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Diffstat (limited to 'mesh_tissue/weight_tools.py')
1 files changed, 4681 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mesh_tissue/weight_tools.py b/mesh_tissue/weight_tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d58adc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mesh_tissue/weight_tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4681 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+#-------------------------- COLORS / GROUPS EXCHANGER -------------------------#
+# #
+# Vertex Color to Vertex Group allow you to convert colors channles to weight #
+# maps. #
+# The main purpose is to use vertex colors to store information when importing #
+# files from other softwares. The script works with the active vertex color #
+# slot. #
+# For use the command "Vertex Clors to Vertex Groups" use the search bar #
+# (space bar). #
+# #
+# (c) Alessandro Zomparelli #
+# (2017) #
+# #
+# http://www.co-de-it.com/ #
+# #
+import bpy, bmesh, os
+import numpy as np
+import math, timeit, time
+from math import pi
+from statistics import mean, stdev
+from mathutils import Vector
+from mathutils.kdtree import KDTree
+from numpy import *
+try: from .numba_functions import numba_reaction_diffusion, numba_reaction_diffusion_anisotropic, integrate_field
+except: pass
+#from .numba_functions import integrate_field
+#from .numba_functions import numba_reaction_diffusion
+try: import numexpr as ne
+except: pass
+# Reaction-Diffusion cache
+from pathlib import Path
+import random as rnd
+import string
+from bpy.types import (
+ Operator,
+ Panel,
+ PropertyGroup,
+ )
+from bpy.props import (
+ BoolProperty,
+ EnumProperty,
+ FloatProperty,
+ IntProperty,
+ StringProperty,
+ FloatVectorProperty,
+ IntVectorProperty
+from .utils import *
+def reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context):
+ # remove existing handlers
+ reaction_diffusion_remove_handler(self, context)
+ # add new handler
+ bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post.append(reaction_diffusion_scene)
+def reaction_diffusion_remove_handler(self, context):
+ # remove existing handlers
+ old_handlers = []
+ for h in bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post:
+ if "reaction_diffusion" in str(h):
+ old_handlers.append(h)
+ for h in old_handlers: bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post.remove(h)
+class formula_prop(PropertyGroup):
+ name : StringProperty()
+ formula : StringProperty()
+ float_var : FloatVectorProperty(name="", description="", default=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), size=5)
+ int_var : IntVectorProperty(name="", description="", default=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), size=5)
+class reaction_diffusion_prop(PropertyGroup):
+ run : BoolProperty(default=False, update = reaction_diffusion_add_handler,
+ description='Compute a new iteration on frame changes. Currently is not working during Render Animation')
+ time_steps : IntProperty(
+ name="Steps", default=10, min=0, soft_max=50,
+ description="Number of Steps")
+ dt : FloatProperty(
+ name="dt", default=1, min=0, soft_max=0.2,
+ description="Time Step")
+ diff_a : FloatProperty(
+ name="Diff A", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3,
+ description="Diffusion A")
+ diff_b : FloatProperty(
+ name="Diff B", default=0.05, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3,
+ description="Diffusion B")
+ f : FloatProperty(
+ name="f", default=0.055, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=0.06, precision=4, step=0.05,
+ description="Feed Rate")
+ k : FloatProperty(
+ name="k", default=0.062, soft_min=0.035, soft_max=0.065, precision=4, step=0.05,
+ description="Kill Rate")
+ diff_mult : FloatProperty(
+ name="Scale", default=1, min=0, soft_max=1, max=10, precision=2,
+ description="Multiplier for the diffusion of both substances")
+ vertex_group_diff_a : StringProperty(
+ name="Diff A", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for A diffusion")
+ vertex_group_diff_b : StringProperty(
+ name="Diff B", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for B diffusion")
+ vertex_group_scale : StringProperty(
+ name="Scale", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for Scale value")
+ vertex_group_f : StringProperty(
+ name="f", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for Feed value (f)")
+ vertex_group_k : StringProperty(
+ name="k", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for Kill value (k)")
+ vertex_group_brush : StringProperty(
+ name="Brush", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for adding/removing B")
+ invert_vertex_group_diff_a : BoolProperty(default=False,
+ description='Inverte the value of the Vertex Group Diff A')
+ invert_vertex_group_diff_b : BoolProperty(default=False,
+ description='Inverte the value of the Vertex Group Diff B')
+ invert_vertex_group_scale : BoolProperty(default=False,
+ description='Inverte the value of the Vertex Group Scale')
+ invert_vertex_group_f : BoolProperty(default=False,
+ description='Inverte the value of the Vertex Group f')
+ invert_vertex_group_k : BoolProperty(default=False,
+ description='Inverte the value of the Vertex Group k')
+ min_diff_a : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Diff A", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3,
+ description="Min Diff A")
+ max_diff_a : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Diff A", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3,
+ description="Max Diff A")
+ min_diff_b : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Diff B", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3,
+ description="Min Diff B")
+ max_diff_b : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Diff B", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3,
+ description="Max Diff B")
+ min_scale : FloatProperty(
+ name="Scale", default=0.35, min=0, soft_max=1, max=10, precision=2,
+ description="Min Scale Value")
+ max_scale : FloatProperty(
+ name="Scale", default=1, min=0, soft_max=1, max=10, precision=2,
+ description="Max Scale value")
+ min_f : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min f", default=0.02, min=0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=0.06, max=0.1, precision=4, step=0.05,
+ description="Min Feed Rate")
+ max_f : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max f", default=0.055, min=0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=0.06, max=0.1, precision=4, step=0.05,
+ description="Max Feed Rate")
+ min_k : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min k", default=0.035, min=0, soft_min=0.035, soft_max=0.065, max=0.1, precision=4, step=0.05,
+ description="Min Kill Rate")
+ max_k : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max k", default=0.062, min=0, soft_min=0.035, soft_max=0.065, max=0.1, precision=4, step=0.05,
+ description="Max Kill Rate")
+ brush_mult : FloatProperty(
+ name="Mult", default=0.5, min=-1, max=1, precision=3, step=0.05,
+ description="Multiplier for brush value")
+ bool_mod : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Modifiers", default=False,
+ description="Read modifiers affect the vertex groups")
+ bool_cache : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Cache", default=False,
+ description="Read modifiers affect the vertex groups")
+ cache_frame_start : IntProperty(
+ name="Start", default=1,
+ description="Frame on which the simulation starts")
+ cache_frame_end : IntProperty(
+ name="End", default=250,
+ description="Frame on which the simulation ends")
+ cache_dir : StringProperty(
+ name="Cache directory", default="", subtype='FILE_PATH',
+ description = 'Directory that contains Reaction-Diffusion cache files'
+ )
+ update_weight_a : BoolProperty(
+ name="Update Vertex Group A", default=True,
+ description="Tranfer Cache to the Vertex Groups named A")
+ update_weight_b : BoolProperty(
+ name="Update Vertex Group B", default=True,
+ description="Tranfer Cache to the Vertex Groups named B")
+ update_colors_a : BoolProperty(
+ name="Update Vertex Color A", default=False,
+ description="Tranfer Cache to the Vertex Color named A")
+ update_colors_b : BoolProperty(
+ name="Update Vertex Color B", default=False,
+ description="Tranfer Cache to the Vertex Color named B")
+ update_colors : BoolProperty(
+ name="Update Vertex Color AB", default=False,
+ description="Tranfer Cache to the Vertex Color named AB")
+ update_uv : BoolProperty(
+ name="Update UV", default=False,
+ description="Tranfer Cache to the UV Map Layer named AB")
+ normalize : BoolProperty(
+ name="Normalize values", default=False,
+ description="Normalize values from 0 to 1")
+ fast_bake : BoolProperty(
+ name="Fast Bake", default=True,
+ description="Do not update modifiers or vertex groups while baking. Much faster!")
+from numpy import *
+def compute_formula(ob=None, formula="rx", float_var=(0,0,0,0,0), int_var=(0,0,0,0,0)):
+ verts = ob.data.vertices
+ n_verts = len(verts)
+ f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 = float_var
+ i1,i2,i3,i4,i5 = int_var
+ do_groups = "w[" in formula
+ do_local = "lx" in formula or "ly" in formula or "lz" in formula
+ do_global = "gx" in formula or "gy" in formula or "gz" in formula
+ do_relative = "rx" in formula or "ry" in formula or "rz" in formula
+ do_normal = "nx" in formula or "ny" in formula or "nz" in formula
+ mat = ob.matrix_world
+ for i in range(1000):
+ if "w["+str(i)+"]" in formula and i > len(ob.vertex_groups)-1:
+ return "w["+str(i)+"] not found"
+ w = []
+ for i in range(len(ob.vertex_groups)):
+ w.append([])
+ if "w["+str(i)+"]" in formula:
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups[i]
+ for v in verts:
+ try:
+ w[i].append(vg.weight(v.index))
+ except:
+ w[i].append(0)
+ w[i] = array(w[i])
+ start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ # compute vertex coordinates
+ if do_local or do_relative or do_global:
+ co = [0]*n_verts*3
+ verts.foreach_get('co', co)
+ np_co = array(co).reshape((n_verts, 3))
+ lx, ly, lz = array(np_co).transpose()
+ if do_relative:
+ rx = np.interp(lx, (lx.min(), lx.max()), (0, +1))
+ ry = np.interp(ly, (ly.min(), ly.max()), (0, +1))
+ rz = np.interp(lz, (lz.min(), lz.max()), (0, +1))
+ if do_global:
+ co = [v.co for v in verts]
+ global_co = []
+ for v in co:
+ global_co.append(mat @ v)
+ global_co = array(global_co).reshape((n_verts, 3))
+ gx, gy, gz = array(global_co).transpose()
+ # compute vertex normals
+ if do_normal:
+ normal = [0]*n_verts*3
+ verts.foreach_get('normal', normal)
+ normal = array(normal).reshape((n_verts, 3))
+ nx, ny, nz = array(normal).transpose()
+ try:
+ weight = eval(formula)
+ return weight
+ except:
+ return "There is something wrong"
+ print("Weight Formula: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time))
+class weight_formula_wiki(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "scene.weight_formula_wiki"
+ bl_label = "Online Documentation"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ def execute(self, context):
+ bpy.ops.wm.url_open(url="https://github.com/alessandro-zomparelli/tissue/wiki/Weight-Tools#weight-formula")
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class weight_formula(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.weight_formula"
+ bl_label = "Weight Formula"
+ bl_description = "Generate a Vertex Group according to a mathematical formula"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ ex_items = [
+ ('cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 + sin(rz*i3))/i2 + cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 - sin(rz*i3))/i2 + 0.5','Vertical Spots'),
+ ('cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 + sin(rz*i2))/2 + cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 - sin(rz*i2))/2','Vertical Spots'),
+ ('(sin(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2)*sin(nz*i1*2)+1)/2','Grid Spots'),
+ ('cos(arctan(nx/ny)*f1)','Vertical Stripes'),
+ ('cos(arctan(lx/ly)*f1 + sin(rz*f2)*f3)','Curly Stripes'),
+ ('sin(rz*pi*i1+arctan2(nx,ny))/2+0.5', 'Vertical Spiral'),
+ ('sin(nx*15)<sin(ny*15)','Chess'),
+ ('cos(ny*rz**2*i1)','Hyperbolic'),
+ ('sin(rx*30) > 0','Step Stripes'),
+ ('sin(nz*i1)','Normal Stripes'),
+ ('w[0]**2','Vertex Group square'),
+ ('abs(0.5-rz)*2','Double vertical gradient'),
+ ('rz', 'Vertical Gradient')
+ ]
+ _ex_items = list((str(i),'{} ( {} )'.format(s[0],s[1]),s[1]) for i,s in enumerate(ex_items))
+ _ex_items.append(('CUSTOM', "User Formula", ""))
+ examples : EnumProperty(
+ items = _ex_items, default='CUSTOM', name="Examples")
+ old_ex = ""
+ formula : StringProperty(
+ name="Formula", default="", description="Formula to Evaluate")
+ slider_f01 : FloatProperty(
+ name="f1", default=1, description="Slider Float 1")
+ slider_f02 : FloatProperty(
+ name="f2", default=1, description="Slider Float 2")
+ slider_f03 : FloatProperty(
+ name="f3", default=1, description="Slider Float 3")
+ slider_f04 : FloatProperty(
+ name="f4", default=1, description="Slider Float 4")
+ slider_f05 : FloatProperty(
+ name="f5", default=1, description="Slider Float 5")
+ slider_i01 : IntProperty(
+ name="i1", default=1, description="Slider Integer 1")
+ slider_i02 : IntProperty(
+ name="i2", default=1, description="Slider Integer 2")
+ slider_i03 : IntProperty(
+ name="i3", default=1, description="Slider Integer 3")
+ slider_i04 : IntProperty(
+ name="i4", default=1, description="Slider Integer 4")
+ slider_i05 : IntProperty(
+ name="i5", default=1, description="Slider Integer 5")
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350)
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ #layout.label(text="Examples")
+ layout.prop(self, "examples", text="Examples")
+ #if self.examples == 'CUSTOM':
+ layout.label(text="Formula")
+ layout.prop(self, "formula", text="")
+ #try: self.examples = self.formula
+ #except: pass
+ if self.examples != 'CUSTOM':
+ example = self.ex_items[int(self.examples)][0]
+ if example != self.old_ex:
+ self.formula = example
+ self.old_ex = example
+ elif self.formula != example:
+ self.examples = 'CUSTOM'
+ formula = self.formula
+ layout.separator()
+ if "f1" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f01")
+ if "f2" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f02")
+ if "f3" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f03")
+ if "f4" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f04")
+ if "f5" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f05")
+ if "i1" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i01")
+ if "i2" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i02")
+ if "i3" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i03")
+ if "i4" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i04")
+ if "i5" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i05")
+ layout.label(text="Variables (for each vertex):")
+ layout.label(text="lx, ly, lz: Local Coordinates", icon='ORIENTATION_LOCAL')
+ layout.label(text="gx, gy, gz: Global Coordinates", icon='WORLD')
+ layout.label(text="rx, ry, rz: Local Coordinates (0 to 1)", icon='NORMALIZE_FCURVES')
+ layout.label(text="nx, ny, nz: Normal Coordinates", icon='SNAP_NORMAL')
+ layout.label(text="w[0], w[1], w[2], ... : Vertex Groups", icon="GROUP_VERTEX")
+ layout.separator()
+ layout.label(text="f1, f2, f3, f4, f5: Float Sliders", icon='MOD_HUE_SATURATION')#PROPERTIES
+ layout.label(text="i1, i2, i3, i4, i5: Integer Sliders", icon='MOD_HUE_SATURATION')
+ layout.separator()
+ #layout.label(text="All mathematical functions are based on Numpy", icon='INFO')
+ #layout.label(text="https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/routines.math.html", icon='INFO')
+ layout.operator("scene.weight_formula_wiki", icon="HELP")
+ #layout.label(text="(where 'i' is the index of the Vertex Group)")
+ def execute(self, context):
+ ob = context.active_object
+ n_verts = len(ob.data.vertices)
+ #if self.examples == 'CUSTOM':
+ # formula = self.formula
+ #else:
+ #self.formula = self.examples
+ # formula = self.examples
+ #f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 = self.slider_f01, self.slider_f02, self.slider_f03, self.slider_f04, self.slider_f05
+ #i1, i2, i3, i4, i5 = self.slider_i01, self.slider_i02, self.slider_i03, self.slider_i04, self.slider_i05
+ f_sliders = self.slider_f01, self.slider_f02, self.slider_f03, self.slider_f04, self.slider_f05
+ i_sliders = self.slider_i01, self.slider_i02, self.slider_i03, self.slider_i04, self.slider_i05
+ if self.examples != 'CUSTOM':
+ example = self.ex_items[int(self.examples)][0]
+ if example != self.old_ex:
+ self.formula = example
+ self.old_ex = example
+ elif self.formula != example:
+ self.examples = 'CUSTOM'
+ formula = self.formula
+ if formula == "": return {'FINISHED'}
+ # replace numeric sliders value
+ for i, slider in enumerate(f_sliders):
+ formula = formula.replace('f'+str(i+1),"{0:.2f}".format(slider))
+ for i, slider in enumerate(i_sliders):
+ formula =formula.replace('i'+str(i+1),str(slider))
+ vertex_group_name = "" + formula
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=vertex_group_name)
+ weight = compute_formula(ob, formula=formula, float_var=f_sliders, int_var=i_sliders)
+ if type(weight) == str:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, weight)
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ #start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ weight = nan_to_num(weight)
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups[-1]
+ if type(weight) == int or type(weight) == float:
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ vg.add([i], weight, 'REPLACE')
+ elif type(weight) == ndarray:
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ vg.add([i], weight[i], 'REPLACE')
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ # Store formula settings
+ new_formula = ob.formula_settings.add()
+ new_formula.name = ob.vertex_groups[-1].name
+ new_formula.formula = formula
+ new_formula.int_var = i_sliders
+ new_formula.float_var = f_sliders
+ #for f in ob.formula_settings:
+ # print(f.name, f.formula, f.int_var, f.float_var)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class update_weight_formula(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.update_weight_formula"
+ bl_label = "Update Weight Formula"
+ bl_description = "Update an existing Vertex Group. Make sure that the name\nof the active Vertex Group is a valid formula"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ ob = context.active_object
+ n_verts = len(ob.data.vertices)
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups.active
+ formula = vg.name
+ weight = compute_formula(ob, formula=formula)
+ if type(weight) == str:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The name of the active Vertex Group\nis not a valid Formula")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ #start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ weight = nan_to_num(weight)
+ if type(weight) == int or type(weight) == float:
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ vg.add([i], weight, 'REPLACE')
+ elif type(weight) == ndarray:
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ vg.add([i], weight[i], 'REPLACE')
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class _weight_laplacian(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object._weight_laplacian"
+ bl_label = "Weight Laplacian"
+ bl_description = ("Compute the Vertex Group Laplacian")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bounds : EnumProperty(
+ items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""),
+ ('POSITIVE', "Positive Only", ""),
+ ('NEGATIVE', "Negative Only", ""),
+ ('AUTOMATIC', "Automatic Bounds", "")),
+ default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds")
+ mode : EnumProperty(
+ items=(('LENGTH', "Length Weight", ""),
+ ('SIMPLE', "Simple", "")),
+ default='SIMPLE', name="Evaluation Mode")
+ min_def : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min", default=0, soft_min=-1, soft_max=0,
+ description="Laplacian value with 0 weight")
+ max_def : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=5,
+ description="Laplacian value with 1 weight")
+ bounds_string = ""
+ frame = None
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.label(text="Evaluation Mode")
+ col.prop(self, "mode", text="")
+ col.label(text="Bounds")
+ col.prop(self, "bounds", text="")
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ col.label(text="Strain Rate \u03B5:")
+ col.prop(self, "min_def")
+ col.prop(self, "max_def")
+ col.label(text="\u03B5" + ": from " + self.bounds_string)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ group_id = ob.vertex_groups.active_index
+ input_group = ob.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ group_name = "Laplacian"
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name)
+ me = ob.data
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # store weight values
+ weight = []
+ for v in me.vertices:
+ try:
+ weight.append(ob.vertex_groups[input_group].weight(v.index))
+ except:
+ weight.append(0)
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ lap = [0]*n_verts
+ for e in bm.edges:
+ if self.mode == 'LENGTH':
+ length = e.calc_length()
+ if length == 0: continue
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ lap[id0] += weight[id1]/length - weight[id0]/length
+ lap[id1] += weight[id0]/length - weight[id1]/length
+ else:
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ lap[id0] += weight[id1] - weight[id0]
+ lap[id1] += weight[id0] - weight[id1]
+ mean_lap = mean(lap)
+ stdev_lap = stdev(lap)
+ filter_lap = [i for i in lap if mean_lap-2*stdev_lap < i < mean_lap+2*stdev_lap]
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ min_def = self.min_def
+ max_def = self.max_def
+ elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC':
+ min_def = min(filter_lap)
+ max_def = max(filter_lap)
+ self.min_def = min_def
+ self.max_def = max_def
+ elif self.bounds == 'NEGATIVE':
+ min_def = 0
+ max_def = min(filter_lap)
+ self.min_def = min_def
+ self.max_def = max_def
+ elif self.bounds == 'POSITIVE':
+ min_def = 0
+ max_def = max(filter_lap)
+ self.min_def = min_def
+ self.max_def = max_def
+ delta_def = max_def - min_def
+ # check undeformed errors
+ if delta_def == 0: delta_def = 0.0001
+ for i in range(len(lap)):
+ val = (lap[i]-min_def)/delta_def
+ if val > 0.7: print(str(val) + " " + str(lap[i]))
+ #val = weight[i] + 0.2*lap[i]
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], val, 'REPLACE')
+ self.bounds_string = str(round(min_def,2)) + " to " + str(round(max_def,2))
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].name = group_name + " " + self.bounds_string
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ bm.free()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class ok_weight_laplacian(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.weight_laplacian"
+ bl_label = "Weight Laplacian"
+ bl_description = ("Compute the Vertex Group Laplacian")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bounds_string = ""
+ frame = None
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ me = ob.data
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ group_id = ob.vertex_groups.active_index
+ input_group = ob.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ group_name = "Laplacian"
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name)
+ # store weight values
+ a = []
+ for v in me.vertices:
+ try:
+ a.append(ob.vertex_groups[input_group].weight(v.index))
+ except:
+ a.append(0)
+ a = array(a)
+ # initialize
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ # find max number of edges for vertex
+ max_edges = 0
+ n_neighbors = []
+ id_neighbors = []
+ for v in bm.verts:
+ n_edges = len(v.link_edges)
+ max_edges = max(max_edges, n_edges)
+ n_neighbors.append(n_edges)
+ neighbors = []
+ for e in v.link_edges:
+ for v1 in e.verts:
+ if v != v1: neighbors.append(v1.index)
+ id_neighbors.append(neighbors)
+ n_neighbors = array(n_neighbors)
+ lap_map = [[] for i in range(n_verts)]
+ #lap_map = []
+ '''
+ for e in bm.edges:
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ lap_map[id0].append(id1)
+ lap_map[id1].append(id0)
+ '''
+ lap = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts
+ n_records = zeros((n_verts))
+ for e in bm.edges:
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ length = e.calc_length()
+ if length == 0: continue
+ #lap[id0] += abs(a[id1] - a[id0])/length
+ #lap[id1] += abs(a[id0] - a[id1])/length
+ lap[id0] += (a[id1] - a[id0])/length
+ lap[id1] += (a[id0] - a[id1])/length
+ n_records[id0]+=1
+ n_records[id1]+=1
+ lap /= n_records
+ lap /= max(lap)
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ ob.vertex_groups['Laplacian'].add([i], lap[i], 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ bm.free()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class weight_laplacian(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.weight_laplacian"
+ bl_label = "Weight Laplacian"
+ bl_description = ("Compute the Vertex Group Laplacian")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bounds_string = ""
+ frame = None
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ me = ob.data
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ n_verts = len(me.vertices)
+ group_id = ob.vertex_groups.active_index
+ input_group = ob.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ group_name = "Laplacian"
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name)
+ # store weight values
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ weight = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_id, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ #verts, normals = get_vertices_and_normals_numpy(me)
+ #lap = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts
+ lap = [Vector((0,0,0)) for i in range(n_verts)]
+ n_records = zeros((n_verts))
+ for e in bm.edges:
+ vert0 = e.verts[0]
+ vert1 = e.verts[1]
+ id0 = vert0.index
+ id1 = vert1.index
+ v0 = vert0.co
+ v1 = vert1.co
+ v01 = v1-v0
+ v10 = -v01
+ v01 -= v01.project(vert0.normal)
+ v10 -= v10.project(vert1.normal)
+ length = e.calc_length()
+ if length == 0: continue
+ dw = (weight[id1] - weight[id0])/length
+ lap[id0] += v01.normalized() * dw
+ lap[id1] -= v10.normalized() * dw
+ n_records[id0]+=1
+ n_records[id1]+=1
+ #lap /= n_records[:,np.newaxis]
+ lap = [l.length/r for r,l in zip(n_records,lap)]
+ lap = np.array(lap)
+ lap /= np.max(lap)
+ lap = list(lap)
+ print(lap)
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ vg.add([i], lap[i], 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ bm.free()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class reaction_diffusion(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.reaction_diffusion"
+ bl_label = "Reaction Diffusion"
+ bl_description = ("Run a Reaction-Diffusion based on existing Vertex Groups: A and B")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ steps : IntProperty(
+ name="Steps", default=10, min=0, soft_max=50,
+ description="Number of Steps")
+ dt : FloatProperty(
+ name="dt", default=0.2, min=0, soft_max=0.2,
+ description="Time Step")
+ diff_a : FloatProperty(
+ name="Diff A", default=1, min=0, soft_max=2,
+ description="Diffusion A")
+ diff_b : FloatProperty(
+ name="Diff B", default=0.5, min=0, soft_max=2,
+ description="Diffusion B")
+ f : FloatProperty(
+ name="f", default=0.055, min=0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=0.06, max=0.1, precision=4,
+ description="Feed Rate")
+ k : FloatProperty(
+ name="k", default=0.062, min=0, soft_min=0.035, soft_max=0.065, max=0.1, precision=4,
+ description="Kill Rate")
+ bounds_string = ""
+ frame = None
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ #bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post.remove(reaction_diffusion_def)
+ reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context)
+ set_animatable_fix_handler(self, context)
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ me = ob.data
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # store weight values
+ a = []
+ b = []
+ for v in me.vertices:
+ try:
+ a.append(ob.vertex_groups["A"].weight(v.index))
+ except:
+ a.append(0)
+ try:
+ b.append(ob.vertex_groups["B"].weight(v.index))
+ except:
+ b.append(0)
+ a = array(a)
+ b = array(b)
+ f = self.f
+ k = self.k
+ diff_a = self.diff_a
+ diff_b = self.diff_b
+ dt = self.dt
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ for i in range(self.steps):
+ lap_a = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts
+ lap_b = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts
+ for e in bm.edges:
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ lap_a[id0] += a[id1] - a[id0]
+ lap_a[id1] += a[id0] - a[id1]
+ lap_b[id0] += b[id1] - b[id0]
+ lap_b[id1] += b[id0] - b[id1]
+ ab2 = a*b**2
+ a += (diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt
+ b += (diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type='DRAW_WIN_SWAP', iterations=1)
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ bm.free()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class edges_deformation(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.edges_deformation"
+ bl_label = "Edges Deformation"
+ bl_description = ("Compute Weight based on the deformation of edges"+
+ "according to visible modifiers.")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bounds : EnumProperty(
+ items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""),
+ ('COMPRESSION', "Compressed Only", ""),
+ ('TENSION', "Extended Only", ""),
+ ('AUTOMATIC', "Automatic Bounds", "")),
+ default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds")
+ mode : EnumProperty(
+ items=(('MAX', "Max Deformation", ""),
+ ('MEAN', "Average Deformation", "")),
+ default='MEAN', name="Evaluation Mode")
+ min_def : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min", default=0, soft_min=-1, soft_max=0,
+ description="Deformations with 0 weight")
+ max_def : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=5,
+ description="Deformations with 1 weight")
+ bounds_string = ""
+ frame = None
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.modifiers) > 0
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.label(text="Evaluation Mode")
+ col.prop(self, "mode", text="")
+ col.label(text="Bounds")
+ col.prop(self, "bounds", text="")
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ col.label(text="Strain Rate \u03B5:")
+ col.prop(self, "min_def")
+ col.prop(self, "max_def")
+ col.label(text="\u03B5" + ": from " + self.bounds_string)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ # check if the object is Cloth or Softbody
+ physics = False
+ for m in ob.modifiers:
+ if m.type == 'CLOTH' or m.type == 'SOFT_BODY':
+ physics = True
+ if context.scene.frame_current == 1 and self.frame != None:
+ context.scene.frame_current = self.frame
+ break
+ if not physics: self.frame = None
+ if self.mode == 'MEAN': group_name = "Average Deformation"
+ elif self.mode == 'MAX': group_name = "Max Deformation"
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name)
+ me0 = ob.data
+ me = simple_to_mesh(ob) #ob.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy()
+ if len(me.vertices) != len(me0.vertices) or len(me.edges) != len(me0.edges):
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The topology of the object should be" +
+ "unaltered")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ bm0 = bmesh.new()
+ bm0.from_mesh(me0)
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ deformations = []
+ for e0, e in zip(bm0.edges, bm.edges):
+ try:
+ l0 = e0.calc_length()
+ l1 = e.calc_length()
+ epsilon = (l1 - l0)/l0
+ deformations.append(epsilon)
+ except: deformations.append(1)
+ v_deformations = []
+ for v in bm.verts:
+ vdef = []
+ for e in v.link_edges:
+ vdef.append(deformations[e.index])
+ if self.mode == 'MEAN': v_deformations.append(mean(vdef))
+ elif self.mode == 'MAX': v_deformations.append(max(vdef, key=abs))
+ #elif self.mode == 'MIN': v_deformations.append(min(vdef, key=abs))
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ min_def = self.min_def
+ max_def = self.max_def
+ elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC':
+ min_def = min(v_deformations)
+ max_def = max(v_deformations)
+ self.min_def = min_def
+ self.max_def = max_def
+ elif self.bounds == 'COMPRESSION':
+ min_def = 0
+ max_def = min(v_deformations)
+ self.min_def = min_def
+ self.max_def = max_def
+ elif self.bounds == 'TENSION':
+ min_def = 0
+ max_def = max(v_deformations)
+ self.min_def = min_def
+ self.max_def = max_def
+ delta_def = max_def - min_def
+ # check undeformed errors
+ if delta_def == 0:
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ delta_def = 0.0001
+ else:
+ message = "The object doesn't have deformations."
+ if physics:
+ message = message + ("\nIf you are using Physics try to " +
+ "save it in the cache before.")
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, message)
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ else:
+ if physics:
+ self.frame = context.scene.frame_current
+ for i in range(len(v_deformations)):
+ weight = (v_deformations[i] - min_def)/delta_def
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE')
+ self.bounds_string = str(round(min_def,2)) + " to " + str(round(max_def,2))
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].name = group_name + " " + self.bounds_string
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me)
+ bm.free()
+ bm0.free()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class edges_bending(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.edges_bending"
+ bl_label = "Edges Bending"
+ bl_description = ("Compute Weight based on the bending of edges"+
+ "according to visible modifiers.")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bounds : EnumProperty(
+ items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""),
+ ('POSITIVE', "Positive Only", ""),
+ ('NEGATIVE', "Negative Only", ""),
+ ('UNSIGNED', "Absolute Bending", ""),
+ ('AUTOMATIC', "Signed Bending", "")),
+ default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds")
+ min_def : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min", default=-10, soft_min=-45, soft_max=45,
+ description="Deformations with 0 weight")
+ max_def : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max", default=10, soft_min=-45, soft_max=45,
+ description="Deformations with 1 weight")
+ bounds_string = ""
+ frame = None
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.modifiers) > 0
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ layout.label(text="Bounds")
+ layout.prop(self, "bounds", text="")
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ layout.prop(self, "min_def")
+ layout.prop(self, "max_def")
+ def execute(self, context):
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ group_name = "Edges Bending"
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name)
+ # check if the object is Cloth or Softbody
+ physics = False
+ for m in ob.modifiers:
+ if m.type == 'CLOTH' or m.type == 'SOFT_BODY':
+ physics = True
+ if context.scene.frame_current == 1 and self.frame != None:
+ context.scene.frame_current = self.frame
+ break
+ if not physics: self.frame = None
+ #ob.data.update()
+ #context.scene.update()
+ me0 = ob.data
+ me = simple_to_mesh(ob) #ob.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy()
+ if len(me.vertices) != len(me0.vertices) or len(me.edges) != len(me0.edges):
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The topology of the object should be" +
+ "unaltered")
+ bm0 = bmesh.new()
+ bm0.from_mesh(me0)
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ deformations = []
+ for e0, e in zip(bm0.edges, bm.edges):
+ try:
+ ang = e.calc_face_angle_signed()
+ ang0 = e0.calc_face_angle_signed()
+ if self.bounds == 'UNSIGNED':
+ deformations.append(abs(ang-ang0))
+ else:
+ deformations.append(ang-ang0)
+ except: deformations.append(0)
+ v_deformations = []
+ for v in bm.verts:
+ vdef = []
+ for e in v.link_edges:
+ vdef.append(deformations[e.index])
+ v_deformations.append(mean(vdef))
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ min_def = radians(self.min_def)
+ max_def = radians(self.max_def)
+ elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC':
+ min_def = min(v_deformations)
+ max_def = max(v_deformations)
+ elif self.bounds == 'POSITIVE':
+ min_def = 0
+ max_def = min(v_deformations)
+ elif self.bounds == 'NEGATIVE':
+ min_def = 0
+ max_def = max(v_deformations)
+ elif self.bounds == 'UNSIGNED':
+ min_def = 0
+ max_def = max(v_deformations)
+ delta_def = max_def - min_def
+ # check undeformed errors
+ if delta_def == 0:
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ delta_def = 0.0001
+ else:
+ message = "The object doesn't have deformations."
+ if physics:
+ message = message + ("\nIf you are using Physics try to " +
+ "save it in the cache before.")
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, message)
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ else:
+ if physics:
+ self.frame = context.scene.frame_current
+ for i in range(len(v_deformations)):
+ weight = (v_deformations[i] - min_def)/delta_def
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE')
+ self.bounds_string = str(round(min_def,2)) + " to " + str(round(max_def,2))
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].name = group_name + " " + self.bounds_string
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me)
+ bm0.free()
+ bm.free()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class weight_contour_displace(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.weight_contour_displace"
+ bl_label = "Contour Displace"
+ bl_description = ("")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ use_modifiers : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Modifiers", default=True,
+ description="Apply all the modifiers")
+ min_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Iso Value", default=0.49, min=0, max=1,
+ description="Threshold value")
+ max_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Iso Value", default=0.51, min=0, max=1,
+ description="Threshold value")
+ n_cuts : IntProperty(
+ name="Cuts", default=2, min=1, soft_max=10,
+ description="Number of cuts in the selected range of values")
+ bool_displace : BoolProperty(
+ name="Add Displace", default=True, description="Add Displace Modifier")
+ bool_flip : BoolProperty(
+ name="Flip", default=False, description="Flip Output Weight")
+ weight_mode : EnumProperty(
+ items=[('Remapped', 'Remapped', 'Remap values'),
+ ('Alternate', 'Alternate', 'Alternate 0 and 1'),
+ ('Original', 'Original', 'Keep original Vertex Group')],
+ name="Weight", description="Choose how to convert vertex group",
+ default="Remapped", options={'LIBRARY_EDITABLE'})
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ try:
+ check = context.object.vertex_groups[0]
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ ob0 = context.object
+ group_id = ob0.vertex_groups.active_index
+ vertex_group_name = ob0.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ if self.use_modifiers:
+ #me0 = ob0.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy()
+ me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob0)
+ else:
+ me0 = ob0.data.copy()
+ # generate new bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me0)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # store weight values
+ weight = []
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0)
+ for g in ob0.vertex_groups:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
+ for v in me0.vertices:
+ try:
+ weight.append(ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].weight(v.index))
+ except:
+ weight.append(0)
+ # define iso values
+ iso_values = []
+ for i_cut in range(self.n_cuts):
+ delta_iso = abs(self.max_iso - self.min_iso)
+ min_iso = min(self.min_iso, self.max_iso)
+ max_iso = max(self.min_iso, self.max_iso)
+ if delta_iso == 0: iso_val = min_iso
+ elif self.n_cuts > 1: iso_val = i_cut/(self.n_cuts-1)*delta_iso + min_iso
+ else: iso_val = (self.max_iso + self.min_iso)/2
+ iso_values.append(iso_val)
+ # Start Cuts Iterations
+ filtered_edges = bm.edges
+ for iso_val in iso_values:
+ delete_edges = []
+ faces_mask = []
+ for f in bm.faces:
+ w_min = 2
+ w_max = 2
+ for v in f.verts:
+ w = weight[v.index]
+ if w_min == 2:
+ w_max = w_min = w
+ if w > w_max: w_max = w
+ if w < w_min: w_min = w
+ if w_min < iso_val and w_max > iso_val:
+ faces_mask.append(f)
+ break
+ #link_faces = [[f for f in e.link_faces] for e in bm.edges]
+ #faces_todo = [f.select for f in bm.faces]
+ #faces_todo = [True for f in bm.faces]
+ verts = []
+ edges = []
+ edges_id = {}
+ _filtered_edges = []
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ count = n_verts
+ for e in filtered_edges:
+ #id0 = e.vertices[0]
+ #id1 = e.vertices[1]
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ w0 = weight[id0]
+ w1 = weight[id1]
+ if w0 == w1: continue
+ elif w0 > iso_val and w1 > iso_val:
+ _filtered_edges.append(e)
+ continue
+ elif w0 < iso_val and w1 < iso_val: continue
+ elif w0 == iso_val or w1 == iso_val:
+ _filtered_edges.append(e)
+ continue
+ else:
+ v0 = bm.verts[id0].co
+ v1 = bm.verts[id1].co
+ v = v0.lerp(v1, (iso_val-w0)/(w1-w0))
+ if e not in delete_edges:
+ delete_edges.append(e)
+ verts.append(v)
+ edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)] = count
+ edges_id[str(id1)+"_"+str(id0)] = count
+ count += 1
+ _filtered_edges.append(e)
+ filtered_edges = _filtered_edges
+ splitted_faces = []
+ switch = False
+ # splitting faces
+ for f in faces_mask:
+ # create sub-faces slots. Once a new vertex is reached it will
+ # change slot, storing the next vertices for a new face.
+ build_faces = [[],[]]
+ #switch = False
+ verts0 = [v.index for v in f.verts]
+ verts1 = list(verts0)
+ verts1.append(verts1.pop(0)) # shift list
+ for id0, id1 in zip(verts0, verts1):
+ # add first vertex to active slot
+ build_faces[switch].append(id0)
+ # try to split edge
+ try:
+ # check if the edge must be splitted
+ new_vert = edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)]
+ # add new vertex
+ build_faces[switch].append(new_vert)
+ # if there is an open face on the other slot
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 0:
+ # store actual face
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch])
+ # reset actual faces and switch
+ build_faces[switch] = []
+ # change face slot
+ switch = not switch
+ # continue previous face
+ build_faces[switch].append(new_vert)
+ except: pass
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) == 2:
+ build_faces[not switch].append(id0)
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 2:
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[not switch])
+ # add last face
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch])
+ #del_faces.append(f.index)
+ # adding new vertices
+ _new_vert = bm.verts.new
+ for v in verts: new_vert = _new_vert(v)
+ bm.verts.index_update()
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # adding new faces
+ _new_face = bm.faces.new
+ missed_faces = []
+ added_faces = []
+ for f in splitted_faces:
+ try:
+ face_verts = [bm.verts[i] for i in f]
+ new_face = _new_face(face_verts)
+ for e in new_face.edges:
+ filtered_edges.append(e)
+ except:
+ missed_faces.append(f)
+ bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # updating weight values
+ weight = weight + [iso_val]*len(verts)
+ # deleting old edges/faces
+ _remove_edge = bm.edges.remove
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ for e in delete_edges:
+ _remove_edge(e)
+ _filtered_edges = []
+ for e in filtered_edges:
+ if e not in delete_edges: _filtered_edges.append(e)
+ filtered_edges = _filtered_edges
+ name = ob0.name + '_ContourDisp'
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
+ bm.to_mesh(me)
+ bm.free()
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, me)
+ # Link object to scene and make active
+ scn = context.scene
+ context.collection.objects.link(ob)
+ context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
+ ob.select_set(True)
+ ob0.select_set(False)
+ # generate new vertex group
+ for g in ob0.vertex_groups:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
+ #ob.vertex_groups.new(name=vertex_group_name)
+ all_weight = weight + [iso_val]*len(verts)
+ #mult = 1/(1-iso_val)
+ for id in range(len(all_weight)):
+ #if False: w = (all_weight[id]-iso_val)*mult
+ w = all_weight[id]
+ if self.weight_mode == 'Alternate':
+ direction = self.bool_flip
+ for i in range(len(iso_values)-1):
+ val0, val1 = iso_values[i], iso_values[i+1]
+ if val0 < w <= val1:
+ if direction: w1 = (w-val0)/(val1-val0)
+ else: w1 = (val1-w)/(val1-val0)
+ direction = not direction
+ if w < iso_values[0]: w1 = not self.bool_flip
+ if w > iso_values[-1]: w1 = not direction
+ elif self.weight_mode == 'Remapped':
+ if w < min_iso: w1 = 0
+ elif w > max_iso: w1 = 1
+ else: w1 = (w - min_iso)/delta_iso
+ else:
+ if self.bool_flip: w1 = 1-w
+ else: w1 = w
+ ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].add([id], w1, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.active_index = group_id
+ # align new object
+ ob.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world
+ # Displace Modifier
+ if self.bool_displace:
+ ob.modifiers.new(type='DISPLACE', name='Displace')
+ ob.modifiers["Displace"].mid_level = 0
+ ob.modifiers["Displace"].strength = 0.1
+ ob.modifiers['Displace'].vertex_group = vertex_group_name
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ print("Contour Displace time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me0)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class weight_contour_mask(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.weight_contour_mask"
+ bl_label = "Contour Mask"
+ bl_description = ("")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ use_modifiers : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Modifiers", default=True,
+ description="Apply all the modifiers")
+ iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Iso Value", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Threshold value")
+ bool_solidify : BoolProperty(
+ name="Solidify", default=True, description="Add Solidify Modifier")
+ offset : FloatProperty(
+ name="Offset", default=1, min=0, max=1,
+ description="Offset")
+ thickness : FloatProperty(
+ name="Thickness", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Thickness")
+ normalize_weight : BoolProperty(
+ name="Normalize Weight", default=True,
+ description="Normalize weight of remaining vertices")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ try:
+ check = context.object.vertex_groups[0]
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ ob0 = bpy.context.object
+ iso_val = self.iso
+ group_id = ob0.vertex_groups.active_index
+ vertex_group_name = ob0.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ if self.use_modifiers:
+ me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob0)#ob0.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy()
+ else:
+ me0 = ob0.data.copy()
+ # generate new bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me0)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # store weight values
+ weight = []
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0)
+ for g in ob0.vertex_groups:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
+ for v in me0.vertices:
+ try:
+ #weight.append(v.groups[vertex_group_name].weight)
+ weight.append(ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].weight(v.index))
+ except:
+ weight.append(0)
+ faces_mask = []
+ for f in bm.faces:
+ w_min = 2
+ w_max = 2
+ for v in f.verts:
+ w = weight[v.index]
+ if w_min == 2:
+ w_max = w_min = w
+ if w > w_max: w_max = w
+ if w < w_min: w_min = w
+ if w_min < iso_val and w_max > iso_val:
+ faces_mask.append(f)
+ break
+ filtered_edges = bm.edges# me0.edges
+ faces_todo = [f.select for f in bm.faces]
+ verts = []
+ edges = []
+ delete_edges = []
+ edges_id = {}
+ _filtered_edges = []
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ count = n_verts
+ for e in filtered_edges:
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ w0 = weight[id0]
+ w1 = weight[id1]
+ if w0 == w1: continue
+ elif w0 > iso_val and w1 > iso_val:
+ continue
+ elif w0 < iso_val and w1 < iso_val: continue
+ elif w0 == iso_val or w1 == iso_val: continue
+ else:
+ v0 = me0.vertices[id0].co
+ v1 = me0.vertices[id1].co
+ v = v0.lerp(v1, (iso_val-w0)/(w1-w0))
+ delete_edges.append(e)
+ verts.append(v)
+ edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)] = count
+ edges_id[str(id1)+"_"+str(id0)] = count
+ count += 1
+ splitted_faces = []
+ switch = False
+ # splitting faces
+ for f in faces_mask:
+ # create sub-faces slots. Once a new vertex is reached it will
+ # change slot, storing the next vertices for a new face.
+ build_faces = [[],[]]
+ #switch = False
+ verts0 = list(me0.polygons[f.index].vertices)
+ verts1 = list(verts0)
+ verts1.append(verts1.pop(0)) # shift list
+ for id0, id1 in zip(verts0, verts1):
+ # add first vertex to active slot
+ build_faces[switch].append(id0)
+ # try to split edge
+ try:
+ # check if the edge must be splitted
+ new_vert = edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)]
+ # add new vertex
+ build_faces[switch].append(new_vert)
+ # if there is an open face on the other slot
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 0:
+ # store actual face
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch])
+ # reset actual faces and switch
+ build_faces[switch] = []
+ # change face slot
+ switch = not switch
+ # continue previous face
+ build_faces[switch].append(new_vert)
+ except: pass
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) == 2:
+ build_faces[not switch].append(id0)
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 2:
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[not switch])
+ # add last face
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch])
+ # adding new vertices
+ _new_vert = bm.verts.new
+ for v in verts: _new_vert(v)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # deleting old edges/faces
+ _remove_edge = bm.edges.remove
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ remove_edges = []
+ for e in delete_edges: _remove_edge(e)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # adding new faces
+ _new_face = bm.faces.new
+ missed_faces = []
+ for f in splitted_faces:
+ try:
+ face_verts = [bm.verts[i] for i in f]
+ _new_face(face_verts)
+ except:
+ missed_faces.append(f)
+ # Mask geometry
+ if(True):
+ _remove_vert = bm.verts.remove
+ all_weight = weight + [iso_val+0.0001]*len(verts)
+ weight = []
+ for w, v in zip(all_weight, bm.verts):
+ if w < iso_val: _remove_vert(v)
+ else: weight.append(w)
+ # Create mesh and object
+ name = ob0.name + '_ContourMask_{:.3f}'.format(iso_val)
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
+ bm.to_mesh(me)
+ bm.free()
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, me)
+ # Link object to scene and make active
+ scn = context.scene
+ context.collection.objects.link(ob)
+ context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
+ ob.select_set(True)
+ ob0.select_set(False)
+ # generate new vertex group
+ for g in ob0.vertex_groups:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
+ if iso_val != 1: mult = 1/(1-iso_val)
+ else: mult = 1
+ for id in range(len(weight)):
+ if self.normalize_weight: w = (weight[id]-iso_val)*mult
+ else: w = weight[id]
+ ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].add([id], w, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.active_index = group_id
+ # align new object
+ ob.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world
+ # Add Solidify
+ if self.bool_solidify and True:
+ ob.modifiers.new(type='SOLIDIFY', name='Solidify')
+ ob.modifiers['Solidify'].thickness = self.thickness
+ ob.modifiers['Solidify'].offset = self.offset
+ ob.modifiers['Solidify'].vertex_group = vertex_group_name
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ print("Contour Mask time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me0)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class weight_contour_mask_wip(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.weight_contour_mask"
+ bl_label = "Contour Mask"
+ bl_description = ("")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ use_modifiers : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Modifiers", default=True,
+ description="Apply all the modifiers")
+ iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Iso Value", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Threshold value")
+ bool_solidify : BoolProperty(
+ name="Solidify", default=True, description="Add Solidify Modifier")
+ normalize_weight : BoolProperty(
+ name="Normalize Weight", default=True,
+ description="Normalize weight of remaining vertices")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ try:
+ check = context.object.vertex_groups[0]
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ ob0 = bpy.context.object
+ iso_val = self.iso
+ group_id = ob0.vertex_groups.active_index
+ vertex_group_name = ob0.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ #bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ if self.use_modifiers:
+ me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob0)#ob0.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy()
+ else:
+ me0 = ob0.data.copy()
+ # generate new bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me0)
+ # store weight values
+ weight = []
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0)
+ for g in ob0.vertex_groups:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
+ weight = get_weight_numpy(ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name], len(me0.vertices))
+ me0, bm, weight = contour_bmesh(me0, bm, weight, iso_val)
+ # Mask geometry
+ mask = weight >= iso_val
+ weight = weight[mask]
+ mask = np.logical_not(mask)
+ delete_verts = np.array(bm.verts)[mask]
+ #for v in delete_verts: bm.verts.remove(v)
+ # Create mesh and object
+ name = ob0.name + '_ContourMask_{:.3f}'.format(iso_val)
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
+ bm.to_mesh(me)
+ bm.free()
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, me)
+ # Link object to scene and make active
+ scn = context.scene
+ context.collection.objects.link(ob)
+ context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
+ ob.select_set(True)
+ ob0.select_set(False)
+ # generate new vertex group
+ for g in ob0.vertex_groups:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
+ if iso_val != 1: mult = 1/(1-iso_val)
+ else: mult = 1
+ for id in range(len(weight)):
+ if self.normalize_weight: w = (weight[id]-iso_val)*mult
+ else: w = weight[id]
+ ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].add([id], w, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.active_index = group_id
+ # align new object
+ ob.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world
+ # Add Solidify
+ if self.bool_solidify and True:
+ ob.modifiers.new(type='SOLIDIFY', name='Solidify')
+ ob.modifiers['Solidify'].thickness = 0.05
+ ob.modifiers['Solidify'].offset = 0
+ ob.modifiers['Solidify'].vertex_group = vertex_group_name
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ print("Contour Mask time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me0)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class weight_contour_curves(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.weight_contour_curves"
+ bl_label = "Contour Curves"
+ bl_description = ("")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ use_modifiers : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Modifiers", default=True,
+ description="Apply all the modifiers")
+ min_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Value", default=0., soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Minimum weight value")
+ max_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Value", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Maximum weight value")
+ n_curves : IntProperty(
+ name="Curves", default=3, soft_min=1, soft_max=10,
+ description="Number of Contour Curves")
+ min_rad : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Radius", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Change radius according to Iso Value")
+ max_rad : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Radius", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Change radius according to Iso Value")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ return len(ob.vertex_groups) > 0 or ob.type == 'CURVE'
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ try:
+ check = context.object.vertex_groups[0]
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ ob0 = context.object
+ group_id = ob0.vertex_groups.active_index
+ vertex_group_name = ob0.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ if self.use_modifiers:
+ me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob0) #ob0.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy()
+ else:
+ me0 = ob0.data.copy()
+ # generate new bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me0)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # store weight values
+ weight = []
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0)
+ for g in ob0.vertex_groups:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
+ weight = get_weight_numpy(ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name], len(bm.verts))
+ #filtered_edges = bm.edges
+ total_verts = np.zeros((0,3))
+ total_segments = []
+ radius = []
+ # start iterate contours levels
+ vertices = get_vertices_numpy(me0)
+ filtered_edges = get_edges_id_numpy(me0)
+ faces_weight = [np.array([weight[v] for v in p.vertices]) for p in me0.polygons]
+ fw_min = np.array([np.min(fw) for fw in faces_weight])
+ fw_max = np.array([np.max(fw) for fw in faces_weight])
+ bm_faces = np.array(bm.faces)
+ ### Spiral
+ normals = np.array([v.normal for v in me0.vertices])
+ for c in range(self.n_curves):
+ min_iso = min(self.min_iso, self.max_iso)
+ max_iso = max(self.min_iso, self.max_iso)
+ try:
+ delta_iso = (max_iso-min_iso)/(self.n_curves-1)
+ iso_val = c*delta_iso + min_iso
+ if iso_val < 0: iso_val = (min_iso + max_iso)/2
+ except:
+ iso_val = (min_iso + max_iso)/2
+ # remove passed faces
+ bool_mask = iso_val < fw_max
+ bm_faces = bm_faces[bool_mask]
+ fw_min = fw_min[bool_mask]
+ fw_max = fw_max[bool_mask]
+ # mask faces
+ bool_mask = fw_min < iso_val
+ faces_mask = bm_faces[bool_mask]
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ count = len(total_verts)
+ # vertices indexes
+ id0 = filtered_edges[:,0]
+ id1 = filtered_edges[:,1]
+ # vertices weight
+ w0 = weight[id0]
+ w1 = weight[id1]
+ # weight condition
+ bool_w0 = w0 < iso_val
+ bool_w1 = w1 < iso_val
+ # mask all edges that have one weight value below the iso value
+ mask_new_verts = np.logical_xor(bool_w0, bool_w1)
+ id0 = id0[mask_new_verts]
+ id1 = id1[mask_new_verts]
+ # filter arrays
+ v0 = vertices[id0]
+ v1 = vertices[id1]
+ w0 = w0[mask_new_verts]
+ w1 = w1[mask_new_verts]
+ div = (w1-w0)
+ if div == 0: div = 0.000001
+ param = np.expand_dims((iso_val-w0)/div,axis=1)
+ verts = v0 + (v1-v0)*param
+ # indexes of edges with new vertices
+ edges_index = filtered_edges[mask_new_verts][:,2]
+ edges_id = {}
+ for i, id in enumerate(edges_index): edges_id[id] = i+len(total_verts)
+ # remove all edges completely below the iso value
+ mask_edges = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(bool_w0, bool_w1))
+ filtered_edges = filtered_edges[mask_edges]
+ if len(verts) == 0: continue
+ # finding segments
+ segments = []
+ for f in faces_mask:
+ seg = []
+ for e in f.edges:
+ try:
+ seg.append(edges_id[e.index])
+ if len(seg) == 2:
+ segments.append(seg)
+ seg = []
+ except: pass
+ #curves_points_indexes = find_curves(segments)
+ total_segments = total_segments + segments
+ total_verts = np.concatenate((total_verts,verts))
+ if self.min_rad != self.max_rad:
+ try:
+ iso_rad = c*(self.max_rad-self.min_rad)/(self.n_curves-1)+self.min_rad
+ if iso_rad < 0: iso_rad = (self.min_rad + self.max_rad)/2
+ except:
+ iso_rad = (self.min_rad + self.max_rad)/2
+ radius = radius + [iso_rad]*len(verts)
+ print("Contour Curves, computing time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ bm.free()
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ # adding new vertices _local for fast access
+ _new_vert = bm.verts.new
+ for v in total_verts: _new_vert(v)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # adding new edges
+ _new_edge = bm.edges.new
+ for s in total_segments:
+ try:
+ pts = [bm.verts[i] for i in s]
+ _new_edge(pts)
+ except: pass
+ try:
+ name = ob0.name + '_ContourCurves'
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
+ bm.to_mesh(me)
+ bm.free()
+ ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, me)
+ # Link object to scene and make active
+ scn = context.scene
+ context.collection.objects.link(ob)
+ context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
+ ob.select_set(True)
+ ob0.select_set(False)
+ print("Contour Curves, bmesh time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ bpy.ops.object.convert(target='CURVE')
+ ob = context.object
+ if not (self.min_rad == 0 and self.max_rad == 0):
+ if self.min_rad != self.max_rad:
+ count = 0
+ for s in ob.data.splines:
+ for p in s.points:
+ p.radius = radius[count]
+ count += 1
+ else:
+ for s in ob.data.splines:
+ for p in s.points:
+ p.radius = self.min_rad
+ ob.data.bevel_depth = 0.01
+ ob.data.fill_mode = 'FULL'
+ ob.data.bevel_resolution = 3
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "There are no values in the chosen range")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ # align new object
+ ob.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world
+ print("Contour Curves time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me0)
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class tissue_weight_contour_curves_pattern(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.tissue_weight_contour_curves_pattern"
+ bl_label = "Contour Curves"
+ bl_description = ("")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ use_modifiers : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Modifiers", default=True,
+ description="Apply all the modifiers")
+ auto_bevel : BoolProperty(
+ name="Automatic Bevel", default=False,
+ description="Bevel depends on weight density")
+ min_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Value", default=0., soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Minimum weight value")
+ max_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Value", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Maximum weight value")
+ n_curves : IntProperty(
+ name="Curves", default=10, soft_min=1, soft_max=100,
+ description="Number of Contour Curves")
+ min_rad = 1
+ max_rad = 1
+ in_displace : FloatProperty(
+ name="Displace A", default=0, soft_min=-10, soft_max=10,
+ description="Pattern displace strength")
+ out_displace : FloatProperty(
+ name="Displace B", default=2, soft_min=-10, soft_max=10,
+ description="Pattern displace strength")
+ in_steps : IntProperty(
+ name="Steps A", default=1, min=0, soft_max=10,
+ description="Number of layers to move inwards")
+ out_steps : IntProperty(
+ name="Steps B", default=1, min=0, soft_max=10,
+ description="Number of layers to move outwards")
+ limit_z : BoolProperty(
+ name="Limit Z", default=False,
+ description="Limit Pattern in Z")
+ merge : BoolProperty(
+ name="Merge Vertices", default=True,
+ description="Merge points")
+ merge_thres : FloatProperty(
+ name="Merge Threshold", default=0.01, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Minimum Curve Radius")
+ bevel_depth : FloatProperty(
+ name="Bevel Depth", default=0, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="")
+ min_bevel_depth : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Bevel Depth", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="")
+ max_bevel_depth : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Bevel Depth", default=1, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="")
+ remove_open_curves : BoolProperty(
+ name="Remove Open Curves", default=False,
+ description="Remove Open Curves")
+ vertex_group_pattern : StringProperty(
+ name="Displace", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for pattern displace")
+ vertex_group_bevel : StringProperty(
+ name="Bevel", default='',
+ description="Variable Bevel depth")
+ object_name : StringProperty(
+ name="Active Object", default='',
+ description="")
+ try: vg_name = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.active.name
+ except: vg_name = ''
+ vertex_group_contour : StringProperty(
+ name="Contour", default=vg_name,
+ description="Vertex Group used for contouring")
+ clean_distance : FloatProperty(
+ name="Clean Distance", default=0, min=0, soft_max=10,
+ description="Remove short segments")
+ spiralized: BoolProperty(
+ name='Spiralized', default=False,
+ description='Create a Spiral Contour. Works better with dense meshes.'
+ )
+ spiral_axis: FloatVectorProperty(
+ name="Spiral Axis", default=(0,0,1),
+ description="Axis of the Spiral (in local coordinates)"
+ )
+ spiral_rotation : FloatProperty(
+ name="Spiral Rotation", default=0, min=0, max=2*pi,
+ description=""
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ return ob and len(ob.vertex_groups) > 0 or ob.type == 'CURVE'
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=250)
+ def draw(self, context):
+ if not context.object.type == 'CURVE':
+ self.object_name = context.object.name
+ ob = bpy.data.objects[self.object_name]
+ if self.vertex_group_contour not in [vg.name for vg in ob.vertex_groups]:
+ self.vertex_group_contour = ob.vertex_groups.active.name
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.prop(self, "use_modifiers")
+ col.label(text="Contour Curves:")
+ col.prop_search(self, 'vertex_group_contour', ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'min_iso')
+ row.prop(self,'max_iso')
+ col.prop(self,'n_curves')
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text='Curves Bevel:')
+ col.prop(self,'auto_bevel')
+ if not self.auto_bevel:
+ col.prop_search(self, 'vertex_group_bevel', ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ if self.vertex_group_bevel != '' or self.auto_bevel:
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'min_bevel_depth')
+ row.prop(self,'max_bevel_depth')
+ else:
+ col.prop(self,'bevel_depth')
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text="Displace Pattern:")
+ col.prop_search(self, 'vertex_group_pattern', ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ if self.vertex_group_pattern != '':
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'in_steps')
+ row.prop(self,'out_steps')
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'in_displace')
+ row.prop(self,'out_displace')
+ col.prop(self,'limit_z')
+ col.separator()
+ row=col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'spiralized')
+ row.label(icon='MOD_SCREW')
+ if self.spiralized:
+ #row=col.row(align=True)
+ #row.prop(self,'spiral_axis')
+ #col.separator()
+ col.prop(self,'spiral_rotation')
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text='Clean Curves:')
+ col.prop(self,'clean_distance')
+ col.prop(self,'remove_open_curves')
+ def execute(self, context):
+ n_curves = self.n_curves
+ start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ try:
+ check = context.object.vertex_groups[0]
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ ob0 = bpy.data.objects[self.object_name]
+ dg = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ ob = ob0.evaluated_get(dg)
+ me0 = ob.data
+ # generate new bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me0)
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ # store weight values
+ try:
+ weight = get_weight_numpy(ob.vertex_groups[self.vertex_group_contour], len(me0.vertices))
+ except:
+ bm.free()
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select a Vertex Group for contouring")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ try:
+ pattern_weight = get_weight_numpy(ob.vertex_groups[self.vertex_group_pattern], len(me0.vertices))
+ except:
+ #self.report({'WARNING'}, "There is no Vertex Group assigned to the pattern displace")
+ pattern_weight = np.zeros(len(me0.vertices))
+ variable_bevel = False
+ try:
+ bevel_weight = get_weight_numpy(ob.vertex_groups[self.vertex_group_bevel], len(me0.vertices))
+ variable_bevel = True
+ except:
+ bevel_weight = np.ones(len(me0.vertices))
+ if self.auto_bevel:
+ # calc weight density
+ bevel_weight = np.ones(len(me0.vertices))*10000
+ bevel_weight = np.zeros(len(me0.vertices))
+ edges_length = np.array([e.calc_length() for e in bm.edges])
+ edges_dw = np.array([max(abs(weight[e.verts[0].index]-weight[e.verts[1].index]),0.000001) for e in bm.edges])
+ dens = edges_length/edges_dw
+ n_records = np.zeros(len(me0.vertices))
+ for i, e in enumerate(bm.edges):
+ for v in e.verts:
+ id = v.index
+ #bevel_weight[id] = min(bevel_weight[id], dens[i])
+ bevel_weight[id] += dens[i]
+ n_records[id] += 1
+ bevel_weight = bevel_weight/n_records
+ bevel_weight = (bevel_weight - min(bevel_weight))/(max(bevel_weight) - min(bevel_weight))
+ #bevel_weight = 1-bevel_weight
+ variable_bevel = True
+ #filtered_edges = bm.edges
+ total_verts = np.zeros((0,3))
+ total_radii = np.zeros((0,1))
+ total_segments = []# np.array([])
+ radius = []
+ # start iterate contours levels
+ vertices, normals = get_vertices_and_normals_numpy(me0)
+ filtered_edges = get_edges_id_numpy(me0)
+ min_iso = min(self.min_iso, self.max_iso)
+ max_iso = max(self.min_iso, self.max_iso)
+ # Spiral
+ if self.spiralized:
+ nx = normals[:,0]
+ ny = normals[:,1]
+ ang = self.spiral_rotation + weight*pi*n_curves+arctan2(nx,ny)
+ weight = sin(ang)/2+0.5
+ n_curves = 1
+ if n_curves > 1:
+ delta_iso = (max_iso-min_iso)/(n_curves-1)
+ else:
+ delta_iso = None
+ faces_weight = [np.array([weight[v] for v in p.vertices]) for p in me0.polygons]
+ fw_min = np.array([np.min(fw) for fw in faces_weight])
+ fw_max = np.array([np.max(fw) for fw in faces_weight])
+ bm_faces = np.array(bm.faces)
+ #print("Contour Curves, data loaded: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ step_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ for c in range(n_curves):
+ if delta_iso:
+ iso_val = c*delta_iso + min_iso
+ if iso_val < 0: iso_val = (min_iso + max_iso)/2
+ else:
+ iso_val = (min_iso + max_iso)/2
+ #if c == 0 and self.auto_bevel:
+ # remove passed faces
+ bool_mask = iso_val < fw_max
+ bm_faces = bm_faces[bool_mask]
+ fw_min = fw_min[bool_mask]
+ fw_max = fw_max[bool_mask]
+ # mask faces
+ bool_mask = fw_min < iso_val
+ faces_mask = bm_faces[bool_mask]
+ count = len(total_verts)
+ new_filtered_edges, edges_index, verts, bevel = contour_edges_pattern(self, c, len(total_verts), iso_val, vertices, normals, filtered_edges, weight, pattern_weight, bevel_weight)
+ if len(edges_index) > 0:
+ if self.auto_bevel and False:
+ bevel = 1-dens[edges_index]
+ bevel = bevel[:,np.newaxis]
+ if self.max_bevel_depth != self.min_bevel_depth:
+ min_radius = self.min_bevel_depth / max(0.0001,self.max_bevel_depth)
+ radii = min_radius + bevel*(1 - min_radius)
+ else:
+ radii = bevel
+ else:
+ continue
+ if verts[0,0] == None: continue
+ else: filtered_edges = new_filtered_edges
+ edges_id = {}
+ for i, id in enumerate(edges_index): edges_id[id] = i + count
+ if len(verts) == 0: continue
+ # finding segments
+ segments = []
+ for f in faces_mask:
+ seg = []
+ for e in f.edges:
+ try:
+ #seg.append(new_ids[np.where(edges_index == e.index)[0][0]])
+ seg.append(edges_id[e.index])
+ if len(seg) == 2:
+ segments.append(seg)
+ seg = []
+ except: pass
+ total_segments = total_segments + segments
+ total_verts = np.concatenate((total_verts, verts))
+ total_radii = np.concatenate((total_radii, radii))
+ if self.min_rad != self.max_rad:
+ try:
+ iso_rad = c*(self.max_rad-self.min_rad)/(self.n_curves-1)+self.min_rad
+ if iso_rad < 0: iso_rad = (self.min_rad + self.max_rad)/2
+ except:
+ iso_rad = (self.min_rad + self.max_rad)/2
+ radius = radius + [iso_rad]*len(verts)
+ #print("Contour Curves, points computing: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - step_time) + " sec")
+ step_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ if len(total_segments) > 0:
+ step_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ ordered_points = find_curves(total_segments, len(total_verts))
+ #print("Contour Curves, point ordered in: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - step_time) + " sec")
+ step_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ crv = curve_from_pydata(total_verts, total_radii, ordered_points, ob0.name + '_ContourCurves', self.remove_open_curves, merge_distance=self.clean_distance)
+ context.view_layer.objects.active = crv
+ if variable_bevel: crv.data.bevel_depth = self.max_bevel_depth
+ else: crv.data.bevel_depth = self.bevel_depth
+ crv.select_set(True)
+ ob0.select_set(False)
+ crv.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world
+ #print("Contour Curves, curves created in: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - step_time) + " sec")
+ else:
+ bm.free()
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "There are no values in the chosen range")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ bm.free()
+ print("Contour Curves, total time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups"
+ bl_label = "Vertex Color"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Convert the active Vertex Color into a Vertex Group.")
+ red : BoolProperty(
+ name="red channel", default=False, description="convert red channel")
+ green : BoolProperty(
+ name="green channel", default=False,
+ description="convert green channel")
+ blue : BoolProperty(
+ name="blue channel", default=False, description="convert blue channel")
+ value : BoolProperty(
+ name="value channel", default=True, description="convert value channel")
+ invert : BoolProperty(
+ name="invert", default=False, description="invert all color channels")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ try:
+ return len(context.object.data.vertex_colors) > 0
+ except: return False
+ def execute(self, context):
+ obj = context.active_object
+ id = len(obj.vertex_groups)
+ id_red = id
+ id_green = id
+ id_blue = id
+ id_value = id
+ boolCol = len(obj.data.vertex_colors)
+ if(boolCol): col_name = obj.data.vertex_colors.active.name
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
+ if(self.red and boolCol):
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add()
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign()
+ id_red = id
+ obj.vertex_groups[id_red].name = col_name + '_red'
+ id+=1
+ if(self.green and boolCol):
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add()
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign()
+ id_green = id
+ obj.vertex_groups[id_green].name = col_name + '_green'
+ id+=1
+ if(self.blue and boolCol):
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add()
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign()
+ id_blue = id
+ obj.vertex_groups[id_blue].name = col_name + '_blue'
+ id+=1
+ if(self.value and boolCol):
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add()
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign()
+ id_value = id
+ obj.vertex_groups[id_value].name = col_name + '_value'
+ id+=1
+ mult = 1
+ if(self.invert): mult = -1
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ sub_red = 1 + self.value + self.blue + self.green
+ sub_green = 1 + self.value + self.blue
+ sub_blue = 1 + self.value
+ sub_value = 1
+ id = len(obj.vertex_groups)
+ if(id_red <= id and id_green <= id and id_blue <= id and id_value <= \
+ id and boolCol):
+ v_colors = obj.data.vertex_colors.active.data
+ i = 0
+ for f in obj.data.polygons:
+ for v in f.vertices:
+ gr = obj.data.vertices[v].groups
+ if(self.red): gr[min(len(gr)-sub_red, id_red)].weight = \
+ self.invert + mult * v_colors[i].color[0]
+ if(self.green): gr[min(len(gr)-sub_green, id_green)].weight\
+ = self.invert + mult * v_colors[i].color[1]
+ if(self.blue): gr[min(len(gr)-sub_blue, id_blue)].weight = \
+ self.invert + mult * v_colors[i].color[2]
+ if(self.value):
+ r = v_colors[i].color[0]
+ g = v_colors[i].color[1]
+ b = v_colors[i].color[2]
+ gr[min(len(gr)-sub_value, id_value)].weight\
+ = self.invert + mult * (0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b)
+ i+=1
+ bpy.ops.paint.weight_paint_toggle()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class vertex_group_to_vertex_colors(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.vertex_group_to_vertex_colors"
+ bl_label = "Vertex Group"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Convert the active Vertex Group into a Vertex Color.")
+ channel : EnumProperty(
+ items=[('BLUE', 'Blue Channel', 'Convert to Blue Channel'),
+ ('GREEN', 'Green Channel', 'Convert to Green Channel'),
+ ('RED', 'Red Channel', 'Convert to Red Channel'),
+ ('VALUE', 'Value Channel', 'Convert to Grayscale'),
+ ('FALSE_COLORS', 'False Colors', 'Convert to False Colors')],
+ name="Convert to", description="Choose how to convert vertex group",
+ default="VALUE", options={'LIBRARY_EDITABLE'})
+ invert : BoolProperty(
+ name="invert", default=False, description="invert color channel")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ obj = context.active_object
+ me = obj.data
+ group_id = obj.vertex_groups.active_index
+ if (group_id == -1):
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ group_name = obj.vertex_groups[group_id].name
+ bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_color_add()
+ colors_id = obj.data.vertex_colors.active_index
+ colors_name = group_name
+ if(self.channel == 'FALSE_COLORS'): colors_name += "_false_colors"
+ elif(self.channel == 'VALUE'): colors_name += "_value"
+ elif(self.channel == 'RED'): colors_name += "_red"
+ elif(self.channel == 'GREEN'): colors_name += "_green"
+ elif(self.channel == 'BLUE'): colors_name += "_blue"
+ context.object.data.vertex_colors[colors_id].name = colors_name
+ v_colors = obj.data.vertex_colors.active.data
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ weight = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_id,dvert_lay,bm.verts)
+ if self.invert: weight = 1-weight
+ loops_size = get_attribute_numpy(me.polygons, attribute='loop_total', mult=1)
+ n_colors = np.sum(loops_size)
+ verts = np.ones(n_colors)
+ me.polygons.foreach_get('vertices',verts)
+ splitted_weight = weight[verts.astype(int)][:,None]
+ r = np.zeros(splitted_weight.shape)
+ g = np.zeros(splitted_weight.shape)
+ b = np.zeros(splitted_weight.shape)
+ a = np.ones(splitted_weight.shape)
+ if(self.channel == 'FALSE_COLORS'):
+ mult = 0.6+0.4*splitted_weight
+ mask = splitted_weight < 0.25
+ g[mask] = splitted_weight[mask]*4
+ b[mask] = np.ones(splitted_weight.shape)[mask]
+ mask = np.where(np.logical_and(splitted_weight>=0.25, splitted_weight<0.5))
+ g[mask] = np.ones(splitted_weight.shape)[mask]
+ b[mask] = (1-(splitted_weight[mask]-0.25)*4)
+ mask = np.where(np.logical_and(splitted_weight>=0.5, splitted_weight<0.75))
+ r[mask] = (splitted_weight[mask]-0.5)*4
+ g[mask] = np.ones(splitted_weight.shape)[mask]
+ mask = 0.75 <= splitted_weight
+ r[mask] = np.ones(splitted_weight.shape)[mask]
+ g[mask] = (1-(splitted_weight[mask]-0.75)*4)
+ elif(self.channel == 'VALUE'):
+ r = splitted_weight
+ g = splitted_weight
+ b = splitted_weight
+ elif(self.channel == 'RED'):
+ r = splitted_weight
+ elif(self.channel == 'GREEN'):
+ g = splitted_weight
+ elif(self.channel == 'BLUE'):
+ b = splitted_weight
+ colors = np.concatenate((r,g,b,a),axis=1).flatten()
+ v_colors.foreach_set('color',colors)
+ bpy.ops.paint.vertex_paint_toggle()
+ context.object.data.vertex_colors[colors_id].active_render = True
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class vertex_group_to_uv(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.vertex_group_to_uv"
+ bl_label = "Vertex Group"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Combine two Vertex Groups as UV Map Layer.")
+ vertex_group_u : StringProperty(
+ name="U", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for the U coordinate")
+ vertex_group_v : StringProperty(
+ name="V", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for the V coordinate")
+ normalize_weight : BoolProperty(
+ name="Normalize Weight", default=True,
+ description="Normalize weight values")
+ invert_u : BoolProperty(
+ name="Invert U", default=False, description="Invert U")
+ invert_v : BoolProperty(
+ name="Invert V", default=False, description="Invert V")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=250)
+ def draw(self, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop_search(self, 'vertex_group_u', ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ row.separator()
+ row.prop_search(self, 'vertex_group_v', ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self, "invert_u")
+ row.separator()
+ row.prop(self, "invert_v")
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self, "normalize_weight")
+ def execute(self, context):
+ ob = context.active_object
+ me = ob.data
+ n_verts = len(me.vertices)
+ vg_keys = ob.vertex_groups.keys()
+ bool_u = self.vertex_group_u in vg_keys
+ bool_v = self.vertex_group_v in vg_keys
+ if bool_u or bool_v:
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ if bool_u:
+ u_index = ob.vertex_groups[self.vertex_group_u].index
+ u = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(u_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if self.invert_u:
+ u = 1-u
+ if self.normalize_weight:
+ u = np.interp(u, (u.min(), u.max()), (0, 1))
+ else:
+ u = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if bool_v:
+ v_index = ob.vertex_groups[self.vertex_group_v].index
+ v = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(v_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if self.invert_v:
+ v = 1-v
+ if self.normalize_weight:
+ v = np.interp(v, (v.min(), v.max()), (0, 1))
+ else:
+ v = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ else:
+ u = v = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ uv_layer = me.uv_layers.new(name='Weight_to_UV')
+ loops_size = get_attribute_numpy(me.polygons, attribute='loop_total', mult=1)
+ n_data = np.sum(loops_size)
+ v_id = np.ones(n_data)
+ me.polygons.foreach_get('vertices',v_id)
+ v_id = v_id.astype(int)
+ split_u = u[v_id,None]
+ split_v = v[v_id,None]
+ uv = np.concatenate((split_u,split_v),axis=1).flatten()
+ uv_layer.data.foreach_set('uv',uv)
+ me.uv_layers.update()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class curvature_to_vertex_groups(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.curvature_to_vertex_groups"
+ bl_label = "Curvature"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Generate a Vertex Group based on the curvature of the"
+ "mesh. Is based on Dirty Vertex Color.")
+ invert : BoolProperty(
+ name="invert", default=False, description="invert values")
+ blur_strength : FloatProperty(
+ name="Blur Strength", default=1, min=0.001,
+ max=1, description="Blur strength per iteration")
+ blur_iterations : IntProperty(
+ name="Blur Iterations", default=1, min=0,
+ max=40, description="Number of times to blur the values")
+ min_angle : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Angle", default=0, min=0,
+ max=pi/2, subtype='ANGLE', description="Minimum angle")
+ max_angle : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Angle", default=pi, min=pi/2,
+ max=pi, subtype='ANGLE', description="Maximum angle")
+ invert : BoolProperty(
+ name="Invert", default=False,
+ description="Invert the curvature map")
+ def execute(self, context):
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_color_add()
+ vertex_colors = context.active_object.data.vertex_colors
+ vertex_colors[-1].active = True
+ vertex_colors[-1].active_render = True
+ vertex_colors[-1].name = "Curvature"
+ for c in vertex_colors[-1].data: c.color = (1,1,1,1)
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='VERTEX_PAINT')
+ bpy.ops.paint.vertex_color_dirt(
+ blur_strength=self.blur_strength,
+ blur_iterations=self.blur_iterations, clean_angle=self.max_angle,
+ dirt_angle=self.min_angle)
+ bpy.ops.object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups(invert=self.invert)
+ bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_color_remove()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class face_area_to_vertex_groups(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.face_area_to_vertex_groups"
+ bl_label = "Area"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Generate a Vertex Group based on the area of individual"
+ "faces.")
+ invert : BoolProperty(
+ name="invert", default=False, description="invert values")
+ bounds : EnumProperty(
+ items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""),
+ ('AUTOMATIC', "Automatic Bounds", "")),
+ default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds")
+ min_area : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min", default=0.01, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Faces with 0 weight")
+ max_area : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max", default=0.1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Faces with 1 weight")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ layout.label(text="Bounds")
+ layout.prop(self, "bounds", text="")
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ layout.prop(self, "min_area")
+ layout.prop(self, "max_area")
+ def execute(self, context):
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name="Faces Area")
+ areas = [[] for v in ob.data.vertices]
+ for p in ob.data.polygons:
+ for v in p.vertices:
+ areas[v].append(p.area)
+ for i in range(len(areas)):
+ areas[i] = mean(areas[i])
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ min_area = self.min_area
+ max_area = self.max_area
+ elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC':
+ min_area = min(areas)
+ max_area = max(areas)
+ elif self.bounds == 'COMPRESSION':
+ min_area = 1
+ max_area = min(areas)
+ elif self.bounds == 'TENSION':
+ min_area = 1
+ max_area = max(areas)
+ delta_area = max_area - min_area
+ if delta_area == 0:
+ delta_area = 0.0001
+ if self.bounds == 'MANUAL':
+ delta_area = 0.0001
+ else:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The faces have the same areas")
+ #return {'CANCELLED'}
+ for i in range(len(areas)):
+ weight = (areas[i] - min_area)/delta_area
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class random_weight(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.random_weight"
+ bl_label = "Random"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Generate a random Vertex Group")
+ min_val : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min", default=0, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Minimum Value")
+ max_val : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Maximum Value")
+ #def draw(self, context):
+ # layout = self.layout
+ # layout.prop(self, "min_area")
+ # layout.prop(self, "max_area")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ try: ob = context.object
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ #ob.vertex_groups.new(name="Random")
+ n_verts = len(ob.data.vertices)
+ weight = np.random.uniform(low=self.min_val, high=self.max_val, size=(n_verts,))
+ np.clip(weight, 0, 1, out=weight)
+ group_id = ob.vertex_groups.active_index
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ ob.vertex_groups[group_id].add([i], weight[i], 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class harmonic_weight(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.harmonic_weight"
+ bl_label = "Harmonic"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Create an harmonic variation of the active Vertex Group")
+ freq : FloatProperty(
+ name="Frequency", default=20, soft_min=0,
+ soft_max=100, description="Wave frequency")
+ amp : FloatProperty(
+ name="Amplitude", default=1, soft_min=0,
+ soft_max=10, description="Wave amplitude")
+ midlevel : FloatProperty(
+ name="Midlevel", default=0, min=-1,
+ max=1, description="Midlevel")
+ add : FloatProperty(
+ name="Add", default=0, min=-1,
+ max=1, description="Add to the Weight")
+ mult : FloatProperty(
+ name="Multiply", default=0, min=0,
+ max=1, description="Multiply for he Weight")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0
+ def execute(self, context):
+ ob = context.active_object
+ if len(ob.vertex_groups) > 0:
+ group_id = ob.vertex_groups.active_index
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name="Harmonic")
+ for i in range(len(ob.data.vertices)):
+ try: val = ob.vertex_groups[group_id].weight(i)
+ except: val = 0
+ weight = self.amp*(math.sin(val*self.freq) - self.midlevel)/2 + 0.5 + self.add*val*(1-(1-val)*self.mult)
+ ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.data.update()
+ else:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Active object doesn't have vertex groups")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class tissue_weight_distance(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.tissue_weight_distance"
+ bl_label = "Weight Distance"
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ bl_description = ("Create a weight map according to the distance from the "
+ "selected vertices along the mesh surface")
+ mode : EnumProperty(
+ items=(('GEOD', "Geodesic Distance", ""),
+ ('EUCL', "Euclidean Distance", ""),
+ ('TOPO', "Topology Distance", "")),
+ default='GEOD', name="Distance Method")
+ normalize : BoolProperty(
+ name="Normalize", default=True,
+ description="Automatically remap the distance values from 0 to 1")
+ min_value : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min", default=0, min=0,
+ soft_max=100, description="Minimum Distance")
+ max_value : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max", default=10, min=0,
+ soft_max=100, description="Max Distance")
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=250)
+ def fill_neighbors(self,verts,weight):
+ neigh = {}
+ for v0 in verts:
+ for f in v0.link_faces:
+ for v1 in f.verts:
+ if self.mode == 'GEOD':
+ dist = weight[v0.index] + (v0.co-v1.co).length
+ elif self.mode == 'TOPO':
+ dist = weight[v0.index] + 1.0
+ w1 = weight[v1.index]
+ if w1 == None or w1 > dist:
+ weight[v1.index] = dist
+ neigh[v1] = 0
+ if len(neigh) == 0: return weight
+ else: return self.fill_neighbors(neigh.keys(), weight)
+ def execute(self, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ old_mode = ob.mode
+ if old_mode != 'OBJECT':
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ me = ob.data
+ # store weight values
+ weight = [None]*len(me.vertices)
+ if self.mode != 'EUCL':
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
+ selected = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]
+ if len(selected) == 0:
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=old_mode)
+ message = "Please, select one or more vertices"
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, message)
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ for v in selected: weight[v.index] = 0
+ weight = self.fill_neighbors(selected, weight)
+ bm.free()
+ else:
+ selected = [v for v in me.vertices if v.select]
+ kd = KDTree(len(selected))
+ for i, v in enumerate(selected):
+ kd.insert(v.co, i)
+ kd.balance()
+ for i,v in enumerate(me.vertices):
+ co, index, dist = kd.find(v.co)
+ weight[i] = dist
+ for i in range(len(weight)):
+ if weight[i] == None: weight[i] = 0
+ weight = np.array(weight)
+ max_dist = np.max(weight)
+ if self.normalize:
+ if max_dist > 0:
+ weight /= max_dist
+ else:
+ delta_value = self.max_value - self.min_value
+ if delta_value == 0: delta_value = 0.0000001
+ weight = (weight-self.min_value)/delta_value
+ if self.mode == 'TOPO':
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups.new(name='Distance: {:d}'.format(int(max_dist)))
+ else:
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups.new(name='Distance: {:.4f}'.format(max_dist))
+ for i, w in enumerate(weight):
+ vg.add([i], w, 'REPLACE')
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class TISSUE_PT_color(Panel):
+ bl_label = "Tissue Tools"
+ bl_category = "Tissue"
+ bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
+ bl_region_type = "UI"
+ #bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
+ bl_context = "vertexpaint"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.operator("object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups",
+ icon="GROUP_VERTEX", text="Convert to Weight")
+class TISSUE_PT_weight(Panel):
+ bl_label = "Tissue Tools"
+ bl_category = "Tissue"
+ bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
+ bl_region_type = "UI"
+ #bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
+ bl_context = "weightpaint"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ #if context.object.type == 'MESH' and context.mode == 'OBJECT':
+ #col.label(text="Transform:")
+ #col.separator()
+ #elif bpy.context.mode == 'PAINT_WEIGHT':
+ col.label(text="Weight Generate:")
+ #col.operator(
+ # "object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups", icon="GROUP_VCOL")
+ col.operator("object.face_area_to_vertex_groups", icon="FACESEL")
+ col.operator("object.curvature_to_vertex_groups", icon="SMOOTHCURVE")
+ col.operator("object.tissue_weight_distance", icon="TRACKING")
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ try: row.operator("object.weight_formula", icon="CON_TRANSFORM")
+ except: row.operator("object.weight_formula")#, icon="CON_TRANSFORM")
+ row.operator("object.update_weight_formula", icon="FILE_REFRESH", text='')#, icon="CON_TRANSFORM")
+ #col.label(text="Weight Processing:")
+ col.separator()
+ col.operator("object.weight_laplacian", icon="SMOOTHCURVE")
+ col.label(text="Weight Edit:")
+ col.operator("object.harmonic_weight", icon="IPO_ELASTIC")
+ col.operator("object.random_weight", icon="RNDCURVE")
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text="Deformation Analysis:")
+ col.operator("object.edges_deformation", icon="DRIVER_DISTANCE")#FULLSCREEN_ENTER")
+ col.operator("object.edges_bending", icon="DRIVER_ROTATIONAL_DIFFERENCE")#"MOD_SIMPLEDEFORM")
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text="Weight Curves:")
+ #col.operator("object.weight_contour_curves", icon="MOD_CURVE")
+ col.operator("object.tissue_weight_streamlines", icon="ANIM")
+ col.operator("object.tissue_weight_contour_curves_pattern", icon="FORCE_TURBULENCE")
+ col.separator()
+ col.operator("object.weight_contour_displace", icon="MOD_DISPLACE")
+ col.operator("object.weight_contour_mask", icon="MOD_MASK")
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text="Simulations:")
+ #col.operator("object.reaction_diffusion", icon="MOD_OCEAN")
+ col.operator("object.start_reaction_diffusion",
+ text="Reaction-Diffusion")
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text="Materials:")
+ col.operator("object.random_materials", icon='COLOR')
+ col.operator("object.weight_to_materials", icon='GROUP_VERTEX')
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text="Weight Convert:")
+ col.operator("object.vertex_group_to_vertex_colors", icon="GROUP_VCOL",
+ text="Convert to Colors")
+ col.operator("object.vertex_group_to_uv", icon="UV",
+ text="Convert to UV")
+ #col.prop(context.object, "reaction_diffusion_run", icon="PLAY", text="Run Simulation")
+ ####col.prop(context.object, "reaction_diffusion_run")
+ #col.separator()
+ #col.label(text="Vertex Color from:")
+ #col.operator("object.vertex_group_to_vertex_colors", icon="GROUP_VERTEX")
+class start_reaction_diffusion(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.start_reaction_diffusion"
+ bl_label = "Start Reaction Diffusion"
+ bl_description = ("Run a Reaction-Diffusion based on existing Vertex Groups: A and B")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ run : BoolProperty(
+ name="Run Reaction-Diffusion", default=True, description="Compute a new iteration on frame changes")
+ time_steps : IntProperty(
+ name="Steps", default=10, min=0, soft_max=50,
+ description="Number of Steps")
+ dt : FloatProperty(
+ name="dt", default=1, min=0, soft_max=0.2,
+ description="Time Step")
+ diff_a : FloatProperty(
+ name="Diff A", default=0.18, min=0, soft_max=2,
+ description="Diffusion A")
+ diff_b : FloatProperty(
+ name="Diff B", default=0.09, min=0, soft_max=2,
+ description="Diffusion B")
+ f : FloatProperty(
+ name="f", default=0.055, min=0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=0.06, max=0.1, precision=4,
+ description="Feed Rate")
+ k : FloatProperty(
+ name="k", default=0.062, min=0, soft_min=0.035, soft_max=0.065, max=0.1, precision=4,
+ description="Kill Rate")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return context.object.type == 'MESH' and context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH'
+ def execute(self, context):
+ reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context)
+ set_animatable_fix_handler(self, context)
+ ob = context.object
+ ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.run = self.run
+ ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.dt = self.dt
+ ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.time_steps = self.time_steps
+ ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.f = self.f
+ ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.k = self.k
+ ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.diff_a = self.diff_a
+ ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.diff_b = self.diff_b
+ # check vertex group A
+ try:
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups['A']
+ except:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name='A')
+ # check vertex group B
+ try:
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups['B']
+ except:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name='B')
+ for v in ob.data.vertices:
+ ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([v.index], 1, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([v.index], 0, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class reset_reaction_diffusion_weight(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.reset_reaction_diffusion_weight"
+ bl_label = "Reset Reaction Diffusion Weight"
+ bl_description = ("Set A and B weight to default values")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return context.object.type == 'MESH' and context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH'
+ def execute(self, context):
+ reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context)
+ set_animatable_fix_handler(self, context)
+ ob = context.object
+ # check vertex group A
+ try:
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups['A']
+ except:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name='A')
+ # check vertex group B
+ try:
+ vg = ob.vertex_groups['B']
+ except:
+ ob.vertex_groups.new(name='B')
+ for v in ob.data.vertices:
+ ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([v.index], 1, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([v.index], 0, 'REPLACE')
+ ob.vertex_groups.update()
+ ob.data.update()
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT')
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class bake_reaction_diffusion(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.bake_reaction_diffusion"
+ bl_label = "Bake Data"
+ bl_description = ("Bake the Reaction-Diffusion to the cache directory")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return context.object.type == 'MESH' and context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH'
+ def execute(self, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ if props.fast_bake:
+ bool_run = props.run
+ props.run = False
+ context.scene.frame_current = props.cache_frame_start
+ fast_bake_def(ob, frame_start=props.cache_frame_start, frame_end=props.cache_frame_end)
+ #create_fast_bake_def(ob, frame_start=props.cache_frame_start, frame_end=props.cache_frame_end)
+ context.scene.frame_current = props.cache_frame_end
+ props.run = bool_run
+ else:
+ for i in range(props.cache_frame_start, props.cache_frame_end):
+ context.scene.frame_current = i
+ reaction_diffusion_def(ob, bake=True)
+ props.bool_cache = True
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+class reaction_diffusion_free_data(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.reaction_diffusion_free_data"
+ bl_label = "Free Data"
+ bl_description = ("Free Reaction-Diffusion data")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return context.object.type == 'MESH'
+ def execute(self, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ props.bool_cache = False
+ folder = Path(props.cache_dir)
+ for i in range(props.cache_frame_start, props.cache_frame_end):
+ data_a = folder / "a_{:04d}".format(i)
+ if os.path.exists(data_a):
+ os.remove(data_a)
+ data_a = folder / "b_{:04d}".format(i)
+ if os.path.exists(data_a):
+ os.remove(data_a)
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
+def reaction_diffusion_scene(scene, bake=False):
+ for ob in scene.objects:
+ if ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.run:
+ reaction_diffusion_def(ob)
+def reaction_diffusion_def(ob, bake=False):
+ scene = bpy.context.scene
+ start = time.time()
+ if type(ob) == bpy.types.Scene: return None
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ if bake or props.bool_cache:
+ if props.cache_dir == '':
+ letters = string.ascii_letters
+ random_name = ''.join(rnd.choice(letters) for i in range(6))
+ if bpy.context.blend_data.filepath == '':
+ folder = Path(bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.temporary_directory)
+ folder = folder / 'reaction_diffusion_cache' / random_name
+ else:
+ folder = '//' + Path(bpy.context.blend_data.filepath).stem
+ folder = Path(bpy.path.abspath(folder)) / 'reaction_diffusion_cache' / random_name
+ folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ props.cache_dir = str(folder)
+ else:
+ folder = Path(props.cache_dir)
+ me = ob.data
+ n_edges = len(me.edges)
+ n_verts = len(me.vertices)
+ a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ print("{:6d} Reaction-Diffusion: {}".format(scene.frame_current, ob.name))
+ if not props.bool_cache:
+ if props.bool_mod:
+ # hide deforming modifiers
+ mod_visibility = []
+ for m in ob.modifiers:
+ mod_visibility.append(m.show_viewport)
+ if not mod_preserve_shape(m): m.show_viewport = False
+ # evaluated mesh
+ dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ ob_eval = ob.evaluated_get(dg)
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new_from_object(ob_eval, preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=dg)
+ # set original visibility
+ for v, m in zip(mod_visibility, ob.modifiers):
+ m.show_viewport = v
+ ob.modifiers.update()
+ bm = bmesh.new() # create an empty BMesh
+ bm.from_mesh(me) # fill it in from a Mesh
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ dt = props.dt
+ time_steps = props.time_steps
+ f = props.f
+ k = props.k
+ diff_a = props.diff_a
+ diff_b = props.diff_b
+ scale = props.diff_mult
+ brush_mult = props.brush_mult
+ # store weight values
+ if 'dB' in ob.vertex_groups: db = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if 'grad' in ob.vertex_groups: grad = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_a != '': diff_a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_b != '': diff_b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_scale != '': scale = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_f != '': f = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_k != '': k = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_brush != '': brush = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ else: brush = 0
+ group_index_a = ob.vertex_groups["A"].index
+ group_index_b = ob.vertex_groups["B"].index
+ a = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_a, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ b = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_b, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_a != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_diff_a].index
+ diff_a = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_diff_a:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_diff_a, props.max_diff_a)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_diff_a, props.min_diff_a)
+ diff_a = np.interp(diff_a, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_b != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_diff_b].index
+ diff_b = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_diff_b:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_diff_b, props.min_diff_b)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_diff_b, props.max_diff_b)
+ diff_b = np.interp(diff_b, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_scale != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_scale].index
+ scale = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_scale:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_scale, props.min_scale)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_scale, props.max_scale)
+ scale = np.interp(scale, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_f != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_f].index
+ f = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_f:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_f, props.min_f)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_f, props.max_f)
+ f = np.interp(f, (0,1), vg_bounds, )
+ if props.vertex_group_k != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_k].index
+ k = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_k:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_k, props.min_k)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_k, props.max_k)
+ k = np.interp(k, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_brush != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_brush].index
+ brush = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ brush *= brush_mult
+ #timeElapsed = time.time() - start
+ #print('RD - Read Vertex Groups:',timeElapsed)
+ #start = time.time()
+ diff_a *= scale
+ diff_b *= scale
+ edge_verts = [0]*n_edges*2
+ me.edges.foreach_get("vertices", edge_verts)
+ edge_verts = np.array(edge_verts)
+ if 'gradient' in ob.vertex_groups.keys() and False:
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups['gradient'].index
+ gradient = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ arr = (np.arange(n_edges)*2).astype(int)
+ id0 = edge_verts[arr]
+ id1 = edge_verts[arr+1]
+ #gradient = np.abs(gradient[id0] - gradient[id1])
+ gradient = gradient[id1] - gradient[id0]
+ gradient /= np.max(gradient)
+ sign = np.sign(gradient)
+ sign[sign==0] = 1
+ gradient = (0.05*abs(gradient) + 0.95)*sign
+ #gradient *= (1-abs(gradient)
+ #gradient = 0.2*(1-gradient) + 0.95
+ #gradient = get_uv_edge_vectors(me)
+ #uv_dir = Vector((0.5,0.5,0)).normalized()
+ #gradient = np.array([abs(g.dot(uv_dir.normalized())) for g in gradient])
+ #gradient = (gradient + 0.5)/2
+ #gradient = np.array([max(0,g.dot(uv_dir.normalized())) for g in gradient])
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start
+ print(' Preparation Time:',timeElapsed)
+ start = time.time()
+ try:
+ _f = f if type(f) is np.ndarray else np.array((f,))
+ _k = k if type(k) is np.ndarray else np.array((k,))
+ _diff_a = diff_a if type(diff_a) is np.ndarray else np.array((diff_a,))
+ _diff_b = diff_b if type(diff_b) is np.ndarray else np.array((diff_b,))
+ _brush = brush if type(brush) is np.ndarray else np.array((brush,))
+ #a, b = numba_reaction_diffusion_anisotropic(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, _brush, _diff_a, _diff_b, _f, _k, dt, time_steps, gradient)
+ a, b = numba_reaction_diffusion(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, _brush, _diff_a, _diff_b, _f, _k, dt, time_steps)
+ except:
+ print('Not using Numba! The simulation could be slow.')
+ arr = np.arange(n_edges)*2
+ id0 = edge_verts[arr] # first vertex indices for each edge
+ id1 = edge_verts[arr+1] # second vertex indices for each edge
+ for i in range(time_steps):
+ b += brush
+ lap_a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ lap_b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ lap_a0 = a[id1] - a[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge
+ lap_b0 = b[id1] - b[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge
+ np.add.at(lap_a, id0, lap_a0)
+ np.add.at(lap_b, id0, lap_b0)
+ np.add.at(lap_a, id1, -lap_a0)
+ np.add.at(lap_b, id1, -lap_b0)
+ ab2 = a*b**2
+ a += eval("(diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt")
+ b += eval("(diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt")
+ #a += (diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt
+ #b += (diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt
+ a = nan_to_num(a)
+ b = nan_to_num(b)
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start
+ print(' Simulation Time:',timeElapsed)
+ if bake:
+ if not(os.path.exists(folder)):
+ os.mkdir(folder)
+ file_name = folder / "a_{:04d}".format(scene.frame_current)
+ a.tofile(file_name)
+ file_name = folder / "b_{:04d}".format(scene.frame_current)
+ b.tofile(file_name)
+ elif props.bool_cache:
+ try:
+ file_name = folder / "a_{:04d}".format(scene.frame_current)
+ a = np.fromfile(file_name)
+ file_name = folder / "b_{:04d}".format(scene.frame_current)
+ b = np.fromfile(file_name)
+ except:
+ print(' Cannot read cache.')
+ return
+ if props.update_weight_a or props.update_weight_b:
+ start = time.time()
+ if props.update_weight_a:
+ if 'A' in ob.vertex_groups.keys():
+ vg_a = ob.vertex_groups['A']
+ else:
+ vg_a = ob.vertex_groups.new(name='A')
+ else:
+ vg_a = None
+ if props.update_weight_b:
+ if 'B' in ob.vertex_groups.keys():
+ vg_b = ob.vertex_groups['B']
+ else:
+ vg_b = ob.vertex_groups.new(name='B')
+ else:
+ vg_b = None
+ if vg_a == vg_b == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if ob.mode == 'WEIGHT_PAINT':# or props.bool_cache:
+ # slower, but prevent crashes
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ if vg_a: vg_a.add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE')
+ if vg_b: vg_b.add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE')
+ else:
+ if props.bool_mod or props.bool_cache:
+ #bm.free() # release old bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new() # create an empty BMesh
+ bm.from_mesh(ob.data) # fill it in from a Mesh
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ # faster, but can cause crashes while painting weight
+ if vg_a: index_a = vg_a.index
+ if vg_b: index_b = vg_b.index
+ for i, v in enumerate(bm.verts):
+ dvert = v[dvert_lay]
+ if vg_a: dvert[index_a] = a[i]
+ if vg_b: dvert[index_b] = b[i]
+ bm.to_mesh(ob.data)
+ bm.free()
+ print(' Writing Vertex Groups Time:',time.time() - start)
+ if props.normalize:
+ min_a = np.min(a)
+ max_a = np.max(a)
+ min_b = np.min(b)
+ max_b = np.max(b)
+ a = (a - min_a)/(max_a - min_a)
+ b = (b - min_b)/(max_b - min_b)
+ split_a = None
+ split_b = None
+ splitted = False
+ if props.update_colors:#_a or props.update_colors_b:
+ start = time.time()
+ loops_size = get_attribute_numpy(me.polygons, attribute='loop_total', mult=1)
+ n_colors = np.sum(loops_size)
+ v_id = np.ones(n_colors)
+ me.polygons.foreach_get('vertices',v_id)
+ v_id = v_id.astype(int)
+ #v_id = np.array([v for p in ob.data.polygons for v in p.vertices])
+ '''
+ if props.update_colors_b:
+ if 'B' in ob.data.vertex_colors.keys():
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors['B']
+ else:
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors.new(name='B')
+ c_val = b[v_id]
+ c_val = np.repeat(c_val, 4, axis=0)
+ vc.data.foreach_set('color',c_val)
+ if props.update_colors_a:
+ if 'A' in ob.data.vertex_colors.keys():
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors['A']
+ else:
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors.new(name='A')
+ c_val = a[v_id]
+ c_val = np.repeat(c_val, 4, axis=0)
+ vc.data.foreach_set('color',c_val)
+ '''
+ split_a = a[v_id,None]
+ split_b = b[v_id,None]
+ splitted = True
+ ones = np.ones((n_colors,1))
+ #rgba = np.concatenate((split_a,split_b,-split_b+split_a,ones),axis=1).flatten()
+ rgba = np.concatenate((split_a,split_b,ones,ones),axis=1).flatten()
+ if 'AB' in ob.data.vertex_colors.keys():
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors['AB']
+ else:
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors.new(name='AB')
+ vc.data.foreach_set('color',rgba)
+ ob.data.vertex_colors.update()
+ print(' Writing Vertex Colors Time:',time.time() - start)
+ if props.update_uv:
+ start = time.time()
+ if 'AB' in me.uv_layers.keys():
+ uv_layer = me.uv_layers['AB']
+ else:
+ uv_layer = me.uv_layers.new(name='AB')
+ if not splitted:
+ loops_size = get_attribute_numpy(me.polygons, attribute='loop_total', mult=1)
+ n_data = np.sum(loops_size)
+ v_id = np.ones(n_data)
+ me.polygons.foreach_get('vertices',v_id)
+ v_id = v_id.astype(int)
+ split_a = a[v_id,None]
+ split_b = b[v_id,None]
+ uv = np.concatenate((split_a,split_b),axis=1).flatten()
+ uv_layer.data.foreach_set('uv',uv)
+ me.uv_layers.update()
+ print(' Writing UV Map Time:',time.time() - start)
+ for ps in ob.particle_systems:
+ if ps.vertex_group_density == 'B' or ps.vertex_group_density == 'A':
+ ps.invert_vertex_group_density = not ps.invert_vertex_group_density
+ ps.invert_vertex_group_density = not ps.invert_vertex_group_density
+ if props.bool_mod and not props.bool_cache: bpy.data.meshes.remove(me)
+def fast_bake_def(ob, frame_start=1, frame_end=250):
+ scene = bpy.context.scene
+ start = time.time()
+ if type(ob) == bpy.types.Scene: return None
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ # Define cache folder
+ if props.cache_dir == '':
+ letters = string.ascii_letters
+ random_name = ''.join(rnd.choice(letters) for i in range(6))
+ if bpy.context.blend_data.filepath == '':
+ folder = Path(bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.temporary_directory)
+ folder = folder / 'reaction_diffusion_cache' / random_name
+ else:
+ folder = '//' + Path(bpy.context.blend_data.filepath).stem
+ folder = Path(bpy.path.abspath(folder)) / 'reaction_diffusion_cache' / random_name
+ folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ props.cache_dir = str(folder)
+ else:
+ folder = Path(props.cache_dir)
+ if props.bool_mod:
+ # hide deforming modifiers
+ mod_visibility = []
+ for m in ob.modifiers:
+ mod_visibility.append(m.show_viewport)
+ if not mod_preserve_shape(m): m.show_viewport = False
+ # evaluated mesh
+ dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ ob_eval = ob.evaluated_get(dg)
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new_from_object(ob_eval, preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=dg)
+ # set original visibility
+ for v, m in zip(mod_visibility, ob.modifiers):
+ m.show_viewport = v
+ ob.modifiers.update()
+ else:
+ me = ob.data
+ bm = bmesh.new() # create an empty BMesh
+ bm.from_mesh(me) # fill it in from a Mesh
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ n_edges = len(me.edges)
+ n_verts = len(me.vertices)
+ a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ group_index_a = ob.vertex_groups["A"].index
+ group_index_b = ob.vertex_groups["B"].index
+ dt = props.dt
+ time_steps = props.time_steps
+ f = props.f
+ k = props.k
+ diff_a = props.diff_a
+ diff_b = props.diff_b
+ scale = props.diff_mult
+ brush_mult = props.brush_mult
+ # store weight values
+ if 'dB' in ob.vertex_groups: db = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if 'grad' in ob.vertex_groups: grad = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_a != '': diff_a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_b != '': diff_b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_scale != '': scale = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_f != '': f = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_k != '': k = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_brush != '': brush = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ else: brush = 0
+ a = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_a, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ b = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_b, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_a != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_diff_a].index
+ diff_a = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_diff_a:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_diff_a, props.max_diff_a)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_diff_a, props.min_diff_a)
+ diff_a = np.interp(diff_a, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_diff_b != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_diff_b].index
+ diff_b = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_diff_b:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_diff_b, props.min_diff_b)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_diff_b, props.max_diff_b)
+ diff_b = np.interp(diff_b, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_scale != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_scale].index
+ scale = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_scale:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_scale, props.min_scale)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_scale, props.max_scale)
+ scale = np.interp(scale, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_f != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_f].index
+ f = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_f:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_f, props.min_f)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_f, props.max_f)
+ f = np.interp(f, (0,1), vg_bounds, )
+ if props.vertex_group_k != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_k].index
+ k = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ if props.invert_vertex_group_k:
+ vg_bounds = (props.max_k, props.min_k)
+ else:
+ vg_bounds = (props.min_k, props.max_k)
+ k = np.interp(k, (0,1), vg_bounds)
+ if props.vertex_group_brush != '':
+ group_index = ob.vertex_groups[props.vertex_group_brush].index
+ brush = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ brush *= brush_mult
+ diff_a *= scale
+ diff_b *= scale
+ edge_verts = [0]*n_edges*2
+ me.edges.foreach_get("vertices", edge_verts)
+ gradient = get_uv_edge_vectors(me)
+ uv_dir = Vector((0.5,0.5,0))
+ #gradient = [abs(g.dot(uv_dir)) for g in gradient]
+ gradient = [max(0,g.dot(uv_dir)) for g in gradient]
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start
+ print(' Preparation Time:',timeElapsed)
+ start = time.time()
+ try:
+ edge_verts = np.array(edge_verts)
+ _f = f if type(f) is np.ndarray else np.array((f,))
+ _k = k if type(k) is np.ndarray else np.array((k,))
+ _diff_a = diff_a if type(diff_a) is np.ndarray else np.array((diff_a,))
+ _diff_b = diff_b if type(diff_b) is np.ndarray else np.array((diff_b,))
+ _brush = brush if type(brush) is np.ndarray else np.array((brush,))
+ run_rd = False
+ for j in range(props.cache_frame_start, props.cache_frame_end+1):
+ start2 = time.time()
+ print("{:6d} Reaction-Diffusion: {}".format(j, ob.name))
+ if run_rd:
+ b += _brush
+ a, b = numba_reaction_diffusion(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, _brush, _diff_a, _diff_b, _f, _k, dt, time_steps)
+ else:
+ run_rd = True
+ if not(os.path.exists(folder)):
+ os.mkdir(folder)
+ file_name = folder / "a_{:04d}".format(j)
+ a.tofile(file_name)
+ file_name = folder / "b_{:04d}".format(j)
+ b.tofile(file_name)
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start2
+ print(' Simulation Time:',timeElapsed)
+ except:
+ print('Not using Numba! The simulation could be slow.')
+ edge_verts = np.array(edge_verts)
+ arr = np.arange(n_edges)*2
+ id0 = edge_verts[arr] # first vertex indices for each edge
+ id1 = edge_verts[arr+1] # second vertex indices for each edge
+ for j in range(props.cache_frame_start, props.cache_frame_end):
+ for i in range(time_steps):
+ b += brush
+ lap_a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ lap_b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ lap_a0 = a[id1] - a[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge
+ lap_b0 = b[id1] - b[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge
+ np.add.at(lap_a, id0, lap_a0)
+ np.add.at(lap_b, id0, lap_b0)
+ np.add.at(lap_a, id1, -lap_a0)
+ np.add.at(lap_b, id1, -lap_b0)
+ ab2 = a*b**2
+ a += eval("(diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt")
+ b += eval("(diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt")
+ a = nan_to_num(a)
+ b = nan_to_num(b)
+ if not(os.path.exists(folder)):
+ os.mkdir(folder)
+ file_name = folder / "a_{:04d}".format(j)
+ a.tofile(file_name)
+ file_name = folder / "b_{:04d}".format(j)
+ b.tofile(file_name)
+ if ob.mode == 'WEIGHT_PAINT':
+ # slower, but prevent crashes
+ vg_a = ob.vertex_groups['A']
+ vg_b = ob.vertex_groups['B']
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ vg_a.add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE')
+ vg_b.add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE')
+ else:
+ if props.bool_mod:
+ bm.free() # release old bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new() # create an empty BMesh
+ bm.from_mesh(ob.data) # fill it in from a Mesh
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ # faster, but can cause crashes while painting weight
+ for i, v in enumerate(bm.verts):
+ dvert = v[dvert_lay]
+ dvert[group_index_a] = a[i]
+ dvert[group_index_b] = b[i]
+ bm.to_mesh(ob.data)
+ # Update Vertex Colors
+ if 'A' in ob.data.vertex_colors or 'B' in ob.data.vertex_colors:
+ v_id = np.array([v for p in ob.data.polygons for v in p.vertices])
+ if 'B' in ob.data.vertex_colors:
+ c_val = b[v_id]
+ c_val = np.repeat(c_val, 4, axis=0)
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors['B']
+ vc.data.foreach_set('color',c_val.tolist())
+ if 'A' in ob.data.vertex_colors:
+ c_val = a[v_id]
+ c_val = np.repeat(c_val, 4, axis=0)
+ vc = ob.data.vertex_colors['A']
+ vc.data.foreach_set('color',c_val.tolist())
+ for ps in ob.particle_systems:
+ if ps.vertex_group_density == 'B' or ps.vertex_group_density == 'A':
+ ps.invert_vertex_group_density = not ps.invert_vertex_group_density
+ ps.invert_vertex_group_density = not ps.invert_vertex_group_density
+ if props.bool_mod: bpy.data.meshes.remove(me)
+ bm.free()
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start
+ print(' Closing Time:',timeElapsed)
+def create_fast_bake_def(ob, frame_start=1, frame_end=250):
+ scene = bpy.context.scene
+ start = time.time()
+ if type(ob) == bpy.types.Scene: return None
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ dt = props.dt
+ time_steps = props.time_steps
+ scale = props.diff_mult
+ if props.cache_dir == '':
+ letters = string.ascii_letters
+ random_name = ''.join(rnd.choice(letters) for i in range(6))
+ if bpy.context.blend_data.filepath == '':
+ folder = Path(bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.temporary_directory)
+ folder = folder / 'reaction_diffusion_cache' / random_name
+ else:
+ folder = '//' + Path(bpy.context.blend_data.filepath).stem
+ folder = Path(bpy.path.abspath(folder)) / 'reaction_diffusion_cache' / random_name
+ folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ props.cache_dir = str(folder)
+ else:
+ folder = Path(props.cache_dir)
+ if props.bool_mod:
+ # hide deforming modifiers
+ mod_visibility = []
+ for m in ob.modifiers:
+ mod_visibility.append(m.show_viewport)
+ if not mod_preserve_shape(m): m.show_viewport = False
+ # evaluated mesh
+ dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ ob_eval = ob.evaluated_get(dg)
+ me = bpy.data.meshes.new_from_object(ob_eval, preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=dg)
+ # set original visibility
+ for v, m in zip(mod_visibility, ob.modifiers):
+ m.show_viewport = v
+ ob.modifiers.update()
+ else:
+ me = ob.data
+ bm = bmesh.new() # create an empty BMesh
+ bm.from_mesh(me) # fill it in from a Mesh
+ verts = get_vertices_numpy(me)
+ dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.active
+ n_edges = len(me.edges)
+ n_verts = len(me.vertices)
+ group_index_x = ob.vertex_groups["x"].index
+ group_index_y = ob.vertex_groups["y"].index
+ group_index_module = ob.vertex_groups["module"].index
+ group_index_values = ob.vertex_groups["values"].index
+ if not props.bool_cache:
+ time_steps = props.time_steps
+ # store weight values
+ if 'dB' in ob.vertex_groups: db = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ if 'grad' in ob.vertex_groups: grad = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ vec_x = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ vec_y = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ vec_module = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ values = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ vec_x = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_x, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ vec_y = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_y, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ vec_module = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_module, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ values = bmesh_get_weight_numpy(group_index_values, dvert_lay, bm.verts)
+ field = np.concatenate((vec_x[:,None],vec_y[:,None],vec_y[:,None]*0),axis=1)
+ field = field*2-1
+ field[:,2] = 0
+ edge_verts = get_edges_numpy(me)
+ id0 = edge_verts[:,0]
+ id1 = edge_verts[:,1]
+ vert0 = verts[id0]
+ vert1 = verts[id1]
+ vec = vert1-vert0
+ edge_field = (field[id0] + field[id1])/2 # average vector associated to the edge
+ print(vert0.shape)
+ print(field.shape)
+ print(edge_field.shape)
+ # normalize vectors
+ vec /= np.linalg.norm(vec,axis=1)[:,None]
+ edge_field /= np.linalg.norm(edge_field,axis=1)[:,None]
+ edge_flow = np.einsum('...j,...j', vec, edge_field)
+ #sign = (edge_flow>0).astype(int)
+ #values[edge_verts[sign]] += values[edge_verts[1-sign]]*
+ #values[verts0] += values[verts1]*edge_flow
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start
+ print(' Preparation Time:',timeElapsed)
+ start = time.time()
+ # Preserve energy
+ mult = np.zeros(values.shape)
+ #mult[id0] -= edge_flow
+ #mult[id1] += edge_flow
+ np.add.at(mult,id0,-edge_flow)
+ np.add.at(mult,id1,edge_flow)
+ print("mult")
+ mult = scale/mult
+ print(mult)
+ print(np.sum(mult))
+ #try:
+ print(vec)
+ print(edge_flow)
+ print(edge_flow)
+ bool_run = False
+ for j in range(props.cache_frame_start, props.cache_frame_end+1):
+ start2 = time.time()
+ print("{:6d} Reaction-Diffusion: {}".format(j, ob.name))
+ if bool_run:
+ print(values)
+ #for i in range(1):
+ values = integrate_field(n_edges,id0,id1,values,edge_flow,mult,time_steps)
+ #values0 = values
+ #np.add.at(values, id0, values0[id1]*edge_flow*mult[id1])
+ #np.add.at(values, id1, -values0[id0]*edge_flow*mult[id0])
+ #np.add.at(values, id0, values0[id1]*edge_flow*mult)
+ #np.add.at(values, id1, -values0[id0]*edge_flow*mult)
+ #values[id1] += values0[id0]*edge_flow/mult[id1]*dt
+ #values[id0] -= values0[id1]*edge_flow/mult[id0]*dt
+ #values[id1] = edge_flow
+ #values[id1] += edge_flow
+ #a, b = numba_reaction_diffusion(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, _brush, _diff_a, _diff_b, _f, _k, dt, time_steps)
+ '''
+ lap_a = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ lap_b = np.zeros(n_verts)
+ lap_a0 = a[id1] - a[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge
+ lap_b0 = b[id1] - b[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge
+ np.add.at(lap_a, id0, lap_a0)
+ np.add.at(lap_b, id0, lap_b0)
+ np.add.at(lap_a, id1, -lap_a0)
+ np.add.at(lap_b, id1, -lap_b0)
+ '''
+ else:
+ bool_run = True
+ if not(os.path.exists(folder)):
+ os.mkdir(folder)
+ file_name = folder / "a_{:04d}".format(j)
+ values.tofile(file_name)
+ file_name = folder / "b_{:04d}".format(j)
+ values.tofile(file_name)
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start2
+ print(' Simulation Time:',timeElapsed)
+ if props.bool_mod: bpy.data.meshes.remove(me)
+ bm.free()
+ timeElapsed = time.time() - start
+ print(' Closing Time:',timeElapsed)
+class TISSUE_PT_reaction_diffusion(Panel):
+ bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+ bl_context = "data"
+ bl_label = "Tissue Reaction-Diffusion"
+ bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return 'A' and 'B' in context.object.vertex_groups
+ def draw(self, context):
+ reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context)
+ ob = context.object
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ if not ("A" and "B" in ob.vertex_groups):
+ row.operator("object.start_reaction_diffusion",
+ text="Reaction-Diffusion")
+ else:
+ row.operator("object.start_reaction_diffusion",
+ text="Reset Reaction-Diffusion")
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(props, "run", text="Run Reaction-Diffusion")
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(props, "time_steps")
+ row.prop(props, "dt")
+ row.enabled = not props.bool_cache
+ col.separator()
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ col1 = row.column(align=True)
+ col1.prop(props, "diff_a")
+ col1.enabled = props.vertex_group_diff_a == '' and not props.bool_cache
+ col1 = row.column(align=True)
+ col1.prop(props, "diff_b")
+ col1.enabled = props.vertex_group_diff_b == '' and not props.bool_cache
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(props, "diff_mult")
+ row.enabled = props.vertex_group_scale == '' and not props.bool_cache
+ #col.separator()
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ col1 = row.column(align=True)
+ col1.prop(props, "f")
+ col1.enabled = props.vertex_group_f == '' and not props.bool_cache
+ col1 = row.column(align=True)
+ col1.prop(props, "k")
+ col1.enabled = props.vertex_group_k == '' and not props.bool_cache
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text='Cache:')
+ #col.prop(props, "bool_cache")
+ col.prop(props, "cache_dir", text='')
+ col.separator()
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(props, "cache_frame_start")
+ row.prop(props, "cache_frame_end")
+ col.separator()
+ if props.bool_cache:
+ col.operator("object.reaction_diffusion_free_data")
+ else:
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.operator("object.bake_reaction_diffusion")
+ file = bpy.context.blend_data.filepath
+ temp = bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.temporary_directory
+ if file == temp == props.cache_dir == '':
+ row.enabled = False
+ col.label(text="Cannot use cache", icon='ERROR')
+ col.label(text='please save the Blender or set a Cache directory')
+ col.prop(props, "fast_bake")
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text='Output attributes:')
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ col2 = row.column(align=True)
+ row2 = col2.row(align=True)
+ row2.prop(props, "update_weight_a", icon='GROUP_VERTEX', text='A')
+ row2.prop(props, "update_weight_b", icon='GROUP_VERTEX', text='B')
+ col2.enabled = props.bool_cache
+ row.separator()
+ #row.prop(props, "update_colors_a", icon='GROUP_VCOL', text='A')
+ #row.prop(props, "update_colors_b", icon='GROUP_VCOL', text='B')
+ row.prop(props, "update_colors", icon='GROUP_VCOL', text='AB')
+ row.separator()
+ row.prop(props, "update_uv", icon='GROUP_UVS', text='AB')
+ col.prop(props,'normalize')
+ #col.prop_search(props, 'vertex_group_diff_a', ob, "vertex_groups", text='Diff A')
+ #col.prop_search(props, 'vertex_group_diff_b', ob, "vertex_groups", text='Diff B')
+ #col.prop_search(props, 'vertex_group_scale', ob, "vertex_groups", text='Scale')
+ #col.prop_search(props, 'vertex_group_f', ob, "vertex_groups", text='f')
+ #col.prop_search(props, 'vertex_group_k', ob, "vertex_groups", text='k')
+class TISSUE_PT_reaction_diffusion_weight(Panel):
+ bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+ bl_context = "data"
+ bl_parent_id = "TISSUE_PT_reaction_diffusion"
+ bl_label = "Vertex Groups"
+ bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return 'A' and 'B' in context.object.vertex_groups
+ def draw(self, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ layout = self.layout
+ #layout.use_property_split = True
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ col.prop(props, "bool_mod")
+ if props.bool_mod and props.fast_bake:
+ col.label(text="When Fast Bake is on, the modifiers", icon='ERROR')
+ col.label(text=" are used only for the first frame")
+ col.separator()
+ insert_weight_parameter(col, ob, 'brush', text='Brush:')
+ insert_weight_parameter(col, ob, 'diff_a', text='Diff A:')
+ insert_weight_parameter(col, ob, 'diff_b', text='Diff B:')
+ insert_weight_parameter(col, ob, 'scale', text='Scale:')
+ insert_weight_parameter(col, ob, 'f', text='f:')
+ insert_weight_parameter(col, ob, 'k', text='k:')
+ col.enabled = not props.bool_cache
+def insert_weight_parameter(col, ob, name, text=''):
+ props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings
+ split = col.split(factor=0.25, align=True)
+ col2 = split.column(align=True)
+ col2.label(text=text)
+ col2 = split.column(align=True)
+ row2 = col2.row(align=True)
+ row2.prop_search(props, 'vertex_group_' + name, ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ if name != 'brush':
+ row2.prop(props, "invert_vertex_group_" + name, text="", toggle=True, icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
+ if 'vertex_group_' + name in props:
+ if props['vertex_group_' + name] != '':
+ if name == 'brush':
+ col2.prop(props, "brush_mult")
+ else:
+ row2 = col2.row(align=True)
+ row2.prop(props, "min_" + name, text="Min")
+ row2 = col2.row(align=True)
+ row2.prop(props, "max_" + name, text="Max")
+ col.separator()
+def contour_edges_pattern(operator, c, verts_count, iso_val, vertices, normals, filtered_edges, weight, pattern_weight, bevel_weight):
+ # vertices indexes
+ id0 = filtered_edges[:,0]
+ id1 = filtered_edges[:,1]
+ # vertices weight
+ w0 = weight[id0]
+ w1 = weight[id1]
+ # weight condition
+ bool_w0 = w0 < iso_val
+ bool_w1 = w1 < iso_val
+ # mask all edges that have one weight value below the iso value
+ mask_new_verts = np.logical_xor(bool_w0, bool_w1)
+ if not mask_new_verts.any():
+ return np.array([[None]]), {}, np.array([[None]]), np.array([[None]])
+ id0 = id0[mask_new_verts]
+ id1 = id1[mask_new_verts]
+ # filter arrays
+ v0 = vertices[id0]
+ v1 = vertices[id1]
+ n0 = normals[id0]
+ n1 = normals[id1]
+ w0 = w0[mask_new_verts]
+ w1 = w1[mask_new_verts]
+ pattern0 = pattern_weight[id0]
+ pattern1 = pattern_weight[id1]
+ try:
+ bevel0 = bevel_weight[id0]
+ bevel1 = bevel_weight[id1]
+ except: pass
+ ### Spiral
+ #edge_nor = (n0+n1)/2
+ #shift = np.arctan2(edge_nor[:,0], edge_nor[:,1])/2/pi*delta_iso
+ #param = (iso_val + shift - w0)/(w1-w0)
+ param = (iso_val - w0)/(w1-w0)
+ # pattern displace
+ #mult = 1 if c%2 == 0 else -1
+ if c%(operator.in_steps + operator.out_steps) < operator.in_steps:
+ mult = operator.in_displace
+ else:
+ mult = operator.out_displace
+ pattern_value = pattern0 + (pattern1-pattern0)*param
+ try:
+ bevel_value = bevel0 + (bevel1-bevel0)*param
+ bevel_value = np.expand_dims(bevel_value,axis=1)
+ except: bevel_value = None
+ disp = pattern_value * mult
+ param = np.expand_dims(param,axis=1)
+ disp = np.expand_dims(disp,axis=1)
+ verts = v0 + (v1-v0)*param
+ norm = n0 + (n1-n0)*param
+ if operator.limit_z: disp *= 1-abs(np.expand_dims(norm[:,2], axis=1))
+ verts = verts + norm*disp
+ #verts = verts[np.flip(np.argsort(shift))]
+ #verts = verts[np.argsort(shift)]
+ # indexes of edges with new vertices
+ edges_index = filtered_edges[mask_new_verts][:,2]
+ # remove all edges completely below the iso value
+ #mask_edges = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(bool_w0, bool_w1))
+ #filtered_edges = filtered_edges[mask_edges]
+ return filtered_edges, edges_index, verts, bevel_value
+def contour_bmesh(me, bm, weight, iso_val):
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # store weight values
+ vertices = get_vertices_numpy(me)
+ faces_mask = np.array(bm.faces)
+ filtered_edges = get_edges_id_numpy(me)
+ n_verts = len(bm.verts)
+ #############################
+ # vertices indexes
+ id0 = filtered_edges[:,0]
+ id1 = filtered_edges[:,1]
+ # vertices weight
+ w0 = weight[id0]
+ w1 = weight[id1]
+ # weight condition
+ bool_w0 = w0 < iso_val
+ bool_w1 = w1 < iso_val
+ # mask all edges that have one weight value below the iso value
+ mask_new_verts = np.logical_xor(bool_w0, bool_w1)
+ if not mask_new_verts.any(): return np.array([[None]]), {}, np.array([[None]])
+ id0 = id0[mask_new_verts]
+ id1 = id1[mask_new_verts]
+ # filter arrays
+ v0 = vertices[id0]
+ v1 = vertices[id1]
+ w0 = w0[mask_new_verts]
+ w1 = w1[mask_new_verts]
+ param = (iso_val-w0)/(w1-w0)
+ param = np.expand_dims(param,axis=1)
+ verts = v0 + (v1-v0)*param
+ # indexes of edges with new vertices
+ #edges_index = filtered_edges[mask_new_verts][:,2]
+ edges_id = {}
+ for i, e in enumerate(filtered_edges):
+ #edges_id[id] = i + n_verts
+ edges_id['{}_{}'.format(e[0],e[1])] = i + n_verts
+ edges_id['{}_{}'.format(e[1],e[0])] = i + n_verts
+ '''
+ for e in filtered_edges:
+ id0 = e.verts[0].index
+ id1 = e.verts[1].index
+ w0 = weight[id0]
+ w1 = weight[id1]
+ if w0 == w1: continue
+ elif w0 > iso_val and w1 > iso_val:
+ continue
+ elif w0 < iso_val and w1 < iso_val: continue
+ elif w0 == iso_val or w1 == iso_val: continue
+ else:
+ v0 = me0.vertices[id0].co
+ v1 = me0.vertices[id1].co
+ v = v0.lerp(v1, (iso_val-w0)/(w1-w0))
+ delete_edges.append(e)
+ verts.append(v)
+ edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)] = count
+ edges_id[str(id1)+"_"+str(id0)] = count
+ count += 1
+ '''
+ splitted_faces = []
+ switch = False
+ # splitting faces
+ for f in faces_mask:
+ # create sub-faces slots. Once a new vertex is reached it will
+ # change slot, storing the next vertices for a new face.
+ build_faces = [[],[]]
+ #switch = False
+ verts0 = list(me.polygons[f.index].vertices)
+ verts1 = list(verts0)
+ verts1.append(verts1.pop(0)) # shift list
+ for id0, id1 in zip(verts0, verts1):
+ # add first vertex to active slot
+ build_faces[switch].append(id0)
+ # try to split edge
+ try:
+ # check if the edge must be splitted
+ new_vert = edges_id['{}_{}'.format(id0,id1)]
+ # add new vertex
+ build_faces[switch].append(new_vert)
+ # if there is an open face on the other slot
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 0:
+ # store actual face
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch])
+ # reset actual faces and switch
+ build_faces[switch] = []
+ # change face slot
+ switch = not switch
+ # continue previous face
+ build_faces[switch].append(new_vert)
+ except: pass
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) == 2:
+ build_faces[not switch].append(id0)
+ if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 2:
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[not switch])
+ # add last face
+ splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch])
+ # adding new vertices use fast local method access
+ _new_vert = bm.verts.new
+ for v in verts: _new_vert(v)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # deleting old edges/faces
+ bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
+ remove_edges = [bm.edges[i] for i in filtered_edges[:,2]]
+ #for e in remove_edges: bm.edges.remove(e)
+ #for e in delete_edges: bm.edges.remove(e)
+ bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
+ # adding new faces use fast local method access
+ _new_face = bm.faces.new
+ missed_faces = []
+ for f in splitted_faces:
+ try:
+ face_verts = [bm.verts[i] for i in f]
+ _new_face(face_verts)
+ except:
+ missed_faces.append(f)
+ #me = bpy.data.meshes.new('_tissue_tmp_')
+ bm.to_mesh(me)
+ weight = np.concatenate((weight, np.ones(len(verts))*iso_val))
+ return me, bm, weight
+class tissue_weight_streamlines(Operator):
+ bl_idname = "object.tissue_weight_streamlines"
+ bl_label = "Streamlines Curves"
+ bl_description = ("")
+ bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
+ mode : EnumProperty(
+ items=(
+ ('VERTS', "Verts", "Follow vertices"),
+ ('EDGES', "Edges", "Follow Edges")
+ ),
+ default='VERTS',
+ name="Streamlines path mode"
+ )
+ interpolation : EnumProperty(
+ items=(
+ ('POLY', "Poly", "Generate Polylines"),
+ ('NURBS', "NURBS", "Generate Nurbs curves")
+ ),
+ default='POLY',
+ name="Interpolation mode"
+ )
+ use_modifiers : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Modifiers", default=True,
+ description="Apply all the modifiers")
+ use_selected : BoolProperty(
+ name="Use Selected Vertices", default=False,
+ description="Use selected vertices as Seed")
+ same_weight : BoolProperty(
+ name="Same Weight", default=True,
+ description="Continue the streamlines when the weight is the same")
+ min_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Value", default=0., soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Minimum weight value")
+ max_iso : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Value", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="Maximum weight value")
+ rand_seed : IntProperty(
+ name="Seed", default=0, min=0, soft_max=10,
+ description="Random Seed")
+ n_curves : IntProperty(
+ name="Curves", default=50, soft_min=1, soft_max=100000,
+ description="Number of Curves")
+ min_rad = 1
+ max_rad = 1
+ pos_steps : IntProperty(
+ name="High Steps", default=50, min=0, soft_max=100,
+ description="Number of steps in the direction of high weight")
+ neg_steps : IntProperty(
+ name="Low Steps", default=50, min=0, soft_max=100,
+ description="Number of steps in the direction of low weight")
+ bevel_depth : FloatProperty(
+ name="Bevel Depth", default=0, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="")
+ min_bevel_depth : FloatProperty(
+ name="Min Bevel Depth", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="")
+ max_bevel_depth : FloatProperty(
+ name="Max Bevel Depth", default=1, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ description="")
+ rand_dir : FloatProperty(
+ name="Randomize", default=0, min=0, max=1,
+ description="Randomize streamlines directions (Slower)")
+ vertex_group_seeds : StringProperty(
+ name="Displace", default='',
+ description="Vertex Group used for pattern displace")
+ vertex_group_bevel : StringProperty(
+ name="Bevel", default='',
+ description="Variable Bevel depth")
+ object_name : StringProperty(
+ name="Active Object", default='',
+ description="")
+ try: vg_name = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups.active.name
+ except: vg_name = ''
+ vertex_group_streamlines : StringProperty(
+ name="Flow", default=vg_name,
+ description="Vertex Group used for streamlines")
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ ob = context.object
+ return ob and len(ob.vertex_groups) > 0 or ob.type == 'CURVE'
+ def invoke(self, context, event):
+ return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=250)
+ def draw(self, context):
+ if not context.object.type == 'CURVE':
+ self.object_name = context.object.name
+ ob = bpy.data.objects[self.object_name]
+ if self.vertex_group_streamlines not in [vg.name for vg in ob.vertex_groups]:
+ self.vertex_group_streamlines = ob.vertex_groups.active.name
+ layout = self.layout
+ col = layout.column(align=True)
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self, 'mode', expand=True,
+ slider=True, toggle=False, icon_only=False, event=False,
+ full_event=False, emboss=True, index=-1)
+ col.prop(self, "use_modifiers")
+ col.label(text="Streamlines Curves:")
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self, 'interpolation', expand=True,
+ slider=True, toggle=False, icon_only=False, event=False,
+ full_event=False, emboss=True, index=-1)
+ col.separator()
+ col.prop_search(self, 'vertex_group_streamlines', ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ if not (self.use_selected or context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH'):
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'n_curves')
+ #row.enabled = context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH'
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'rand_seed')
+ #row.enabled = context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH'
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'neg_steps')
+ row.prop(self,'pos_steps')
+ #row = col.row(align=True)
+ #row.prop(self,'min_iso')
+ #row.prop(self,'max_iso')
+ col.prop(self, "same_weight")
+ col.separator()
+ col.label(text='Curves Bevel:')
+ col.prop_search(self, 'vertex_group_bevel', ob, "vertex_groups", text='')
+ if self.vertex_group_bevel != '':
+ row = col.row(align=True)
+ row.prop(self,'min_bevel_depth')
+ row.prop(self,'max_bevel_depth')
+ else:
+ col.prop(self,'bevel_depth')
+ col.separator()
+ col.prop(self, "rand_dir")
+ def execute(self, context):
+ start_time = timeit.default_timer()
+ try:
+ check = context.object.vertex_groups[0]
+ except:
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ ob = bpy.data.objects[self.object_name]
+ ob.select_set(False)
+ seeds = []
+ if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH':
+ self.use_selected = True
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+ #ob = bpy.context.object
+ #me = simple_to_mesh(ob)
+ ob = convert_object_to_mesh(ob, apply_modifiers=self.use_modifiers)
+ #dg = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ #ob = ob.evaluated_get(dg)
+ me = ob.data
+ if self.use_selected:
+ # generate new bmesh
+ bm = bmesh.new()
+ bm.from_mesh(me)
+ print(len(me.vertices))
+ #for v in me.vertices:
+ # if v.select: seeds.append(v.index)
+ for v in bm.verts:
+ if v.select: seeds.append(v.index)
+ bm.free()
+ n_verts = len(me.vertices)
+ n_edges = len(me.edges)
+ n_faces = len(me.polygons)
+ # store weight values
+ try:
+ weight = get_weight_numpy(ob.vertex_groups[self.vertex_group_streamlines], n_verts)
+ except:
+ bpy.data.objects.remove(ob)
+ self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select a Vertex Group for streamlines")
+ return {'CANCELLED'}
+ variable_bevel = False
+ bevel_weight = None
+ bevel_depth = self.bevel_depth
+ try:
+ if self.min_bevel_depth == self.max_bevel_depth:
+ #bevel_weight = np.ones((n_verts))
+ bevel_depth = self.min_bevel_depth
+ else:
+ b0 = min(self.min_bevel_depth, self.max_bevel_depth)
+ b1 = max(self.min_bevel_depth, self.max_bevel_depth)
+ bevel_weight = get_weight_numpy(ob.vertex_groups[self.vertex_group_bevel], n_verts)
+ if self.min_bevel_depth > self.max_bevel_depth:
+ bevel_weight = 1-bevel_weight
+ bevel_weight = b0/b1 + bevel_weight*((b1-b0)/b1)
+ bevel_depth = b1
+ variable_bevel = True
+ except:
+ pass#bevel_weight = np.ones((n_verts))
+ if not seeds:
+ np.random.seed(self.rand_seed)
+ seeds = np.random.randint(n_verts, size=self.n_curves)
+ #weight = np.array(get_weight(ob.vertex_groups.active, n_verts))
+ curves_pts = []
+ curves_weight = []
+ neigh = [[] for i in range(n_verts)]
+ if self.mode == 'EDGES':
+ # store neighbors
+ for e in me.edges:
+ ev = e.vertices
+ neigh[ev[0]].append(ev[1])
+ neigh[ev[1]].append(ev[0])
+ elif self.mode == 'VERTS':
+ # store neighbors
+ for p in me.polygons:
+ face_verts = [v for v in p.vertices]
+ n_face_verts = len(face_verts)
+ for i in range(n_face_verts):
+ fv = face_verts.copy()
+ neigh[fv.pop(i)] += fv
+ neigh_weight = [weight[n].tolist() for n in neigh]
+ # evaluate direction
+ next_vert = [-1]*n_verts
+ if self.rand_dir > 0:
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ n = neigh[i]
+ nw = neigh_weight[i]
+ sorted_nw = neigh_weight[i].copy()
+ sorted_nw.sort()
+ for w in sorted_nw:
+ neigh[i] = [n[nw.index(w)] for w in sorted_nw]
+ else:
+ if self.pos_steps > 0:
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ n = neigh[i]
+ nw = neigh_weight[i]
+ max_w = max(nw)
+ if self.same_weight:
+ if max_w >= weight[i]:
+ next_vert[i] = n[nw.index(max(nw))]
+ else:
+ if max_w > weight[i]:
+ next_vert[i] = n[nw.index(max(nw))]
+ if self.neg_steps > 0:
+ prev_vert = [-1]*n_verts
+ for i in range(n_verts):
+ n = neigh[i]
+ nw = neigh_weight[i]
+ min_w = min(nw)
+ if self.same_weight:
+ if min_w <= weight[i]:
+ prev_vert[i] = n[nw.index(min(nw))]
+ else:
+ if min_w < weight[i]:
+ prev_vert[i] = n[nw.index(min(nw))]
+ co = [0]*3*n_verts
+ me.vertices.foreach_get('co', co)
+ co = np.array(co).reshape((-1,3))
+ # create streamlines
+ curves = []
+ for i in seeds:
+ next_pts = [i]
+ for j in range(self.pos_steps):
+ if self.rand_dir > 0:
+ n = neigh[next_pts[-1]]
+ next = n[int(len(n) * (1-random.random() * self.rand_dir))]
+ else:
+ next = next_vert[next_pts[-1]]
+ if next > 0:
+ if next not in next_pts: next_pts.append(next)
+ else: break
+ prev_pts = [i]
+ for j in range(self.neg_steps):
+ if self.rand_dir > 0:
+ n = neigh[prev_pts[-1]]
+ prev = n[int(len(n) * random.random() * self.rand_dir)]
+ else:
+ prev = prev_vert[prev_pts[-1]]
+ if prev > 0:
+ if prev not in prev_pts:
+ prev_pts.append(prev)
+ else: break
+ next_pts = np.array(next_pts).astype('int')
+ prev_pts = np.flip(prev_pts[1:]).astype('int')
+ all_pts = np.concatenate((prev_pts, next_pts))
+ if len(all_pts) > 1:
+ curves.append(all_pts)
+ crv = nurbs_from_vertices(curves, co, bevel_weight, ob.name + '_Streamlines', True, self.interpolation)
+ crv.data.bevel_depth = bevel_depth
+ crv.matrix_world = ob.matrix_world
+ bpy.data.objects.remove(ob)
+ print("Streamlines Curves, total time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec")
+ return {'FINISHED'}