Package nbxmpp :: Module bosh :: Class NonBlockingBOSH
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Class NonBlockingBOSH

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, raise_event, on_disconnect, idlequeue, estabilish_tls, certs, xmpp_server, domain, bosh_dict, proxy_creds)
Each trasport class can have different constructor but it has to have at least all the arguments of NonBlockingTransport constructor
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connect(self, conn_5tuple, on_connect, on_connect_failure)
Creates and connects transport to server and port defined in conn_5tuple which should be item from list returned from getaddrinfo
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Preceeds call of on_connect callback
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set_timeout(self, timeout) source code
Called when HTTP request it's possible to send a HTTP request. It can be when socket is connected or when HTTP response arrived
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get_socket_in(self, state)
Get sockets in desired state
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Select and returns socket eligible for sending a data to
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send_BOSH(self, payload)
Tries to send a stanza in payload by appeding it to a buffer and plugging a free socket for writing.
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plug_socket(self) source code
build_stanza(self, socket)
Build a BOSH body tag from data in buffers and adds key, rid and ack attributes to it
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on_bosh_wait_timeout(self) source code
renew_bosh_wait_timeout(self, timeout) source code
remove_bosh_wait_timeout(self) source code
on_persistent_fallback(self, socket)
Called from underlying transport when server closes TCP connection
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handle_body_attrs(self, stanza_attrs)
Called for each incoming body stanza from dispatcher. Checks body attributes.
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append_stanza(self, stanza)
Append stanza to a buffer to send
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send(self, stanza, now=False) source code
get_current_state(self) source code
connect_and_flush(self, socket) source code
boshify_stanzas(self, stanzas=[], body_attrs=None)
Wraps zero to many stanzas by body tag with xmlns and sid
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send_init(self, after_SASL=False) source code
start_disconnect(self) source code
get_new_http_socket(self) source code
onreceive(self, recv_handler)
Set the on_receive callback.
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on_received_http(self, data, socket) source code
disconnect(self, do_callback=True) source code

Inherited from transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport: get_fd, get_state, plugin, plugout, read_timeout, read_timeout2, remove_timeout, renew_send_timeout, renew_send_timeout2, set_send_timeout, set_send_timeout2, set_state, set_timeout2

Inherited from plugin.PlugIn: PlugIn, PlugOut

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from plugin.PlugIn: get_instance

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, raise_event, on_disconnect, idlequeue, estabilish_tls, certs, xmpp_server, domain, bosh_dict, proxy_creds)

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Each trasport class can have different constructor but it has to have at least all the arguments of NonBlockingTransport constructor
  • raise_event - callback for monitoring of sent and received data
  • on_disconnect - callback called on disconnection during runtime
  • idlequeue - processing idlequeue
  • estabilish_tls - boolean whether to estabilish TLS connection after TCP connection is done
  • certs - tuple of (cacerts, mycerts) see constructor of tls_nb.NonBlockingTLS for more details
Overrides: plugin.PlugIn.__init__

connect(self, conn_5tuple, on_connect, on_connect_failure)

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Creates and connects transport to server and port defined in conn_5tuple which should be item from list returned from getaddrinfo
  • conn_5tuple - 5-tuple returned from getaddrinfo
  • on_connect - callback called on successful connect to the server
  • on_connect_failure - callback called on failure when connecting
Overrides: transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport.connect
(inherited documentation)


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Preceeds call of on_connect callback
Overrides: transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport._on_connect
(inherited documentation)

set_timeout(self, timeout)

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Overrides: transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport.set_timeout


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Called when HTTP request it's possible to send a HTTP request. It can be when socket is connected or when HTTP response arrived

There should be always one pending request to BOSH CM.

get_socket_in(self, state)

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Get sockets in desired state


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Select and returns socket eligible for sending a data to

send_BOSH(self, payload)

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Tries to send a stanza in payload by appeding it to a buffer and plugging a free socket for writing.


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build_stanza(self, socket)

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Build a BOSH body tag from data in buffers and adds key, rid and ack attributes to it

This method is called from _do_send() of underlying transport. This is to ensure rid and keys will be processed in correct order. If I generate them before plugging a socket for write (and did it for two sockets/HTTP connections) in parallel, they might be sent in wrong order, which results in violating the BOSH session and server-side disconnect.


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renew_bosh_wait_timeout(self, timeout)

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on_persistent_fallback(self, socket)

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Called from underlying transport when server closes TCP connection
  • socket - disconnected transport object

handle_body_attrs(self, stanza_attrs)

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Called for each incoming body stanza from dispatcher. Checks body attributes.

append_stanza(self, stanza)

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Append stanza to a buffer to send

send(self, stanza, now=False)

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Overrides: transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport.send


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connect_and_flush(self, socket)

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boshify_stanzas(self, stanzas=[], body_attrs=None)

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Wraps zero to many stanzas by body tag with xmlns and sid

send_init(self, after_SASL=False)

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Overrides: transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport.start_disconnect


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onreceive(self, recv_handler)

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Set the on_receive callback.

onreceive(None) sets callback to Dispatcher.ProcessNonBlocking which is the default one that will decide what to do with received stanza based on its tag name and namespace.

Do not confuse it with on_receive() method, which is the callback itself.

Overrides: transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport.onreceive
(inherited documentation)

on_received_http(self, data, socket)

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disconnect(self, do_callback=True)

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Overrides: transports_nb.NonBlockingTransport.disconnect