## idlequeue.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. """ Idlequeues are Gajim's network heartbeat. Transports can be plugged as idle objects and be informed about possible IO """ import os import errno import select import logging import time import subprocess # needed for get_idleqeue try: from gi.repository import GLib HAVE_GLIB = True except ImportError: HAVE_GLIB = False if os.name == 'posix': import fcntl log = logging.getLogger('nbxmpp.idlequeue') if HAVE_GLIB: FLAG_WRITE = GLib.IOCondition.OUT | GLib.IOCondition.HUP FLAG_READ = GLib.IOCondition.IN | GLib.IOCondition.PRI | \ GLib.IOCondition.HUP FLAG_READ_WRITE = GLib.IOCondition.OUT | GLib.IOCondition.IN | \ GLib.IOCondition.PRI | GLib.IOCondition.HUP FLAG_CLOSE = GLib.IOCondition.HUP PENDING_READ = GLib.IOCondition.IN # There is data to read. PENDING_WRITE = GLib.IOCondition.OUT # Data CAN be written without blocking IS_CLOSED = GLib.IOCondition.HUP # Hung up (connection broken) else: FLAG_WRITE = 20 # write only 10100 FLAG_READ = 19 # read only 10011 FLAG_READ_WRITE = 23 # read and write 10111 FLAG_CLOSE = 16 # wait for close 10000 PENDING_READ = 3 # waiting read event 11 PENDING_WRITE = 4 # waiting write event 100 IS_CLOSED = 16 # channel closed 10000 def get_idlequeue(): """ Get an appropriate idlequeue """ if os.name == 'nt': # gobject.io_add_watch does not work on windows return SelectIdleQueue() if HAVE_GLIB: # Gajim's default Idlequeue return GlibIdleQueue() # GUI less implementation return SelectIdleQueue() class IdleObject: """ Idle listener interface. Listed methods are called by IdleQueue. """ def __init__(self): self.fd = -1 #: filedescriptor, must be unique for each IdleObject def pollend(self): """ Called on stream failure """ def pollin(self): """ Called on new read event """ def pollout(self): """ Called on new write event (connect in sockets is a pollout) """ def read_timeout(self): """ Called when timeout happened """ class IdleCommand(IdleObject): """ Can be subclassed to execute commands asynchronously by the idlequeue. Result will be optained via file descriptor of created pipe """ def __init__(self, on_result): IdleObject.__init__(self) # how long (sec.) to wait for result ( 0 - forever ) # it is a class var, instead of a constant and we can override it. self.commandtimeout = 0 # when we have some kind of result (valid, ot not) we call this handler self.result_handler = on_result # if it is True, we can safetely execute the command self.canexecute = True self.idlequeue = None self.result = '' self.endtime = None self.pipe = None def set_idlequeue(self, idlequeue): self.idlequeue = idlequeue def _return_result(self): if self.result_handler: self.result_handler(self.result) self.result_handler = None @staticmethod def _compose_command_args(): return ['echo', 'da'] def _compose_command_line(self): """ Return one line representation of command and its arguments """ return ' '.join(self._compose_command_args()) def wait_child(self): if self.pipe.poll() is None: # result timeout if self.endtime < self.idlequeue.current_time(): self._return_result() self.pipe.stdout.close() self.pipe.stdin.close() else: # child is still active, continue to wait self.idlequeue.set_alarm(self.wait_child, 0.1) else: # child has quit self.result = self.pipe.stdout.read() self._return_result() self.pipe.stdout.close() self.pipe.stdin.close() def start(self): if not self.canexecute: self.result = '' self._return_result() return if os.name == 'nt': self._start_nt() elif os.name == 'posix': self._start_posix() def _start_nt(self): # if program is started from noninteraactive shells stdin is closed and # cannot be forwarded, so we have to keep it open self.pipe = subprocess.Popen(self._compose_command_args(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1024, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) if self.commandtimeout >= 0: self.endtime = self.idlequeue.current_time() + self.commandtimeout self.idlequeue.set_alarm(self.wait_child, 0.1) def _start_posix(self): self.pipe = os.popen(self._compose_command_line()) self.fd = self.pipe.fileno() # pylint: disable=no-member fcntl.fcntl(self.pipe, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) self.idlequeue.plug_idle(self, False, True) if self.commandtimeout >= 0: self.idlequeue.set_read_timeout(self.fd, self.commandtimeout) def end(self): self.idlequeue.unplug_idle(self.fd) try: self.pipe.close() except Exception: pass def pollend(self): self.idlequeue.remove_timeout(self.fd) self.end() self._return_result() def pollin(self): try: res = self.pipe.read() # pylint: disable=no-member except Exception: res = '' if res == '': return self.pollend() self.result += res return None def read_timeout(self): self.end() self._return_result() class IdleQueue: """ IdleQueue provide three distinct time based features. Uses select.poll() 1. Alarm timeout: Execute a callback after foo seconds 2. Timeout event: Call read_timeout() of an plugged object if a timeout has been set, but not removed in time. 3. Check file descriptor of plugged objects for read, write and error events """ # (timeout, boolean) # Boolean is True if timeout is specified in seconds, # False means miliseconds PROCESS_TIMEOUT = (100, False) def __init__(self): self.queue = {} # when there is a timeout it executes obj.read_timeout() # timeout is not removed automatically! # {fd1: {timeout1: func1, timeout2: func2}} # timout are unique (timeout1 must be != timeout2) # If func1 is None, read_time function is called self.read_timeouts = {} # cb, which are executed after XX sec., alarms are removed automatically self.alarms = {} self._init_idle() def _init_idle(self): """ Hook method for subclassed. Will be called by __init__ """ self.selector = select.poll() def set_alarm(self, alarm_cb, seconds): """ Set up a new alarm. alarm_cb will be called after specified seconds. """ alarm_time = self.current_time() + seconds # almost impossible, but in case we have another alarm_cb at this time if alarm_time in self.alarms: self.alarms[alarm_time].append(alarm_cb) else: self.alarms[alarm_time] = [alarm_cb] return alarm_time def remove_alarm(self, alarm_cb, alarm_time): """ Remove alarm callback alarm_cb scheduled on alarm_time. Returns True if it was removed sucessfully, otherwise False """ if alarm_time not in self.alarms: return False i = -1 for i in range(len(self.alarms[alarm_time])): # let's not modify the list inside the loop if self.alarms[alarm_time][i] is alarm_cb: break if i != -1: del self.alarms[alarm_time][i] if not self.alarms[alarm_time]: del self.alarms[alarm_time] return True return False def remove_timeout(self, fd, timeout=None): """ Remove the read timeout """ log.debug('read timeout removed for fd %s', fd) if fd in self.read_timeouts: if timeout: if timeout in self.read_timeouts[fd]: del self.read_timeouts[fd][timeout] if len(self.read_timeouts[fd]) == 0: del self.read_timeouts[fd] else: del self.read_timeouts[fd] def set_read_timeout(self, fd, seconds, func=None): """ Seta a new timeout. If it is not removed after specified seconds, func or obj.read_timeout() will be called A filedescriptor fd can have several timeouts. """ log_txt = 'read timeout set for fd %s on %i seconds' % (fd, seconds) if func: log_txt += ' with function ' + str(func) log.info(log_txt) timeout = self.current_time() + seconds if fd in self.read_timeouts: self.read_timeouts[fd][timeout] = func else: self.read_timeouts[fd] = {timeout: func} def _check_time_events(self): """ Execute and remove alarm callbacks and execute func() or read_timeout() for plugged objects if specified time has ellapsed """ current_time = self.current_time() for fd, timeouts in list(self.read_timeouts.items()): if fd not in self.queue: self.remove_timeout(fd) continue for timeout, func in list(timeouts.items()): if timeout > current_time: continue if func: log.debug('Calling %s for fd %s', func, fd) func() else: log.debug('Calling read_timeout for fd %s', fd) self.queue[fd].read_timeout() self.remove_timeout(fd, timeout) times = list(self.alarms.keys()) for alarm_time in times: if alarm_time > current_time: continue if alarm_time in self.alarms: for callback in self.alarms[alarm_time]: callback() if alarm_time in self.alarms: del self.alarms[alarm_time] def plug_idle(self, obj, writable=True, readable=True): """ Plug an IdleObject into idlequeue. Filedescriptor fd must be set :param obj: the IdleObject :param writable: True if obj has data to sent :param readable: True if obj expects data to be received """ if obj.fd == -1: return if obj.fd in self.queue: self.unplug_idle(obj.fd) self.queue[obj.fd] = obj if writable: if not readable: flags = FLAG_WRITE else: flags = FLAG_READ_WRITE else: if readable: flags = FLAG_READ else: # when we paused a FT, we expect only a close event flags = FLAG_CLOSE self._add_idle(obj.fd, flags) def _add_idle(self, fd, flags): """ Hook method for subclasses, called by plug_idle """ self.selector.register(fd, flags) def unplug_idle(self, fd): """ Remove plugged IdleObject, specified by filedescriptor fd """ if fd in self.queue: del self.queue[fd] self._remove_idle(fd) @staticmethod def current_time(): return time.monotonic() def _remove_idle(self, fd): """ Hook method for subclassed, called by unplug_idle """ self.selector.unregister(fd) def _process_events(self, fd, flags): obj = self.queue.get(fd) if obj is None: self.unplug_idle(fd) return False read_write = False if flags & PENDING_READ: #print 'waiting read on %d, flags are %d' % (fd, flags) obj.pollin() read_write = True elif flags & PENDING_WRITE and not flags & IS_CLOSED: obj.pollout() read_write = True if flags & IS_CLOSED: # io error, don't expect more events self.remove_timeout(obj.fd) self.unplug_idle(obj.fd) obj.pollend() return False if read_write: return True return False def process(self): """ This function must be overridden by an implementation of the IdleQueue. Process idlequeue. Check for any pending timeout or alarm events. Call IdleObjects on possible and requested read, write and error events on their file descriptors Call this in regular intervals. """ raise NotImplementedError("You need to define a process() method.") class SelectIdleQueue(IdleQueue): """ Extends IdleQueue to use select.select() for polling This class exisists for the sake of gtk2.8 on windows, which doesn't seem to support io_add_watch properly (yet) """ def checkQueue(self): """ Iterates through all known file descriptors and uses os.stat to check if they're valid. Greatly improves performance if the caller hands us and expects notification on an invalid file handle. """ bad_fds = [] union = {} union.update(self.write_fds) union.update(self.read_fds) union.update(self.error_fds) for fd in union: try: _status = os.stat(fd) except OSError: # This file descriptor is invalid. Add to list for closure. bad_fds.append(fd) for fd in bad_fds: obj = self.queue.get(fd) if obj is not None: self.remove_timeout(fd) self.unplug_idle(fd) def _init_idle(self): """ Create a dict, which maps file/pipe/sock descriptor to glib event id """ self.read_fds = {} self.write_fds = {} self.error_fds = {} def _add_idle(self, fd, flags): """ This method is called when we plug a new idle object. Add descriptor to read/write/error lists, according flags """ if flags & 3: self.read_fds[fd] = fd if flags & 4: self.write_fds[fd] = fd self.error_fds[fd] = fd def _remove_idle(self, fd): """ This method is called when we unplug a new idle object. Remove descriptor from read/write/error lists """ if fd in self.read_fds: del self.read_fds[fd] if fd in self.write_fds: del self.write_fds[fd] if fd in self.error_fds: del self.error_fds[fd] def process(self): if not self.write_fds and not self.read_fds: self._check_time_events() return True try: waiting_descriptors = select.select( list(self.read_fds.keys()), list(self.write_fds.keys()), list(self.error_fds.keys()), 0) except OSError as error: waiting_descriptors = ((), (), ()) if error.errno != errno.EINTR: self.checkQueue() raise for fd in waiting_descriptors[0]: idle_object = self.queue.get(fd) if idle_object: idle_object.pollin() for fd in waiting_descriptors[1]: idle_object = self.queue.get(fd) if idle_object: idle_object.pollout() for fd in waiting_descriptors[2]: idle_object = self.queue.get(fd) if idle_object: idle_object.pollend() self._check_time_events() return True class GlibIdleQueue(IdleQueue): """ Extends IdleQueue to use glib io_add_wath, instead of select/poll In another 'non gui' implementation of Gajim IdleQueue can be used safetly """ # (timeout, boolean) # Boolean is True if timeout is specified in seconds, # False means miliseconds PROCESS_TIMEOUT = (2, True) def _init_idle(self): """ Creates a dict, which maps file/pipe/sock descriptor to glib event id """ self.events = {} def _add_idle(self, fd, flags): """ This method is called when we plug a new idle object. Start listening for events from fd """ res = GLib.io_add_watch(fd, GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, flags, self._process_events) # store the id of the watch, so that we can remove it on unplug self.events[fd] = res def _process_events(self, fd, flags): try: return IdleQueue._process_events(self, fd, flags) except Exception: self._remove_idle(fd) self._add_idle(fd, flags) raise def _remove_idle(self, fd): """ This method is called when we unplug a new idle object. Stop listening for events from fd """ if not fd in self.events: return GLib.source_remove(self.events[fd]) del self.events[fd] def process(self): self._check_time_events()