## common/nslookup.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## import sys import os import re from xmpp.idlequeue import * if os.name == 'nt': from subprocess import * # python24 only. we ask this for Windows elif os.name == 'posix': import fcntl # it is good to check validity of arguments, when calling system commands ns_type_pattern = re.compile('^[a-z]+$') # match srv host_name host_pattern = re.compile('^[a-z0-9\-._]*[a-z0-9]\.[a-z]{2,}$') class Resolver: def __init__(self, idlequeue): self.idlequeue = idlequeue # dict {host : list of srv records} self.resolved_hosts = {} # dict {host : list of callbacks} self.handlers = {} def parse_srv_result(self, fqdn, result): ''' parse the output of nslookup command and return list of properties: 'host', 'port','weight', 'priority' corresponding to the found srv hosts ''' if os.name == 'nt': return self._parse_srv_result_nt(fqdn, result) elif os.name == 'posix': return self._parse_srv_result_posix(fqdn, result) def _parse_srv_result_nt(self, fqdn, result): # output from win32 nslookup command if not result: return [] hosts = [] lines = result.replace('\r','').split('\n') current_host = None for line in lines: line = line.lstrip() if line == '': continue if line.startswith(fqdn): rest = line[len(fqdn):] if rest.find('service') > -1: current_host = {} elif isinstance(current_host, dict): res = line.strip().split('=') if len(res) != 2: if len(current_host) == 4: hosts.append(current_host) current_host = None continue prop_type = res[0].strip() prop_value = res[1].strip() if prop_type.find('prio') > -1: try: current_host['prio'] = int(prop_value) except ValueError: continue elif prop_type.find('weight') > -1: try: current_host['weight'] = int(prop_value) except ValueError: continue elif prop_type.find('port') > -1: try: current_host['port'] = int(prop_value) except ValueError: continue elif prop_type.find('host') > -1: # strip '.' at the end of hostname if prop_value[-1] == '.': prop_value = prop_value[:-1] current_host['host'] = prop_value if len(current_host) == 4: hosts.append(current_host) current_host = None return hosts def _parse_srv_result_posix(self, fqdn, result): # typical output of bind-tools nslookup command: # _xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.org service = 30 30 5222 jabber.org. if not result: return [] hosts = [] lines = result.split('\n') for line in lines: if line == '': continue if line.startswith(fqdn): rest = line[len(fqdn):].split('=') if len(rest) != 2: continue answer_type, props_str = rest if answer_type.strip() != 'service': continue props = props_str.strip().split(' ') if len(props) < 4: continue prio, weight, port, host = props[-4:] if host[-1] == '.': host = host[:-1] try: prio = int(prio) weight = int(weight) port = int(port) except ValueError: continue hosts.append({'host': host, 'port': port,'weight': weight, 'prio': prio}) return hosts def _on_ready(self, host, result): # nslookup finished, parse the result and call the handlers result_list = self.parse_srv_result(host, result) # practically it is impossible to be the opposite, but who knows :) if not self.resolved_hosts.has_key(host): self.resolved_hosts[host] = result_list if self.handlers.has_key(host): for callback in self.handlers[host]: callback(host, result_list) del(self.handlers[host]) def start_resolve(self, host): ''' spawn new nslookup process and start waiting for results ''' ns = NsLookup(self._on_ready, host) ns.set_idlequeue(self.idlequeue) ns.commandtimeout = 10 ns.start() def resolve(self, host, on_ready): if not host: # empty host, return empty list of srv records on_ready([]) return if self.resolved_hosts.has_key(host): # host is already resolved, return cached values on_ready(host, self.resolved_hosts[host]) return if self.handlers.has_key(host): # host is about to be resolved by another connection, # attach our callback self.handlers[host].append(on_ready) else: # host has never been resolved, start now self.handlers[host] = [on_ready] self.start_resolve(host) # TODO: move IdleCommand class in other file, maybe helpers ? class IdleCommand(IdleObject): def __init__(self, on_result): # how long (sec.) to wait for result ( 0 - forever ) # it is a class var, instead of a constant and we can override it. self.commandtimeout = 0 # when we have some kind of result (valid, ot not) we call this handler self.result_handler = on_result # if it is True, we can safetely execute the command self.canexecute = True self.idlequeue = None self.result ='' def set_idlequeue(self, idlequeue): self.idlequeue = idlequeue def _return_result(self): if self.result_handler: self.result_handler(self.result) self.result_handler = None def _compose_command_args(self): return ['echo', 'da'] def _compose_command_line(self): ''' return one line representation of command and its arguments ''' return reduce(lambda left, right: left + ' ' + right, self._compose_command_args()) def wait_child(self): if self.pipe.poll() is None: # result timeout if self.endtime < self.idlequeue.current_time(): self._return_result() self.pipe.stdout.close() self.pipe.stdin.close() else: # child is still active, continue to wait self.idlequeue.set_alarm(self.wait_child, 0.1) else: # child has quit self.result = self.pipe.stdout.read() self._return_result() self.pipe.stdout.close() self.pipe.stdin.close() def start(self): if not self.canexecute: self.result = '' self._return_result() return if os.name == 'nt': self._start_nt() elif os.name == 'posix': self._start_posix() def _start_nt(self): # if gajim is started from noninteraactive shells stdin is closed and # cannot be forwarded, so we have to keep it open self.pipe = Popen(self._compose_command_args(), stdout=PIPE, bufsize = 1024, shell = True, stderr = STDOUT, stdin = PIPE) if self.commandtimeout >= 0: self.endtime = self.idlequeue.current_time() + self.commandtimeout self.idlequeue.set_alarm(self.wait_child, 0.1) def _start_posix(self): self.pipe = os.popen(self._compose_command_line()) self.fd = self.pipe.fileno() fcntl.fcntl(self.pipe, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) self.idlequeue.plug_idle(self, False, True) if self.commandtimeout >= 0: self.idlequeue.set_read_timeout(self.fd, self.commandtimeout) def end(self): self.idlequeue.unplug_idle(self.fd) try: self.pipe.close() except: pass def pollend(self): self.idlequeue.remove_timeout(self.fd) self.end() self._return_result() def pollin(self): try: res = self.pipe.read() except Exception, e: res = '' if res == '': return self.pollend() else: self.result += res def read_timeout(self): self.end() self._return_result() class NsLookup(IdleCommand): def __init__(self, on_result, host='_xmpp-client', type = 'srv'): IdleCommand.__init__(self, on_result) self.commandtimeout = 10 self.host = host.lower() self.type = type.lower() if not host_pattern.match(self.host): # invalid host name print >> sys.stderr, 'Invalid host: %s' % self.host self.canexecute = False return if not ns_type_pattern.match(self.type): print >> sys.stderr, 'Invalid querytype: %s' % self.type self.canexecute = False return def _compose_command_args(self): return ['nslookup', '-type=' + self.type , self.host] def _return_result(self): if self.result_handler: self.result_handler(self.host, self.result) self.result_handler = None # below lines is on how to use API and assist in testing if __name__ == '__main__': if os.name == 'posix': idlequeue = IdleQueue() elif os.name == 'nt': idlequeue = SelectIdleQueue() # testing Resolver class import gobject import gtk resolver = Resolver(idlequeue) def clicked(widget): global resolver host = text_view.get_text() def on_result(host, result_array): print 'Result:\n' + repr(result_array) resolver.resolve(host, on_result) win = gtk.Window() win.set_border_width(6) text_view = gtk.Entry() text_view.set_text('_xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.org') hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.set_spacing(3) but = gtk.Button(' Lookup SRV ') hbox.pack_start(text_view, 5) hbox.pack_start(but, 0) but.connect('clicked', clicked) win.add(hbox) win.show_all() def process(): try: idlequeue.process() except: # Otherwise, an exception will stop our loop gobject.timeout_add(200, process) raise return True gobject.timeout_add(200, process) gtk.main() # vim: se ts=3: