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git.blender.org/blender-addons.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorStephen Leger <stephen@3dservices.ch>2017-04-15 19:31:42 +0300
committerStephen Leger <stephen@3dservices.ch>2017-04-17 14:38:05 +0300
commit93d779e1892f36c03968150b11578f0b9b3cf247 (patch)
parent5641a9e0d61951714afeed609a2e787d0a2c1068 (diff)
Revert "Initial release"
This reverts commit 754081ae6b100e7bd288da7e72496b4d3768b5ca.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/space_clip_editor_autotracker.py b/space_clip_editor_autotracker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c2bcae..00000000
--- a/space_clip_editor_autotracker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-bl_info = {
- "name": "Autotrack",
- "author": "Miika Puustinen, Matti Kaihola",
- "version": (0, 0, 95),
- "blender": (2, 78, 0),
- "location": "Movie clip Editor > Tools Panel > Autotrack",
- "description": "Motion Tracking with automatic feature detection.",
- "warning": "",
- "wiki_url": "https://github.com/miikapuustinen/blender_autotracker",
- "category": "Motion Tracking",
- }
-import bpy
-import math
-class AutotrackerOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
- """Autotrack. Esc to cancel."""
- bl_idname = "wm.modal_timer_operator"
- bl_label = "Modal Timer Operator"
- limits = bpy.props.IntProperty(default=0)
- _timer = None
- def active_clip(self):
- area = [i for i in bpy.context.screen.areas if i.type == 'CLIP_EDITOR'][0]
- clip = area.spaces.active.clip.name
- return clip
- def auto_features(self, delete_threshold, limits):
- tracks = []
- selected = []
- old = []
- to_delete = []
- bpy.ops.clip.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- # Detect Features
- bpy.ops.clip.detect_features(
- threshold=bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.df_threshold,
- min_distance=bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.df_distance,
- margin=bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.df_margin,
- placement=bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.placement_list
- )
- current_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
- tracks = bpy.data.movieclips[self.active_clip()].tracking.tracks
- for track in tracks:
- if track.markers.find_frame(current_frame) is not None:
- if track.select is not True and track.hide is False and track.markers.find_frame(current_frame).mute is False:
- old.append(track)
- if track.select is True:
- selected.append(track)
- # Select overlapping new markers
- for i in selected:
- for j in old:
- i_marker = i.markers.find_frame(current_frame)
- j_marker = j.markers.find_frame(current_frame)
- distance = math.sqrt(((i_marker.co[0] - j_marker.co[0])**2) + ((i_marker.co[1] - j_marker.co[1])**2))
- if distance < delete_threshold:
- to_delete.append(i)
- break
- # delete short tracks
- for track in tracks:
- muted = []
- active = []
- # print(track)
- for marker in track.markers:
- if marker.mute is True:
- muted.append(marker)
- else:
- active.append(marker)
- if len(muted) > 3 and len(active) < 1:
- to_delete.append(track)
- if len(track.markers) > 1 and len(active) == 0:
- to_delete.append(track)
- # Delete Overlapping Markers
- bpy.ops.clip.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- for track in tracks:
- if track in to_delete:
- track.select = True
- bpy.ops.clip.delete_track()
- print(str(len(selected)) + "/" + str(len(tracks)) + " tracks tracking.")
- def track_frames_backward(self):
- bpy.ops.clip.track_markers(backwards=True, sequence=False)
- def track_frames_forward(self):
- bpy.ops.clip.track_markers(backwards=False, sequence=False)
- def remove_extra(self, jump_cut, track_backwards):
- trackers = []
- if track_backwards is True:
- one_frame = -1
- two_frames = -2
- else:
- one_frame = 1
- two_frames = 2
- if self.limits >= 3:
- trackers = bpy.data.movieclips[self.active_clip()].tracking.tracks
- for i in trackers:
- if len(i.markers) > 5:
- current_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
- if (i.markers.find_frame(current_frame) is not None and
- i.markers.find_frame(current_frame - one_frame) is not None and
- i.markers.find_frame(current_frame - two_frames) is not None):
- key_frame = i.markers.find_frame(current_frame).co
- prev_frame = i.markers.find_frame(current_frame - one_frame).co
- distance = math.sqrt(((key_frame[0] - prev_frame[0])**2) + ((key_frame[1] - prev_frame[1])**2))
- # Jump Cut threshold
- if distance > jump_cut:
- if (i.markers.find_frame(current_frame) is not None and
- i.markers.find_frame(current_frame - one_frame) is not None):
- # create new track to new pos
- new_track = \
- bpy.data.movieclips[self.active_clip()].tracking.tracks.new(frame=current_frame)
- new_track.markers[0].co = i.markers.find_frame(current_frame).co
- i.markers.find_frame(current_frame).mute = True
- i.markers.find_frame(current_frame - one_frame).mute = True
- def modal(self, context, event):
- scene = bpy.context.scene
- if (event.type in {'ESC'} or scene.frame_current == scene.frame_end + 1 or
- scene.frame_current == scene.frame_start - 1):
- self.limits = 0
- self.cancel(context)
- return {'FINISHED'}
- if event.type == 'TIMER':
- delete_threshold = bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.delete_threshold
- endframe = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
- start_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
- frame_separate = bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.frame_separation
- margin = bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.df_margin
- distance = bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.df_distance
- threshold = bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.df_threshold
- jump_cut = bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.jump_cut
- track_backwards = bpy.context.scene.autotracker_props.track_backwards
- # Auto features every frame separate step
- if bpy.context.scene.frame_current % frame_separate == 0 or self.limits == 0:
- limits = self.limits
- self.auto_features(delete_threshold, limits)
- # Select all trackers for tracking
- select_all = bpy.ops.clip.select_all(action='SELECT')
- tracks = bpy.data.movieclips[self.active_clip()].tracking.tracks
- active_tracks = []
- for track in tracks:
- if track.lock is True:
- track.select = False
- else:
- active_tracks.append(track)
- # Forwards or backwards tracking
- if track_backwards is True:
- if len(active_tracks) == 0:
- print("No new tracks created. Doing nothing.")
- self.limits = 0
- self.cancel(context)
- return {'FINISHED'}
- else:
- self.track_frames_backward()
- else:
- if len(active_tracks) == 0:
- print("No new tracks created. Doing nothing.")
- self.limits = 0
- self.cancel(context)
- return {'FINISHED'}
- else:
- self.track_frames_forward()
- # Remove bad tracks
- self.remove_extra(jump_cut, track_backwards)
- self.limits += 1
- return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
- def execute(self, context):
- wm = context.window_manager
- self._timer = wm.event_timer_add(time_step=0.5, window=context.window)
- wm.modal_handler_add(self)
- return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
- def cancel(self, context):
- wm = context.window_manager
- wm.event_timer_remove(self._timer)
-class Autotracker_UI(bpy.types.Panel):
- """Creates a Panel in the Render Layer properties window"""
- bl_label = "Autotrack"
- bl_idname = "autotrack"
- bl_space_type = 'CLIP_EDITOR'
- bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
- bl_category = "Track"
- # Draw UI
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.scale_y = 1.5
- props = row.operator("wm.modal_timer_operator", text="Autotrack! ", icon='PLAY')
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "track_backwards")
- row = layout.row(align=True) # make next row
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "delete_threshold")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "frame_separation", text="Frame Separation")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "jump_cut", text="Jump Threshold")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.label(text="Detect Features Settings:")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "df_margin", text="Margin:")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "df_threshold", text="Threshold:")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "df_distance", text="Distance:")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.label(text="Feature Placement:")
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(context.scene.autotracker_props, "placement_list")
-class AutotrackerSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
- """Create properties"""
- df_margin = bpy.props.IntProperty(
- name="Detect Features Margin",
- description="Only features further margin pixels from the image edges are considered.",
- default=16,
- min=0,
- max=2000
- )
- df_threshold = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
- name="Detect Features Threshold",
- description="Threshold level to concider feature good enough for tracking.",
- default=0.01,
- min=0.0,
- max=1.0
- )
- df_distance = bpy.props.IntProperty(
- name="Detect Features Distance",
- description="Minimal distance accepted between two features.",
- default=64,
- min=1,
- max=300
- )
- delete_threshold = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
- name="New Marker Threshold",
- description="Threshold how near new features can appear during autotracking.",
- default=0.1,
- min=0.0,
- max=1.0
- )
- frame_separation = bpy.props.IntProperty(
- name="Frame Separation",
- description="How often new features are generated.",
- default=5,
- min=1,
- max=100
- )
- jump_cut = bpy.props.FloatProperty(
- name="Jump Cut",
- description="Distance how much a marker can travel before it is considered "
- "to be a bad track and cut. A new track is added.",
- default=0.1,
- min=0.0,
- max=1.0
- )
- track_backwards = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
- name="AutoTrack Backwards",
- description="Autotrack backwards.",
- default=False
- )
- # Dropdown menu
- list_items = [
- ("FRAME", "Whole Frame", "", 1),
- ("INSIDE_GPENCIL", "Inside Grease Pencil", "", 2),
- ("OUTSIDE_GPENCIL", "Outside Grease Pencil", "", 3),
- ]
- placement_list = bpy.props.EnumProperty(
- name="",
- description="Feaure Placement",
- items=list_items
- )
-def register():
- bpy.utils.register_class(AutotrackerOperator)
- bpy.utils.register_class(Autotracker_UI)
- bpy.utils.register_class(AutotrackerSettings)
- bpy.types.Scene.autotracker_props = \
- bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=AutotrackerSettings)
-def unregister():
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(AutotrackerOperator)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(Autotracker_UI)
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(AutotrackerSettings)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- register()