# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any import itertools import logging import re import time from collections.abc import Iterator from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import cairo from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from nbxmpp import JID from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common.const import AvatarSize from gajim.common.const import Direction from gajim.common.const import KindConstant from gajim.common.modules.contacts import BareContact from gajim.common.modules.contacts import GroupchatContact from gajim.common.modules.contacts import GroupchatParticipant from gajim.common.modules.contacts import ResourceContact from gajim.common.storage.archive import SearchLogRow from gajim.gtk.builder import get_builder from gajim.gtk.conversation.message_widget import MessageWidget from gajim.gtk.util import gtk_month from gajim.gtk.util import python_month log = logging.getLogger('gajim.gtk.search_view') class SearchView(Gtk.Box): __gsignals__ = { 'hide-search': ( GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), } def __init__(self) -> None: Gtk.Box.__init__(self) self.set_size_request(300, -1) self._account: str | None = None self._jid: JID | None = None self._results_iterator: Iterator[SearchLogRow] | None = None self._first_date: datetime | None = None self._last_date: datetime | None = None self._ui = get_builder('search_view.ui') self._ui.results_listbox.set_header_func(self._header_func) self.add(self._ui.search_box) self._ui.connect_signals(self) app.ged.register_event_handler('account-enabled', ged.GUI1, self._on_account_state) app.ged.register_event_handler('account-disabled', ged.GUI1, self._on_account_state) self.show_all() def _on_account_state(self, _event: Any) -> None: self._clear() @staticmethod def _header_func(row: ResultRow, before: ResultRow | None) -> None: if before is None: row.set_header(RowHeader(row.account, row.jid, row.time)) else: date1 = time.strftime('%x', time.localtime(row.time)) date2 = time.strftime('%x', time.localtime(before.time)) if before.jid != row.jid: row.set_header(RowHeader(row.account, row.jid, row.time)) elif date1 != date2: row.set_header(RowHeader(row.account, row.jid, row.time)) else: row.set_header(None) def _on_hide_clicked(self, _button: Gtk.Button) -> None: self.emit('hide-search') self._clear() def _clear(self) -> None: self._ui.search_entry.set_text('') self._clear_results() def _clear_results(self) -> None: # Unset the header_func to reduce load when clearing self._ui.results_listbox.set_header_func(None) for row in self._ui.results_listbox.get_children(): self._ui.results_listbox.remove(row) row.destroy() self._ui.results_listbox.set_header_func(self._header_func) self._ui.results_scrolled.get_vadjustment().set_value(0) def _on_search(self, entry: Gtk.Entry) -> None: self._clear_results() self._ui.date_hint.hide() text = entry.get_text() if not text: return # from:user # This works only for MUC, because contact_name is not # available for single contacts in logs.db. text, from_filters = self._strip_filters(text, 'from') # before:date text, before_filters = self._strip_filters(text, 'before') if before_filters is not None: try: before_filters = min(datetime.fromisoformat(date) for date in before_filters) except ValueError: self._ui.date_hint.show() return # after:date text, after_filters = self._strip_filters(text, 'after') if after_filters is not None: try: after_filters = min(datetime.fromisoformat(date) for date in after_filters) # if only the day is specified, we want to look after the # end of that day. # if precision is increased,we do want to look during the # day as well. if after_filters.hour == after_filters.minute == 0: after_filters += timedelta(days=1) except ValueError: self._ui.date_hint.show() return everywhere = self._ui.search_checkbutton.get_active() context = self._account is not None and self._jid is not None if not context: # Started search without context -> show in UI self._ui.search_checkbutton.set_active(True) if not context or everywhere: self._results_iterator = app.storage.archive.search_all_logs( text, from_users=from_filters, before=before_filters, after=after_filters) else: self._results_iterator = app.storage.archive.search_log( self._account, self._jid, text, from_users=from_filters, before=before_filters, after=after_filters) self._add_results() @staticmethod def _strip_filters(text: str, filter_name: str) -> tuple[str, list[str] | None]: filters: list[str] = [] start = 0 new_text = '' for search_filter in re.finditer(filter_name + r':(\S+)\s?', text): end, new_start = search_filter.span() new_text += text[start:end] filters.append(search_filter.group(1)) start = new_start new_text += text[start:] return new_text, filters or None def _add_results(self) -> None: accounts = self._get_accounts() assert self._results_iterator is not None for msg in itertools.islice(self._results_iterator, 25): result_row = ResultRow( msg, accounts[msg.account_id], msg.jid) self._ui.results_listbox.add(result_row) def _on_edge_reached(self, _scrolledwin: Gtk.ScrolledWindow, pos: Gtk.PositionType) -> None: if pos != Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM: return self._add_results() def _update_calendar(self) -> None: if self._account is None and self._jid is None: self._ui.calendar_button.set_sensitive(False) return self._ui.calendar_button.set_sensitive(True) first_log = app.storage.archive.get_first_history_timestamp( self._account, self._jid) if first_log is None: return self._first_date = self._get_date_from_timestamp(first_log) last_log = app.storage.archive.get_last_history_timestamp( self._account, self._jid) if last_log is None: return self._last_date = self._get_date_from_timestamp(last_log) month = gtk_month(self._last_date.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(month, self._last_date.year) def _on_month_changed(self, calendar: Gtk.Calendar) -> None: # Mark days with history in calendar year, month, _day = calendar.get_date() if year < 1900: calendar.select_month(0, 1900) calendar.select_day(1) return calendar.clear_marks() month = python_month(month) history_days = app.storage.archive.get_days_with_history( self._account, self._jid, year, month) for date in history_days: calendar.mark_day(date.day) def _on_date_selected(self, calendar: Gtk.Calendar) -> None: year, month, day = calendar.get_date() py_m = python_month(month) date = datetime(year, py_m, day) self._scroll_to_date(date) def _on_first_date_selected(self, _button: Gtk.Button) -> None: assert self._first_date is not None gtk_m = gtk_month(self._first_date.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, self._first_date.year) self._ui.calendar.select_day(self._first_date.day) def _on_last_date_selected(self, _button: Gtk.Button) -> None: assert self._last_date is not None gtk_m = gtk_month(self._last_date.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, self._last_date.year) self._ui.calendar.select_day(self._last_date.day) def _on_previous_date_selected(self, _button: Gtk.Button) -> None: delta = timedelta(days=-1) assert self._first_date is not None self._select_date(delta, self._first_date, Direction.NEXT) def _on_next_date_selected(self, _button: Gtk.Button) -> None: delta = timedelta(days=1) assert self._last_date is not None self._select_date(delta, self._last_date, Direction.PREV) def _select_date(self, delta: timedelta, end_date: datetime, direction: Direction ) -> None: # Iterate through days until history entry found or # supplied end_date (first_date/last_date) reached year, month, day = self._ui.calendar.get_date() py_m = python_month(month) date = datetime(year, py_m, day) history = None while history is None: if direction == Direction.PREV: if end_date <= date: return else: if end_date >= date: return date = date + delta if date == end_date: break history = app.storage.archive.date_has_history( self._account, self._jid, date) gtk_m = gtk_month(date.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, date.year) self._ui.calendar.select_day(date.day) def _scroll_to_date(self, date: datetime) -> None: control = app.window.get_control() if not control.has_active_chat(): return if control.contact.jid == self._jid: meta_row = app.storage.archive.get_first_message_meta_for_date( self._account, self._jid, date) if meta_row is None: return control.scroll_to_message( meta_row.log_line_id, meta_row.time) @staticmethod def _get_date_from_timestamp(timestamp: float) -> datetime: localtime = time.localtime(timestamp) year, month, day = localtime[0], localtime[1], localtime[2] date = datetime(year, month, day) return date @staticmethod def _get_accounts() -> dict[int, str]: accounts: dict[int, str] = {} for account in app.settings.get_accounts(): account_id = app.storage.archive.get_account_id(account) accounts[account_id] = account return accounts @staticmethod def _on_row_activated(_listbox: SearchView, row: ResultRow) -> None: control = app.window.get_control() if control.has_active_chat(): if control.contact.jid == row.jid: control.scroll_to_message(row.log_line_id, row.timestamp) return # Other chat or no control opened jid = JID.from_string(row.jid) app.window.add_chat(row.account, jid, row.type, select=True) control = app.window.get_control() if control.has_active_chat(): control.scroll_to_message(row.log_line_id, row.timestamp) def set_focus(self) -> None: self._ui.search_entry.grab_focus() self._clear() self._update_calendar() def set_context(self, account: str | None, jid: JID | None) -> None: self._account = account self._jid = jid self._update_calendar() class RowHeader(Gtk.Box): def __init__(self, account: str, jid: JID, timestamp: float) -> None: Gtk.Box.__init__(self) self.set_hexpand(True) self._ui = get_builder('search_view.ui') self.add(self._ui.header_box) client = app.get_client(account) contact = client.get_module('Contacts').get_contact(jid) assert isinstance( contact, BareContact | GroupchatContact | GroupchatParticipant) self._ui.header_name_label.set_text(contact.name or '') local_time = time.localtime(timestamp) date = time.strftime('%x', local_time) self._ui.header_date_label.set_text(date) self.show_all() class ResultRow(Gtk.ListBoxRow): def __init__(self, msg: SearchLogRow, account: str, jid: JID) -> None: Gtk.ListBoxRow.__init__(self) self.account = account self.jid = jid self.time = msg.time self._client = app.get_client(account) self.log_line_id = msg.log_line_id self.timestamp = msg.time self.kind = msg.kind self.type = 'contact' if msg.kind == KindConstant.GC_MSG: self.type = 'groupchat' if jid.is_full: self.type = 'pm' self.contact = self._client.get_module('Contacts').get_contact( jid, groupchat=self.type == 'groupchat') assert isinstance( self.contact, BareContact | GroupchatContact | GroupchatParticipant) self.get_style_context().add_class('search-view-row') self._ui = get_builder('search_view.ui') self.add(self._ui.result_row_grid) kind = 'status' contact_name = msg.contact_name if msg.kind in ( KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_RECV, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_RECV): kind = 'incoming' contact_name = self.contact.name elif msg.kind == KindConstant.GC_MSG: kind = 'incoming' elif msg.kind in ( KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_SENT, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT): kind = 'outgoing' contact_name = app.nicks[account] self._ui.row_name_label.set_text(contact_name) avatar = self._get_avatar(kind, contact_name) self._ui.row_avatar.set_from_surface(avatar) local_time = time.localtime(msg.time) format_string = app.settings.get('time_format') date = time.strftime(format_string, local_time) self._ui.row_time_label.set_label(date) message_widget = MessageWidget(account, selectable=False) message_widget.add_with_styling(msg.message, nickname=contact_name) self._ui.result_row_grid.attach(message_widget, 1, 1, 2, 1) self.show_all() def _get_avatar(self, kind: str, name: str) -> cairo.ImageSurface | None: scale = self.get_scale_factor() if isinstance(self.contact, GroupchatContact): contact = self.contact.get_resource(name) return contact.get_avatar(AvatarSize.ROSTER, scale, add_show=False) if kind == 'outgoing': contact = self._client.get_module('Contacts').get_contact( str(self._client.get_own_jid().bare)) else: contact = self.contact assert not isinstance(contact, GroupchatContact | ResourceContact) return contact.get_avatar(AvatarSize.ROSTER, scale, add_show=False)