Package nbxmpp :: Module protocol :: Class JID
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Class JID

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JID can be built from string, modified, compared, serialised into string
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, jid=None, node='', domain='', resource='')
JID can be specified as string (jid argument) or as separate parts
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Return the node part of the JID
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setNode(self, node)
Set the node part of the JID to new value. Specify None to remove the node part
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Return the domain part of the JID
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setDomain(self, domain)
Set the domain part of the JID to new value
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Return the resource part of the JID
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setResource(self, resource)
Set the resource part of the JID to new value. Specify None to remove the resource part
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Return the bare representation of JID. I.e. string value w/o resource
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__eq__(self, other)
Compare the JID to another instance or to string for equality
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__ne__(self, other)
Compare the JID to another instance or to string for non-equality
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bareMatch(self, other)
Compare the node and domain parts of the JID's for equality
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__str__(self, wresource=1)
Serialise JID into string
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Produce hash of the JID, Allows to use JID objects as keys of the dictionary
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, jid=None, node='', domain='', resource='')

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JID can be specified as string (jid argument) or as separate parts

Examples: JID('node@domain/resource') JID(node='node',domain='')


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Return the node part of the JID

setNode(self, node)

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Set the node part of the JID to new value. Specify None to remove the node part


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Return the domain part of the JID

setDomain(self, domain)

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Set the domain part of the JID to new value


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Return the resource part of the JID

setResource(self, resource)

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Set the resource part of the JID to new value. Specify None to remove the resource part


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Return the bare representation of JID. I.e. string value w/o resource

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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Compare the JID to another instance or to string for equality

__ne__(self, other)

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Compare the JID to another instance or to string for non-equality

bareMatch(self, other)

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Compare the node and domain parts of the JID's for equality

__str__(self, wresource=1)
(Informal representation operator)

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Serialise JID into string

(Hashing function)

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Produce hash of the JID, Allows to use JID objects as keys of the dictionary