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Diffstat (limited to 'add_curve_ivygen.py')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/add_curve_ivygen.py b/add_curve_ivygen.py
index dd523102..7a90b3b9 100644
--- a/add_curve_ivygen.py
+++ b/add_curve_ivygen.py
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
bl_info = {
"name": "IvyGen",
"author": "testscreenings, PKHG, TrumanBlending",
- "version": (0, 1, 2),
+ "version": (0, 1, 4),
"blender": (2, 59, 0),
- "location": "View3D > Add > Curve",
+ "location": "View3D > Tool Shelf > Create > Ivy Generator",
"description": "Adds generated ivy to a mesh object starting "
"at the 3D cursor",
"warning": "",
@@ -34,10 +34,16 @@ bl_info = {
import bpy
+from bpy.types import (
+ Operator,
+ Panel,
+ PropertyGroup,
+ )
from bpy.props import (
+ BoolProperty,
- BoolProperty,
+ PointerProperty,
from mathutils import (
@@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ def createIvyGeometry(IVY, growLeaves):
if growLeaves:
faceList = [[4 * i + l for l in range(4)] for i in
- range(len(vertList) // 4)]
+ range(len(vertList) // 4)]
# Generate the new leaf mesh and link
me = bpy.data.meshes.new('IvyLeaf')
@@ -212,24 +218,6 @@ def createIvyGeometry(IVY, growLeaves):
ob.parent = newCurve
-def computeBoundingSphere(ob):
- # Get the mesh data
- me = ob.data
- # Intialise the center
- center = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- # Add all vertex coords
- for v in me.vertices:
- center += v.co
- # Average over all verts
- center /= len(me.vertices)
- # Create the iterator and find its max
- length_iter = ((center - v.co).length for v in me.vertices)
- radius = max(length_iter)
- return radius
class IvyNode:
""" The basic class used for each point on the ivy which is grown."""
__slots__ = ('pos', 'primaryDir', 'adhesionVector', 'adhesionLength',
@@ -463,12 +451,204 @@ def check_mesh_faces(ob):
return False
-class IvyGen(bpy.types.Operator):
+class IvyGen(Operator):
bl_idname = "curve.ivy_gen"
bl_label = "IvyGen"
bl_description = "Generate Ivy on an Mesh Object"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ updateIvy = BoolProperty(
+ name="Update Ivy",
+ description="Update the Ivy location based on the cursor and Panel settings",
+ default=False
+ )
+ defaultIvy = BoolProperty(
+ name="Default Ivy",
+ options={"HIDDEN", "SKIP_SAVE"},
+ default=False
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(self, context):
+ # Check if there's an object and whether it's a mesh
+ ob = context.active_object
+ return ((ob is not None) and
+ (ob.type == 'MESH') and
+ (context.mode == 'OBJECT'))
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ self.updateIvy = True
+ return self.execute(context)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ # scene = context.scene
+ ivyProps = context.window_manager.ivy_gen_props
+ if not self.updateIvy:
+ return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+ # assign the variables, check if it is default
+ # Note: update the values if window_manager props defaults are changed
+ randomSeed = ivyProps.randomSeed if not self.defaultIvy else 0
+ maxTime = ivyProps.maxTime if not self.defaultIvy else 0
+ maxIvyLength = ivyProps.maxIvyLength if not self.defaultIvy else 1.0
+ ivySize = ivyProps.ivySize if not self.defaultIvy else 0.02
+ maxFloatLength = ivyProps.maxFloatLength if not self.defaultIvy else 0.5
+ maxAdhesionDistance = ivyProps.maxAdhesionDistance if not self.defaultIvy else 1.0
+ primaryWeight = ivyProps.primaryWeight if not self.defaultIvy else 0.5
+ randomWeight = ivyProps.randomWeight if not self.defaultIvy else 0.2
+ gravityWeight = ivyProps.gravityWeight if not self.defaultIvy else 1.0
+ adhesionWeight = ivyProps.adhesionWeight if not self.defaultIvy else 0.1
+ branchingProbability = ivyProps.branchingProbability if not self.defaultIvy else 0.05
+ leafProbability = ivyProps.leafProbability if not self.defaultIvy else 0.35
+ ivyBranchSize = ivyProps.ivyBranchSize if not self.defaultIvy else 0.001
+ ivyLeafSize = ivyProps.ivyLeafSize if not self.defaultIvy else 0.02
+ growLeaves = ivyProps.growLeaves if not self.defaultIvy else True
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
+ # Get the selected object
+ ob = context.active_object
+ # Check if the mesh has at least one polygon since some functions
+ # are expecting them in the object's data (see T51753)
+ check_face = check_mesh_faces(ob)
+ if check_face is False:
+ self.report({'WARNING'},
+ "Mesh Object doesn't have at least one Face. "
+ "Operation Cancelled")
+ return {"CANCELLED"}
+ # Compute bounding sphere radius
+ # radius = computeBoundingSphere(ob) # Not needed anymore
+ # Get the seeding point
+ seedPoint = context.scene.cursor_location
+ # Fix the random seed
+ rand_seed(randomSeed)
+ # Make the new ivy
+ IVY = Ivy(
+ primaryWeight=primaryWeight,
+ randomWeight=randomWeight,
+ gravityWeight=gravityWeight,
+ adhesionWeight=adhesionWeight,
+ branchingProbability=branchingProbability,
+ leafProbability=leafProbability,
+ ivySize=ivySize,
+ ivyLeafSize=ivyLeafSize,
+ ivyBranchSize=ivyBranchSize,
+ maxFloatLength=maxFloatLength,
+ maxAdhesionDistance=maxAdhesionDistance
+ )
+ # Generate first root and node
+ IVY.seed(seedPoint)
+ checkTime = False
+ maxLength = maxIvyLength # * radius
+ # If we need to check time set the flag
+ if maxTime != 0.0:
+ checkTime = True
+ t = time.time()
+ startPercent = 0.0
+ checkAliveIter = [True, ]
+ # Grow until 200 roots is reached or backup counter exceeds limit
+ while (any(checkAliveIter) and
+ (IVY.maxLength < maxLength) and
+ (not checkTime or (time.time() - t < maxTime))):
+ # Grow the ivy for this iteration
+ IVY.grow(ob)
+ # Print the proportion of ivy growth to console
+ if (IVY.maxLength / maxLength * 100) > 10 * startPercent // 10:
+ print('%0.2f%% of Ivy nodes have grown' %
+ (IVY.maxLength / maxLength * 100))
+ startPercent += 10
+ if IVY.maxLength / maxLength > 1:
+ print("Halting Growth")
+ # Make an iterator to check if all are alive
+ checkAliveIter = (r.alive for r in IVY.ivyRoots)
+ # Create the curve and leaf geometry
+ createIvyGeometry(IVY, growLeaves)
+ print("Geometry Generation Complete")
+ print("Ivy generated in %0.2f s" % (time.time() - t))
+ self.updateIvy = False
+ self.defaultIvy = False
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ layout.prop(self, "updateIvy", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
+class CURVE_PT_IvyGenPanel(Panel):
+ bl_label = "Ivy Generator"
+ bl_idname = "CURVE_PT_IvyGenPanel"
+ bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
+ bl_region_type = "TOOLS"
+ bl_category = "Create"
+ bl_context = 'objectmode'
+ bl_options = {"DEFAULT_CLOSED"}
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ wm = context.window_manager
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ prop_new = col.operator("curve.ivy_gen", text="Add New Ivy", icon="OUTLINER_OB_CURVE")
+ prop_new.defaultIvy = False
+ prop_new.updateIvy = True
+ prop_def = col.operator("curve.ivy_gen", text="Add New Default Ivy", icon="CURVE_DATA")
+ prop_def.defaultIvy = True
+ prop_def.updateIvy = True
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.label("Generation Settings:")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "randomSeed")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "maxTime")
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.label("Size Settings:")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "maxIvyLength")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "ivySize")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "maxFloatLength")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "maxAdhesionDistance")
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.label("Weight Settings:")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "primaryWeight")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "randomWeight")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "gravityWeight")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "adhesionWeight")
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.label("Branch Settings:")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "branchingProbability")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "ivyBranchSize")
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "growLeaves")
+ if wm.ivy_gen_props.growLeaves:
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.label("Leaf Settings:")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "ivyLeafSize")
+ col.prop(wm.ivy_gen_props, "leafProbability")
+class IvyGenProperties(PropertyGroup):
maxIvyLength = FloatProperty(
name="Max Ivy Length",
description="Maximum ivy length in Blender Units",
@@ -551,7 +731,8 @@ class IvyGen(bpy.types.Operator):
"can live while floating",
- soft_max=1.0)
+ soft_max=1.0
+ )
maxAdhesionDistance = FloatProperty(
name="Max Adhesion Length",
description="The maximum distance that a branch "
@@ -580,168 +761,29 @@ class IvyGen(bpy.types.Operator):
description="Grow leaves or not",
- updateIvy = BoolProperty(
- name="Update Ivy",
- default=False
- )
- @classmethod
- def poll(self, context):
- # Check if there's an object and whether it's a mesh
- ob = context.active_object
- return ((ob is not None) and
- (ob.type == 'MESH') and
- (context.mode == 'OBJECT'))
- def invoke(self, context, event):
- self.updateIvy = True
- return self.execute(context)
- def execute(self, context):
- if not self.updateIvy:
- return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
- # Get the selected object
- ob = context.active_object
- # Check if the mesh has at least one polygon since some functions
- # are expecting them in the object's data (see T51753)
- check_face = check_mesh_faces(ob)
- if check_face is False:
- self.report({'WARNING'},
- "Mesh Object doesn't have at least one Face. "
- "Operation Cancelled")
- return {"CANCELLED"}
- # Compute bounding sphere radius
- # radius = computeBoundingSphere(ob) # Not needed anymore
- # Get the seeding point
- seedPoint = context.scene.cursor_location
- # Fix the random seed
- rand_seed(self.randomSeed)
- # Make the new ivy
- IVY = Ivy(**self.as_keywords(ignore=('randomSeed', 'growLeaves',
- 'maxIvyLength', 'maxTime', 'updateIvy')))
- # Generate first root and node
- IVY.seed(seedPoint)
- checkTime = False
- maxLength = self.maxIvyLength # * radius
- # If we need to check time set the flag
- if self.maxTime != 0.0:
- checkTime = True
- t = time.time()
- startPercent = 0.0
- checkAliveIter = [True, ]
- # Grow until 200 roots is reached or backup counter exceeds limit
- while (any(checkAliveIter) and
- (IVY.maxLength < maxLength) and
- (not checkTime or (time.time() - t < self.maxTime))):
- # Grow the ivy for this iteration
- IVY.grow(ob)
- # Print the proportion of ivy growth to console
- if (IVY.maxLength / maxLength * 100) > 10 * startPercent // 10:
- print('%0.2f%% of Ivy nodes have grown' %
- (IVY.maxLength / maxLength * 100))
- startPercent += 10
- if IVY.maxLength / maxLength > 1:
- print("Halting Growth")
- # Make an iterator to check if all are alive
- checkAliveIter = (r.alive for r in IVY.ivyRoots)
- # Create the curve and leaf geometry
- createIvyGeometry(IVY, self.growLeaves)
- print("Geometry Generation Complete")
- print("Ivy generated in %0.2f s" % (time.time() - t))
- self.updateIvy = False
- return {'FINISHED'}
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- layout.prop(self, 'updateIvy', icon='CURVE_DATA')
- properties = layout.operator('curve.ivy_gen', text="Add New Ivy")
- properties.randomSeed = self.randomSeed
- properties.maxTime = self.maxTime
- properties.maxIvyLength = self.maxIvyLength
- properties.ivySize = self.ivySize
- properties.maxFloatLength = self.maxFloatLength
- properties.maxAdhesionDistance = self.maxAdhesionDistance
- properties.primaryWeight = self.primaryWeight
- properties.randomWeight = self.randomWeight
- properties.gravityWeight = self.gravityWeight
- properties.adhesionWeight = self.adhesionWeight
- properties.branchingProbability = self.branchingProbability
- properties.leafProbability = self.leafProbability
- properties.ivyBranchSize = self.ivyBranchSize
- properties.ivyLeafSize = self.ivyLeafSize
- properties.updateIvy = True
- prop_def = layout.operator('curve.ivy_gen', text="Add New Default Ivy")
- prop_def.updateIvy = True
- layout.prop(self, 'growLeaves')
- box = layout.box()
- box.label("Generation Settings:")
- box.prop(self, 'randomSeed')
- box.prop(self, 'maxTime')
- box = layout.box()
- box.label("Size Settings:")
- box.prop(self, 'maxIvyLength')
- box.prop(self, 'ivySize')
- box.prop(self, 'maxFloatLength')
- box.prop(self, 'maxAdhesionDistance')
- box = layout.box()
- box.label("Weight Settings:")
- box.prop(self, 'primaryWeight')
- box.prop(self, 'randomWeight')
- box.prop(self, 'gravityWeight')
- box.prop(self, 'adhesionWeight')
- box = layout.box()
- box.label("Branch Settings:")
- box.prop(self, 'branchingProbability')
- box.prop(self, 'ivyBranchSize')
- if self.growLeaves:
- box = layout.box()
- box.label("Leaf Settings:")
- box.prop(self, 'ivyLeafSize')
- box.prop(self, 'leafProbability')
-def menu_func(self, context):
- self.layout.operator(IvyGen.bl_idname, text="Add Ivy to Mesh",
- icon='OUTLINER_DATA_CURVE').updateIvy = True
+classes = (
+ IvyGen,
+ IvyGenProperties,
+ CURVE_PT_IvyGenPanel
def register():
- bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
- bpy.types.INFO_MT_curve_add.append(menu_func)
+ for cls in classes:
+ bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
+ bpy.types.WindowManager.ivy_gen_props = PointerProperty(
+ type=IvyGenProperties
+ )
def unregister():
- bpy.types.INFO_MT_curve_add.remove(menu_func)
- bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
+ del bpy.types.WindowManager.ivy_gen_props
+ for cls in reversed(classes):
+ bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
if __name__ == "__main__":