Package nbxmpp :: Module proxy_connectors :: Class ProxyConnector
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Class ProxyConnector

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Interface for proxy-connecting object - when tunnneling XMPP over proxies, some connecting process usually has to be done before opening stream. Proxy connectors are used right after TCP connection is estabilished
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, send_method, onreceive, old_on_receive, on_success, on_failure, xmpp_server, proxy_creds=(None, None))
Creates proxy connector, starts connecting immediately and gives control back to transport afterwards
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start_connecting(self) source code
connecting_over(self) source code
Class Methods [hide private]
get_instance(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Factory Method for object creation
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, send_method, onreceive, old_on_receive, on_success, on_failure, xmpp_server, proxy_creds=(None, None))

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Creates proxy connector, starts connecting immediately and gives control back to transport afterwards
  • send_method - transport send method
  • onreceive - method to set on_receive callbacks
  • old_on_receive - on_receive callback that should be set when proxy connection was successful
  • on_success - called after proxy connection was successfully opened
  • on_failure - called when errors occured while connecting
  • xmpp_server - tuple of (hostname, port)
  • proxy_creds - tuple of (proxy_user, proxy_credentials)

get_instance(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Class Method

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Factory Method for object creation

Use this instead of directly initializing the class in order to make unit testing much easier.


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