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Diffstat (limited to 'add_curve_sapling/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/add_curve_sapling/__init__.py b/add_curve_sapling/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56c51bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/add_curve_sapling/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+#====================== BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ======================
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#======================= END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ========================
+bl_info = {
+ "name": "Sapling",
+ "author": "Andrew Hale (TrumanBlending)",
+ "version": (0, 2, 2),
+ "blender": (2, 5, 8),
+ "api": 37702,
+ "location": "View3D > Add > Curve",
+ "description": ("Adds a parametric tree. The method is presented by "
+ "Jason Weber & Joseph Penn in their paper 'Creation and Rendering of "
+ "Realistic Trees'."),
+ "warning": "", # used for warning icon and text in addons panel
+ "wiki_url": "",
+ "tracker_url": "",
+ "category": "Add Curve"}
+if "bpy" in locals():
+ import imp
+ imp.reload(utils)
+ from add_curve_sapling import utils
+import bpy
+import time
+import os
+#from utils import *
+from mathutils import *
+from math import pi, sin, degrees, radians, atan2, copysign
+from random import random, uniform, seed, choice, getstate, setstate
+from bpy.props import *
+from add_curve_sapling.utils import *
+#global splitError
+useSet = False
+shapeList = [('0', 'Conical (0)', 'Shape = 0'),
+ ('1', 'Spherical (1)', 'Shape = 1'),
+ ('2', 'Hemispherical (2)', 'Shape = 2'),
+ ('3', 'Cylindrical (3)', 'Shape = 3'),
+ ('4', 'Tapered Cylindrical (4)', 'Shape = 4'),
+ ('5', 'Flame (5)', 'Shape = 5'),
+ ('6', 'Inverse Conical (6)', 'Shape = 6'),
+ ('7', 'Tend Flame (7)', 'Shape = 7')]
+handleList = [('0', 'Auto', 'Auto'),
+ ('1', 'Vector', 'Vector')]
+settings = [('0', 'Geometry', 'Geometry'),
+ ('1', 'Branch Splitting', 'Branch Splitting'),
+ ('2', 'Branch Growth', 'Branch Growth'),
+ ('3', 'Pruning', 'Pruning'),
+ ('4', 'Leaves', 'Leaves'),
+ ('5', 'Armature', 'Armature')]
+def getPresetpath():
+ '''Support user defined scripts directory
+ Find the first ocurrence of add_curve_sapling/presets in possible script paths
+ and return it as preset path'''
+ presetpath = ""
+ for p in bpy.utils.script_paths():
+ presetpath = os.path.join(p, 'addons', 'add_curve_sapling', 'presets')
+ if os.path.exists(presetpath):
+ break
+ return presetpath
+class ExportData(bpy.types.Operator):
+ '''This operator handles writing presets to file'''
+ bl_idname = 'sapling.exportdata'
+ bl_label = 'Export Preset'
+ data = StringProperty()
+ def execute(self, context):
+ # Unpack some data from the input
+ data, filename = eval(self.data)
+ try:
+ # Check whether the file exists by trying to open it.
+ f = open(os.path.join(getPresetpath(), filename + '.py'), 'r')
+ f.close()
+ # If it exists then report an error
+ self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT'}, 'Preset Already Exists')
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ except IOError:
+ if data:
+ # If it doesn't exist, create the file with the required data
+ f = open(os.path.join(getPresetpath(), filename + '.py'), 'w')
+ f.write(data)
+ f.close()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+ else:
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+class ImportData(bpy.types.Operator):
+ '''This operator handles importing existing presets'''
+ bl_idname = 'sapling.importdata'
+ bl_label = 'Import Preset'
+ filename = StringProperty()
+ def execute(self, context):
+ # Make sure the operator knows about the global variables
+ global settings, useSet
+ # Read the preset data into the global settings
+ f = open(os.path.join(getPresetpath(), self.filename), 'r')
+ settings = f.readline()
+ f.close()
+ #print(settings)
+ settings = eval(settings)
+ # Set the flag to use the settings
+ useSet = True
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class PresetMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
+ '''Create the preset menu by finding all preset files
+ in the preset directory
+ '''
+ bl_idname = "sapling.presetmenu"
+ bl_label = "Presets"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ # Get all the sapling presets
+ presets = [a for a in os.listdir(getPresetpath()) if a[-3:] == '.py']
+ layout = self.layout
+ # Append all to the menu
+ for p in presets:
+ layout.operator("sapling.importdata", text=p[:-3]).filename = p
+class AddTree(bpy.types.Operator):
+ bl_idname = "curve.tree_add"
+ bl_label = "Sapling"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ chooseSet = EnumProperty(name='Settings',
+ description='Choose the settings to modify',
+ items=settings,
+ default='0')
+ bevel = BoolProperty(name='Bevel',
+ description='Whether the curve is bevelled',
+ default=False)
+ prune = BoolProperty(name='Prune',
+ description='Whether the tree is pruned',
+ default=False)
+ showLeaves = BoolProperty(name='Show Leaves',
+ description='Whether the leaves are shown',
+ default=False)
+ useArm = BoolProperty(name='Use Armature',
+ description='Whether the armature is generated',
+ default=False)
+ seed = IntProperty(name='Random Seed',
+ description='The seed of the random number generator',
+ default=0)
+ handleType = IntProperty(name='Handle Type',
+ description='The type of curve handles',
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ default=0)
+ levels = IntProperty(name='Levels',
+ description='Number of recursive branches (Levels)',
+ min=1,
+ max=6,
+ default=3)
+ length = FloatVectorProperty(name='Length',
+ description='The relative lengths of each branch level (nLength)',
+ min=0.0,
+ default=[1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.45],
+ size=4)
+ lengthV = FloatVectorProperty(name='Length Variation',
+ description='The relative length variations of each level (nLengthV)',
+ min=0.0,
+ default=[0, 0, 0, 0],
+ size=4)
+ branches = IntVectorProperty(name='Branches',
+ description='The number of branches grown at each level (nBranches)',
+ min=0,
+ default=[50, 30, 10, 10],
+ size=4)
+ curveRes = IntVectorProperty(name='Curve Resolution',
+ description='The number of segments on each branch (nCurveRes)',
+ min=1,
+ default=[3, 5, 3, 1],
+ size=4)
+ curve = FloatVectorProperty(name='Curvature',
+ description='The angle of the end of the branch (nCurve)',
+ default=[0, -40, -40, 0],
+ size=4)
+ curveV = FloatVectorProperty(name='Curvature Variation',
+ description='Variation of the curvature (nCurveV)',
+ default=[20, 50, 75, 0],
+ size=4)
+ curveBack = FloatVectorProperty(name='Back Curvature',
+ description='Curvature for the second half of a branch (nCurveBack)',
+ default=[0, 0, 0, 0],
+ size=4)
+ baseSplits = IntProperty(name='Base Splits',
+ description='Number of trunk splits at its base (nBaseSplits)',
+ min=0,
+ default=0)
+ segSplits = FloatVectorProperty(name='Segment Splits',
+ description='Number of splits per segment (nSegSplits)',
+ min=0,
+ default=[0, 0, 0, 0],
+ size=4)
+ splitAngle = FloatVectorProperty(name='Split Angle',
+ description='Angle of branch splitting (nSplitAngle)',
+ default=[0, 0, 0, 0],
+ size=4)
+ splitAngleV = FloatVectorProperty(name='Split Angle Variation',
+ description='Variation in the split angle (nSplitAngleV)',
+ default=[0, 0, 0, 0],
+ size=4)
+ scale = FloatProperty(name='Scale',
+ description='The tree scale (Scale)',
+ min=0.0,
+ default=13.0)
+ scaleV = FloatProperty(name='Scale Variation',
+ description='The variation in the tree scale (ScaleV)',
+ default=3.0)
+ attractUp = FloatProperty(name='Vertical Attraction',
+ description='Branch upward attraction',
+ default=0.0)
+ shape = EnumProperty(name='Shape',
+ description='The overall shape of the tree (Shape)',
+ items=shapeList,
+ default='7')
+ baseSize = FloatProperty(name='Base Size',
+ description='Fraction of tree height with no branches (BaseSize)',
+ min=0.0,
+ max=1.0,
+ default=0.4)
+ ratio = FloatProperty(name='Ratio',
+ description='Base radius size (Ratio)',
+ min=0.0,
+ default=0.015)
+ taper = FloatVectorProperty(name='Taper',
+ description='The fraction of tapering on each branch (nTaper)',
+ min=0.0,
+ max=1.0,
+ default=[1, 1, 1, 1],
+ size=4)
+ ratioPower = FloatProperty(name='Branch Radius Ratio',
+ description=('Power which defines the radius of a branch compared to '
+ 'the radius of the branch it grew from (RatioPower)'),
+ min=0.0,
+ default=1.2)
+ downAngle = FloatVectorProperty(name='Down Angle',
+ description=('The angle between a new branch and the one it grew '
+ 'from (nDownAngle)'),
+ default=[90, 60, 45, 45],
+ size=4)
+ downAngleV = FloatVectorProperty(name='Down Angle Variation',
+ description='Variation in the down angle (nDownAngleV)',
+ default=[0, -50, 10, 10],
+ size=4)
+ rotate = FloatVectorProperty(name='Rotate Angle',
+ description=('The angle of a new branch around the one it grew from '
+ '(nRotate)'),
+ default=[140, 140, 140, 77],
+ size=4)
+ rotateV = FloatVectorProperty(name='Rotate Angle Variation',
+ description='Variation in the rotate angle (nRotateV)',
+ default=[0, 0, 0, 0],
+ size=4)
+ scale0 = FloatProperty(name='Radius Scale',
+ description='The scale of the trunk radius (0Scale)',
+ min=0.0,
+ default=1.0)
+ scaleV0 = FloatProperty(name='Radius Scale Variation',
+ description='Variation in the radius scale (0ScaleV)',
+ default=0.2)
+ pruneWidth = FloatProperty(name='Prune Width',
+ description='The width of the envelope (PruneWidth)',
+ min=0.0,
+ default=0.4)
+ pruneWidthPeak = FloatProperty(name='Prune Width Peak',
+ description=('Fraction of envelope height where the maximum width '
+ 'occurs (PruneWidthPeak)'),
+ min=0.0,
+ default=0.6)
+ prunePowerHigh = FloatProperty(name='Prune Power High',
+ description=('Power which determines the shape of the upper portion '
+ 'of the envelope (PrunePowerHigh)'),
+ default=0.5)
+ prunePowerLow = FloatProperty(name='Prune Power Low',
+ description=('Power which determines the shape of the lower portion '
+ 'of the envelope (PrunePowerLow)'),
+ default=0.001)
+ pruneRatio = FloatProperty(name='Prune Ratio',
+ description='Proportion of pruned length (PruneRatio)',
+ min=0.0,
+ max=1.0,
+ default=1.0)
+ leaves = IntProperty(name='Leaves',
+ description='Maximum number of leaves per branch (Leaves)',
+ default=25)
+ leafScale = FloatProperty(name='Leaf Scale',
+ description='The scaling applied to the whole leaf (LeafScale)',
+ min=0.0,
+ default=0.17)
+ leafScaleX = FloatProperty(name='Leaf Scale X',
+ description=('The scaling applied to the x direction of the leaf '
+ '(LeafScaleX)'),
+ min=0.0,
+ default=1.0)
+ bend = FloatProperty(name='Leaf Bend',
+ description='The proportion of bending applied to the leaf (Bend)',
+ min=0.0,
+ max=1.0,
+ default=0.0)
+ leafDist = EnumProperty(name='Leaf Distribution',
+ description='The way leaves are distributed on branches',
+ items=shapeList,
+ default='4')
+ bevelRes = IntProperty(name='Bevel Resolution',
+ description='The bevel resolution of the curves',
+ min=0,
+ default=0)
+ resU = IntProperty(name='Curve Resolution',
+ description='The resolution along the curves',
+ min=1,
+ default=4)
+ handleType = EnumProperty(name='Handle Type',
+ description='The type of handles used in the spline',
+ items=handleList,
+ default='1')
+ frameRate = FloatProperty(name='Frame Rate',
+ description=('The number of frames per second which can be used to '
+ 'adjust the speed of animation'),
+ min=0.001,
+ default=1)
+ windSpeed = FloatProperty(name='Wind Speed',
+ description='The wind speed to apply to the armature (WindSpeed)',
+ default=2.0)
+ windGust = FloatProperty(name='Wind Gust',
+ description='The greatest increase over Wind Speed (WindGust)',
+ default=0.0)
+ armAnim = BoolProperty(name='Armature Animation',
+ description='Whether animation is added to the armature',
+ default=False)
+ presetName = StringProperty(name='Preset Name',
+ description='The name of the preset to be saved',
+ default='',
+ subtype='FILENAME')
+ limitImport = BoolProperty(name='Limit Import',
+ description='Limited imported tree to 2 levels & no leaves for speed',
+ default=True)
+ startCurv = FloatProperty(name='Trunk Starting Angle',
+ description=('The angle between vertical and the starting direction '
+ 'of the trunk'),
+ min=0.0,
+ max=360,
+ default=0.0)
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return context.mode == 'OBJECT'
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ # Branch specs
+ #layout.label('Tree Definition')
+# row = layout.row()
+# row.prop(self, 'chooseSet')
+# if self.chooseSet == '0':
+ box = layout.box()
+ box.label('Geometry')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'bevel')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'bevelRes')
+ row.prop(self, 'resU')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'handleType')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'shape')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'seed')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'ratio')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'scale')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'scaleV')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'scale0')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'scaleV0')
+ # Here we create a dict of all the properties.
+ # Unfortunately as_keyword doesn't work with vector properties,
+ # so we need something custom. This is it
+ data = []
+ for a, b in (self.as_keywords(ignore=("presetName", "limitImport"))).items():
+ # If the property is a vector property then evaluate it and
+ # convert to a string
+ if (repr(b))[:3] == 'bpy':
+ data.append((a, eval('(self.' + a + ')[:]')))
+ # Otherwise, it is fine so just add it
+ else:
+ data.append((a, b))
+ # Create the dict from the list
+ data = dict(data)
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'presetName')
+ # Send the data dict and the file name to the exporter
+ row.operator('sapling.exportdata').data = repr([repr(data),
+ self.presetName])
+ row = box.row()
+ row.menu('sapling.presetmenu', text='Load Preset')
+ row.prop(self, 'limitImport')
+# if self.chooseSet == '1':
+ box = layout.box()
+ box.label('Branch Splitting')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'levels')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'baseSplits')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'baseSize')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'branches')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'segSplits')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'splitAngle')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'splitAngleV')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'downAngle')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'downAngleV')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'rotate')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'rotateV')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'ratioPower')
+# if self.chooseSet == '2':
+ box = layout.box()
+ box.label('Branch Growth')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'startCurv')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'attractUp')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'length')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'lengthV')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'curve')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'curveV')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'curveBack')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'taper')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'curveRes')
+# if self.chooseSet == '3':
+ box = layout.box()
+ box.label('Pruning')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'prune')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'pruneRatio')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'pruneWidth')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'pruneWidthPeak')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'prunePowerHigh')
+ row.prop(self, 'prunePowerLow')
+# if self.chooseSet == '4':
+ box = layout.box()
+ box.label('Leaves')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'showLeaves')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'leaves')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'leafDist')
+ row = box.row()
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'leafScale')
+ col = row.column()
+ col.prop(self, 'leafScaleX')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'bend')
+# if self.chooseSet == '5':
+ box = layout.box()
+ box.label('Armature and Animation')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'useArm')
+ row.prop(self, 'armAnim')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'windSpeed')
+ row.prop(self, 'windGust')
+ row = box.row()
+ row.prop(self, 'frameRate')
+ def execute(self, context):
+ # Ensure the use of the global variables
+ global settings, useSet
+ start_time = time.time()
+ #bpy.ops.ImportData.filename = "quaking_aspen"
+ # If we need to set the properties from a preset then do it here
+ if useSet:
+ for a, b in settings.items():
+ setattr(self, a, b)
+ if self.limitImport:
+ setattr(self, 'levels', 2)
+ setattr(self, 'showLeaves', False)
+ useSet = False
+ addTree(self)
+ print("Tree creation in %0.1fs" %(time.time()-start_time))
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+# global settings, useSet
+# useSet = True
+ bpy.ops.sapling.importdata(filename = "quaking_aspen.py")
+ return self.execute(context)
+def menu_func(self, context):
+ self.layout.operator(AddTree.bl_idname, text="Add Tree", icon='PLUGIN')
+def register():
+ bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
+ bpy.types.INFO_MT_curve_add.append(menu_func)
+def unregister():
+ bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
+ bpy.types.INFO_MT_curve_add.remove(menu_func)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ register() \ No newline at end of file