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Diffstat (limited to 'blenderkit/search.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1685 deletions
diff --git a/blenderkit/search.py b/blenderkit/search.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf5068f4..00000000
--- a/blenderkit/search.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1685 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-from blenderkit import paths, utils, categories, ui, colors, bkit_oauth, version_checker, tasks_queue, rerequests, \
- resolutions, image_utils, ratings_utils, comments_utils, reports
-import blenderkit
-from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
-from bpy.props import ( # TODO only keep the ones actually used when cleaning
- IntProperty,
- FloatProperty,
- FloatVectorProperty,
- StringProperty,
- EnumProperty,
- BoolProperty,
- PointerProperty,
-from bpy.types import (
- Operator,
- Panel,
- AddonPreferences,
- PropertyGroup,
- UIList
-import requests, os, random
-import time
-import threading
-import platform
-import bpy
-import copy
-import json
-import math
-import unicodedata
-import urllib
-import queue
-import logging
-bk_logger = logging.getLogger('blenderkit')
-search_start_time = 0
-prev_time = 0
-def check_errors(rdata):
- if rdata.get('statusCode') and int(rdata.get('statusCode')) > 299:
- utils.p(rdata)
- if rdata.get('detail') == 'Invalid token.':
- user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- if user_preferences.api_key != '':
- if user_preferences.enable_oauth:
- bkit_oauth.refresh_token_thread()
- return False, rdata.get('detail')
- return False, 'Use login panel to connect your profile.'
- else:
- return False, rdata.get('detail')
- if rdata.get('statusCode') is None and rdata.get('results') is None:
- return False, 'Connection error'
- return True, ''
-search_threads = []
-thumb_workers_sml = []
-thumb_workers_full = []
-thumb_sml_download_threads = queue.Queue()
-thumb_full_download_threads = queue.Queue()
-reports_queue = queue.Queue()
-all_thumbs_loaded = True
-rtips_string = """YYou can disable tips in the add-on preferences.
-Ratings help us distribute funds to creators.
-Creators also gain credits for free assets from subscribers.
-Click or drag model or material in scene to link/append
-Right click in the asset bar for more options
-Use Append in import settings if you want to edit downloaded objects.
-Please rate responsively and plentifully. This helps us distribute rewards to the authors.
-All materials are free.
-Storage for public assets is unlimited.
-Locked models are available if you subscribe to Full plan.
-Login to upload your own models, materials or brushes.
-Use 'A' key over the asset bar to search assets by the same author.
-Use semicolon - ; to hide or show the AssetBar.
-Support the authors by subscribing to Full plan.
-Use the W key over the asset bar to open the Author's webpage.
-Use the R key for fast rating of assets.
-Use the X key to delete the asset from your hard drive.
-rtips = rtips_string.splitlines()
-def refresh_token_timer():
- ''' this timer gets run every time the token needs refresh. It refreshes tokens and also categories.'''
- utils.p('refresh timer')
- user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- fetch_server_data()
- categories.load_categories()
- return max(3600, user_preferences.api_key_life - 3600)
-def refresh_notifications_timer():
- ''' this timer gets notifications.'''
- preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- fetch_server_data()
- all_notifications_count = comments_utils.count_all_notifications()
- comments_utils.get_notifications_thread(preferences.api_key, all_count = all_notifications_count)
- return 7200
-def update_ad(ad):
- if not ad.get('assetBaseId'):
- try:
- ad['assetBaseId'] = ad['asset_base_id'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes
- ad['assetType'] = ad['asset_type'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes
- ad['verificationStatus'] = ad[
- 'verification_status'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes
- ad['author'] = {}
- ad['author']['id'] = ad['author_id'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes
- ad['canDownload'] = ad['can_download'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes
- except Exception as e:
- bk_logger.error('BlenderKit failed to update older asset data')
- return ad
-def update_assets_data(): # updates assets data on scene load.
- '''updates some properties that were changed on scenes with older assets.
- The properties were mainly changed from snake_case to CamelCase to fit the data that is coming from the server.
- '''
- data = bpy.data
- datablocks = [
- bpy.data.objects,
- bpy.data.materials,
- bpy.data.brushes,
- ]
- for dtype in datablocks:
- for block in dtype:
- if block.get('asset_data') != None:
- update_ad(block['asset_data'])
- dicts = [
- 'assets used',
- # 'assets rated',# assets rated stores only true/false, not asset data.
- ]
- for s in bpy.data.scenes:
- for bkdict in dicts:
- d = s.get(bkdict)
- if not d:
- continue;
- for asset_id in d.keys():
- update_ad(d[asset_id])
- # bpy.context.scene['assets used'][ad] = ad
-def purge_search_results():
- ''' clean up search results on save/load.'''
- s = bpy.context.scene
- sr_props = [
- 'search results',
- 'search results orig',
- ]
- asset_types = ['model', 'material', 'scene', 'hdr', 'brush']
- for at in asset_types:
- sr_props.append('bkit {at} search')
- sr_props.append('bkit {at} search orig')
- for sr_prop in sr_props:
- if s.get(sr_prop):
- del (s[sr_prop])
-def scene_load(context):
- '''
- Loads categories , checks timers registration, and updates scene asset data.
- Should (probably)also update asset data from server (after user consent)
- '''
- wm = bpy.context.window_manager
- purge_search_results()
- fetch_server_data()
- categories.load_categories()
- if not bpy.app.timers.is_registered(refresh_token_timer) and not bpy.app.background:
- bpy.app.timers.register(refresh_token_timer, persistent=True, first_interval=36000)
- # if utils.experimental_enabled() and not bpy.app.timers.is_registered(
- # refresh_notifications_timer) and not bpy.app.background:
- # bpy.app.timers.register(refresh_notifications_timer, persistent=True, first_interval=5)
- update_assets_data()
-def fetch_server_data():
- ''' download categories , profile, and refresh token if needed.'''
- if not bpy.app.background:
- user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- api_key = user_preferences.api_key
- # Only refresh new type of tokens(by length), and only one hour before the token timeouts.
- if user_preferences.enable_oauth and \
- len(user_preferences.api_key) < 38 and len(user_preferences.api_key) > 0 and \
- user_preferences.api_key_timeout < time.time() + 3600:
- bkit_oauth.refresh_token_thread()
- if api_key != '' and bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit profile') == None:
- get_profile()
- if bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit_categories') is None:
- categories.fetch_categories_thread(api_key, force=False)
- # all_notifications_count = comments_utils.count_all_notifications()
- # comments_utils.get_notifications_thread(api_key, all_count = all_notifications_count)
-first_time = True
-first_search_parsing = True
-last_clipboard = ''
-def check_clipboard():
- '''
- Checks clipboard for an exact string containing asset ID.
- The string is generated on www.blenderkit.com as for example here:
- https://www.blenderkit.com/get-blenderkit/54ff5c85-2c73-49e9-ba80-aec18616a408/
- '''
- # clipboard monitoring to search assets from web
- if platform.system() != 'Linux':
- global last_clipboard
- if bpy.context.window_manager.clipboard != last_clipboard:
- last_clipboard = bpy.context.window_manager.clipboard
- instr = 'asset_base_id:'
- # first check if contains asset id, then asset type
- if last_clipboard[:len(instr)] == instr:
- atstr = 'asset_type:'
- ati = last_clipboard.find(atstr)
- # this only checks if the asset_type keyword is there but let's the keywords update function do the parsing.
- if ati > -1:
- search_props = utils.get_search_props()
- search_props.search_keywords = last_clipboard
- # don't run search after this - assigning to keywords runs the search_update function.
-def parse_result(r):
- '''
- needed to generate some extra data in the result(by now)
- Parameters
- ----------
- r - search result, also called asset_data
- '''
- scene = bpy.context.scene
- # TODO remove this fix when filesSize is fixed.
- # this is a temporary fix for too big numbers from the server.
- # try:
- # r['filesSize'] = int(r['filesSize'] / 1024)
- # except:
- # utils.p('asset with no files-size')
- asset_type = r['assetType']
- if len(r['files']) > 0: # TODO remove this condition so all assets are parsed.
- get_author(r)
- r['available_resolutions'] = []
- allthumbs = []
- durl, tname, small_tname = '', '', ''
- if r['assetType'] == 'hdr':
- tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(r['thumbnailLargeUrlNonsquared'])
- else:
- tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(r['thumbnailMiddleUrl'])
- small_tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(r['thumbnailSmallUrl'])
- allthumbs.append(tname) # TODO just first thumb is used now.
- # if r['fileType'] == 'thumbnail':
- # tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnailLarge'])
- # small_tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnail'])
- # allthumbs.append(tname) # TODO just first thumb is used now.
- for f in r['files']:
- # if f['fileType'] == 'thumbnail':
- # tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnailLarge'])
- # small_tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnail'])
- # allthumbs.append(tname) # TODO just first thumb is used now.
- if f['fileType'] == 'blend':
- durl = f['downloadUrl'].split('?')[0]
- # fname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['filePath'])
- if f['fileType'].find('resolution') > -1:
- r['available_resolutions'].append(resolutions.resolutions[f['fileType']])
- # code for more thumbnails
- # tdict = {}
- # for i, t in enumerate(allthumbs):
- # tdict['thumbnail_%i'] = t
- r['max_resolution'] = 0
- if r['available_resolutions']: # should check only for non-empty sequences
- r['max_resolution'] = max(r['available_resolutions'])
- # tooltip = generate_tooltip(r)
- # for some reason, the id was still int on some occurances. investigate this.
- r['author']['id'] = str(r['author']['id'])
- # some helper props, but generally shouldn't be renaming/duplifiying original properties,
- # so blender's data is same as on server.
- asset_data = {'thumbnail': tname,
- 'thumbnail_small': small_tname,
- # 'tooltip': tooltip,
- }
- asset_data['downloaded'] = 0
- # parse extra params needed for blender here
- params = r['dictParameters'] # utils.params_to_dict(r['parameters'])
- if asset_type == 'model':
- if params.get('boundBoxMinX') != None:
- bbox = {
- 'bbox_min': (
- float(params['boundBoxMinX']),
- float(params['boundBoxMinY']),
- float(params['boundBoxMinZ'])),
- 'bbox_max': (
- float(params['boundBoxMaxX']),
- float(params['boundBoxMaxY']),
- float(params['boundBoxMaxZ']))
- }
- else:
- bbox = {
- 'bbox_min': (-.5, -.5, 0),
- 'bbox_max': (.5, .5, 1)
- }
- asset_data.update(bbox)
- if asset_type == 'material':
- asset_data['texture_size_meters'] = params.get('textureSizeMeters', 1.0)
- # asset_data.update(tdict)
- au = scene.get('assets used', {})
- if au == {}:
- scene['assets used'] = au
- if r['assetBaseId'] in au.keys():
- asset_data['downloaded'] = 100
- # transcribe all urls already fetched from the server
- r_previous = au[r['assetBaseId']]
- if r_previous.get('files'):
- for f in r_previous['files']:
- if f.get('url'):
- for f1 in r['files']:
- if f1['fileType'] == f['fileType']:
- f1['url'] = f['url']
- # attempt to switch to use original data gradually, since the parsing as itself should become obsolete.
- asset_data.update(r)
- return asset_data
-# @bpy.app.handlers.persistent
-def search_timer():
- # this makes a first search after opening blender. showing latest assets.
- # utils.p('timer search')
- # utils.p('start search timer')
- global first_time
- preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- if first_time and not bpy.app.background: # first time
- first_time = False
- if preferences.show_on_start:
- # TODO here it should check if there are some results, and only open assetbar if this is the case, not search.
- # if bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results') is None:
- search()
- # preferences.first_run = False
- if preferences.tips_on_start:
- utils.get_largest_area()
- ui.update_ui_size(ui.active_area_pointer, ui.active_region_pointer)
- reports.add_report(text='BlenderKit Tip: ' + random.choice(rtips), timeout=12, color=colors.GREEN)
- # utils.p('end search timer')
- return 3.0
- # if preferences.first_run:
- # search()
- # preferences.first_run = False
- # check_clipboard()
- # finish loading thumbs from queues
- global all_thumbs_loaded
- if not all_thumbs_loaded:
- ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
- search_name = f'bkit {ui_props.asset_type.lower()} search'
- wm = bpy.context.window_manager
- if wm.get(search_name) is not None:
- all_loaded = True
- for ri, r in enumerate(wm[search_name]):
- if not r.get('thumb_small_loaded'):
- preview_loaded = load_preview(r, ri)
- all_loaded = all_loaded and preview_loaded
- all_thumbs_loaded = all_loaded
- global search_threads, first_search_parsing
- if len(search_threads) == 0:
- # utils.p('end search timer')
- props = utils.get_search_props()
- props.is_searching = False
- return 1.0
- # don't do anything while dragging - this could switch asset during drag, and make results list length different,
- # causing a lot of throuble.
- if bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI.dragging:
- # utils.p('end search timer')
- return 0.5
- for thread in search_threads:
- # TODO this doesn't check all processes when one gets removed,
- # but most of the time only one is running anyway
- if not thread[0].is_alive():
- #check for notifications only for users that actually use the add-on
- if first_search_parsing:
- first_search_parsing = False
- all_notifications_count = comments_utils.count_all_notifications()
- comments_utils.get_notifications_thread(preferences.api_key, all_count=all_notifications_count)
- if utils.experimental_enabled() and not bpy.app.timers.is_registered(
- refresh_notifications_timer) and not bpy.app.background:
- bpy.app.timers.register(refresh_notifications_timer, persistent=True, first_interval=5)
- search_threads.remove(thread) #
- icons_dir = thread[1]
- scene = bpy.context.scene
- # these 2 lines should update the previews enum and set the first result as active.
- wm = bpy.context.window_manager
- asset_type = thread[2]
- props = utils.get_search_props()
- search_name = f'bkit {asset_type} search'
- if not thread[0].params.get('get_next'):
- # wm[search_name] = []
- result_field = []
- else:
- result_field = []
- for r in wm[search_name]:
- result_field.append(r.to_dict())
- global reports_queue
- while not reports_queue.empty():
- props.report = str(reports_queue.get())
- # utils.p('end search timer')
- return .2
- rdata = thread[0].result
- ok, error = check_errors(rdata)
- if ok:
- ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
- orig_len = len(result_field)
- for ri, r in enumerate(rdata['results']):
- asset_data = parse_result(r)
- if asset_data != None:
- result_field.append(asset_data)
- all_thumbs_loaded = all_thumbs_loaded and load_preview(asset_data, ri + orig_len)
- # Get ratings from BlenderKit server
- user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- api_key = user_preferences.api_key
- headers = utils.get_headers(api_key)
- if utils.profile_is_validator():
- for r in rdata['results']:
- if ratings_utils.get_rating_local(r['id']) is None:
- rating_thread = threading.Thread(target=ratings_utils.get_rating, args=([r['id'], headers]),
- daemon=True)
- rating_thread.start()
- wm[search_name] = result_field
- wm['search results'] = result_field
- # rdata=['results']=[]
- wm[search_name + ' orig'] = rdata
- wm['search results orig'] = rdata
- if len(result_field) < ui_props.scroll_offset or not (thread[0].params.get('get_next')):
- # jump back
- ui_props.scroll_offset = 0
- props.search_error = False
- props.report = f"Found {wm['search results orig']['count']} results."
- if len(wm['search results']) == 0:
- tasks_queue.add_task((reports.add_report, ('No matching results found.',)))
- else:
- tasks_queue.add_task((reports.add_report, (f"Found {wm['search results orig']['count']} results.",)))
- # undo push
- # bpy.ops.wm.undo_push_context(message='Get BlenderKit search')
- # show asset bar automatically, but only on first page - others are loaded also when asset bar is hidden.
- if not ui_props.assetbar_on and not thread[0].params.get('get_next'):
- bpy.ops.object.run_assetbar_fix_context()
- else:
- bk_logger.error(error)
- props.report = error
- props.search_error = True
- props.is_searching = False
- # print('finished search thread')
- mt('preview loading finished')
- # utils.p('end search timer')
- if not all_thumbs_loaded:
- return .1
- return .3
-def load_preview(asset, index):
- props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
- directory = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % props.asset_type.lower())
- tpath = os.path.join(directory, asset['thumbnail_small'])
- if not asset['thumbnail_small'] or asset['thumbnail_small'] == '' or not os.path.exists(tpath):
- # tpath = paths.get_addon_thumbnail_path('thumbnail_notready.jpg')
- asset['thumb_small_loaded'] = False
- iname = utils.previmg_name(index)
- # if os.path.exists(tpath): # sometimes we are unlucky...
- img = bpy.data.images.get(iname)
- if img is None or len(img.pixels) == 0:
- if not os.path.exists(tpath):
- return False
- # wrap into try statement since sometimes
- try:
- img = bpy.data.images.load(tpath)
- img.name = iname
- if len(img.pixels)>0:
- return True
- except:
- pass
- return False
- elif img.filepath != tpath:
- if not os.path.exists(tpath):
- # unload loaded previews from previous results
- bpy.data.images.remove(img)
- return False
- # had to add this check for autopacking files...
- if bpy.data.use_autopack and img.packed_file is not None:
- img.unpack(method='USE_ORIGINAL')
- img.filepath = tpath
- try:
- img.reload()
- except:
- return False
- if asset['assetType'] == 'hdr':
- # to display hdr thumbnails correctly, we use non-color, otherwise looks shifted
- image_utils.set_colorspace(img, 'Non-Color')
- else:
- image_utils.set_colorspace(img, 'sRGB')
- asset['thumb_small_loaded'] = True
- return True
-def load_previews():
- scene = bpy.context.scene
- props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
- directory = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % props.asset_type.lower())
- s = bpy.context.scene
- results = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results')
- #
- if results is not None:
- i = 0
- for r in results:
- load_preview(r, i)
- i += 1
-# line splitting for longer texts...
-def split_subs(text, threshold=40):
- if text == '':
- return []
- # temporarily disable this, to be able to do this in drawing code
- text = text.rstrip()
- text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
- lines = []
- while len(text) > threshold:
- # first handle if there's an \n line ending
- i_rn = text.find('\n')
- if 1 < i_rn < threshold:
- i = i_rn
- text = text.replace('\n', '', 1)
- else:
- i = text.rfind(' ', 0, threshold)
- i1 = text.rfind(',', 0, threshold)
- i2 = text.rfind('.', 0, threshold)
- i = max(i, i1, i2)
- if i <= 0:
- i = threshold
- lines.append(text[:i])
- text = text[i:]
- lines.append(text)
- return lines
-def list_to_str(input):
- output = ''
- for i, text in enumerate(input):
- output += text
- if i < len(input) - 1:
- output += ', '
- return output
-def writeblock(t, input, width=40): # for longer texts
- dlines = split_subs(input, threshold=width)
- for i, l in enumerate(dlines):
- t += '%s\n' % l
- return t
-def writeblockm(tooltip, mdata, key='', pretext=None, width=40): # for longer texts
- if mdata.get(key) == None:
- return tooltip
- else:
- intext = mdata[key]
- if type(intext) == list:
- intext = list_to_str(intext)
- if type(intext) == float:
- intext = round(intext, 3)
- intext = str(intext)
- if intext.rstrip() == '':
- return tooltip
- if pretext == None:
- pretext = key
- if pretext != '':
- pretext = pretext + ': '
- text = pretext + intext
- dlines = split_subs(text, threshold=width)
- for i, l in enumerate(dlines):
- tooltip += '%s\n' % l
- return tooltip
-def has(mdata, prop):
- if mdata.get(prop) is not None and mdata[prop] is not None and mdata[prop] is not False:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def generate_tooltip(mdata):
- col_w = 40
- if type(mdata['parameters']) == list:
- mparams = utils.params_to_dict(mdata['parameters'])
- else:
- mparams = mdata['parameters']
- t = ''
- t = writeblock(t, mdata['displayName'], width=int(col_w * .6))
- # t += '\n'
- # t = writeblockm(t, mdata, key='description', pretext='', width=col_w)
- return t
-def get_random_tip():
- t = ''
- tip = 'Tip: ' + random.choice(rtips)
- t = writeblock(t, tip)
- return t
-def generate_author_textblock(adata):
- t = ''
- if adata not in (None, ''):
- col_w = 2000
- if len(adata['firstName'] + adata['lastName']) > 0:
- t = '%s %s\n' % (adata['firstName'], adata['lastName'])
- t += '\n'
- if adata.get('aboutMe') is not None:
- t = writeblockm(t, adata, key='aboutMe', pretext='', width=col_w)
- return t
-def download_image(session, url, filepath):
- r = None
- try:
- r = session.get(url, stream=False)
- except Exception as e:
- bk_logger.error('Thumbnail download failed')
- bk_logger.error(str(e))
- if r and r.status_code == 200:
- with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(r.content)
-def thumb_download_worker(queue_sml, queue_full):
- # print('thumb downloader', self.url)
- # utils.p('start thumbdownloader thread')
- while 1:
- session = None
- # start a session only for single search usually, if users starts scrolling, the session might last longer if
- # queue gets filled.
- if not queue_sml.empty() or not queue_full.empty():
- if session is None:
- session = requests.Session()
- while not queue_sml.empty():
- # first empty the small thumbs queue
- url, filepath = queue_sml.get()
- download_image(session, url, filepath)
- exit_full = False
- # download full resolution image, but only if no small thumbs are waiting. If there are small
- while not queue_full.empty() and queue_sml.empty():
- url, filepath = queue_full.get()
- download_image(session, url, filepath)
- if queue_sml.empty() and queue_full.empty():
- if session is not None:
- session.close()
- session = None
- time.sleep(.5)
-def write_gravatar(a_id, gravatar_path):
- '''
- Write down gravatar path, as a result of thread-based gravatar image download.
- This should happen on timer in queue.
- '''
- # print('write author', a_id, type(a_id))
- authors = bpy.context.window_manager['bkit authors']
- if authors.get(a_id) is not None:
- adata = authors.get(a_id)
- adata['gravatarImg'] = gravatar_path
-def fetch_gravatar(adata = None):
- '''
- Gets avatars from blenderkit server
- Parameters
- ----------
- adata - author data from elastic search result
- '''
- # utils.p('fetch gravatar')
- # print(adata)
- # fetch new avatars if available already
- if adata.get('avatar128') is not None:
- avatar_path = paths.get_temp_dir(subdir='bkit_g/') + adata['id'] + '.jpg'
- if os.path.exists(avatar_path):
- tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], avatar_path)))
- return;
- url = paths.get_bkit_url() + adata['avatar128']
- r = rerequests.get(url, stream=False)
- # print(r.body)
- if r.status_code == 200:
- # print(url)
- # print(r.headers['content-disposition'])
- with open(avatar_path, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(r.content)
- tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], avatar_path)))
- elif r.status_code == '404':
- adata['avatar128'] = None
- utils.p('avatar for author not available.')
- return
- # older gravatar code
- if adata.get('gravatarHash') is not None:
- gravatar_path = paths.get_temp_dir(subdir='bkit_g/') + adata['gravatarHash'] + '.jpg'
- if os.path.exists(gravatar_path):
- tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], gravatar_path)))
- return;
- url = "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" + adata['gravatarHash'] + '?d=404'
- r = rerequests.get(url, stream=False)
- if r.status_code == 200:
- with open(gravatar_path, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(r.content)
- tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], gravatar_path)))
- elif r.status_code == '404':
- adata['gravatarHash'] = None
- utils.p('gravatar for author not available.')
-fetching_gravatars = {}
-def get_author(r):
- ''' Writes author info (now from search results) and fetches gravatar if needed.
- this is now tweaked to be able to get authors from
- '''
- global fetching_gravatars
- a_id = str(r['author']['id'])
- preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- authors = bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit authors', {})
- if authors == {}:
- bpy.context.window_manager['bkit authors'] = authors
- a = authors.get(a_id)
- if a is None: # or a is '' or (a.get('gravatarHash') is not None and a.get('gravatarImg') is None):
- a = r['author']
- a['id'] = a_id
- a['tooltip'] = generate_author_textblock(a)
- authors[a_id] = a
- if fetching_gravatars.get(a['id']) is None:
- fetching_gravatars[a['id']] = True
- thread = threading.Thread(target=fetch_gravatar, args=(a.copy(),), daemon=True)
- thread.start()
- return a
-def write_profile(adata):
- utils.p('writing profile information')
- user = adata['user']
- # we have to convert to MiB here, numbers too big for python int type
- if user.get('sumAssetFilesSize') is not None:
- user['sumAssetFilesSize'] /= (1024 * 1024)
- if user.get('sumPrivateAssetFilesSize') is not None:
- user['sumPrivateAssetFilesSize'] /= (1024 * 1024)
- if user.get('remainingPrivateQuota') is not None:
- user['remainingPrivateQuota'] /= (1024 * 1024)
- if adata.get('canEditAllAssets') is True:
- user['exmenu'] = True
- else:
- user['exmenu'] = False
- bpy.context.window_manager['bkit profile'] = adata
-def request_profile(api_key):
- a_url = paths.get_api_url() + 'me/'
- headers = utils.get_headers(api_key)
- r = rerequests.get(a_url, headers=headers)
- adata = r.json()
- if adata.get('user') is None:
- utils.p(adata)
- utils.p('getting profile failed')
- return None
- return adata
-def fetch_profile(api_key):
- utils.p('fetch profile')
- try:
- adata = request_profile(api_key)
- if adata is not None:
- tasks_queue.add_task((write_profile, (adata,)))
- except Exception as e:
- bk_logger.error(e)
-def get_profile():
- preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- a = bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit profile')
- thread = threading.Thread(target=fetch_profile, args=(preferences.api_key,), daemon=True)
- thread.start()
- return a
-def query_to_url(query={}, params={}):
- # build a new request
- url = paths.get_api_url() + 'search/'
- # build request manually
- # TODO use real queries
- requeststring = '?query='
- #
- if query.get('query') not in ('', None):
- requeststring += query['query'].lower()
- for i, q in enumerate(query):
- if q != 'query':
- requeststring += '+'
- requeststring += q + ':' + str(query[q]).lower()
- # add dict_parameters to make results smaller
- # result ordering: _score - relevance, score - BlenderKit score
- order = []
- if params['free_first']:
- order = ['-is_free', ]
- if query.get('query') is None and query.get('category_subtree') == None:
- # assumes no keywords and no category, thus an empty search that is triggered on start.
- # orders by last core file upload
- if query.get('verification_status') == 'uploaded':
- # for validators, sort uploaded from oldest
- order.append('created')
- else:
- order.append('-last_upload')
- elif query.get('author_id') is not None and utils.profile_is_validator():
- order.append('-created')
- else:
- if query.get('category_subtree') is not None:
- order.append('-score,_score')
- else:
- order.append('_score')
- if requeststring.find('+order:') == -1:
- requeststring += '+order:' + ','.join(order)
- requeststring += '&dict_parameters=1'
- requeststring += '&page_size=' + str(params['page_size'])
- requeststring += '&addon_version=%s' % params['addon_version']
- if params.get('scene_uuid') is not None:
- requeststring += '&scene_uuid=%s' % params['scene_uuid']
- # print('params', params)
- urlquery = url + requeststring
- return urlquery
-def parse_html_formated_error(text):
- report = text[text.find('<title>') + 7: text.find('</title>')]
- return report
-class Searcher(threading.Thread):
- query = None
- def __init__(self, query, params, tempdir='', headers=None, urlquery=''):
- super(Searcher, self).__init__()
- self.query = query
- self.params = params
- self._stop_event = threading.Event()
- self.result = {}
- self.tempdir = tempdir
- self.headers = headers
- self.urlquery = urlquery
- def stop(self):
- self._stop_event.set()
- def stopped(self):
- return self._stop_event.is_set()
- def run(self):
- global reports_queue, thumb_sml_download_threads, thumb_full_download_threads
- maxthreads = 50
- query = self.query
- params = self.params
- t = time.time()
- # utils.p('start search thread')
- mt('search thread started')
- # tempdir = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % query['asset_type'])
- # json_filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, '%s_searchresult.json' % query['asset_type'])
- rdata = {}
- rdata['results'] = []
- try:
- utils.p(self.urlquery)
- r = rerequests.get(self.urlquery, headers=self.headers) # , params = rparameters)
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- bk_logger.error(e)
- reports_queue.put(str(e))
- # utils.p('end search thread')
- return
- mt('search response is back ')
- try:
- rdata = r.json()
- except Exception as e:
- if hasattr(r, 'text'):
- error_description = parse_html_formated_error(r.text)
- reports_queue.put(error_description)
- tasks_queue.add_task((reports.add_report, (error_description, 10, colors.RED)))
- bk_logger.error(e)
- return
- mt('data parsed ')
- if not rdata.get('results'):
- # utils.pprint(rdata)
- # if the result was converted to json and didn't return results,
- # it means it's a server error that has a clear message.
- # That's why it gets processed in the update timer, where it can be passed in messages to user.
- self.result = rdata
- # utils.p('end search thread')
- return
- # print('number of results: ', len(rdata.get('results', [])))
- if self.stopped():
- utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query))
- # utils.p('end search thread')
- return
- mt('search finished')
- i = 0
- thumb_small_urls = []
- thumb_small_filepaths = []
- thumb_full_urls = []
- thumb_full_filepaths = []
- for d in rdata.get('results', []):
- thumb_small_urls.append(d["thumbnailSmallUrl"])
- imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(d['thumbnailSmallUrl'])
- imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname)
- thumb_small_filepaths.append(imgpath)
- if d["assetType"] == 'hdr':
- larege_thumb_url = d['thumbnailLargeUrlNonsquared']
- else:
- larege_thumb_url = d['thumbnailMiddleUrl']
- thumb_full_urls.append(larege_thumb_url)
- imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(larege_thumb_url)
- imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname)
- thumb_full_filepaths.append(imgpath)
- # for f in d['files']:
- # # TODO move validation of published assets to server, too manmy checks here.
- # if f['fileType'] == 'thumbnail' and f['fileThumbnail'] != None and f['fileThumbnailLarge'] != None:
- # if f['fileThumbnail'] == None:
- # f['fileThumbnail'] = 'NONE'
- # if f['fileThumbnailLarge'] == None:
- # f['fileThumbnailLarge'] = 'NONE'
- #
- # thumb_small_urls.append(f['fileThumbnail'])
- # thumb_full_urls.append(f['fileThumbnailLarge'])
- #
- # imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnail'])
- # imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname)
- # thumb_small_filepaths.append(imgpath)
- #
- # imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnailLarge'])
- # imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname)
- # thumb_full_filepaths.append(imgpath)
- sml_thbs = zip(thumb_small_filepaths, thumb_small_urls)
- full_thbs = zip(thumb_full_filepaths, thumb_full_urls)
- # we save here because a missing thumbnail check is in the previous loop
- # we can also prepend previous results. These have downloaded thumbnails already...
- self.result = rdata
- if self.stopped():
- utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query))
- # utils.p('end search thread')
- return
- # this loop handles downloading of small thumbnails
- for imgpath, url in sml_thbs:
- if not os.path.exists(imgpath):
- thumb_sml_download_threads.put((url, imgpath))
- if self.stopped():
- utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query))
- # utils.p('end search thread')
- return
- if self.stopped():
- # utils.p('end search thread')
- utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query))
- return
- # start downloading full thumbs in the end
- tsession = requests.Session()
- for imgpath, url in full_thbs:
- if not os.path.exists(imgpath):
- thumb_full_download_threads.put((url, imgpath))
- # utils.p('end search thread')
- mt('thumbnails finished')
-def build_query_common(query, props):
- '''add shared parameters to query'''
- query_common = {}
- if props.search_keywords != '':
- # keywords = urllib.parse.urlencode(props.search_keywords)
- keywords = props.search_keywords.replace('&', '%26')
- query_common["query"] = keywords
- if props.search_verification_status != 'ALL' and utils.profile_is_validator():
- query_common['verification_status'] = props.search_verification_status.lower()
- if props.unrated_only and utils.profile_is_validator():
- query["quality_count"] = 0
- if props.search_file_size:
- query_common["files_size_gte"] = props.search_file_size_min * 1024 * 1024
- query_common["files_size_lte"] = props.search_file_size_max * 1024 * 1024
- if props.quality_limit > 0:
- query["quality_gte"] = props.quality_limit
- query.update(query_common)
-def build_query_model():
- '''use all search input to request results from server'''
- props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_models
- query = {
- "asset_type": 'model',
- # "engine": props.search_engine,
- # "adult": props.search_adult,
- }
- if props.search_style != 'ANY':
- if props.search_style != 'OTHER':
- query["model_style"] = props.search_style
- else:
- query["model_style"] = props.search_style_other
- # the 'free_only' parametr gets moved to the search command and is used for ordering the assets as free first
- # if props.free_only:
- # query["is_free"] = True
- if props.search_condition != 'UNSPECIFIED':
- query["condition"] = props.search_condition
- if props.search_design_year:
- query["designYear_gte"] = props.search_design_year_min
- query["designYear_lte"] = props.search_design_year_max
- if props.search_polycount:
- query["faceCount_gte"] = props.search_polycount_min
- query["faceCount_lte"] = props.search_polycount_max
- if props.search_texture_resolution:
- query["textureResolutionMax_gte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_min
- query["textureResolutionMax_lte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_max
- build_query_common(query, props)
- return query
-def build_query_scene():
- '''use all search input to request results from server'''
- props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_scene
- query = {
- "asset_type": 'scene',
- # "engine": props.search_engine,
- # "adult": props.search_adult,
- }
- build_query_common(query, props)
- return query
-def build_query_HDR():
- '''use all search input to request results from server'''
- props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_HDR
- query = {
- "asset_type": 'hdr',
- # "engine": props.search_engine,
- # "adult": props.search_adult,
- }
- if props.true_hdr:
- query["trueHDR"] = props.true_hdr
- build_query_common(query, props)
- return query
-def build_query_material():
- props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_mat
- query = {
- "asset_type": 'material',
- }
- # if props.search_engine == 'NONE':
- # query["engine"] = ''
- # if props.search_engine != 'OTHER':
- # query["engine"] = props.search_engine
- # else:
- # query["engine"] = props.search_engine_other
- if props.search_style != 'ANY':
- if props.search_style != 'OTHER':
- query["style"] = props.search_style
- else:
- query["style"] = props.search_style_other
- if props.search_procedural == 'TEXTURE_BASED':
- # todo this procedural hack should be replaced with the parameter
- query["textureResolutionMax_gte"] = 0
- # query["procedural"] = False
- if props.search_texture_resolution:
- query["textureResolutionMax_gte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_min
- query["textureResolutionMax_lte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_max
- elif props.search_procedural == "PROCEDURAL":
- # todo this procedural hack should be replaced with the parameter
- query["files_size_lte"] = 1024 * 1024
- # query["procedural"] = True
- build_query_common(query, props)
- return query
-def build_query_texture():
- props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkit_tex
- query = {
- "asset_type": 'texture',
- }
- if props.search_style != 'ANY':
- if props.search_style != 'OTHER':
- query["search_style"] = props.search_style
- else:
- query["search_style"] = props.search_style_other
- build_query_common(query, props)
- return query
-def build_query_brush():
- props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_brush
- brush_type = ''
- if bpy.context.sculpt_object is not None:
- brush_type = 'sculpt'
- elif bpy.context.image_paint_object: # could be just else, but for future p
- brush_type = 'texture_paint'
- query = {
- "asset_type": 'brush',
- "mode": brush_type
- }
- build_query_common(query, props)
- return query
-def mt(text):
- global search_start_time, prev_time
- alltime = time.time() - search_start_time
- since_last = time.time() - prev_time
- prev_time = time.time()
- utils.p(text, alltime, since_last)
-def add_search_process(query, params):
- global search_threads, thumb_workers_sml, thumb_workers_full, all_thumbs_loaded
- while (len(search_threads) > 0):
- old_thread = search_threads.pop(0)
- old_thread[0].stop()
- tempdir = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % query['asset_type'])
- headers = utils.get_headers(params['api_key'])
- if params.get('get_next'):
- urlquery = params['next']
- else:
- urlquery = query_to_url(query, params)
- if thumb_workers_sml == []:
- for a in range(0, 8):
- thread = threading.Thread(target=thumb_download_worker,
- args=(thumb_sml_download_threads, thumb_full_download_threads),
- daemon=True)
- thread.start()
- thumb_workers_sml.append(thread)
- all_thumbs_loaded = False
- thread = Searcher(query, params, tempdir=tempdir, headers=headers, urlquery=urlquery)
- thread.start()
- search_threads.append([thread, tempdir, query['asset_type'], {}]) # 4th field is for results
- mt('search thread started')
-def get_search_simple(parameters, filepath=None, page_size=100, max_results=100000000, api_key=''):
- '''
- Searches and returns the
- Parameters
- ----------
- parameters - dict of blenderkit elastic parameters
- filepath - a file to save the results. If None, results are returned
- page_size - page size for retrieved results
- max_results - max results of the search
- api_key - BlenderKit api key
- Returns
- -------
- Returns search results as a list, and optionally saves to filepath
- '''
- headers = utils.get_headers(api_key)
- url = paths.get_api_url() + 'search/'
- requeststring = url + '?query='
- for p in parameters.keys():
- requeststring += f'+{p}:{parameters[p]}'
- requeststring += '&page_size=' + str(page_size)
- requeststring += '&dict_parameters=1'
- bk_logger.debug(requeststring)
- response = rerequests.get(requeststring, headers=headers) # , params = rparameters)
- # print(response.json())
- search_results = response.json()
- results = []
- results.extend(search_results['results'])
- page_index = 2
- page_count = math.ceil(search_results['count'] / page_size)
- while search_results.get('next') and len(results) < max_results:
- bk_logger.info(f'getting page {page_index} , total pages {page_count}')
- response = rerequests.get(search_results['next'], headers=headers) # , params = rparameters)
- search_results = response.json()
- # print(search_results)
- results.extend(search_results['results'])
- page_index += 1
- if not filepath:
- return results
- with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as s:
- json.dump(results, s, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
- bk_logger.info(f'retrieved {len(results)} assets from elastic search')
- return results
-def get_single_asset(asset_base_id):
- preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- params = {
- 'asset_base_id': asset_base_id
- }
- results = get_search_simple(params, api_key=preferences.api_key)
- if len(results) > 0:
- return results[0]
- return None
-def search(category='', get_next=False, author_id=''):
- ''' initialize searching'''
- global search_start_time
- # print(category,get_next,author_id)
- user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- search_start_time = time.time()
- # mt('start')
- scene = bpy.context.scene
- wm = bpy.context.window_manager
- ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
- props = utils.get_search_props()
- if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
- if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_models'):
- return;
- query = build_query_model()
- if ui_props.asset_type == 'SCENE':
- if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_scene'):
- return;
- query = build_query_scene()
- if ui_props.asset_type == 'HDR':
- if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_HDR'):
- return;
- query = build_query_HDR()
- if ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
- if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_mat'):
- return;
- query = build_query_material()
- if ui_props.asset_type == 'TEXTURE':
- if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_tex'):
- return;
- # props = scene.blenderkit_tex
- # query = build_query_texture()
- if ui_props.asset_type == 'BRUSH':
- if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_brush'):
- return;
- query = build_query_brush()
- # crop long searches
- if query.get('query'):
- if len(query['query']) > 50:
- query['query'] = strip_accents(query['query'])
- if len(query['query']) > 150:
- idx = query['query'].find(' ', 142)
- query['query'] = query['query'][:idx]
- # it's possible get_next was requested more than once.
- # print(category,props.is_searching, get_next)
- # print(query)
- if props.is_searching and get_next == True:
- # print('return because of get next and searching is happening')
- return;
- if category != '':
- if utils.profile_is_validator() and user_preferences.categories_fix:
- query['category'] = category
- else:
- query['category_subtree'] = category
- if author_id != '':
- query['author_id'] = author_id
- elif props.own_only:
- # if user searches for [another] author, 'only my assets' is invalid. that's why in elif.
- profile = bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit profile')
- if profile is not None:
- query['author_id'] = str(profile['user']['id'])
- # utils.p('searching')
- props.is_searching = True
- page_size = min(30, ui_props.wcount * user_preferences.max_assetbar_rows)
- params = {
- 'scene_uuid': bpy.context.scene.get('uuid', None),
- 'addon_version': version_checker.get_addon_version(),
- 'api_key': user_preferences.api_key,
- 'get_next': get_next,
- 'free_first': props.free_only,
- 'page_size': page_size,
- }
- orig_results = bpy.context.window_manager.get(f'bkit {ui_props.asset_type.lower()} search orig')
- if orig_results is not None and get_next:
- params['next'] = orig_results['next']
- add_search_process(query, params)
- tasks_queue.add_task((reports.add_report, ('BlenderKit searching....', 2)))
- props.report = 'BlenderKit searching....'
-def update_filters():
- sprops = utils.get_search_props()
- ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
- fcommon = sprops.own_only or \
- sprops.search_texture_resolution or \
- sprops.search_file_size or \
- sprops.search_procedural != 'BOTH' or \
- sprops.free_only or \
- sprops.quality_limit > 0
- if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
- sprops.use_filters = fcommon or \
- sprops.search_style != 'ANY' or \
- sprops.search_condition != 'UNSPECIFIED' or \
- sprops.search_design_year or \
- sprops.search_polycount
- elif ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
- sprops.use_filters = fcommon
- elif ui_props.asset_type == 'HDR':
- sprops.use_filters = sprops.true_hdr
-def search_update(self, context):
- utils.p('search updater')
- # if self.search_keywords != '':
- update_filters()
- ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI
- if ui_props.down_up != 'SEARCH':
- ui_props.down_up = 'SEARCH'
- # here we tweak the input if it comes form the clipboard. we need to get rid of asset type and set it in UI
- sprops = utils.get_search_props()
- instr = 'asset_base_id:'
- atstr = 'asset_type:'
- kwds = sprops.search_keywords
- idi = kwds.find(instr)
- ati = kwds.find(atstr)
- # if the asset type already isn't there it means this update function
- # was triggered by it's last iteration and needs to cancel
- if ati > -1:
- at = kwds[ati:].lower()
- # uncertain length of the remaining string - find as better method to check the presence of asset type
- if at.find('model') > -1:
- ui_props.asset_type = 'MODEL'
- elif at.find('material') > -1:
- ui_props.asset_type = 'MATERIAL'
- elif at.find('brush') > -1:
- ui_props.asset_type = 'BRUSH'
- elif at.find('scene') > -1:
- ui_props.asset_type = 'SCENE'
- elif at.find('hdr') > -1:
- ui_props.asset_type = 'HDR'
- # now we trim the input copypaste by anything extra that is there,
- # this is also a way for this function to recognize that it already has parsed the clipboard
- # the search props can have changed and this needs to transfer the data to the other field
- # this complex behaviour is here for the case where the user needs to paste manually into blender?
- sprops = utils.get_search_props()
- sprops.search_keywords = kwds[:ati].rstrip()
- # return here since writing into search keywords triggers this update function once more.
- return
- # print('search update search')
- search()
-# accented_string is of type 'unicode'
-def strip_accents(s):
- return ''.join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s)
- if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')
-class SearchOperator(Operator):
- """Tooltip"""
- bl_idname = "view3d.blenderkit_search"
- bl_label = "BlenderKit asset search"
- bl_description = "Search online for assets"
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
- esc: BoolProperty(name="Escape window",
- description="Escape window right after start",
- default=False,
- options={'SKIP_SAVE'}
- )
- own: BoolProperty(name="own assets only",
- description="Find all own assets",
- default=False,
- options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
- category: StringProperty(
- name="category",
- description="search only subtree of this category",
- default="",
- options={'SKIP_SAVE'}
- )
- author_id: StringProperty(
- name="Author ID",
- description="Author ID - search only assets by this author",
- default="",
- options={'SKIP_SAVE'}
- )
- get_next: BoolProperty(name="next page",
- description="get next page from previous search",
- default=False,
- options={'SKIP_SAVE'}
- )
- keywords: StringProperty(
- name="Keywords",
- description="Keywords",
- default="",
- options={'SKIP_SAVE'}
- )
- # close_window: BoolProperty(name='Close window',
- # description='Try to close the window below mouse before download',
- # default=False)
- tooltip: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Runs search and displays the asset bar at the same time')
- @classmethod
- def description(cls, context, properties):
- return properties.tooltip
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- return True
- def execute(self, context):
- # TODO ; this should all get transferred to properties of the search operator, so sprops don't have to be fetched here at all.
- if self.esc:
- bpy.ops.view3d.close_popup_button('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
- sprops = utils.get_search_props()
- if self.author_id != '':
- sprops.search_keywords = ''
- if self.keywords != '':
- sprops.search_keywords = self.keywords
- search(category=self.category, get_next=self.get_next, author_id=self.author_id)
- # bpy.ops.view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar_widget()
- return {'FINISHED'}
- # def invoke(self, context, event):
- # if self.close_window:
- # context.window.cursor_warp(event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y - 100);
- # context.area.tag_redraw()
- #
- # context.window.cursor_warp(event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y);
- # return self. execute(context)
-class UrlOperator(Operator):
- """"""
- bl_idname = "wm.blenderkit_url"
- bl_label = ""
- bl_description = "Search online for assets"
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
- tooltip: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Open a web page')
- url: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Runs search and displays the asset bar at the same time')
- @classmethod
- def description(cls, context, properties):
- return properties.tooltip
- def execute(self, context):
- bpy.ops.wm.url_open(url=self.url)
- return {'FINISHED'}
-class TooltipLabelOperator(Operator):
- """"""
- bl_idname = "wm.blenderkit_tooltip"
- bl_label = ""
- bl_description = "Empty operator to be able to create tooltips on labels in UI"
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
- tooltip: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Open a web page')
- @classmethod
- def description(cls, context, properties):
- return properties.tooltip
- def execute(self, context):
- return {'FINISHED'}
-classes = [
- SearchOperator,
- UrlOperator,
- TooltipLabelOperator
-def register_search():
- bpy.app.handlers.load_post.append(scene_load)
- for c in classes:
- bpy.utils.register_class(c)
- user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
- if user_preferences.use_timers and not bpy.app.background:
- bpy.app.timers.register(search_timer)
- categories.load_categories()
-def unregister_search():
- bpy.app.handlers.load_post.remove(scene_load)
- for c in classes:
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)
- if bpy.app.timers.is_registered(search_timer):
- bpy.app.timers.unregister(search_timer)