRow | None: for row in self._list_box.get_children(): if isinstance(row, MessageRow): return row return None def get_last_message_row(self) -> MessageRow | None: children = self._list_box.get_children() children.reverse() for row in children: if isinstance(row, MessageRow): return row return None def get_first_event_row(self) -> InfoMessage | MUCJoinLeft | None: for row in self._list_box.get_children(): if isinstance(row, InfoMessage | MUCJoinLeft): return row return None def get_last_event_row(self) -> InfoMessage | MUCJoinLeft | None: children = self._list_box.get_children() children.reverse() for row in children: if isinstance(row, InfoMessage | MUCJoinLeft): return row return None @staticmethod def _sort_func(row1: BaseRow, row2: BaseRow) -> int: if row1.timestamp == row2.timestamp: return 0 return -1 if row1.timestamp < row2.timestamp else 1 def add_muc_subject(self, subject: MucSubject, timestamp: float | None = None ) -> None: muc_subject = MUCSubject(self.contact.account, subject, timestamp) self._insert_message(muc_subject) def add_muc_user_left(self, event: events.MUCUserLeft, error: bool = False ) -> None: assert isinstance(self._contact, GroupchatContact) if not self._contact.settings.get('print_join_left'): return join_left = MUCJoinLeft('muc-user-left', self._contact.account, event.nick, reason=event.reason, error=error, timestamp=event.timestamp) self._insert_message(join_left) def add_muc_user_joined(self, event: events.MUCUserJoined) -> None: assert isinstance(self._contact, GroupchatContact) if not self._contact.settings.get('print_join_left'): return join_left = MUCJoinLeft('muc-user-joined', self._contact.account, event.nick, timestamp=event.timestamp) self._insert_message(join_left) def add_user_status(self, name: str, show: str, status: str) -> None: user_status = UserStatus(self.contact.account, name, show, status) self._insert_message(user_status) def add_info_message(self, text: str, timestamp: float | None = None ) -> None: message = InfoMessage(self.contact.account, text, timestamp) self._insert_message(message) def add_file_transfer(self, transfer: HTTPFileTransfer) -> None: transfer_row = FileTransferRow(self.contact.account, transfer) self._insert_message(transfer_row) def add_jingle_file_transfer( self, event: (events.FileRequestReceivedEvent | events.FileRequestSent | None) = None, db_message: ConversationRow | None = None ) -> None: assert isinstance(self._contact, BareContact) jingle_transfer_row = FileTransferJingleRow( self._contact.account, self._contact, event=event, db_message=db_message) self._insert_message(jingle_transfer_row) def add_encryption_info(self, event: events.EncryptionInfo) -> None: assert self._contact is not None self._insert_message(EncryptionInfoRow(event)) def add_call_message(self, event: events.JingleRequestReceived | None = None, db_message: ConversationRow | None = None ) -> None: assert isinstance(self._contact, BareContact) call_row = CallRow( self._contact.account, self._contact, event=event, db_message=db_message) self._insert_message(call_row) def add_command_output(self, text: str, is_error: bool) -> None: command_output_row = CommandOutputRow( self.contact.account, text, is_error) self._insert_message(command_output_row) def add_message(self, text: str, kind: str, name: str, timestamp: float, log_line_id: int | None = None, message_id: str | None = None, stanza_id: str | None = None, display_marking: Displaymarking | None = None, additional_data: AdditionalDataDict | None = None, marker: str | None = None, error: CommonError | StanzaError | None = None ) -> None: if not timestamp: timestamp = time.time() message_row = MessageRow( self.contact.account, self.contact, message_id, stanza_id, timestamp, kind, name, text, additional_data=additional_data, display_marking=display_marking, marker=marker, error=error, log_line_id=log_line_id) if message_id is not None: self._message_id_row_map[message_id] = message_row if kind == 'incoming': assert self._read_marker_row is not None self._read_marker_row.set_last_incoming_timestamp( message_row.timestamp) if (marker is not None and marker == 'displayed' and message_id is not None): self.set_read_marker(message_id) self._insert_message(message_row) def _insert_message(self, message: BaseRow) -> None: self._list_box.add(message) self._add_date_row(message.timestamp) self._check_for_merge(message) assert self._read_marker_row is not None if message.kind == 'incoming': if message.timestamp > self._read_marker_row.timestamp: self._read_marker_row.hide() def _add_date_row(self, timestamp: datetime) -> None: start_of_day = get_start_of_day(timestamp) if start_of_day in self._active_date_rows: return date_row = DateRow(self.contact.account, start_of_day) self._active_date_rows.add(start_of_day) self._list_box.add(date_row) row = self._list_box.get_row_at_index(date_row.get_index() + 1) if row is None: return if not isinstance(row, MessageRow): return row.set_merged(False) def _check_for_merge(self, message: BaseRow) -> None: if not isinstance(message, MessageRow): return if not app.settings.get('chat_merge_consecutive_nickname'): return ancestor = self._find_ancestor(message) if ancestor is None: self._update_descendants(message) else: if message.is_mergeable(ancestor): message.set_merged(True) def _find_ancestor(self, message: MessageRow) -> MessageRow | None: index = message.get_index() while index != 0: index -= 1 row = self._list_box.get_row_at_index(index) if row is None: return None if isinstance(row, ReadMarkerRow): continue if not isinstance(row, MessageRow): return None if not message.is_same_sender(row): return None if not row.is_merged: return row return None def _update_descendants(self, message: MessageRow) -> None: index = message.get_index() while True: index += 1 row = self._list_box.get_row_at_index(index) if row is None: return if isinstance(row, ReadMarkerRow): continue if not isinstance(row, MessageRow): return merge = message.is_mergeable(row) row.set_merged(merge) return def reduce_message_count(self, before: bool) -> bool: success = False row_count = len(self._list_box.get_children()) while row_count > self._max_row_count: if before: if self._reduce_messages_before(): row_count -= 1 success = True else: self._reduce_messages_after() row_count -= 1 success = True return success def _reduce_messages_before(self) -> bool: success = False # We want to keep relevant DateRows when removing rows row1 = self._get_row_at_index(2) row2 = self._get_row_at_index(3) if row1.type == 'date' and row2.type == 'date': # First two rows are date rows, # it’s safe to remove the fist row row1.destroy() success = True if row1.type == 'date' and row2.type != 'date': # First one is a date row, keep it and # remove the second row instead row2.destroy() success = True if row1.type != 'date': # Not a date row, safe to remove row1.destroy() success = True return success def _reduce_messages_after(self) -> None: row = self._get_row_at_index(len(self._list_box.get_children()) - 1) row.destroy() def remove_message(self, log_line_id: int) -> None: row = self.get_row_by_log_line_id(log_line_id) if row is None: return index = row.get_index() row.destroy() decendant_row = self._list_box.get_row_at_index(index) if isinstance(decendant_row, MessageRow): # Unset possible merged state if we delete a 'top level' message. # Checks for same sender etc. are not necessary, since we simply # unset merged state. decendant_row.set_merged(False) def scroll_to_message_and_highlight(self, log_line_id: int) -> None: highlight_row = None for row in cast(list[BaseRow], self._list_box.get_children()): row.get_style_context().remove_class( 'conversation-search-highlight') if row.log_line_id == log_line_id: highlight_row = row if highlight_row is not None: highlight_row.get_style_context().add_class( 'conversation-search-highlight') # This scrolls the ListBox to the highlighted row highlight_row.grab_focus() def scroll_to_end(self) -> None: adj = self.get_vadjustment() adj.set_value(adj.get_upper() - adj.get_page_size()) def _get_row_by_message_id(self, id_: str) -> MessageRow | None: return self._message_id_row_map.get(id_) def get_row_by_log_line_id(self, log_line_id: int) -> MessageRow | None: for row in cast(list[BaseRow], self._list_box.get_children()): if not isinstance(row, MessageRow): continue if row.log_line_id == log_line_id: return row return None def get_row_by_stanza_id(self, stanza_id: str) -> MessageRow | None: for row in cast(list[BaseRow], self._list_box.get_children()): if not isinstance(row, MessageRow): continue if row.stanza_id == stanza_id: return row return None def iter_rows(self) -> Generator[BaseRow, None, None]: yield from cast(list[BaseRow], self._list_box.get_children()) def remove_rows_by_type(self, row_type: str) -> None: for row in self.iter_rows(): if row.type == row_type: row.destroy() def update_call_rows(self) -> None: for row in cast(list[BaseRow], self._list_box.get_children()): if isinstance(row, CallRow): row.update() def set_read_marker(self, id_: str) -> None: row = self._get_row_by_message_id(id_) if row is None: return row.set_displayed() assert self._read_marker_row is not None timestamp = row.timestamp + timedelta(microseconds=1) if self._read_marker_row.timestamp > timestamp: return self._read_marker_row.set_timestamp(timestamp) def update_avatars(self) -> None: for row in cast(list[BaseRow], self._list_box.get_children()): if isinstance(row, MessageRow): row.update_avatar() def correct_message(self, correct_id: str, text: str, nickname: str | None ) -> None: message_row = self._get_row_by_message_id(correct_id) if message_row is not None: message_row.set_correction(text, nickname) message_row.set_merged(False) def show_message_retraction(self, stanza_id: str, text: str) -> None: message_row = self.get_row_by_stanza_id(stanza_id) if message_row is not None: message_row.set_retracted(text) def show_receipt(self, id_: str) -> None: message_row = self._get_row_by_message_id(id_) if message_row is not None: message_row.set_receipt() def show_error(self, id_: str, error: StanzaError) -> None: message_row = self._get_row_by_message_id(id_) if message_row is not None: message_row.set_error(to_user_string(error)) message_row.set_merged(False) def _on_contact_setting_changed(self, value: Any, setting: str, _account: str | None, _jid: JID | None) -> None: if setting == 'print_join_left': if value: return self.remove_rows_by_type('muc-user-joined') self.remove_rows_by_type('muc-user-left') if setting == 'print_status': if value: return self.remove_rows_by_type('muc-user-status') def remove(self, widget: Gtk.Widget) -> None: self._list_box.remove(widget) widget.destroy()