Package nbxmpp :: Module protocol :: Class DataForm
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Class DataForm

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Used for manipulating dataforms in XMPP

Relevant XEPs: 0004, 0068, 0122. Can be used in disco, pub-sub and many other applications.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, typ=None, data=[], title=None, node=None)
Create new dataform of type 'typ'. 'data' is the list of DataField instances that this dataform contains, 'title' - the title string. You can specify the 'node' argument as the other node to be used as base for constructing this dataform
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Return the type of dataform
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setType(self, typ)
Set the type of dataform
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Return the title of dataform
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setTitle(self, text)
Set the title of dataform
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Return the instructions of dataform
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setInstructions(self, text)
Set the instructions of dataform
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addInstructions(self, text)
Add one more instruction to the dataform
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getField(self, name)
Return the datafield object with name 'name' (if exists)
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setField(self, name)
Create if nessessary or get the existing datafield object with name 'name' and return it
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Represent dataform as simple dictionary mapping of datafield names to their values
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__getitem__(self, name)
Simple dictionary interface for getting datafields values by their names
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__setitem__(self, name, val)
Simple dictionary interface for setting datafields values by their names
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Inherited from simplexml.Node: __contains__, __delitem__, __getattr__, __str__, addChild, addData, clearData, delAttr, delChild, getAttr, getAttrs, getChildren, getData, getName, getNamespace, getParent, getPayload, getTag, getTagAttr, getTagData, getTags, has_attr, iterTags, lookup_nsp, setAttr, setData, setName, setNamespace, setParent, setPayload, setTag, setTagAttr, setTagData

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from simplexml.Node: FORCE_NODE_RECREATION

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, typ=None, data=[], title=None, node=None)

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Create new dataform of type 'typ'. 'data' is the list of DataField instances that this dataform contains, 'title' - the title string. You can specify the 'node' argument as the other node to be used as base for constructing this dataform

title and instructions is optional and SHOULD NOT contain newlines. Several instructions MAY be present. 'typ' can be one of ('form' | 'submit' | 'cancel' | 'result' ) 'typ' of reply iq can be ( 'result' | 'set' | 'set' | 'result' ) respectively. 'cancel' form can not contain any fields. All other forms contains AT LEAST one field. 'title' MAY be included in forms of type "form" and "result"

Overrides: object.__init__


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Return the type of dataform

setType(self, typ)

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Set the type of dataform


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Return the title of dataform

setTitle(self, text)

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Set the title of dataform


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Return the instructions of dataform

setInstructions(self, text)

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Set the instructions of dataform

addInstructions(self, text)

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Add one more instruction to the dataform

getField(self, name)

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Return the datafield object with name 'name' (if exists)

setField(self, name)

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Create if nessessary or get the existing datafield object with name 'name' and return it


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Represent dataform as simple dictionary mapping of datafield names to their values

__getitem__(self, name)
(Indexing operator)

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Simple dictionary interface for getting datafields values by their names
Overrides: simplexml.Node.__getitem__

__setitem__(self, name, val)
(Index assignment operator)

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Simple dictionary interface for setting datafields values by their names
Overrides: simplexml.Node.__setitem__