Package nbxmpp :: Module smacks
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Source Code for Module nbxmpp.smacks

  1  from protocol import Acks 
  2  from protocol import NS_STREAM_MGMT 
  3  import logging 
  4  log = logging.getLogger('nbxmpp.smacks') 
6 -class Smacks():
7 ''' 8 This is Smacks is the Stream Management class. It takes care of requesting 9 and sending acks. Also, it keeps track of the unhandled outgoing stanzas. 10 11 The dispatcher has to be able to access this class to increment the 12 number of handled stanzas 13 ''' 14
15 - def __init__(self, con):
16 self.con = con # Connection object 17 self.out_h = 0 # Outgoing stanzas handled 18 self.in_h = 0 # Incoming stanzas handled 19 self.uqueue = [] # Unhandled stanzas queue 20 self.session_id = None 21 self.resumption = False # If server supports resume 22 # Max number of stanzas in queue before making a request 23 self.max_queue = 5 24 self._owner = None 25 self.resuming = False 26 self.enabled = False # If SM is enabled 27 self.location = None
29 - def set_owner(self, owner):
30 self._owner = owner 31 32 # Register handlers 33 owner.Dispatcher.RegisterNamespace(NS_STREAM_MGMT) 34 owner.Dispatcher.RegisterHandler('enabled', self._neg_response, 35 xmlns=NS_STREAM_MGMT) 36 owner.Dispatcher.RegisterHandler('r', self.send_ack, 37 xmlns=NS_STREAM_MGMT) 38 owner.Dispatcher.RegisterHandler('a', self.check_ack, 39 xmlns=NS_STREAM_MGMT) 40 owner.Dispatcher.RegisterHandler('resumed', self.check_ack, 41 xmlns=NS_STREAM_MGMT) 42 owner.Dispatcher.RegisterHandler('failed', self.error_handling, 43 xmlns=NS_STREAM_MGMT)
45 - def _neg_response(self, disp, stanza):
46 r = stanza.getAttr('resume') 47 if r == 'true' or r == 'True' or r == '1': 48 self.resumption = True 49 self.session_id = stanza.getAttr('id') 50 51 if r == 'false' or r == 'False' or r == '0': 52 self.negociate(False) 53 54 l = stanza.getAttr('location') 55 if l: 56 self.location = l
58 - def negociate(self, resume=True):
59 # Every time we attempt to negociate, we must erase all previous info 60 # about any previous session 61 self.uqueue = [] 62 self.in_h = 0 63 self.out_h = 0 64 self.session_id = None 65 self.enabled = True 66 67 stanza = Acks() 68 stanza.buildEnable(resume) 69 self._owner.Connection.send(stanza, now=True)
71 - def resume_request(self):
72 if not self.session_id: 73 self.resuming = False 74 log.error('Attempted to resume without a valid session id ') 75 return 76 resume = Acks() 77 resume.buildResume(self.in_h, self.session_id) 78 self._owner.Connection.send(resume, False)
80 - def send_ack(self, disp, stanza):
81 ack = Acks() 82 ack.buildAnswer(self.in_h) 83 self._owner.Connection.send(ack, False)
85 - def request_ack(self):
86 r = Acks() 87 r.buildRequest() 88 self._owner.Connection.send(r, False)
90 - def check_ack(self, disp, stanza):
91 ''' 92 Checks if the number of stanzas sent are the same as the 93 number of stanzas received by the server. Pops stanzas that were 94 handled by the server from the queue. 95 ''' 96 h = int(stanza.getAttr('h')) 97 diff = self.out_h - h 98 99 if len(self.uqueue) < diff or diff < 0: 100 log.error('Server and client number of stanzas handled mismatch ') 101 else: 102 while (len(self.uqueue) > diff): 103 self.uqueue.pop(0) 104 105 if stanza.getName() == 'resumed': 106 self.enabled = True 107 self.resuming = True 108 self.con.set_oldst() 109 if self.uqueue != []: 110 for i in self.uqueue: 111 self._owner.Connection.send(i, False)
113 - def error_handling(self, disp, stanza):
114 # If the server doesn't recognize previd, forget about resuming 115 # Ask for service discovery, etc.. 116 if stanza.getTag('item-not-found'): 117 self.resuming = False 118 self.enabled = False 119 # we need to bind a resource 120 self._owner.NonBlockingBind.resuming = False 121 self._owner._on_auth_bind(None) 122 return 123 124 # Doesn't support resumption 125 if stanza.getTag('feature-not-implemented'): 126 self.negociate(False) 127 return 128 129 if stanza.getTag('unexpected-request'): 130 self.enabled = False 131 log.error('Gajim failed to negociate Stream Management') 132 return