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Diffstat (limited to 'add_advanced_objects_panels/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/add_advanced_objects_panels/__init__.py b/add_advanced_objects_panels/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81950727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/add_advanced_objects_panels/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# Contributed to by:
+# meta-androcto, Bill Currie, Jorge Hernandez - Melenedez Jacob Morris, Oscurart #
+# Rebellion, Antonis Karvelas, Eleanor Howick, lijenstina, Daniel Schalla, Domlysz #
+# Unnikrishnan(kodemax), Florian Meyer, Omar ahmed, Brian Hinton (Nichod), liero #
+# Atom, Dannyboy, Mano-Wii, Kursad Karatas, teldredge, Phil Cote #
+bl_info = {
+ "name": "Add Advanced Object Panels",
+ "author": "meta-androcto,",
+ "version": (1, 1, 4),
+ "blender": (2, 7, 7),
+ "description": "Individual Create Panel Activation List",
+ "location": "Addons Preferences",
+ "warning": "",
+ "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
+ "Scripts/3D_interaction/viewport_pies",
+ "category": "Object"
+ }
+import bpy
+from bpy.types import (
+ Menu,
+ AddonPreferences,
+ PropertyGroup,
+ )
+from bpy.props import (
+ BoolProperty,
+ BoolVectorProperty,
+ EnumProperty,
+ FloatProperty,
+ FloatVectorProperty,
+ IntProperty,
+ StringProperty,
+ PointerProperty,
+ )
+sub_modules_names = (
+ "drop_to_ground",
+ "object_laplace_lightning",
+ "object_mangle_tools",
+ "unfold_transition",
+ "delaunay_voronoi",
+ "oscurart_constellation",
+ )
+sub_modules = [__import__(__package__ + "." + submod, {}, {}, submod) for submod in sub_modules_names]
+sub_modules.sort(key=lambda mod: (mod.bl_info['category'], mod.bl_info['name']))
+#Addons Preferences
+def _get_pref_class(mod):
+ import inspect
+ for obj in vars(mod).values():
+ if inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, PropertyGroup):
+ if hasattr(obj, 'bl_idname') and obj.bl_idname == mod.__name__:
+ return obj
+def get_addon_preferences(name=''):
+ """Acquisition and registration"""
+ addons = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons
+ if __name__ not in addons: # wm.read_factory_settings()
+ return None
+ addon_prefs = addons[__name__].preferences
+ if name:
+ if not hasattr(addon_prefs, name):
+ for mod in sub_modules:
+ if mod.__name__.split('.')[-1] == name:
+ cls = _get_pref_class(mod)
+ if cls:
+ prop = PointerProperty(type=cls)
+ setattr(AdvancedObjPreferences1, name, prop)
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(AdvancedObjPreferences1)
+ bpy.utils.register_class(AdvancedObjPreferences1)
+ return getattr(addon_prefs, name, None)
+ else:
+ return addon_prefs
+def register_submodule(mod):
+ if not hasattr(mod, '__addon_enabled__'):
+ mod.__addon_enabled__ = False
+ if not mod.__addon_enabled__:
+ mod.register()
+ mod.__addon_enabled__ = True
+def unregister_submodule(mod):
+ if mod.__addon_enabled__:
+ mod.unregister()
+ mod.__addon_enabled__ = False
+ prefs = get_addon_preferences()
+ name = mod.__name__.split('.')[-1]
+ if hasattr(AdvancedObjPreferences1, name):
+ delattr(AdvancedObjPreferences1, name)
+ if prefs:
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(AdvancedObjPreferences1)
+ bpy.utils.register_class(AdvancedObjPreferences1)
+ if name in prefs:
+ del prefs[name]
+class AdvancedObjPreferences1(AddonPreferences):
+ bl_idname = __name__
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ for mod in sub_modules:
+ mod_name = mod.__name__.split('.')[-1]
+ info = mod.bl_info
+ column = layout.column()
+ box = column.box()
+ # first stage
+ expand = getattr(self, 'show_expanded_' + mod_name)
+ icon = 'TRIA_DOWN' if expand else 'TRIA_RIGHT'
+ col = box.column()
+ row = col.row()
+ sub = row.row()
+ sub.context_pointer_set('addon_prefs', self)
+ op = sub.operator('wm.context_toggle', text='', icon=icon,
+ emboss=False)
+ op.data_path = 'addon_prefs.show_expanded_' + mod_name
+ sub.label('{}: {}'.format(info['category'], info['name']))
+ sub = row.row()
+ sub.alignment = 'RIGHT'
+ if info.get('warning'):
+ sub.label('', icon='ERROR')
+ sub.prop(self, 'use_' + mod_name, text='')
+ # The second stage
+ if expand:
+ if info.get('description'):
+ split = col.row().split(percentage=0.15)
+ split.label('Description:')
+ split.label(info['description'])
+ if info.get('location'):
+ split = col.row().split(percentage=0.15)
+ split.label('Location:')
+ split.label(info['location'])
+ if info.get('author') and info.get('author') != 'chromoly':
+ split = col.row().split(percentage=0.15)
+ split.label('Author:')
+ split.label(info['author'])
+ if info.get('version'):
+ split = col.row().split(percentage=0.15)
+ split.label('Version:')
+ split.label('.'.join(str(x) for x in info['version']),
+ translate=False)
+ if info.get('warning'):
+ split = col.row().split(percentage=0.15)
+ split.label('Warning:')
+ split.label(' ' + info['warning'], icon='ERROR')
+ tot_row = int(bool(info.get('wiki_url')))
+ if tot_row:
+ split = col.row().split(percentage=0.15)
+ split.label(text='Internet:')
+ if info.get('wiki_url'):
+ op = split.operator('wm.url_open',
+ text='Documentation', icon='HELP')
+ op.url = info.get('wiki_url')
+ for i in range(4 - tot_row):
+ split.separator()
+ # Details and settings
+ if getattr(self, 'use_' + mod_name):
+ prefs = get_addon_preferences(mod_name)
+ if prefs and hasattr(prefs, 'draw'):
+ box = box.column()
+ prefs.layout = box
+ try:
+ prefs.draw(context)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ box.label(text='Error (see console)', icon='ERROR')
+ del prefs.layout
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.label("End of Panel Activations")
+for mod in sub_modules:
+ info = mod.bl_info
+ mod_name = mod.__name__.split('.')[-1]
+ def gen_update(mod):
+ def update(self, context):
+ if getattr(self, 'use_' + mod.__name__.split('.')[-1]):
+ if not mod.__addon_enabled__:
+ register_submodule(mod)
+ else:
+ if mod.__addon_enabled__:
+ unregister_submodule(mod)
+ return update
+ prop = BoolProperty(
+ name=info['name'],
+ description=info.get('description', ''),
+ update=gen_update(mod),
+ )
+ setattr(AdvancedObjPreferences1, 'use_' + mod_name, prop)
+ prop = BoolProperty()
+ setattr(AdvancedObjPreferences1, 'show_expanded_' + mod_name, prop)
+class AdvancedObjProperties1(PropertyGroup):
+ # main properties
+ # object_laplace_lighting props
+ ORIGIN = FloatVectorProperty(
+ name="Origin charge"
+ )
+ GROUNDZ = IntProperty(
+ name="Ground Z coordinate"
+ )
+ HORDER = IntProperty(
+ name="Secondary paths orders",
+ default=1
+ )
+ # object_laplace_lighting UI props
+ TSTEPS = IntProperty(
+ name="Iterations",
+ default=350,
+ description="Number of cells to create\n"
+ "Will end early if hits ground plane or cloud"
+ )
+ GSCALE = FloatProperty(
+ name="Grid unit size",
+ default=0.12,
+ description="scale of cells, .25 = 4 cells per blenderUnit"
+ )
+ BIGVAR = FloatProperty(
+ name="Straightness",
+ default=6.3,
+ description="Straightness/branchiness of bolt, \n"
+ "<2 is mush, >12 is staight line, 6.3 is good"
+ )
+ GROUNDBOOL = BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Ground object",
+ description="Use ground plane or not",
+ default=True
+ )
+ GROUNDC = IntProperty(
+ name="Ground charge",
+ default=-250,
+ description="Charge of the ground plane"
+ )
+ CLOUDBOOL = BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Cloud object",
+ default=False,
+ description="Use cloud object - attracts and terminates like ground but\n"
+ "any obj instead of z plane\n"
+ "Can slow down loop if obj is large, overrides ground"
+ )
+ CLOUDC = IntProperty(
+ name="Cloud charge",
+ default=-1,
+ description="Charge of a cell in cloud object\n"
+ "(so total charge also depends on obj size)"
+ )
+ VMMESH = BoolProperty(
+ name="Multi mesh",
+ default=True,
+ description="Output to multi-meshes for different materials on main/sec/side branches"
+ )
+ VSMESH = BoolProperty(
+ name="Single mesh",
+ default=False,
+ description="Output to single mesh for using build modifier and particles for effects"
+ )
+ VCUBE = BoolProperty(
+ name="Cubes",
+ default=False,
+ description="CTRL-J after run to JOIN\n"
+ "Outputs a bunch of cube objects, mostly for testing"
+ )
+ VVOX = BoolProperty(
+ name="Voxel (experimental)",
+ default=False,
+ description="Output to a voxel file to bpy.data.filepath\FSLGvoxels.raw\n"
+ "(doesn't work well right now)"
+ )
+ IBOOL = BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Insulator object",
+ default=False,
+ description="Use insulator mesh object to prevent growth of bolt in areas"
+ )
+ OOB = StringProperty(
+ name="Select",
+ default="",
+ description="Origin of bolt, can be an Empty\n"
+ "if object is a mesh will use all verts as charges")
+ GOB = StringProperty(
+ name="Select",
+ default="",
+ description="Object to use as ground plane, uses z coord only"
+ )
+ COB = StringProperty(
+ name="Select",
+ default="",
+ description="Object to use as cloud, best to use a cube"
+ )
+ IOB = StringProperty(
+ name="Select",
+ default="",
+ description="Object to use as insulator, 'voxelized'\n"
+ "before generating bolt (can be slow)"
+ )
+ # object_mangle_tools properties
+ mangle_constraint_vector = BoolVectorProperty(
+ name="Mangle Constraint",
+ default=(True, True, True),
+ subtype='XYZ',
+ description="Constrains Mangle Direction"
+ )
+ mangle_random_magnitude = IntProperty(
+ name="Mangle Severity",
+ default=5,
+ min=1, max=30,
+ description="Severity of mangling"
+ )
+ mangle_name = StringProperty(
+ name="Shape Key Name",
+ default="mangle",
+ description="Name given for mangled shape keys"
+ )
+ # unfold_transition properties
+ unfold_arm_name = StringProperty(
+ default=""
+ )
+ unfold_modo = EnumProperty(
+ name="",
+ items=[("cursor", "3D Cursor", "Use the Distance to 3D Cursor"),
+ ("weight", "Weight Map", "Use a Painted Weight map"),
+ ("index", "Mesh Indices", "Use Faces and Vertices index")],
+ description="How to Sort Bones for animation", default="cursor"
+ )
+ unfold_flip = BoolProperty(
+ name="Flipping Faces",
+ default=False,
+ description="Rotate faces around the Center and skip Scaling - "
+ "keep checked for both operators"
+ )
+ unfold_fold_duration = IntProperty(
+ name="Total Time",
+ min=5, soft_min=25,
+ max=10000, soft_max=2500,
+ default=200,
+ description="Total animation length"
+ )
+ unfold_sca_time = IntProperty(
+ name="Scale Time",
+ min=1,
+ max=5000, soft_max=500,
+ default=10,
+ description="Faces scaling time"
+ )
+ unfold_rot_time = IntProperty(
+ name="Rotation Time",
+ min=1, soft_min=5,
+ max=5000, soft_max=500,
+ default=15,
+ description="Faces rotation time"
+ )
+ unfold_rot_max = IntProperty(
+ name="Angle",
+ min=-180,
+ max=180,
+ default=135,
+ description="Faces rotation angle"
+ )
+ unfold_fold_noise = IntProperty(
+ name="Noise",
+ min=0,
+ max=500, soft_max=50,
+ default=0,
+ description="Offset some faces animation"
+ )
+ unfold_bounce = FloatProperty(
+ name="Bounce",
+ min=0,
+ max=10, soft_max=2.5,
+ default=0,
+ description="Add some bounce to rotation"
+ )
+ unfold_from_point = BoolProperty(
+ name="Point",
+ default=False,
+ description="Scale faces from a Point instead of from an Edge"
+ )
+ unfold_wiggle_rot = BoolProperty(
+ name="Wiggle",
+ default=False,
+ description="Use all Axis + Random Rotation instead of X Aligned"
+ )
+ # oscurart_constellation
+ constellation_limit = FloatProperty(
+ name="Inital Threshold",
+ description="Edges will be created only if the distance\n"
+ "between vertices is smaller than this value\n"
+ "This is a starting value on Operator Invoke",
+ default=2,
+ min=0
+ )
+# Class list
+classes = (
+ AdvancedObjPreferences1,
+ AdvancedObjProperties1,
+ )
+def register():
+ for cls in classes:
+ bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
+ bpy.types.Scene.advanced_objects1 = PointerProperty(
+ type=AdvancedObjProperties1
+ )
+ prefs = get_addon_preferences()
+ for mod in sub_modules:
+ if not hasattr(mod, '__addon_enabled__'):
+ mod.__addon_enabled__ = False
+ name = mod.__name__.split('.')[-1]
+ if getattr(prefs, 'use_' + name):
+ register_submodule(mod)
+def unregister():
+ for mod in sub_modules:
+ if mod.__addon_enabled__:
+ unregister_submodule(mod)
+ del bpy.types.Scene.advanced_objects1
+ for cls in reversed(classes):
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ register()