#!/usr/bin/env python ## ## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Yann Le Boulanger ## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nikos Kouremenos ## Copyright (C) 2005 Dimitur Kirov ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## # gajim-remote help will show you the D-BUS API of Gajim import sys import locale import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # ^C exits the application from common import exceptions from common import i18n try: PREFERRED_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding() except: PREFERRED_ENCODING = 'UTF-8' def send_error(error_message): '''Writes error message to stderr and exits''' print >> sys.stderr, error_message.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) sys.exit(1) try: import dbus import dbus.service import dbus.glib except: print str(exceptions.DbusNotSupported()) sys.exit(1) OBJ_PATH = '/org/gajim/dbus/RemoteObject' INTERFACE = 'org.gajim.dbus.RemoteInterface' SERVICE = 'org.gajim.dbus' BASENAME = 'gajim-remote' class GajimRemote: def __init__(self): self.argv_len = len(sys.argv) # define commands dict. Prototype : # { # 'command': [comment, [list of arguments] ] # } # # each argument is defined as a tuple: # (argument name, help on argument, is mandatory) # self.commands = { 'help':[ _('Shows a help on specific command'), [ #User gets help for the command, specified by this parameter (_('command'), _('show help on command'), False) ] ], 'toggle_roster_appearance' : [ _('Shows or hides the roster window'), [] ], 'show_next_pending_event': [ _('Pops up a window with the next pending event'), [] ], 'list_contacts': [ _('Prints a list of all contacts in the roster. Each contact ' 'appears on a separate line'), [ (_('account'), _('show only contacts of the given account'), False) ] ], 'list_accounts': [ _('Prints a list of registered accounts'), [] ], 'change_status': [ _('Changes the status of account or accounts'), [ #offline, online, chat, away, xa, dnd, invisible should not be translated (_('status'), _('one of: offline, online, chat, away, xa, dnd, invisible '), True), (_('message'), _('status message'), False), (_('account'), _('change status of account "account". ' 'If not specified, try to change status of all accounts that have ' '"sync with global status" option set'), False) ] ], 'open_chat': [ _('Shows the chat dialog so that you can send messages to a contact'), [ ('jid', _('JID of the contact that you want to chat with'), True), (_('account'), _('if specified, contact is taken from the ' 'contact list of this account'), False) ] ], 'send_chat_message':[ _('Sends new chat message to a contact in the roster. Both OpenPGP key ' 'and account are optional. If you want to set only \'account\', ' 'without \'OpenPGP key\', just set \'OpenPGP key\' to \'\'.'), [ ('jid', _('JID of the contact that will receive the message'), True), (_('message'), _('message contents'), True), (_('pgp key'), _('if specified, the message will be encrypted ' 'using this public key'), False), (_('account'), _('if specified, the message will be sent ' 'using this account'), False), ] ], 'send_single_message':[ _('Sends new single message to a contact in the roster. Both OpenPGP key ' 'and account are optional. If you want to set only \'account\', ' 'without \'OpenPGP key\', just set \'OpenPGP key\' to \'\'.'), [ ('jid', _('JID of the contact that will receive the message'), True), (_('subject'), _('message subject'), True), (_('message'), _('message contents'), True), (_('pgp key'), _('if specified, the message will be encrypted ' 'using this public key'), False), (_('account'), _('if specified, the message will be sent ' 'using this account'), False), ] ], 'contact_info': [ _('Gets detailed info on a contact'), [ ('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True) ] ], 'account_info': [ _('Gets detailed info on a account'), [ ('account', _('Name of the account'), True) ] ], 'send_file': [ _('Sends file to a contact'), [ (_('file'), _('File path'), True), ('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True), (_('account'), _('if specified, file will be sent using this ' 'account'), False) ] ], 'prefs_list': [ _('Lists all preferences and their values'), [ ] ], 'prefs_put': [ _('Sets value of \'key\' to \'value\'.'), [ (_('key=value'), _('\'key\' is the name of the preference, ' '\'value\' is the value to set it to'), True) ] ], 'prefs_del': [ _('Deletes a preference item'), [ (_('key'), _('name of the preference to be deleted'), True) ] ], 'prefs_store': [ _('Writes the current state of Gajim preferences to the .config ' 'file'), [ ] ], 'remove_contact': [ _('Removes contact from roster'), [ ('jid', _('JID of the contact'), True), (_('account'), _('if specified, contact is taken from the ' 'contact list of this account'), False) ] ], 'add_contact': [ _('Adds contact to roster'), [ (_('jid'), _('JID of the contact'), True), (_('account'), _('Adds new contact to this account'), False) ] ], 'get_status': [ _('Returns current status (the global one unless account is specified)'), [ (_('account'), _(''), False) ] ], 'get_status_message': [ _('Returns current status message(the global one unless account is specified)'), [ (_('account'), _(''), False) ] ], 'get_unread_msgs_number': [ _('Returns number of unread messages'), [ ] ], 'start_chat': [ _('Opens \'Start Chat\' dialog'), [ (_('account'), _('Starts chat, using this account'), True) ] ], 'send_xml': [ _('Sends custom XML'), [ ('xml', _('XML to send'), True), ('account', _('Account in which the xml will be sent; ' 'if not specified, xml will be sent to all accounts'), False) ] ], 'handle_uri': [ _('Handle a xmpp:/ uri'), [ (_('uri'), _(''), True), (_('account'), _(''), False) ] ], 'join_room': [ _('Join a MUC room'), [ (_('room'), _(''), True), (_('nick'), _(''), False), (_('password'), _(''), False), (_('account'), _(''), False) ] ], } if self.argv_len < 2 or \ sys.argv[1] not in self.commands.keys(): # no args or bad args send_error(self.compose_help()) self.command = sys.argv[1] if self.command == 'help': if self.argv_len == 3: print self.help_on_command(sys.argv[2]).encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) else: print self.compose_help().encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) sys.exit(0) if self.command == 'handle_uri': self.handle_uri() self.init_connection() self.check_arguments() if self.command == 'contact_info': if self.argv_len < 3: send_error(_('Missing argument "contact_jid"')) try: res = self.call_remote_method() except exceptions.ServiceNotAvailable: # At this point an error message has already been displayed sys.exit(1) else: self.print_result(res) def print_result(self, res): ''' Print retrieved result to the output ''' if res is not None: if self.command in ('open_chat', 'send_chat_message', 'send_single_message', 'start_chat'): if self.command in ('send_message', 'send_single_message'): self.argv_len -= 2 if res is False: if self.argv_len < 4: send_error(_('\'%s\' is not in your roster.\n' 'Please specify account for sending the message.') % sys.argv[2]) else: send_error(_('You have no active account')) elif self.command == 'list_accounts': if isinstance(res, list): for account in res: if isinstance(account, unicode): print account.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) else: print account elif self.command == 'account_info': if res: print self.print_info(0, res, True) elif self.command == 'list_contacts': for account_dict in res: print self.print_info(0, account_dict, True) elif self.command == 'prefs_list': pref_keys = res.keys() pref_keys.sort() for pref_key in pref_keys: result = '%s = %s' % (pref_key, res[pref_key]) if isinstance(result, unicode): print result.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) else: print result elif self.command == 'contact_info': print self.print_info(0, res, True) elif res: print unicode(res).encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) def init_connection(self): ''' create the onnection to the session dbus, or exit if it is not possible ''' try: self.sbus = dbus.SessionBus() except: raise exceptions.SessionBusNotPresent obj = self.sbus.get_object(SERVICE, OBJ_PATH) interface = dbus.Interface(obj, INTERFACE) # get the function asked self.method = interface.__getattr__(self.command) def make_arguments_row(self, args): ''' return arguments list. Mandatory arguments are enclosed with: '<', '>', optional arguments - with '[', ']' ''' str = '' for argument in args: str += ' ' if argument[2]: str += '<' else: str += '[' str += argument[0] if argument[2]: str += '>' else: str += ']' return str def help_on_command(self, command): ''' return help message for a given command ''' if command in self.commands: command_props = self.commands[command] arguments_str = self.make_arguments_row(command_props[1]) str = _('Usage: %s %s %s \n\t %s') % (BASENAME, command, arguments_str, command_props[0]) if len(command_props[1]) > 0: str += '\n\n' + _('Arguments:') + '\n' for argument in command_props[1]: str += ' ' + argument[0] + ' - ' + argument[1] + '\n' return str send_error(_('%s not found') % command) def compose_help(self): ''' print usage, and list available commands ''' str = _('Usage: %s command [arguments]\nCommand is one of:\n' ) % BASENAME commands = self.commands.keys() commands.sort() for command in commands: str += ' ' + command for argument in self.commands[command][1]: str += ' ' if argument[2]: str += '<' else: str += '[' str += argument[0] if argument[2]: str += '>' else: str += ']' str += '\n' return str def print_info(self, level, prop_dict, encode_return = False): ''' return formated string from data structure ''' if prop_dict is None or not isinstance(prop_dict, (dict, list, tuple)): return '' ret_str = '' if isinstance(prop_dict, (list, tuple)): ret_str = '' spacing = ' ' * level * 4 for val in prop_dict: if val is None: ret_str +='\t' elif isinstance(val, int): ret_str +='\t' + str(val) elif isinstance(val, (str, unicode)): ret_str +='\t' + val elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): res = '' for items in val: res += self.print_info(level+1, items) if res != '': ret_str += '\t' + res elif isinstance(val, dict): ret_str += self.print_info(level+1, val) ret_str = '%s(%s)\n' % (spacing, ret_str[1:]) elif isinstance(prop_dict, dict): for key in prop_dict.keys(): val = prop_dict[key] spacing = ' ' * level * 4 if isinstance(val, (unicode, int, str)): if val is not None: val = val.strip() ret_str += '%s%-10s: %s\n' % (spacing, key, val) elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): res = '' for items in val: res += self.print_info(level+1, items) if res != '': ret_str += '%s%s: \n%s' % (spacing, key, res) elif isinstance(val, dict): res = self.print_info(level+1, val) if res != '': ret_str += '%s%s: \n%s' % (spacing, key, res) if (encode_return): try: ret_str = ret_str.encode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) except: pass return ret_str def check_arguments(self): ''' Make check if all necessary arguments are given ''' argv_len = self.argv_len - 2 args = self.commands[self.command][1] if len(args) < argv_len: send_error(_('Too many arguments. \n' 'Type "%s help %s" for more info') % (BASENAME, self.command)) if len(args) > argv_len: if args[argv_len][2]: send_error(_('Argument "%s" is not specified. \n' 'Type "%s help %s" for more info') % (args[argv_len][0], BASENAME, self.command)) self.arguments = [] i = 0 for arg in sys.argv[2:]: i += 1 if i < len(args): self.arguments.append(arg) else: # it's latest argument with spaces self.arguments.append(' '.join(sys.argv[i+1:])) break # add empty string for missing args self.arguments += ['']*(len(args)-i) def handle_uri(self): if not sys.argv[2:][0].startswith('xmpp:'): send_error(_('Wrong uri')) sys.argv[2] = sys.argv[2][5:] uri = sys.argv[2:][0] if not '?' in uri: self.command = sys.argv[1] = 'open_chat' return (jid, action) = uri.split('?', 1) sys.argv[2] = jid if action == 'join': self.command = sys.argv[1] = 'join_room' return sys.exit(0) def call_remote_method(self): ''' calls self.method with arguments from sys.argv[2:] ''' args = [i.decode(PREFERRED_ENCODING) for i in self.arguments] args = [dbus.String(i) for i in args] try: res = self.method(*args) return res except Exception: raise exceptions.ServiceNotAvailable return None if __name__ == '__main__': GajimRemote()