Package nbxmpp :: Module transports_nb :: Class NonBlockingHTTPBOSH
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Class NonBlockingHTTPBOSH

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Class for BOSH HTTP connections. Slightly redefines HTTP transport by calling bosh bodytag generating callback before putting data on wire
Instance Methods [hide private]
set_stanza_build_cb(self, build_cb) source code
Called when send() to connected socket is possible. First message from sendqueue will be sent
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Inherited from NonBlockingHTTP: __init__, build_http_message, http_send, parse_http_message

Inherited from NonBlockingHTTP (private): _on_receive

Inherited from NonBlockingTCP: connect, disconnect, encode_stanza, pollend, pollin, pollout, read_timeout, remove_timeout, send, set_timeout, start_disconnect, tls_init

Inherited from NonBlockingTransport: get_fd, get_state, onreceive, plugin, plugout, read_timeout2, renew_send_timeout, renew_send_timeout2, set_send_timeout, set_send_timeout2, set_state, set_timeout2

Inherited from plugin.PlugIn: PlugIn, PlugOut

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from plugin.PlugIn: get_instance

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from idlequeue.IdleObject: fd

Method Details [hide private]

set_stanza_build_cb(self, build_cb)

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Called when send() to connected socket is possible. First message from sendqueue will be sent
Overrides: NonBlockingTCP._do_send
(inherited documentation)