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Diffstat (limited to 'render_povray')
4 files changed, 4093 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/render_povray/__init__.py b/render_povray/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..792b9930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render_povray/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8 compliant>
+bl_info = {
+ "name": "POV-Ray 3.7",
+ "author": "Campbell Barton, Silvio Falcinelli, Maurice Raybaud, Constantin Rahn, Bastien Montagne",
+ "version": (0, 0, 9),
+ "blender": (2, 5, 7),
+ "api": 35622,
+ "location": "Render > Engine > POV-Ray 3.7",
+ "description": "Basic POV-Ray 3.7 integration for blender",
+ "warning": "both POV-Ray 3.7 and this script are beta",
+ "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/"\
+ "Scripts/Render/PovRay",
+ "tracker_url": "https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?"\
+ "func=detail&aid=23145",
+ "category": "Render"}
+if "bpy" in locals():
+ import imp
+ imp.reload(ui)
+ imp.reload(render)
+ imp.reload(update_files)
+ import bpy
+ from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, \
+ FloatVectorProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty
+ from . import ui
+ from . import render
+ from . import update_files
+# Scene POV properties.
+class RenderPovSettingsScene(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ # File Options
+ tempfiles_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Tempfiles",
+ description="Enable the OS-Tempfiles. Otherwise set the path where to save the files.",
+ default=True)
+ deletefiles_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Delete files",
+ description="Delete files after rendering. Doesn't work with the image.",
+ default=True)
+ scene_name = StringProperty(
+ name="Scene Name",
+ description="Name of POV-Ray scene to create. Empty name will use the name of " \
+ "the blend file.",
+ default="", maxlen=1024)
+ scene_path = StringProperty(
+ name="Export scene path",
+ # description="Path to directory where the exported scene (POV and INI) is created", # Bug in POV-Ray RC3
+ description="Path to directory where the files are created",
+ default="", maxlen=1024, subtype="DIR_PATH")
+ renderimage_path = StringProperty(
+ name="Rendered image path",
+ description="Full path to directory where the rendered image is saved.",
+ default="", maxlen=1024, subtype="DIR_PATH")
+ list_lf_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="LF in lists",
+ description="Enable line breaks in lists (vectors and indices). Disabled: " \
+ "lists are exported in one line.",
+ default=True)
+ # Not a real pov option, just to know if we should write
+ radio_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Radiosity",
+ description="Enable POV-Rays radiosity calculation",
+ default=False)
+ radio_display_advanced = BoolProperty(
+ name="Advanced Options",
+ description="Show advanced options",
+ default=False)
+ media_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Media",
+ description="Enable POV-Rays atmospheric media",
+ default=False)
+ media_samples = IntProperty(
+ name="Samples",
+ description="Number of samples taken from camera to first object " \
+ "encountered along ray path for media calculation",
+ min=1, max=100, default=35)
+ media_color = FloatVectorProperty(
+ name="Media Color", description="The atmospheric media color.",
+ precision=4, step=0.01, min=0, soft_max=1,
+ default=(0.001, 0.001, 0.001), options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='COLOR')
+ baking_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Baking",
+ description="Enable POV-Rays texture baking",
+ default=False)
+ indentation_character = EnumProperty(
+ name="Indentation",
+ description="Select the indentation type",
+ items=(("0", "None", "No indentation"),
+ ("1", "Tabs", "Indentation with tabs"),
+ ("2", "Spaces", "Indentation with spaces")),
+ default="2")
+ indentation_spaces = IntProperty(
+ name="Quantity of spaces",
+ description="The number of spaces for indentation",
+ min=1, max=10, default=4)
+ comments_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Comments",
+ description="Add comments to pov file",
+ default=True)
+ # Real pov options
+ command_line_switches = StringProperty(
+ name="Command Line Switches",
+ description="Command line switches consist of a + (plus) or - (minus) sign, followed " \
+ "by one or more alphabetic characters and possibly a numeric value.",
+ default="", maxlen=500)
+ antialias_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Anti-Alias", description="Enable Anti-Aliasing",
+ default=True)
+ antialias_method = EnumProperty(
+ name="Method",
+ description="AA-sampling method. Type 1 is an adaptive, non-recursive, super-sampling "\
+ "method. Type 2 is an adaptive and recursive super-sampling method.",
+ items=(("0", "non-recursive AA", "Type 1 Sampling in POV-Ray"),
+ ("1", "recursive AA", "Type 2 Sampling in POV-Ray")),
+ default="1")
+ antialias_depth = IntProperty(
+ name="Antialias Depth", description="Depth of pixel for sampling",
+ min=1, max=9, default=3)
+ antialias_threshold = FloatProperty(
+ name="Antialias Threshold", description="Tolerance for sub-pixels",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.05, soft_max=0.5, default=0.1)
+ jitter_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Jitter",
+ description="Enable Jittering. Adds noise into the sampling process (it should be " \
+ "avoided to use jitter in animation).",
+ default=True)
+ jitter_amount = FloatProperty(
+ name="Jitter Amount", description="Amount of jittering.",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.0, default=1.0)
+ antialias_gamma = FloatProperty(
+ name="Antialias Gamma",
+ description="POV-Ray compares gamma-adjusted values for super sampling. Antialias " \
+ "Gamma sets the Gamma before comparison.",
+ min=0.0, max=5.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=2.5, default=2.5)
+ max_trace_level = IntProperty(
+ name="Max Trace Level",
+ description="Number of reflections/refractions allowed on ray path",
+ min=1, max=256, default=5)
+ photon_spacing = FloatProperty(
+ name="Spacing",
+ description="Average distance between photons on surfaces. half this get four times " \
+ "as many surface photons",
+ min=0.001, max=1.000, soft_min=0.001, soft_max=1.000, default=0.005, precision=3)
+ photon_max_trace_level = IntProperty(
+ name="Max Trace Level",
+ description="Number of reflections/refractions allowed on ray path",
+ min=1, max=256, default=5)
+ photon_adc_bailout = FloatProperty(
+ name="ADC Bailout",
+ description="The adc_bailout for photons. Use adc_bailout = " \
+ "0.01 / brightest_ambient_object for good results",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, default=0.1, precision=3)
+ photon_gather_min = IntProperty(
+ name="Gather Min", description="Minimum number of photons gathered for each point",
+ min=1, max=256, default=20)
+ photon_gather_max = IntProperty(
+ name="Gather Max", description="Maximum number of photons gathered for each point",
+ min=1, max=256, default=100)
+ radio_adc_bailout = FloatProperty(
+ name="ADC Bailout",
+ description="The adc_bailout for radiosity rays. Use " \
+ "adc_bailout = 0.01 / brightest_ambient_object for good results",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, default=0.01, precision=3)
+ radio_always_sample = BoolProperty(
+ name="Always Sample",
+ description="Only use the data from the pretrace step and not gather " \
+ "any new samples during the final radiosity pass",
+ default=True)
+ radio_brightness = FloatProperty(
+ name="Brightness",
+ description="Amount objects are brightened before being returned " \
+ "upwards to the rest of the system",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=10.0, default=1.0)
+ radio_count = IntProperty(
+ name="Ray Count",
+ description="Number of rays for each new radiosity value to be calculated " \
+ "(halton sequence over 1600)",
+ min=1, max=10000, soft_max=1600, default=35)
+ radio_error_bound = FloatProperty(
+ name="Error Bound",
+ description="One of the two main speed/quality tuning values, " \
+ "lower values are more accurate",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=10.0, default=1.8)
+ radio_gray_threshold = FloatProperty(
+ name="Gray Threshold",
+ description="One of the two main speed/quality tuning values, " \
+ "lower values are more accurate",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, default=0.0)
+ radio_low_error_factor = FloatProperty(
+ name="Low Error Factor",
+ description="Just enough samples is slightly blotchy. Low error changes error " \
+ "tolerance for less critical last refining pass",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, default=0.5)
+ # max_sample - not available yet
+ radio_media = BoolProperty(
+ name="Media", description="Radiosity estimation can be affected by media",
+ default=False)
+ radio_minimum_reuse = FloatProperty(
+ name="Minimum Reuse",
+ description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the minimum radius of reuse " \
+ "for each sample point (At values higher than 2% expect errors)",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=0.1, default=0.015, precision=3)
+ radio_nearest_count = IntProperty(
+ name="Nearest Count",
+ description="Number of old ambient values blended together to " \
+ "create a new interpolated value",
+ min=1, max=20, default=5)
+ radio_normal = BoolProperty(
+ name="Normals", description="Radiosity estimation can be affected by normals",
+ default=False)
+ radio_recursion_limit = IntProperty(
+ name="Recursion Limit",
+ description="how many recursion levels are used to calculate " \
+ "the diffuse inter-reflection",
+ min=1, max=20, default=3)
+ radio_pretrace_start = FloatProperty(
+ name="Pretrace Start",
+ description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the size of the " \
+ "blocks in the mosaic preview first pass",
+ min=0.01, max=1.00, soft_min=0.02, soft_max=1.0, default=0.08)
+ radio_pretrace_end = FloatProperty(
+ name="Pretrace End",
+ description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the size of the blocks " \
+ "in the mosaic preview last pass",
+ min=0.001, max=1.00, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.00, default=0.04, precision=3)
+# Material POV properties.
+class RenderPovSettingsMaterial(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ irid_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Iridescence",
+ description="Newton's thin film interference (like an oil slick on a puddle of " \
+ "water or the rainbow hues of a soap bubble.)",
+ default=False)
+ mirror_use_IOR = BoolProperty(
+ name="Correct Reflection",
+ description="Use same IOR as raytrace transparency to calculate mirror reflections. " \
+ "More physically correct",
+ default=False)
+ mirror_metallic = BoolProperty(
+ name="Metallic Reflection",
+ description="mirror reflections get colored as diffuse (for metallic materials)",
+ default=False)
+ conserve_energy = BoolProperty(
+ name="Conserve Energy",
+ description="Light transmitted is more correctly reduced by mirror reflections, " \
+ "also the sum of diffuse and translucency gets reduced below one ",
+ default=True)
+ irid_amount = FloatProperty(
+ name="amount",
+ description="Contribution of the iridescence effect to the overall surface color. " \
+ "As a rule of thumb keep to around 0.25 (25% contribution) or less, " \
+ "but experiment. If the surface is coming out too white, try lowering " \
+ "the diffuse and possibly the ambient values of the surface.",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.0, default=0.25)
+ irid_thickness = FloatProperty(
+ name="thickness",
+ description="A very thin film will have a high frequency of color changes while a " \
+ "thick film will have large areas of color.",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=10.0, default=1)
+ irid_turbulence = FloatProperty(
+ name="turbulence", description="This parameter varies the thickness.",
+ min=0.0, max=10.0, soft_min=0.000, soft_max=1.0, default=0)
+ interior_fade_color = FloatVectorProperty(
+ name="Fade Color", description="Color of filtered attenuation for transparent materials",
+ precision=4, step=0.01, min=0.0, soft_max=1.0,
+ default=(0, 0, 0), options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='COLOR')
+ caustics_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Caustics",
+ description="use only fake refractive caustics (default) or photon based " \
+ "reflective/refractive caustics",
+ default=True)
+ fake_caustics = BoolProperty(
+ name="Fake Caustics", description="use only (Fast) fake refractive caustics",
+ default=True)
+ fake_caustics_power = FloatProperty(
+ name="Fake caustics power",
+ description="Values typically range from 0.0 to 1.0 or higher. Zero is no caustics. " \
+ "Low, non-zero values give broad hot-spots while higher values give " \
+ "tighter, smaller simulated focal points",
+ min=0.00, max=10.0, soft_min=0.00, soft_max=1.10, default=0.1)
+ photons_refraction = BoolProperty(
+ name="Refractive Photon Caustics", description="more physically correct",
+ default=False)
+ photons_dispersion = FloatProperty(
+ name="Chromatic Dispersion",
+ description="Light passing through will be separated according to wavelength. " \
+ "This ratio of refractive indices for violet to red controls how much " \
+ "the colors are spread out 1 = no dispersion, good values are 1.01 to 1.1",
+ min=1.0000, max=10.000, soft_min=1.0000, soft_max=1.1000, precision=4, default=1.0000)
+ photons_dispersion_samples = IntProperty(
+ name="Dispersion Samples", description="Number of color-steps for dispersion",
+ min=2, max=128, default=7)
+ photons_reflection = BoolProperty(
+ name="Reflective Photon Caustics",
+ description="Use this to make your Sauron's ring ;-P",
+ default=False)
+ refraction_type = EnumProperty(
+ items=[("0", "None", "use only reflective caustics"),
+ ("1", "Fake Caustics", "use fake caustics"),
+ ("2", "Photons Caustics", "use photons for refractive caustics")],
+ name="Refractive",
+ description="use fake caustics (fast) or true photons for refractive Caustics",
+ default="1")
+ ##################################CustomPOV Code############################
+ replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Declared name:",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external " \
+ ".inc it points at. texture {} expected",
+ default="")
+# Texture POV properties.
+class RenderPovSettingsTexture(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ #Custom texture gamma
+ tex_gamma_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable custom texture gamma",
+ description="Notify some custom gamma for which texture has been precorrected " \
+ "without the file format carrying it and only if it differs from your " \
+ "OS expected standard (see pov doc)",
+ default=False)
+ tex_gamma_value = FloatProperty(
+ name="Custom texture gamma",
+ description="value for which the file was issued e.g. a Raw photo is gamma 1.0",
+ min=0.45, max=5.00, soft_min=1.00, soft_max=2.50, default=1.00)
+ ##################################CustomPOV Code############################
+ #Only DUMMIES below for now:
+ replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Declared name:",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external .inc " \
+ "it points at. pigment {} expected",
+ default="")
+# Object POV properties.
+class RenderPovSettingsObject(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ #Importance sampling
+ importance_value = FloatProperty(
+ name="Radiosity Importance",
+ description="Priority value relative to other objects for sampling radiosity rays. " \
+ "Increase to get more radiosity rays at comparatively small yet " \
+ "bright objects",
+ min=0.01, max=1.00, default=1.00)
+ #Collect photons
+ collect_photons = BoolProperty(
+ name="Receive Photon Caustics",
+ description="Enable object to collect photons from other objects caustics. Turn " \
+ "off for objects that don't really need to receive caustics (e.g. objects" \
+ " that generate caustics often don't need to show any on themselves).",
+ default=True)
+ #Photons spacing_multiplier
+ spacing_multiplier = FloatProperty(
+ name="Photons Spacing Multiplier",
+ description="Multiplier value relative to global spacing of photons. " \
+ "Decrease by half to get 4x more photons at surface of " \
+ "this object (or 8x media photons than specified in the globals",
+ min=0.01, max=1.00, default=1.00)
+ ##################################CustomPOV Code############################
+ #Only DUMMIES below for now:
+ replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Declared name:",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external .inc " \
+ "it points at. Any POV shape expected e.g: isosurface {}",
+ default="")
+# Camera POV properties.
+class RenderPovSettingsCamera(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ #DOF Toggle
+ dof_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Depth Of Field", description="EnablePOV-Ray Depth Of Field ",
+ default=True)
+ #Aperture (Intensity of the Blur)
+ dof_aperture = FloatProperty(
+ name="Aperture",
+ description="Similar to a real camera's aperture effect over focal blur (though not " \
+ "in physical units and independant of focal length). " \
+ "Increase to get more blur",
+ min=0.01, max=1.00, default=0.25)
+ #Aperture adaptive sampling
+ dof_samples_min = IntProperty(
+ name="Samples Min", description="Minimum number of rays to use for each pixel",
+ min=1, max=128, default=96)
+ dof_samples_max = IntProperty(
+ name="Samples Max", description="Maximum number of rays to use for each pixel",
+ min=1, max=128, default=128)
+ dof_variance = IntProperty(
+ name="Variance",
+ description="Minimum threshold (fractional value) for adaptive DOF sampling (up " \
+ "increases quality and render time). The value for the variance should " \
+ "be in the range of the smallest displayable color difference",
+ min=1, max=100000, soft_max=10000, default=256)
+ dof_confidence = FloatProperty(
+ name="Confidence",
+ description="Probability to reach the real color value. Larger confidence values " \
+ "will lead to more samples, slower traces and better images.",
+ min=0.01, max=0.99, default=0.90)
+ ##################################CustomPOV Code############################
+ #Only DUMMIES below for now:
+ replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Texts in blend file",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external .inc " \
+ "it points at. camera {} expected",
+ default="")
+# Text POV properties.
+class RenderPovSettingsText(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
+ custom_code = BoolProperty(
+ name="Custom Code",
+ description="Add this text at the top of the exported POV-Ray file",
+ default=False)
+def register():
+ bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
+ bpy.types.Scene.pov = PointerProperty(type=RenderPovSettingsScene)
+ bpy.types.Material.pov = PointerProperty(type=RenderPovSettingsMaterial)
+ bpy.types.Texture.pov = PointerProperty(type=RenderPovSettingsTexture)
+ bpy.types.Object.pov = PointerProperty(type=RenderPovSettingsObject)
+ bpy.types.Camera.pov = PointerProperty(type=RenderPovSettingsCamera)
+ bpy.types.Text.pov = PointerProperty(type=RenderPovSettingsText)
+def unregister():
+ bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
+ del bpy.types.Scene.pov
+ del bpy.types.Material.pov
+ del bpy.types.Texture.pov
+ del bpy.types.Object.pov
+ del bpy.types.Camera.pov
+ del bpy.types.Text.pov
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ register()
diff --git a/render_povray/render.py b/render_povray/render.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1d81f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render_povray/render.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2327 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8 compliant>
+import bpy
+import subprocess
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from math import atan, pi, degrees, sqrt
+import re
+##############find image texture
+def imageFormat(imgF):
+ ext = {
+ 'JPG': "jpeg",
+ 'JPEG': "jpeg",
+ 'GIF': "gif",
+ 'TGA': "tga",
+ 'IFF': "iff",
+ 'PPM': "ppm",
+ 'PNG': "png",
+ 'SYS': "sys",
+ 'TIFF': "tiff",
+ 'TIF': "tiff",
+ 'EXR': "exr", # POV3.7 Only!
+ 'HDR': "hdr", # POV3.7 Only! --MR
+ }.get(os.path.splitext(imgF)[-1].upper(), "")
+ if not ext:
+ print(" WARNING: texture image format not supported ")
+ return ext
+def imgMap(ts):
+ image_map = ""
+ if ts.mapping == 'FLAT':
+ image_map = "map_type 0 "
+ elif ts.mapping == 'SPHERE':
+ image_map = "map_type 1 " # map_type 7 in megapov
+ elif ts.mapping == 'TUBE':
+ image_map = "map_type 2 "
+ ## map_type 3 and 4 in development (?)
+ ## for POV-Ray, currently they just seem to default back to Flat (type 0)
+ #elif ts.mapping=="?":
+ # image_map = " map_type 3 "
+ #elif ts.mapping=="?":
+ # image_map = " map_type 4 "
+ if ts.texture.use_interpolation:
+ image_map += " interpolate 2 "
+ if ts.texture.extension == 'CLIP':
+ image_map += " once "
+ #image_map += "}"
+ #if ts.mapping=='CUBE':
+ # image_map+= "warp { cubic } rotate <-90,0,180>"
+ # no direct cube type mapping. Though this should work in POV 3.7
+ # it doesn't give that good results(best suited to environment maps?)
+ #if image_map == "":
+ # print(" No texture image found ")
+ return image_map
+def imgMapBG(wts):
+ image_mapBG = ""
+ # texture_coords refers to the mapping of world textures:
+ if wts.texture_coords == 'VIEW':
+ image_mapBG = " map_type 0 "
+ elif wts.texture_coords == 'ANGMAP':
+ image_mapBG = " map_type 1 "
+ elif wts.texture_coords == 'TUBE':
+ image_mapBG = " map_type 2 "
+ if wts.texture.use_interpolation:
+ image_mapBG += " interpolate 2 "
+ if wts.texture.extension == 'CLIP':
+ image_mapBG += " once "
+ #image_mapBG += "}"
+ #if wts.mapping == 'CUBE':
+ # image_mapBG += "warp { cubic } rotate <-90,0,180>"
+ # no direct cube type mapping. Though this should work in POV 3.7
+ # it doesn't give that good results(best suited to environment maps?)
+ #if image_mapBG == "":
+ # print(" No background texture image found ")
+ return image_mapBG
+def findInSubDir(filename, subdirectory=""):
+ pahFile = ""
+ if subdirectory:
+ path = subdirectory
+ else:
+ path = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ for root, dirs, names in os.walk(path):
+ if filename in names:
+ pahFile = os.path.join(root, filename)
+ return pahFile
+ except OSError:
+ return ""
+def path_image(image):
+ import os
+ fn = bpy.path.abspath(image)
+ fn_strip = os.path.basename(fn)
+ if not os.path.isfile(fn):
+ fn = findInSubDir(os.path.basename(fn), os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath))
+ fn = os.path.realpath(fn)
+ return fn
+##############end find image texture
+def splitHyphen(name):
+ hyphidx = name.find("-")
+ if hyphidx == -1:
+ return name
+ else:
+ return name[:].replace("-", "")
+def safety(name, Level):
+ # safety string name material
+ #
+ # Level=1 is for texture with No specular nor Mirror reflection
+ # Level=2 is for texture with translation of spec and mir levels
+ # for when no map influences them
+ # Level=3 is for texture with Maximum Spec and Mirror
+ try:
+ if int(name) > 0:
+ prefix = "shader"
+ except:
+ prefix = ""
+ prefix = "shader_"
+ name = splitHyphen(name)
+ if Level == 2:
+ return prefix + name
+ elif Level == 1:
+ return prefix + name + "0" # used for 0 of specular map
+ elif Level == 3:
+ return prefix + name + "1" # used for 1 of specular map
+##############end safety string name material
+def is_renderable(scene, ob):
+ return (ob.is_visible(scene) and not ob.hide_render)
+def renderable_objects(scene):
+ return [ob for ob in scene.objects if is_renderable(scene, ob)]
+tabLevel = 0
+def write_pov(filename, scene=None, info_callback=None):
+ import mathutils
+ #file = filename
+ file = open(filename, "w")
+ # Only for testing
+ if not scene:
+ scene = bpy.data.scenes[0]
+ render = scene.render
+ world = scene.world
+ global_matrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(-pi / 2.0, 4, 'X')
+ def setTab(tabtype, spaces):
+ TabStr = ""
+ if tabtype == '0':
+ TabStr = ""
+ elif tabtype == '1':
+ TabStr = "\t"
+ elif tabtype == '2':
+ TabStr = spaces * " "
+ return TabStr
+ tab = setTab(scene.pov.indentation_character, scene.pov.indentation_spaces)
+ def tabWrite(str_o):
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable:
+ global tabLevel
+ brackets = str_o.count("{") - str_o.count("}") + str_o.count("[") - str_o.count("]")
+ if brackets < 0:
+ tabLevel = tabLevel + brackets
+ if tabLevel < 0:
+ print("Indentation Warning: tabLevel = %s" % tabLevel)
+ tabLevel = 0
+ if tabLevel >= 1:
+ file.write("%s" % tab * tabLevel)
+ file.write(str_o)
+ if brackets > 0:
+ tabLevel = tabLevel + brackets
+ else:
+ file.write(str_o)
+ def uniqueName(name, nameSeq):
+ if name not in nameSeq:
+ name = splitHyphen(name)
+ return name
+ name_orig = name
+ i = 1
+ while name in nameSeq:
+ name = "%s_%.3d" % (name_orig, i)
+ i += 1
+ name = splitHyphen(name)
+ return name
+ def writeMatrix(matrix):
+ tabWrite("matrix <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, " \
+ "%.6f>\n" % (matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2], matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1],
+ matrix[1][2], matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2], matrix[3][0],
+ matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]))
+ def MatrixAsPovString(matrix):
+ sMatrix=("matrix <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, " \
+ "%.6f>\n" % (matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2], matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1],
+ matrix[1][2], matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2], matrix[3][0],
+ matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]))
+ return sMatrix
+ def writeObjectMaterial(material, ob):
+ # DH - modified some variables to be function local, avoiding RNA write
+ # this should be checked to see if it is functionally correct
+ # Commented out: always write IOR to be able to use it for SSS, Fresnel reflections...
+ #if material and material.transparency_method == 'RAYTRACE':
+ if material:
+ # But there can be only one!
+ if material.subsurface_scattering.use: # SSS IOR get highest priority
+ tabWrite("interior {\n")
+ tabWrite("ior %.6f\n" % material.subsurface_scattering.ior)
+ # Then the raytrace IOR taken from raytrace transparency properties and used for
+ # reflections if IOR Mirror option is checked.
+ elif material.pov.mirror_use_IOR:
+ tabWrite("interior {\n")
+ tabWrite("ior %.6f\n" % material.raytrace_transparency.ior)
+ else:
+ tabWrite("interior {\n")
+ tabWrite("ior %.6f\n" % material.raytrace_transparency.ior)
+ pov_fake_caustics = False
+ pov_photons_refraction = False
+ pov_photons_reflection = False
+ if material.pov.photons_reflection:
+ pov_photons_reflection = True
+ if material.pov.refraction_type == "0":
+ pov_fake_caustics = False
+ pov_photons_refraction = False
+ elif material.pov.refraction_type == "1":
+ pov_fake_caustics = True
+ pov_photons_refraction = False
+ elif material.pov.refraction_type == "2":
+ pov_fake_caustics = False
+ pov_photons_refraction = True
+ # If only Raytrace transparency is set, its IOR will be used for refraction, but user
+ # can set up 'un-physical' fresnel reflections in raytrace mirror parameters.
+ # Last, if none of the above is specified, user can set up 'un-physical' fresnel
+ # reflections in raytrace mirror parameters. And pov IOR defaults to 1.
+ if material.pov.caustics_enable:
+ if pov_fake_caustics:
+ tabWrite("caustics %.3g\n" % material.pov.fake_caustics_power)
+ if pov_photons_refraction:
+ # Default of 1 means no dispersion
+ tabWrite("dispersion %.6f\n" % material.pov.photons_dispersion)
+ tabWrite("dispersion_samples %.d\n" % material.pov.photons_dispersion_samples)
+ # Other interior args
+ if material.use_transparency and material.transparency_method == 'RAYTRACE':
+ # fade_distance
+ # In Blender this value has always been reversed compared to what tooltip says.
+ # 100.001 rather than 100 so that it does not get to 0
+ # which deactivates the feature in POV
+ tabWrite("fade_distance %.3g\n" % \
+ (100.001 - material.raytrace_transparency.depth_max))
+ # fade_power
+ tabWrite("fade_power %.3g\n" % material.raytrace_transparency.falloff)
+ # fade_color
+ tabWrite("fade_color <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n" % material.pov.interior_fade_color[:])
+ # (variable) dispersion_samples (constant count for now)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("photons{")
+ if not ob.pov.collect_photons:
+ tabWrite("collect off\n")
+ tabWrite("target %.3g\n" % ob.pov.spacing_multiplier)
+ if pov_photons_refraction:
+ tabWrite("refraction on\n")
+ if pov_photons_reflection:
+ tabWrite("reflection on\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ materialNames = {}
+ DEF_MAT_NAME = "Default"
+ def writeMaterial(material):
+ # Assumes only called once on each material
+ if material:
+ name_orig = material.name
+ else:
+ name_orig = DEF_MAT_NAME
+ name = materialNames[name_orig] = uniqueName(bpy.path.clean_name(name_orig), materialNames)
+ comments = scene.pov.comments_enable
+ ##################
+ # Several versions of the finish: Level conditions are variations for specular/Mirror
+ # texture channel map with alternative finish of 0 specular and no mirror reflection.
+ # Level=1 Means No specular nor Mirror reflection
+ # Level=2 Means translation of spec and mir levels for when no map influences them
+ # Level=3 Means Maximum Spec and Mirror
+ def povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level):
+ if Level == 1:
+ tabWrite("#declare %s = finish {" % safety(name, Level=1))
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write(" //No specular nor Mirror reflection\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("\n")
+ elif Level == 2:
+ tabWrite("#declare %s = finish {" % safety(name, Level=2))
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write(" //translation of spec and mir levels for when no map " \
+ "influences them\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("\n")
+ elif Level == 3:
+ tabWrite("#declare %s = finish {" % safety(name, Level=3))
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write(" //Maximum Spec and Mirror\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("\n")
+ if material:
+ # POV-Ray 3.7 now uses two diffuse values respectively for front and back shading
+ # (the back diffuse is like blender translucency)
+ frontDiffuse = material.diffuse_intensity
+ backDiffuse = material.translucency
+ if material.pov.conserve_energy:
+ #Total should not go above one
+ if (frontDiffuse + backDiffuse) <= 1.0:
+ pass
+ elif frontDiffuse == backDiffuse:
+ # Try to respect the user's 'intention' by comparing the two values but
+ # bringing the total back to one.
+ frontDiffuse = backDiffuse = 0.5
+ # Let the highest value stay the highest value.
+ elif frontDiffuse > backDiffuse:
+ # clamps the sum below 1
+ backDiffuse = min(backDiffuse, (1.0 - frontDiffuse))
+ else:
+ frontDiffuse = min(frontDiffuse, (1.0 - backDiffuse))
+ # map hardness between 0.0 and 1.0
+ roughness = ((1.0 - ((material.specular_hardness - 1.0) / 510.0)))
+ ## scale from 0.0 to 0.1
+ roughness *= 0.1
+ # add a small value because 0.0 is invalid.
+ roughness += (1.0 / 511.0)
+ ################################Diffuse Shader######################################
+ # Not used for Full spec (Level=3) of the shader.
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'OREN_NAYAR' and Level != 3:
+ # Blender roughness is what is generally called oren nayar Sigma,
+ # and brilliance in POV-Ray.
+ tabWrite("brilliance %.3g\n" % (0.9 + material.roughness))
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'TOON' and Level != 3:
+ tabWrite("brilliance %.3g\n" % (0.01 + material.diffuse_toon_smooth * 0.25))
+ # Lower diffuse and increase specular for toon effect seems to look better
+ # in POV-Ray.
+ frontDiffuse *= 0.5
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'MINNAERT' and Level != 3:
+ #tabWrite("aoi %.3g\n" % material.darkness)
+ pass # let's keep things simple for now
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'FRESNEL' and Level != 3:
+ #tabWrite("aoi %.3g\n" % material.diffuse_fresnel_factor)
+ pass # let's keep things simple for now
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'LAMBERT' and Level != 3:
+ # trying to best match lambert attenuation by that constant brilliance value
+ tabWrite("brilliance 1.8\n")
+ if Level == 2:
+ ###########################Specular Shader######################################
+ # No difference between phong and cook torrence in blender HaHa!
+ if (material.specular_shader == 'COOKTORR' or
+ material.specular_shader == 'PHONG'):
+ tabWrite("phong %.3g\n" % (material.specular_intensity))
+ tabWrite("phong_size %.3g\n" % (material.specular_hardness / 2 + 0.25))
+ # POV-Ray 'specular' keyword corresponds to a Blinn model, without the ior.
+ elif material.specular_shader == 'BLINN':
+ # Use blender Blinn's IOR just as some factor for spec intensity
+ tabWrite("specular %.3g\n" % (material.specular_intensity *
+ (material.specular_ior / 4.0)))
+ tabWrite("roughness %.3g\n" % roughness)
+ #Could use brilliance 2(or varying around 2 depending on ior or factor) too.
+ elif material.specular_shader == 'TOON':
+ tabWrite("phong %.3g\n" % (material.specular_intensity * 2))
+ # use extreme phong_size
+ tabWrite("phong_size %.3g\n" % (0.1 + material.specular_toon_smooth / 2))
+ elif material.specular_shader == 'WARDISO':
+ # find best suited default constant for brilliance Use both phong and
+ # specular for some values.
+ tabWrite("specular %.3g\n" % (material.specular_intensity /
+ (material.specular_slope + 0.0005)))
+ # find best suited default constant for brilliance Use both phong and
+ # specular for some values.
+ tabWrite("roughness %.4g\n" % (0.0005 + material.specular_slope / 10.0))
+ # find best suited default constant for brilliance Use both phong and
+ # specular for some values.
+ tabWrite("brilliance %.4g\n" % (1.8 - material.specular_slope * 1.8))
+ ####################################################################################
+ elif Level == 1:
+ tabWrite("specular 0\n")
+ elif Level == 3:
+ tabWrite("specular 1\n")
+ tabWrite("diffuse %.3g %.3g\n" % (frontDiffuse, backDiffuse))
+ tabWrite("ambient %.3g\n" % material.ambient)
+ # POV-Ray blends the global value
+ #tabWrite("ambient rgb <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n" % \
+ # tuple([c*material.ambient for c in world.ambient_color]))
+ tabWrite("emission %.3g\n" % material.emit) # New in POV-Ray 3.7
+ #POV-Ray just ignores roughness if there's no specular keyword
+ #tabWrite("roughness %.3g\n" % roughness)
+ if material.pov.conserve_energy:
+ # added for more realistic shading. Needs some checking to see if it
+ # really works. --Maurice.
+ tabWrite("conserve_energy\n")
+ # 'phong 70.0 '
+ if Level != 1:
+ if material.raytrace_mirror.use:
+ raytrace_mirror = material.raytrace_mirror
+ if raytrace_mirror.reflect_factor:
+ tabWrite("reflection {\n")
+ tabWrite("rgb <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>" % material.mirror_color[:])
+ if material.pov.mirror_metallic:
+ tabWrite("metallic %.3g" % (raytrace_mirror.reflect_factor))
+ if material.pov.mirror_use_IOR: # WORKING ?
+ # Removed from the line below: gives a more physically correct
+ # material but needs proper IOR. --Maurice
+ tabWrite("fresnel 1 ")
+ tabWrite("falloff %.3g exponent %.3g} " % \
+ (raytrace_mirror.fresnel, raytrace_mirror.fresnel_factor))
+ if material.subsurface_scattering.use:
+ subsurface_scattering = material.subsurface_scattering
+ tabWrite("subsurface { <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>, <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g> }\n" % (
+ sqrt(subsurface_scattering.radius[0]) * 1.5,
+ sqrt(subsurface_scattering.radius[1]) * 1.5,
+ sqrt(subsurface_scattering.radius[2]) * 1.5,
+ 1.0 - subsurface_scattering.color[0],
+ 1.0 - subsurface_scattering.color[1],
+ 1.0 - subsurface_scattering.color[2])
+ )
+ if material.pov.irid_enable:
+ tabWrite("irid { %.4g thickness %.4g turbulence %.4g }" % \
+ (material.pov.irid_amount, material.pov.irid_thickness,
+ material.pov.irid_turbulence))
+ else:
+ tabWrite("diffuse 0.8\n")
+ tabWrite("phong 70.0\n")
+ #tabWrite("specular 0.2\n")
+ # This is written into the object
+ '''
+ if material and material.transparency_method=='RAYTRACE':
+ 'interior { ior %.3g} ' % material.raytrace_transparency.ior
+ '''
+ #tabWrite("crand 1.0\n") # Sand granyness
+ #tabWrite("metallic %.6f\n" % material.spec)
+ #tabWrite("phong %.6f\n" % material.spec)
+ #tabWrite("phong_size %.6f\n" % material.spec)
+ #tabWrite("brilliance %.6f " % (material.specular_hardness/256.0) # Like hardness
+ tabWrite("}\n\n")
+ # Level=2 Means translation of spec and mir levels for when no map influences them
+ povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level=2)
+ if material:
+ special_texture_found = False
+ for t in material.texture_slots:
+ if(t and t.texture.type == 'IMAGE' and t.use and t.texture.image and
+ (t.use_map_specular or t.use_map_raymir or t.use_map_normal or t.use_map_alpha)):
+ special_texture_found = True
+ continue # Some texture found
+ if special_texture_found:
+ # Level=1 Means No specular nor Mirror reflection
+ povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level=1)
+ # Level=3 Means Maximum Spec and Mirror
+ povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level=3)
+ def exportCamera():
+ camera = scene.camera
+ # DH disabled for now, this isn't the correct context
+ active_object = None # bpy.context.active_object # does not always work MR
+ matrix = global_matrix * camera.matrix_world
+ focal_point = camera.data.dof_distance
+ # compute resolution
+ Qsize = float(render.resolution_x) / float(render.resolution_y)
+ tabWrite("#declare camLocation = <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>;\n" % \
+ (matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]))
+ tabWrite("#declare camLookAt = <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>;\n" % \
+ tuple([degrees(e) for e in matrix.to_3x3().to_euler()]))
+ tabWrite("camera {\n")
+ if scene.pov.baking_enable and active_object and active_object.type == 'MESH':
+ tabWrite("mesh_camera{ 1 3\n") # distribution 3 is what we want here
+ tabWrite("mesh{%s}\n" % active_object.name)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("location <0,0,.01>")
+ tabWrite("direction <0,0,-1>")
+ # Using standard camera otherwise
+ else:
+ tabWrite("location <0, 0, 0>\n")
+ tabWrite("look_at <0, 0, -1>\n")
+ tabWrite("right <%s, 0, 0>\n" % - Qsize)
+ tabWrite("up <0, 1, 0>\n")
+ tabWrite("angle %f\n" % (360.0 * atan(16.0 / camera.data.lens) / pi))
+ tabWrite("rotate <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n" % \
+ tuple([degrees(e) for e in matrix.to_3x3().to_euler()]))
+ tabWrite("translate <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n" % (matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]))
+ if camera.data.pov.dof_enable and focal_point != 0:
+ tabWrite("aperture %.3g\n" % camera.data.pov.dof_aperture)
+ tabWrite("blur_samples %d %d\n" % \
+ (camera.data.pov.dof_samples_min, camera.data.pov.dof_samples_max))
+ tabWrite("variance 1/%d\n" % camera.data.pov.dof_variance)
+ tabWrite("confidence %.3g\n" % camera.data.pov.dof_confidence)
+ tabWrite("focal_point <0, 0, %f>\n" % focal_point)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ def exportLamps(lamps):
+ # Incremented after each lamp export to declare its target
+ # currently used for Fresnel diffuse shader as their slope vector:
+ global lampCount
+ lampCount = 0
+ # Get all lamps
+ for ob in lamps:
+ lamp = ob.data
+ matrix = global_matrix * ob.matrix_world
+ # Colour is modified by energy #muiltiplie by 2 for a better match --Maurice
+ color = tuple([c * lamp.energy * 2.0 for c in lamp.color])
+ tabWrite("light_source {\n")
+ tabWrite("< 0,0,0 >\n")
+ tabWrite("color rgb<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n" % color)
+ if lamp.type == 'POINT':
+ pass
+ elif lamp.type == 'SPOT':
+ tabWrite("spotlight\n")
+ # Falloff is the main radius from the centre line
+ tabWrite("falloff %.2f\n" % (degrees(lamp.spot_size) / 2.0)) # 1 TO 179 FOR BOTH
+ tabWrite("radius %.6f\n" % \
+ ((degrees(lamp.spot_size) / 2.0) * (1.0 - lamp.spot_blend)))
+ # Blender does not have a tightness equivilent, 0 is most like blender default.
+ tabWrite("tightness 0\n") # 0:10f
+ tabWrite("point_at <0, 0, -1>\n")
+ elif lamp.type == 'SUN':
+ tabWrite("parallel\n")
+ tabWrite("point_at <0, 0, -1>\n") # *must* be after 'parallel'
+ elif lamp.type == 'AREA':
+ tabWrite("fade_distance %.6f\n" % (lamp.distance / 5.0))
+ # Area lights have no falloff type, so always use blenders lamp quad equivalent
+ # for those?
+ tabWrite("fade_power %d\n" % 2)
+ size_x = lamp.size
+ samples_x = lamp.shadow_ray_samples_x
+ if lamp.shape == 'SQUARE':
+ size_y = size_x
+ samples_y = samples_x
+ else:
+ size_y = lamp.size_y
+ samples_y = lamp.shadow_ray_samples_y
+ tabWrite("area_light <%d,0,0>,<0,0,%d> %d, %d\n" % \
+ (size_x, size_y, samples_x, samples_y))
+ if lamp.shadow_ray_sample_method == 'CONSTANT_JITTERED':
+ if lamp.jitter:
+ tabWrite("jitter\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("adaptive 1\n")
+ tabWrite("jitter\n")
+ # HEMI never has any shadow_method attribute
+ if(not scene.render.use_shadows or lamp.type == 'HEMI' or
+ (lamp.type != 'HEMI' and lamp.shadow_method == 'NOSHADOW')):
+ tabWrite("shadowless\n")
+ # Sun shouldn't be attenuated. Hemi and area lights have no falloff attribute so they
+ # are put to type 2 attenuation a little higher above.
+ if lamp.type not in ('SUN', 'AREA', 'HEMI'):
+ tabWrite("fade_distance %.6f\n" % (lamp.distance / 5.0))
+ if lamp.falloff_type == 'INVERSE_SQUARE':
+ tabWrite("fade_power %d\n" % 2) # Use blenders lamp quad equivalent
+ elif lamp.falloff_type == 'INVERSE_LINEAR':
+ tabWrite("fade_power %d\n" % 1) # Use blenders lamp linear
+ # upposing using no fade power keyword would default to constant, no attenuation.
+ elif lamp.falloff_type == 'CONSTANT':
+ pass
+ # Using Custom curve for fade power 3 for now.
+ elif lamp.falloff_type == 'CUSTOM_CURVE':
+ tabWrite("fade_power %d\n" % 4)
+ writeMatrix(matrix)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ lampCount += 1
+ # v(A,B) rotates vector A about origin by vector B.
+ file.write("#declare lampTarget%s= vrotate(<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>,<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>);\n" % \
+ (lampCount, -(ob.location.x), -(ob.location.y), -(ob.location.z),
+ ob.rotation_euler.x, ob.rotation_euler.y, ob.rotation_euler.z))
+ def exportMeta(metas):
+ # TODO - blenders 'motherball' naming is not supported.
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.comments_enable and len(metas) >= 1:
+ file.write("//--Blob objects--\n\n")
+ for ob in metas:
+ meta = ob.data
+ # important because no elements will break parsing.
+ elements = [elem for elem in meta.elements if elem.type in ('BALL', 'ELLIPSOID')]
+ if elements:
+ tabWrite("blob {\n")
+ tabWrite("threshold %.4g\n" % meta.threshold)
+ importance = ob.pov.importance_value
+ try:
+ material = meta.materials[0] # lame! - blender cant do enything else.
+ except:
+ material = None
+ for elem in elements:
+ loc = elem.co
+ stiffness = elem.stiffness
+ if elem.use_negative:
+ stiffness = - stiffness
+ if elem.type == 'BALL':
+ tabWrite("sphere { <%.6g, %.6g, %.6g>, %.4g, %.4g }\n" % \
+ (loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, elem.radius, stiffness))
+ # After this wecould do something simple like...
+ # "pigment {Blue} }"
+ # except we'll write the color
+ elif elem.type == 'ELLIPSOID':
+ # location is modified by scale
+ tabWrite("sphere { <%.6g, %.6g, %.6g>, %.4g, %.4g }\n" % \
+ (loc.x / elem.size_x, loc.y / elem.size_y, loc.z / elem.size_z,
+ elem.radius, stiffness))
+ tabWrite("scale <%.6g, %.6g, %.6g> \n" % \
+ (elem.size_x, elem.size_y, elem.size_z))
+ if material:
+ diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color
+ trans = 1.0 - material.alpha
+ if material.use_transparency and material.transparency_method == 'RAYTRACE':
+ povFilter = material.raytrace_transparency.filter * (1.0 - material.alpha)
+ trans = (1.0 - material.alpha) - povFilter
+ else:
+ povFilter = 0.0
+ material_finish = materialNames[material.name]
+ tabWrite("pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>} \n" % \
+ (diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2],
+ povFilter, trans))
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % safety(material_finish, Level=2))
+ else:
+ tabWrite("pigment {rgb<1 1 1>} \n")
+ # Write the finish last.
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(DEF_MAT_NAME, Level=2)))
+ writeObjectMaterial(material, ob)
+ writeMatrix(global_matrix * ob.matrix_world)
+ #Importance for radiosity sampling added here:
+ tabWrite("radiosity { \n")
+ tabWrite("importance %3g \n" % importance)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n") # End of Metaball block
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.comments_enable and len(metas) >= 1:
+ file.write("\n")
+# objectNames = {}
+ DEF_OBJ_NAME = "Default"
+ def exportMeshes(scene, sel):
+# obmatslist = []
+# def hasUniqueMaterial():
+# # Grab materials attached to object instances ...
+# if hasattr(ob, 'material_slots'):
+# for ms in ob.material_slots:
+# if ms.material != None and ms.link == 'OBJECT':
+# if ms.material in obmatslist:
+# return False
+# else:
+# obmatslist.append(ms.material)
+# return True
+# def hasObjectMaterial(ob):
+# # Grab materials attached to object instances ...
+# if hasattr(ob, 'material_slots'):
+# for ms in ob.material_slots:
+# if ms.material != None and ms.link == 'OBJECT':
+# # If there is at least one material slot linked to the object
+# # and not the data (mesh), always create a new, “private” data instance.
+# return True
+# return False
+ # For objects using local material(s) only!
+ # This is a mapping between a tuple (dataname, materialnames, …), and the POV dataname.
+ # As only objects using:
+ # * The same data.
+ # * EXACTLY the same materials, in EXACTLY the same sockets.
+ # … can share a same instance in POV export.
+ obmats2data = {}
+ def checkObjectMaterials(ob, name, dataname):
+ if hasattr(ob, 'material_slots'):
+ has_local_mats = False
+ key = [dataname]
+ for ms in ob.material_slots:
+ if ms.material != None:
+ key.append(ms.material.name)
+ if ms.link == 'OBJECT' and not has_local_mats:
+ has_local_mats = True
+ else:
+ # Even if the slot is empty, it is important to grab it…
+ key.append("")
+ if has_local_mats:
+ # If this object uses local material(s), lets find if another object
+ # using the same data and exactly the same list of materials
+ # (in the same slots) has already been processed…
+ # Note that here also, we use object name as new, unique dataname for Pov.
+ key = tuple(key) # Lists are not hashable…
+ if key not in obmats2data:
+ obmats2data[key] = name
+ return obmats2data[key]
+ return None
+ data_ref = {}
+ def store(scene, ob, name, dataname, matrix):
+ # The Object needs to be written at least once but if its data is
+ # already in data_ref this has already been done.
+ # This func returns the “povray” name of the data, or None
+ # if no writing is needed.
+ if ob.is_modified(scene, 'RENDER'):
+ # Data modified.
+ # Create unique entry in data_ref by using object name
+ # (always unique in Blender) as data name.
+ data_ref[name] = [(name, MatrixAsPovString(matrix))]
+ return name
+ # Here, we replace dataname by the value returned by checkObjectMaterials, only if
+ # it is not evaluated to False (i.e. only if the object uses some local material(s)).
+ dataname = checkObjectMaterials(ob, name, dataname) or dataname
+ if dataname in data_ref:
+ # Data already known, just add the object instance.
+ data_ref[dataname].append((name, MatrixAsPovString(matrix)))
+ # No need to write data
+ return None
+ else:
+ # Data not yet processed, create a new entry in data_ref.
+ data_ref[dataname] = [(name, MatrixAsPovString(matrix))]
+ return dataname
+ ob_num = 0
+ for ob in sel:
+ ob_num += 1
+ # XXX I moved all those checks here, as there is no need to compute names
+ # for object we won’t export here!
+ if ob.type in ('LAMP', 'CAMERA', 'EMPTY', 'META', 'ARMATURE', 'LATTICE'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ me = ob.to_mesh(scene, True, 'RENDER')
+ except:
+ # happens when curves cant be made into meshes because of no-data
+ continue
+ importance = ob.pov.importance_value
+ me_materials = me.materials
+ me_faces = me.faces[:]
+ if not me or not me_faces:
+ continue
+ # Generating a name for object just like materials to be able to use it
+ # (baking for now or anything else).
+ # XXX I don’t understand that – if we are here, sel if a non-empty iterable,
+ # so this condition is always True, IMO -- mont29
+ if sel:
+ name_orig = "OB" + ob.name
+ dataname_orig = "DATA" + ob.data.name
+ else:
+ name_orig = DEF_OBJ_NAME
+ dataname_orig = DEF_OBJ_NAME
+ name = splitHyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(name_orig))
+ dataname = splitHyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(dataname_orig))
+## for slot in ob.material_slots:
+## if slot.material != None and slot.link == 'OBJECT':
+## obmaterial = slot.material
+ if info_callback:
+ info_callback("Object %2.d of %2.d (%s)" % (ob_num, len(sel), ob.name))
+ #if ob.type != 'MESH':
+ # continue
+ # me = ob.data
+ matrix = global_matrix * ob.matrix_world
+ povdataname = store(scene, ob, name, dataname, matrix)
+ if povdataname is None:
+ print("This is an instance")
+ continue
+ print("Writing Down First Occurence")
+ try:
+ uv_layer = me.uv_textures.active.data
+ except AttributeError:
+ uv_layer = None
+ try:
+ vcol_layer = me.vertex_colors.active.data
+ except AttributeError:
+ vcol_layer = None
+ faces_verts = [f.vertices[:] for f in me_faces]
+ faces_normals = [f.normal[:] for f in me_faces]
+ verts_normals = [v.normal[:] for v in me.vertices]
+ # quads incur an extra face
+ quadCount = sum(1 for f in faces_verts if len(f) == 4)
+ # Use named declaration to allow reference e.g. for baking. MR
+ file.write("\n")
+ tabWrite("#declare %s =\n" % povdataname)
+ tabWrite("mesh2 {\n")
+ tabWrite("vertex_vectors {\n")
+ tabWrite("%d" % len(me.vertices)) # vert count
+ tabStr = tab * tabLevel
+ for v in me.vertices:
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>" % v.co[:]) # vert count
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>" % v.co[:]) # vert count
+ #tabWrite("<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>" % v.co[:]) # vert count
+ file.write("\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ # Build unique Normal list
+ uniqueNormals = {}
+ for fi, f in enumerate(me_faces):
+ fv = faces_verts[fi]
+ # [-1] is a dummy index, use a list so we can modify in place
+ if f.use_smooth: # Use vertex normals
+ for v in fv:
+ key = verts_normals[v]
+ uniqueNormals[key] = [-1]
+ else: # Use face normal
+ key = faces_normals[fi]
+ uniqueNormals[key] = [-1]
+ tabWrite("normal_vectors {\n")
+ tabWrite("%d" % len(uniqueNormals)) # vert count
+ idx = 0
+ tabStr = tab * tabLevel
+ for no, index in uniqueNormals.items():
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>" % no) # vert count
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>" % no) # vert count
+ index[0] = idx
+ idx += 1
+ file.write("\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ # Vertex colours
+ vertCols = {} # Use for material colours also.
+ if uv_layer:
+ # Generate unique UV's
+ uniqueUVs = {}
+ for fi, uv in enumerate(uv_layer):
+ if len(faces_verts[fi]) == 4:
+ uvs = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3, uv.uv4
+ else:
+ uvs = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3
+ for uv in uvs:
+ uniqueUVs[uv[:]] = [-1]
+ tabWrite("uv_vectors {\n")
+ #print unique_uvs
+ tabWrite("%d" % len(uniqueUVs)) # vert count
+ idx = 0
+ tabStr = tab * tabLevel
+ for uv, index in uniqueUVs.items():
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%.6f, %.6f>" % uv)
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%.6f, %.6f>" % uv)
+ index[0] = idx
+ idx += 1
+ '''
+ else:
+ # Just add 1 dummy vector, no real UV's
+ tabWrite('1') # vert count
+ file.write(',\n\t\t<0.0, 0.0>')
+ '''
+ file.write("\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ if me.vertex_colors:
+ for fi, f in enumerate(me_faces):
+ material_index = f.material_index
+ material = me_materials[material_index]
+ if material and material.use_vertex_color_paint:
+ col = vcol_layer[fi]
+ if len(faces_verts[fi]) == 4:
+ cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3, col.color4
+ else:
+ cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3
+ for col in cols:
+ key = col[0], col[1], col[2], material_index # Material index!
+ vertCols[key] = [-1]
+ else:
+ if material:
+ diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color[:]
+ key = diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], \
+ material_index
+ vertCols[key] = [-1]
+ else:
+ # No vertex colours, so write material colours as vertex colours
+ for i, material in enumerate(me_materials):
+ if material:
+ diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color[:]
+ key = diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], i # i == f.mat
+ vertCols[key] = [-1]
+ # Vert Colours
+ tabWrite("texture_list {\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "%s" % (len(vertCols))) # vert count
+ idx = 0
+ for col, index in vertCols.items():
+ if me_materials:
+ material = me_materials[col[3]]
+ material_finish = materialNames[material.name]
+ if material.use_transparency:
+ trans = 1.0 - material.alpha
+ else:
+ trans = 0.0
+ if material.use_transparency and material.transparency_method == 'RAYTRACE':
+ povFilter = material.raytrace_transparency.filter * (1.0 - material.alpha)
+ trans = (1.0 - material.alpha) - povFilter
+ else:
+ povFilter = 0.0
+ else:
+ material_finish = DEF_MAT_NAME # not working properly,
+ trans = 0.0
+ ##############SF
+ texturesDif = ""
+ texturesSpec = ""
+ texturesNorm = ""
+ texturesAlpha = ""
+ for t in material.texture_slots:
+ if t and t.texture.type == 'IMAGE' and t.use and t.texture.image:
+ image_filename = path_image(t.texture.image.filepath)
+ imgGamma = ""
+ if image_filename:
+ if t.use_map_color_diffuse:
+ texturesDif = image_filename
+ colvalue = t.default_value
+ t_dif = t
+ if t_dif.texture.pov.tex_gamma_enable:
+ imgGamma = (" gamma %.3g " % t_dif.texture.pov.tex_gamma_value)
+ if t.use_map_specular or t.use_map_raymir:
+ texturesSpec = image_filename
+ colvalue = t.default_value
+ t_spec = t
+ if t.use_map_normal:
+ texturesNorm = image_filename
+ colvalue = t.normal_factor * 10.0
+ #textNormName=t.texture.image.name + ".normal"
+ #was the above used? --MR
+ t_nor = t
+ if t.use_map_alpha:
+ texturesAlpha = image_filename
+ colvalue = t.alpha_factor * 10.0
+ #textDispName=t.texture.image.name + ".displ"
+ #was the above used? --MR
+ t_alpha = t
+ ####################################################################################
+ if material.pov.replacement_text != "":
+ file.write("\n")
+ file.write(" texture{%s}\n" % material.pov.replacement_text)
+ else:
+ file.write("\n")
+ # --MR
+ tabWrite("texture {\n")
+ ################################################################################
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'MINNAERT':
+ tabWrite("\n")
+ tabWrite("aoi\n")
+ tabWrite("texture_map {\n")
+ tabWrite("[%.3g finish {diffuse %.3g}]\n" % \
+ (material.darkness / 2.0, 2.0 - material.darkness))
+ tabWrite("[%.3g\n" % (1.0 - (material.darkness / 2.0)))
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'FRESNEL':
+ # For FRESNEL diffuse in POV, we'll layer slope patterned textures
+ # with lamp vector as the slope vector and nest one slope per lamp
+ # into each texture map's entry.
+ c = 1
+ while (c <= lampCount):
+ tabWrite("slope { lampTarget%s }\n" % (c))
+ tabWrite("texture_map {\n")
+ # Diffuse Fresnel value and factor go up to five,
+ # other kind of values needed: used the number 5 below to remap
+ tabWrite("[%.3g finish {diffuse %.3g}]\n" % \
+ ((5.0 - material.diffuse_fresnel) / 5,
+ (material.diffuse_intensity *
+ ((5.0 - material.diffuse_fresnel_factor) / 5))))
+ tabWrite("[%.3g\n" % ((material.diffuse_fresnel_factor / 5) *
+ (material.diffuse_fresnel / 5.0)))
+ c += 1
+ # if shader is a 'FRESNEL' or 'MINNAERT': slope pigment pattern or aoi
+ # and texture map above, the rest below as one of its entry
+ if texturesSpec != "" or texturesAlpha != "":
+ if texturesSpec != "":
+ # tabWrite("\n")
+ tabWrite("pigment_pattern {\n")
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its
+ # inverse, a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the
+ # scale is not the same in blender and POV
+ mappingSpec = "translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n" % \
+ (-t_spec.offset.x, t_spec.offset.y, t_spec.offset.z,
+ 1.0 / t_spec.scale.x, 1.0 / t_spec.scale.y,
+ 1.0 / t_spec.scale.z)
+ tabWrite("uv_mapping image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesSpec), texturesSpec, imgMap(t_spec)))
+ tabWrite("%s\n" % mappingSpec)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("texture_map {\n")
+ tabWrite("[0 \n")
+ if texturesDif == "":
+ if texturesAlpha != "":
+ tabWrite("\n")
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its
+ # inverse, a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the
+ # scale is not the same in blender and POV
+ mappingAlpha = " translate <%.4g, %.4g, %.4g> " \
+ "scale <%.4g, %.4g, %.4g>\n" % \
+ (-t_alpha.offset.x, -t_alpha.offset.y,
+ t_alpha.offset.z, 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.x,
+ 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.y, 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.z)
+ tabWrite("pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map" \
+ "{%s \"%s\" %s}%s" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesAlpha), texturesAlpha,
+ imgMap(t_alpha), mappingAlpha))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("pigment_map {\n")
+ tabWrite("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n")
+ tabWrite("[1 color rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>]\n" % \
+ (col[0], col[1], col[2], povFilter, trans))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>}\n" % \
+ (col[0], col[1], col[2], povFilter, trans))
+ if texturesSpec != "":
+ # Level 1 is no specular
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=1)))
+ else:
+ # Level 2 is translated spec
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))
+ else:
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its
+ # inverse, a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the
+ # scale is not the same in blender and POV
+ mappingDif = ("translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \
+ (-t_dif.offset.x, -t_dif.offset.y, t_dif.offset.z,
+ 1.0 / t_dif.scale.x, 1.0 / t_dif.scale.y,
+ 1.0 / t_dif.scale.z))
+ if texturesAlpha != "":
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its
+ # inverse, a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the
+ # scale is not the same in blender and POV
+ mappingAlpha = " translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> " \
+ "scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \
+ (-t_alpha.offset.x, -t_alpha.offset.y,
+ t_alpha.offset.z, 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.x,
+ 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.y, 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.z)
+ tabWrite("pigment {\n")
+ tabWrite("pigment_pattern {\n")
+ tabWrite("uv_mapping image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesAlpha), texturesAlpha,
+ imgMap(t_alpha), mappingAlpha))
+ tabWrite("pigment_map {\n")
+ tabWrite("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n")
+ tabWrite("[1 uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s} %s]\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesDif), texturesDif,
+ (imgGamma + imgMap(t_dif)), mappingDif))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("pigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesDif), texturesDif,
+ (imgGamma + imgMap(t_dif)), mappingDif))
+ if texturesSpec != "":
+ # Level 1 is no specular
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=1)))
+ else:
+ # Level 2 is translated specular
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))
+ ## scale 1 rotate y*0
+ #imageMap = ("{image_map {%s \"%s\" %s }\n" % \
+ # (imageFormat(textures),textures,imgMap(t_dif)))
+ #tabWrite("uv_mapping pigment %s} %s finish {%s}\n" % \
+ # (imageMap,mapping,safety(material_finish)))
+ #tabWrite("pigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s} " \
+ # "finish {%s}\n" % \
+ # (imageFormat(texturesDif), texturesDif, imgMap(t_dif),
+ # mappingDif, safety(material_finish)))
+ if texturesNorm != "":
+ ## scale 1 rotate y*0
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its
+ # inverse, a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the
+ # scale is not the same in blender and POV
+ mappingNor = " translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \
+ (-t_nor.offset.x, -t_nor.offset.y, t_nor.offset.z,
+ 1.0 / t_nor.scale.x, 1.0 / t_nor.scale.y,
+ 1.0 / t_nor.scale.z)
+ #imageMapNor = ("{bump_map {%s \"%s\" %s mapping}" % \
+ # (imageFormat(texturesNorm),texturesNorm,imgMap(t_nor)))
+ #We were not using the above maybe we should?
+ tabWrite("normal {uv_mapping bump_map " \
+ "{%s \"%s\" %s bump_size %.4g }%s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesNorm), texturesNorm, imgMap(t_nor),
+ t_nor.normal_factor * 10, mappingNor))
+ if texturesSpec != "":
+ tabWrite("]\n")
+ ##################Second index for mapping specular max value###############
+ tabWrite("[1 \n")
+ if texturesDif == "" and material.pov.replacement_text == "":
+ if texturesAlpha != "":
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse,
+ # a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale
+ # is not the same in blender and POV
+ # Strange that the translation factor for scale is not the same as for
+ # translate.
+ # TODO: verify both matches with blender internal.
+ mappingAlpha = " translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n" % \
+ (-t_alpha.offset.x, -t_alpha.offset.y, t_alpha.offset.z,
+ 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.x, 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.y,
+ 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.z)
+ tabWrite("pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map" \
+ "{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesAlpha), texturesAlpha, imgMap(t_alpha),
+ mappingAlpha))
+ tabWrite("pigment_map {\n")
+ tabWrite("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n")
+ tabWrite("[1 color rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>]\n" % \
+ (col[0], col[1], col[2], povFilter, trans))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>}\n" % \
+ (col[0], col[1], col[2], povFilter, trans))
+ if texturesSpec != "":
+ # Level 3 is full specular
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=3)))
+ else:
+ # Level 2 is translated specular
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))
+ elif material.pov.replacement_text == "":
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse,
+ # a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is
+ # not the same in blender and POV
+ # Strange that the translation factor for scale is not the same as for
+ # translate.
+ # TODO: verify both matches with blender internal.
+ mappingDif = ("translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \
+ (-t_dif.offset.x, -t_dif.offset.y, t_dif.offset.z,
+ 1.0 / t_dif.scale.x, 1.0 / t_dif.scale.y, 1.0 / t_dif.scale.z))
+ if texturesAlpha != "":
+ # Strange that the translation factor for scale is not the same as for
+ # translate.
+ # TODO: verify both matches with blender internal.
+ mappingAlpha = "translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \
+ (-t_alpha.offset.x, -t_alpha.offset.y, t_alpha.offset.z,
+ 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.x, 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.y,
+ 1.0 / t_alpha.scale.z)
+ tabWrite("pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map" \
+ "{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesAlpha), texturesAlpha, imgMap(t_alpha),
+ mappingAlpha))
+ tabWrite("pigment_map {\n")
+ tabWrite("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n")
+ tabWrite("[1 uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s} %s]\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesDif), texturesDif,
+ (imgMap(t_dif) + imgGamma), mappingDif))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ else:
+ tabWrite("pigment {\n")
+ tabWrite("uv_mapping image_map {\n")
+ #tabWrite("%s \"%s\" %s}%s\n" % \
+ # (imageFormat(texturesDif), texturesDif,
+ # (imgGamma + imgMap(t_dif)),mappingDif))
+ tabWrite("%s \"%s\" \n" % (imageFormat(texturesDif), texturesDif))
+ tabWrite("%s\n" % (imgGamma + imgMap(t_dif)))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("%s\n" % mappingDif)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ if texturesSpec != "":
+ # Level 3 is full specular
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=3)))
+ else:
+ # Level 2 is translated specular
+ tabWrite("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))
+ ## scale 1 rotate y*0
+ #imageMap = ("{image_map {%s \"%s\" %s }" % \
+ # (imageFormat(textures), textures,imgMap(t_dif)))
+ #file.write("\n\t\t\tuv_mapping pigment %s} %s finish {%s}" % \
+ # (imageMap, mapping, safety(material_finish)))
+ #file.write("\n\t\t\tpigment {uv_mapping image_map " \
+ # "{%s \"%s\" %s}%s} finish {%s}" % \
+ # (imageFormat(texturesDif), texturesDif,imgMap(t_dif),
+ # mappingDif, safety(material_finish)))
+ if texturesNorm != "" and material.pov.replacement_text == "":
+ ## scale 1 rotate y*0
+ # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse,
+ # a standard scale factor.
+ # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is
+ # not the same in blender and POV
+ mappingNor = (" translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \
+ (-t_nor.offset.x, -t_nor.offset.y, t_nor.offset.z,
+ 1.0 / t_nor.scale.x, 1.0 / t_nor.scale.y, 1.0 / t_nor.scale.z))
+ #imageMapNor = ("{bump_map {%s \"%s\" %s mapping}" % \
+ # (imageFormat(texturesNorm),texturesNorm,imgMap(t_nor)))
+ #We were not using the above maybe we should?
+ tabWrite("normal {uv_mapping bump_map {%s \"%s\" %s bump_size %.4g }%s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesNorm), texturesNorm, imgMap(t_nor),
+ t_nor.normal_factor * 10.0, mappingNor))
+ if texturesSpec != "" and material.pov.replacement_text == "":
+ tabWrite("]\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ #End of slope/ior texture_map
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'MINNAERT' and material.pov.replacement_text == "":
+ tabWrite("]\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ if material.diffuse_shader == 'FRESNEL' and material.pov.replacement_text == "":
+ c = 1
+ while (c <= lampCount):
+ tabWrite("]\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ c += 1
+ if material.pov.replacement_text == "":
+ tabWrite("}\n") # THEN IT CAN CLOSE IT --MR
+ ####################################################################################
+ index[0] = idx
+ idx += 1
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ # Face indices
+ tabWrite("face_indices {\n")
+ tabWrite("%d" % (len(me_faces) + quadCount)) # faces count
+ tabStr = tab * tabLevel
+ for fi, f in enumerate(me_faces):
+ fv = faces_verts[fi]
+ material_index = f.material_index
+ if len(fv) == 4:
+ indices = (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3)
+ else:
+ indices = ((0, 1, 2),)
+ if vcol_layer:
+ col = vcol_layer[fi]
+ if len(fv) == 4:
+ cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3, col.color4
+ else:
+ cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3
+ if not me_materials or me_materials[material_index] is None: # No materials
+ for i1, i2, i3 in indices:
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ # vert count
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%d,%d,%d>" % (fv[i1], fv[i2], fv[i3]))
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%d,%d,%d>" % (fv[i1], fv[i2], fv[i3])) # vert count
+ else:
+ material = me_materials[material_index]
+ for i1, i2, i3 in indices:
+ if me.vertex_colors and material.use_vertex_color_paint:
+ # Colour per vertex - vertex colour
+ col1 = cols[i1]
+ col2 = cols[i2]
+ col3 = cols[i3]
+ ci1 = vertCols[col1[0], col1[1], col1[2], material_index][0]
+ ci2 = vertCols[col2[0], col2[1], col2[2], material_index][0]
+ ci3 = vertCols[col3[0], col3[1], col3[2], material_index][0]
+ else:
+ # Colour per material - flat material colour
+ diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color
+ ci1 = ci2 = ci3 = vertCols[diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], \
+ diffuse_color[2], f.material_index][0]
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%d,%d,%d>, %d,%d,%d" % \
+ (fv[i1], fv[i2], fv[i3], ci1, ci2, ci3)) # vert count
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%d,%d,%d>, %d,%d,%d" % \
+ (fv[i1], fv[i2], fv[i3], ci1, ci2, ci3)) # vert count
+ file.write("\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ # normal_indices indices
+ tabWrite("normal_indices {\n")
+ tabWrite("%d" % (len(me_faces) + quadCount)) # faces count
+ tabStr = tab * tabLevel
+ for fi, fv in enumerate(faces_verts):
+ if len(fv) == 4:
+ indices = (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3)
+ else:
+ indices = ((0, 1, 2),)
+ for i1, i2, i3 in indices:
+ if me_faces[fi].use_smooth:
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%d,%d,%d>" %\
+ (uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i1]]][0],\
+ uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i2]]][0],\
+ uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i3]]][0])) # vert count
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%d,%d,%d>" %\
+ (uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i1]]][0],\
+ uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i2]]][0],\
+ uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i3]]][0])) # vert count
+ else:
+ idx = uniqueNormals[faces_normals[fi]][0]
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%d,%d,%d>" % (idx, idx, idx)) # vert count
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%d,%d,%d>" % (idx, idx, idx)) # vert count
+ file.write("\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ if uv_layer:
+ tabWrite("uv_indices {\n")
+ tabWrite("%d" % (len(me_faces) + quadCount)) # faces count
+ tabStr = tab * tabLevel
+ for fi, fv in enumerate(faces_verts):
+ if len(fv) == 4:
+ indices = (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3)
+ else:
+ indices = ((0, 1, 2),)
+ uv = uv_layer[fi]
+ if len(faces_verts[fi]) == 4:
+ uvs = uv.uv1[:], uv.uv2[:], uv.uv3[:], uv.uv4[:]
+ else:
+ uvs = uv.uv1[:], uv.uv2[:], uv.uv3[:]
+ for i1, i2, i3 in indices:
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and scene.pov.list_lf_enable:
+ file.write(",\n")
+ file.write(tabStr + "<%d,%d,%d>" % (
+ uniqueUVs[uvs[i1]][0],\
+ uniqueUVs[uvs[i2]][0],\
+ uniqueUVs[uvs[i3]][0]))
+ else:
+ file.write(", ")
+ file.write("<%d,%d,%d>" % (
+ uniqueUVs[uvs[i1]][0],\
+ uniqueUVs[uvs[i2]][0],\
+ uniqueUVs[uvs[i3]][0]))
+ file.write("\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ if me.materials:
+ try:
+ material = me.materials[0] # dodgy
+ writeObjectMaterial(material, ob)
+ except IndexError:
+ print(me)
+ #Importance for radiosity sampling added here:
+ tabWrite("radiosity { \n")
+ tabWrite("importance %3g \n" % importance)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n") # End of mesh block
+ bpy.data.meshes.remove(me)
+ for data_name, inst in data_ref.items():
+ for ob_name, matrix_str in inst:
+ tabWrite("//----Blender Object Name:%s----\n" % ob_name)
+ tabWrite("object { \n")
+ tabWrite("%s\n" % data_name)
+ tabWrite("%s\n" % matrix_str)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ def exportWorld(world):
+ render = scene.render
+ camera = scene.camera
+ matrix = global_matrix * camera.matrix_world
+ if not world:
+ return
+ #############Maurice####################################
+ #These lines added to get sky gradient (visible with PNG output)
+ if world:
+ #For simple flat background:
+ if not world.use_sky_blend:
+ # Non fully transparent background could premultiply alpha and avoid anti-aliasing
+ # display issue:
+ if render.alpha_mode == 'PREMUL':
+ tabWrite("background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.75>}\n" % \
+ (world.horizon_color[:]))
+ #Currently using no alpha with Sky option:
+ elif render.alpha_mode == 'SKY':
+ tabWrite("background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>}\n" % (world.horizon_color[:]))
+ #StraightAlpha:
+ else:
+ tabWrite("background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>}\n" % (world.horizon_color[:]))
+ worldTexCount = 0
+ #For Background image textures
+ for t in world.texture_slots: # risk to write several sky_spheres but maybe ok.
+ if t and t.texture.type is not None:
+ worldTexCount += 1
+ # XXX No enable checkbox for world textures yet (report it?)
+ #if t and t.texture.type == 'IMAGE' and t.use:
+ if t and t.texture.type == 'IMAGE':
+ image_filename = path_image(t.texture.image.filepath)
+ if t.texture.image.filepath != image_filename:
+ t.texture.image.filepath = image_filename
+ if image_filename != "" and t.use_map_blend:
+ texturesBlend = image_filename
+ #colvalue = t.default_value
+ t_blend = t
+ # Commented below was an idea to make the Background image oriented as camera
+ # taken here:
+ # Replace 4/3 by the ratio of each image found by some custom or existing
+ # function
+ #mappingBlend = (" translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> rotate z*degrees" \
+ # "(atan((camLocation - camLookAt).x/(camLocation - " \
+ # "camLookAt).y)) rotate x*degrees(atan((camLocation - " \
+ # "camLookAt).y/(camLocation - camLookAt).z)) rotate y*" \
+ # "degrees(atan((camLocation - camLookAt).z/(camLocation - " \
+ # "camLookAt).x)) scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>b" % \
+ # (t_blend.offset.x / 10 , t_blend.offset.y / 10 ,
+ # t_blend.offset.z / 10, t_blend.scale.x ,
+ # t_blend.scale.y , t_blend.scale.z))
+ #using camera rotation valuesdirectly from blender seems much easier
+ if t_blend.texture_coords == 'ANGMAP':
+ mappingBlend = ""
+ else:
+ mappingBlend = " translate <%.4g-0.5,%.4g-0.5,%.4g-0.5> rotate<0,0,0> " \
+ "scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \
+ (t_blend.offset.x / 10.0, t_blend.offset.y / 10.0,
+ t_blend.offset.z / 10.0, t_blend.scale.x * 0.85,
+ t_blend.scale.y * 0.85, t_blend.scale.z * 0.85)
+ # The initial position and rotation of the pov camera is probably creating
+ # the rotation offset should look into it someday but at least background
+ # won't rotate with the camera now.
+ # Putting the map on a plane would not introduce the skysphere distortion and
+ # allow for better image scale matching but also some waay to chose depth and
+ # size of the plane relative to camera.
+ tabWrite("sky_sphere {\n")
+ tabWrite("pigment {\n")
+ tabWrite("image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}\n" % \
+ (imageFormat(texturesBlend), texturesBlend, imgMapBG(t_blend)))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("%s\n" % (mappingBlend))
+ # The following layered pigment opacifies to black over the texture for
+ # transmit below 1 or otherwise adds to itself
+ tabWrite("pigment {rgb 0 transmit %s}\n" % (t.texture.intensity))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ #tabWrite("scale 2\n")
+ #tabWrite("translate -1\n")
+ #For only Background gradient
+ if worldTexCount == 0:
+ if world.use_sky_blend:
+ tabWrite("sky_sphere {\n")
+ tabWrite("pigment {\n")
+ # maybe Should follow the advice of POV doc about replacing gradient
+ # for skysphere..5.5
+ tabWrite("gradient y\n")
+ tabWrite("color_map {\n")
+ if render.alpha_mode == 'STRAIGHT':
+ tabWrite("[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>]\n" % (world.horizon_color[:]))
+ tabWrite("[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>]\n" % (world.zenith_color[:]))
+ elif render.alpha_mode == 'PREMUL':
+ tabWrite("[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.99>]\n" % (world.horizon_color[:]))
+ # aa premult not solved with transmit 1
+ tabWrite("[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.99>]\n" % (world.zenith_color[:]))
+ else:
+ tabWrite("[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>]\n" % (world.horizon_color[:]))
+ tabWrite("[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>]\n" % (world.zenith_color[:]))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ # Sky_sphere alpha (transmit) is not translating into image alpha the same
+ # way as 'background'
+ #if world.light_settings.use_indirect_light:
+ # scene.pov.radio_enable=1
+ # Maybe change the above to a funtion copyInternalRenderer settings when
+ # user pushes a button, then:
+ #scene.pov.radio_enable = world.light_settings.use_indirect_light
+ # and other such translations but maybe this would not be allowed either?
+ ###############################################################
+ mist = world.mist_settings
+ if mist.use_mist:
+ tabWrite("fog {\n")
+ tabWrite("distance %.6f\n" % mist.depth)
+ tabWrite("color rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n" % \
+ (world.horizon_color[:] + (1.0 - mist.intensity,)))
+ #tabWrite("fog_offset %.6f\n" % mist.start)
+ #tabWrite("fog_alt 5\n")
+ #tabWrite("turbulence 0.2\n")
+ #tabWrite("turb_depth 0.3\n")
+ tabWrite("fog_type 1\n")
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ if scene.pov.media_enable:
+ tabWrite("media {\n")
+ tabWrite("scattering { 1, rgb <%.4g, %.4g, %.4g>}\n" % scene.pov.media_color[:])
+ tabWrite("samples %.d\n" % scene.pov.media_samples)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ def exportGlobalSettings(scene):
+ tabWrite("global_settings {\n")
+ tabWrite("assumed_gamma 1.0\n")
+ tabWrite("max_trace_level %d\n" % scene.pov.max_trace_level)
+ if scene.pov.radio_enable:
+ tabWrite("radiosity {\n")
+ tabWrite("adc_bailout %.4g\n" % scene.pov.radio_adc_bailout)
+ tabWrite("always_sample %d\n" % scene.pov.radio_always_sample)
+ tabWrite("brightness %.4g\n" % scene.pov.radio_brightness)
+ tabWrite("count %d\n" % scene.pov.radio_count)
+ tabWrite("error_bound %.4g\n" % scene.pov.radio_error_bound)
+ tabWrite("gray_threshold %.4g\n" % scene.pov.radio_gray_threshold)
+ tabWrite("low_error_factor %.4g\n" % scene.pov.radio_low_error_factor)
+ tabWrite("media %d\n" % scene.pov.radio_media)
+ tabWrite("minimum_reuse %.4g\n" % scene.pov.radio_minimum_reuse)
+ tabWrite("nearest_count %d\n" % scene.pov.radio_nearest_count)
+ tabWrite("normal %d\n" % scene.pov.radio_normal)
+ tabWrite("pretrace_start %.3g\n" % scene.pov.radio_pretrace_start)
+ tabWrite("pretrace_end %.3g\n" % scene.pov.radio_pretrace_end)
+ tabWrite("recursion_limit %d\n" % scene.pov.radio_recursion_limit)
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ onceSss = 1
+ onceAmbient = 1
+ oncePhotons = 1
+ for material in bpy.data.materials:
+ if material.subsurface_scattering.use and onceSss:
+ # In pov, the scale has reversed influence compared to blender. these number
+ # should correct that
+ tabWrite("mm_per_unit %.6f\n" % \
+ (material.subsurface_scattering.scale * (-100.0) + 15.0))
+ # In POV-Ray, the scale factor for all subsurface shaders needs to be the same
+ onceSss = 0
+ if world and onceAmbient:
+ tabWrite("ambient_light rgb<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n" % world.ambient_color[:])
+ onceAmbient = 0
+ if (material.pov.photons_refraction or material.pov.photons_reflection)and oncePhotons:
+ tabWrite("photons {\n")
+ tabWrite("spacing %.6f\n" % scene.pov.photon_spacing)
+ tabWrite("max_trace_level %d\n" % scene.pov.photon_max_trace_level)
+ tabWrite("adc_bailout %.3g\n" % scene.pov.photon_adc_bailout)
+ tabWrite("gather %d, %d\n" % (scene.pov.photon_gather_min, scene.pov.photon_gather_max))
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ oncePhotons = 0
+ tabWrite("}\n")
+ def exportCustomCode():
+ for txt in bpy.data.texts:
+ if txt.pov.custom_code:
+ # Why are the newlines needed?
+ file.write("\n")
+ file.write(txt.as_string())
+ file.write("\n")
+ sel = renderable_objects(scene)
+ comments = scene.pov.comments_enable
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("//----------------------------------------------\n" \
+ "//--Exported with POV-Ray exporter for Blender--\n" \
+ "//----------------------------------------------\n\n")
+ file.write("#version 3.7;\n")
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("\n//--CUSTOM CODE--\n\n")
+ exportCustomCode()
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("\n//--Global settings and background--\n\n")
+ exportGlobalSettings(scene)
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("\n")
+ exportWorld(scene.world)
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("\n//--Cameras--\n\n")
+ exportCamera()
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("\n//--Lamps--\n\n")
+ exportLamps([l for l in sel if l.type == 'LAMP'])
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("\n//--Material Definitions--\n\n")
+ # Convert all materials to strings we can access directly per vertex.
+ #exportMaterials()
+ writeMaterial(None) # default material
+ for material in bpy.data.materials:
+ if material.users > 0:
+ writeMaterial(material)
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("\n")
+ exportMeta([l for l in sel if l.type == 'META'])
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable and comments:
+ file.write("//--Mesh objects--\n")
+ exportMeshes(scene, sel)
+ #What follow used to happen here:
+ #exportCamera()
+ #exportWorld(scene.world)
+ #exportGlobalSettings(scene)
+ # MR:..and the order was important for an attempt to implement pov 3.7 baking
+ # (mesh camera) comment for the record
+ # CR: Baking should be a special case than. If "baking", than we could change the order.
+ #print("pov file closed %s" % file.closed)
+ file.close()
+ #print("pov file closed %s" % file.closed)
+def write_pov_ini(scene, filename_ini, filename_pov, filename_image):
+ #scene = bpy.data.scenes[0]
+ render = scene.render
+ x = int(render.resolution_x * render.resolution_percentage * 0.01)
+ y = int(render.resolution_y * render.resolution_percentage * 0.01)
+ file = open(filename_ini, "w")
+ file.write("Version=3.7\n")
+ file.write("Input_File_Name='%s'\n" % filename_pov)
+ file.write("Output_File_Name='%s'\n" % filename_image)
+ file.write("Width=%d\n" % x)
+ file.write("Height=%d\n" % y)
+ # Border render.
+ if render.use_border:
+ file.write("Start_Column=%4g\n" % render.border_min_x)
+ file.write("End_Column=%4g\n" % (render.border_max_x))
+ file.write("Start_Row=%4g\n" % (1.0 - render.border_max_y))
+ file.write("End_Row=%4g\n" % (1.0 - render.border_min_y))
+ file.write("Bounding_Method=2\n") # The new automatic BSP is faster in most scenes
+ # Activated (turn this back off when better live exchange is done between the two programs
+ # (see next comment)
+ file.write("Display=1\n")
+ file.write("Pause_When_Done=0\n")
+ # PNG, with POV-Ray 3.7, can show background color with alpha. In the long run using the
+ # POV-Ray interactive preview like bishop 3D could solve the preview for all formats.
+ file.write("Output_File_Type=N\n")
+ #file.write("Output_File_Type=T\n") # TGA, best progressive loading
+ file.write("Output_Alpha=1\n")
+ if scene.pov.antialias_enable:
+ # method 2 (recursive) with higher max subdiv forced because no mipmapping in POV-Ray
+ # needs higher sampling.
+ # aa_mapping = {"5": 2, "8": 3, "11": 4, "16": 5}
+ method = {"0": 1, "1": 2}
+ file.write("Antialias=on\n")
+ file.write("Sampling_Method=%s\n" % method[scene.pov.antialias_method])
+ file.write("Antialias_Depth=%d\n" % scene.pov.antialias_depth)
+ file.write("Antialias_Threshold=%.3g\n" % scene.pov.antialias_threshold)
+ file.write("Antialias_Gamma=%.3g\n" % scene.pov.antialias_gamma)
+ if scene.pov.jitter_enable:
+ file.write("Jitter=on\n")
+ file.write("Jitter_Amount=%3g\n" % scene.pov.jitter_amount)
+ else:
+ file.write("Jitter=off\n") # prevent animation flicker
+ else:
+ file.write("Antialias=off\n")
+ #print("ini file closed %s" % file.closed)
+ file.close()
+ #print("ini file closed %s" % file.closed)
+class PovrayRender(bpy.types.RenderEngine):
+ bl_idname = 'POVRAY_RENDER'
+ bl_label = "POV-Ray 3.7"
+ DELAY = 0.5
+ def _export(self, scene, povPath, renderImagePath):
+ import tempfile
+ if scene.pov.tempfiles_enable:
+ self._temp_file_in = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pov", delete=False).name
+ # PNG with POV 3.7, can show the background color with alpha. In the long run using the
+ # POV-Ray interactive preview like bishop 3D could solve the preview for all formats.
+ self._temp_file_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png", delete=False).name
+ #self._temp_file_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tga", delete=False).name
+ self._temp_file_ini = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".ini", delete=False).name
+ else:
+ self._temp_file_in = povPath + ".pov"
+ # PNG with POV 3.7, can show the background color with alpha. In the long run using the
+ # POV-Ray interactive preview like bishop 3D could solve the preview for all formats.
+ self._temp_file_out = renderImagePath + ".png"
+ #self._temp_file_out = renderImagePath + ".tga"
+ self._temp_file_ini = povPath + ".ini"
+ '''
+ self._temp_file_in = "/test.pov"
+ # PNG with POV 3.7, can show the background color with alpha. In the long run using the
+ # POV-Ray interactive preview like bishop 3D could solve the preview for all formats.
+ self._temp_file_out = "/test.png"
+ #self._temp_file_out = "/test.tga"
+ self._temp_file_ini = "/test.ini"
+ '''
+ def info_callback(txt):
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: " + txt)
+ write_pov(self._temp_file_in, scene, info_callback)
+ def _render(self, scene):
+ try:
+ os.remove(self._temp_file_out) # so as not to load the old file
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ write_pov_ini(scene, self._temp_file_ini, self._temp_file_in, self._temp_file_out)
+ print ("***-STARTING-***")
+ pov_binary = "povray"
+ extra_args = []
+ if scene.pov.command_line_switches != "":
+ for newArg in scene.pov.command_line_switches.split(" "):
+ extra_args.append(newArg)
+ self._is_windows = False
+ if sys.platform[:3] == "win":
+ self._is_windows = True
+ #extra_args.append("/EXIT")
+ import winreg
+ import platform as pltfrm
+ if pltfrm.architecture()[0] == "64bit":
+ bitness = 64
+ else:
+ bitness = 32
+ regKey = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\POV-Ray\\v3.7\\Windows")
+ # TODO, report api
+ # 64 bits blender
+ if bitness == 64:
+ try:
+ pov_binary = winreg.QueryValueEx(regKey, "Home")[0] + "\\bin\\pvengine64"
+ self._process = subprocess.Popen(
+ [pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini] + extra_args,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ # This would work too but means we have to wait until its done:
+ # os.system("%s %s" % (pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini))
+ except OSError:
+ # someone might run povray 32 bits on a 64 bits blender machine
+ try:
+ pov_binary = winreg.QueryValueEx(regKey, "Home")[0] + "\\bin\\pvengine"
+ self._process = subprocess.Popen(
+ [pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini] + extra_args,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except OSError:
+ # TODO, report api
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7: could not execute '%s', possibly POV-Ray isn't " \
+ "installed" % pov_binary)
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print ("***-DONE-***")
+ return False
+ else:
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7 64 bits could not execute, running 32 bits instead")
+ print("Command line arguments passed: " + str(extra_args))
+ return True
+ else:
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7 64 bits found")
+ print("Command line arguments passed: " + str(extra_args))
+ return True
+ #32 bits blender
+ else:
+ try:
+ pov_binary = winreg.QueryValueEx(regKey, "Home")[0] + "\\bin\\pvengine"
+ self._process = subprocess.Popen(
+ [pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini] + extra_args,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ # someone might also run povray 64 bits with a 32 bits build of blender.
+ except OSError:
+ try:
+ pov_binary = winreg.QueryValueEx(regKey, "Home")[0] + "\\bin\\pvengine64"
+ self._process = subprocess.Popen(
+ [pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini] + extra_args,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except OSError:
+ # TODO, report api
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7: could not execute '%s', possibly POV-Ray isn't " \
+ "installed" % pov_binary)
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print ("***-DONE-***")
+ return False
+ else:
+ print("Running POV-Ray 3.7 64 bits build with 32 bits Blender,\n" \
+ "You might want to run Blender 64 bits as well.")
+ print("Command line arguments passed: " + str(extra_args))
+ return True
+ else:
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7 32 bits found")
+ print("Command line arguments passed: " + str(extra_args))
+ return True
+ else:
+ # DH - added -d option to prevent render window popup which leads to segfault on linux
+ extra_args.append("-d")
+ isExists = False
+ sysPathList = os.getenv("PATH").split(':')
+ sysPathList.append("")
+ for dirName in sysPathList:
+ if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirName, pov_binary))):
+ isExists = True
+ break
+ if not isExists:
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7: could not found execute '%s' - not if PATH" % pov_binary)
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print ("***-DONE-***")
+ return False
+ try:
+ self._process = subprocess.Popen([pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini] + extra_args,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except OSError:
+ # TODO, report api
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7: could not execute '%s'" % pov_binary)
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print ("***-DONE-***")
+ return False
+ else:
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7 found")
+ print("Command line arguments passed: " + str(extra_args))
+ return True
+ # Now that we have a valid process
+ def _cleanup(self):
+ for f in (self._temp_file_in, self._temp_file_ini, self._temp_file_out):
+ for i in range(5):
+ try:
+ os.unlink(f)
+ break
+ except OSError:
+ # Wait a bit before retrying file might be still in use by Blender,
+ # and Windows does not know how to delete a file in use!
+ time.sleep(self.DELAY)
+ def render(self, scene):
+ import tempfile
+ print("***INITIALIZING***")
+##WIP output format
+## if r.file_format == 'OPENEXR':
+## fformat = 'EXR'
+## render.color_mode = 'RGBA'
+## else:
+## fformat = 'TGA'
+## r.file_format = 'TARGA'
+## r.color_mode = 'RGBA'
+ blendSceneName = bpy.data.filepath.split(os.path.sep)[-1].split(".")[0]
+ povSceneName = ""
+ povPath = ""
+ renderImagePath = ""
+ # has to be called to update the frame on exporting animations
+ scene.frame_set(scene.frame_current)
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable:
+ # check paths
+ povPath = bpy.path.abspath(scene.pov.scene_path).replace('\\', '/')
+ if povPath == "":
+ if bpy.path.abspath("//") != "":
+ povPath = bpy.path.abspath("//")
+ else:
+ povPath = tempfile.gettempdir()
+ elif povPath.endswith("/"):
+ if povPath == "/":
+ povPath = bpy.path.abspath("//")
+ else:
+ povPath = bpy.path.abspath(scene.pov.scene_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(povPath):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(povPath)
+ except:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7: Cannot create scenes directory: %r" % povPath)
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Cannot create scenes directory %r" % \
+ povPath)
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ return
+ '''
+ # Bug in POV-Ray RC3
+ renderImagePath = bpy.path.abspath(scene.pov.renderimage_path).replace('\\','/')
+ if renderImagePath == "":
+ if bpy.path.abspath("//") != "":
+ renderImagePath = bpy.path.abspath("//")
+ else:
+ renderImagePath = tempfile.gettempdir()
+ #print("Path: " + renderImagePath)
+ elif path.endswith("/"):
+ if renderImagePath == "/":
+ renderImagePath = bpy.path.abspath("//")
+ else:
+ renderImagePath = bpy.path.abspath(scene.pov.renderimage_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7: Cannot find render image directory")
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Cannot find render image directory")
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ return
+ '''
+ # check name
+ if scene.pov.scene_name == "":
+ if blendSceneName != "":
+ povSceneName = blendSceneName
+ else:
+ povSceneName = "untitled"
+ else:
+ povSceneName = scene.pov.scene_name
+ if os.path.isfile(povSceneName):
+ povSceneName = os.path.basename(povSceneName)
+ povSceneName = povSceneName.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
+ if not povSceneName:
+ print("POV-Ray 3.7: Invalid scene name")
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Invalid scene name")
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ return
+ povSceneName = os.path.splitext(povSceneName)[0]
+ print("Scene name: " + povSceneName)
+ print("Export path: " + povPath)
+ povPath = os.path.join(povPath, povSceneName)
+ povPath = os.path.realpath(povPath)
+ # for now this has to be the same like the pov output. Bug in POV-Ray RC3.
+ # renderImagePath = renderImagePath + "\\" + povSceneName
+ renderImagePath = povPath # Bugfix for POV-Ray RC3 bug
+ # renderImagePath = os.path.realpath(renderImagePath) # Bugfix for POV-Ray RC3 bug
+ #print("Export path: %s" % povPath)
+ #print("Render Image path: %s" % renderImagePath)
+ # start export
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Exporting data from Blender")
+ self._export(scene, povPath, renderImagePath)
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Parsing File")
+ if not self._render(scene):
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Not found")
+ return
+ r = scene.render
+ # compute resolution
+ x = int(r.resolution_x * r.resolution_percentage * 0.01)
+ y = int(r.resolution_y * r.resolution_percentage * 0.01)
+ # This makes some tests on the render, returning True if all goes good, and False if
+ # it was finished one way or the other.
+ # It also pauses the script (time.sleep())
+ def _test_wait():
+ time.sleep(self.DELAY)
+ # User interrupts the rendering
+ if self.test_break():
+ try:
+ self._process.terminate()
+ print("***POV INTERRUPTED***")
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return False
+ poll_result = self._process.poll()
+ # POV process is finisehd, one way or the other
+ if poll_result is not None:
+ if poll_result < 0:
+ print("***POV PROCESS FAILED : %s ***" % poll_result)
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Failed")
+ return False
+ return True
+ # Wait for the file to be created
+ # XXX This is no more valid, as 3.7 always creates output file once render is finished!
+ parsing = re.compile(br"= \[Parsing\.\.\.\] =")
+ rendering = re.compile(br"= \[Rendering\.\.\.\] =")
+ percent = re.compile(r"\(([0-9]{1,3})%\)")
+ # print("***POV WAITING FOR FILE***")
+ data = b""
+ last_line = ""
+ while _test_wait():
+ # POV in Windows does not output its stdout/stderr, it displays them in its GUI
+ if self._is_windows:
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Rendering File")
+ else:
+ t_data = self._process.stdout.read(10000)
+ if not t_data:
+ continue
+ data += t_data
+ # XXX This is working for UNIX, not sure whether it might need adjustments for
+ # other OSs
+ # First replace is for windows
+ t_data = str(t_data).replace('\\r\\n', '\\n').replace('\\r', '\r')
+ lines = t_data.split('\\n')
+ last_line += lines[0]
+ lines[0] = last_line
+ print('\n'.join(lines), end="")
+ last_line = lines[-1]
+ if rendering.search(data):
+ _pov_rendering = True
+ match = percent.findall(str(data))
+ if match:
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Rendering File (%s%%)" % match[-1])
+ else:
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Rendering File")
+ elif parsing.search(data):
+ self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Parsing File")
+ if os.path.exists(self._temp_file_out):
+ # print("***POV FILE OK***")
+ #self.update_stats("", "POV-Ray 3.7: Rendering")
+ # prev_size = -1
+ xmin = int(r.border_min_x * x)
+ ymin = int(r.border_min_y * y)
+ xmax = int(r.border_max_x * x)
+ ymax = int(r.border_max_y * y)
+ # print("***POV UPDATING IMAGE***")
+ result = self.begin_result(0, 0, x, y)
+ # XXX, tests for border render.
+ #result = self.begin_result(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)
+ #result = self.begin_result(0, 0, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)
+ lay = result.layers[0]
+ # This assumes the file has been fully written We wait a bit, just in case!
+ time.sleep(self.DELAY)
+ try:
+ lay.load_from_file(self._temp_file_out)
+ # XXX, tests for border render.
+ #lay.load_from_file(self._temp_file_out, xmin, ymin)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Not needed right now, might only be useful if we find a way to use temp raw output of
+ # pov 3.7 (in which case it might go under _test_wait()).
+# def update_image():
+# # possible the image wont load early on.
+# try:
+# lay.load_from_file(self._temp_file_out)
+# # XXX, tests for border render.
+# #lay.load_from_file(self._temp_file_out, xmin, ymin)
+# #lay.load_from_file(self._temp_file_out, xmin, ymin)
+# except RuntimeError:
+# pass
+# # Update while POV-Ray renders
+# while True:
+# # print("***POV RENDER LOOP***")
+# # test if POV-Ray exists
+# if self._process.poll() is not None:
+# print("***POV PROCESS FINISHED***")
+# update_image()
+# break
+# # user exit
+# if self.test_break():
+# try:
+# self._process.terminate()
+# except OSError:
+# pass
+# break
+# # Would be nice to redirect the output
+# # stdout_value, stderr_value = self._process.communicate() # locks
+# # check if the file updated
+# new_size = os.path.getsize(self._temp_file_out)
+# if new_size != prev_size:
+# update_image()
+# prev_size = new_size
+# time.sleep(self.DELAY)
+ self.end_result(result)
+ else:
+ print("***POV FILE NOT FOUND***")
+ print("***POV FINISHED***")
+ self.update_stats("", "")
+ if scene.pov.tempfiles_enable or scene.pov.deletefiles_enable:
+ self._cleanup()
diff --git a/render_povray/ui.py b/render_povray/ui.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..336424bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render_povray/ui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8 compliant>
+import bpy
+# Use some of the existing buttons.
+from bl_ui import properties_render
+# properties_render.RENDER_PT_antialiasing.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('POVRAY_RENDER')
+del properties_render
+# Use only a subset of the world panels
+from bl_ui import properties_world
+del properties_world
+# Example of wrapping every class 'as is'
+from bl_ui import properties_material
+for member in dir(properties_material):
+ subclass = getattr(properties_material, member)
+ try:
+ except:
+ pass
+del properties_material
+from bl_ui import properties_data_mesh
+for member in dir(properties_data_mesh):
+ subclass = getattr(properties_data_mesh, member)
+ try:
+ except:
+ pass
+del properties_data_mesh
+from bl_ui import properties_texture
+for member in dir(properties_texture):
+ subclass = getattr(properties_texture, member)
+ try:
+ except:
+ pass
+del properties_texture
+from bl_ui import properties_data_camera
+for member in dir(properties_data_camera):
+ subclass = getattr(properties_data_camera, member)
+ try:
+ except:
+ pass
+del properties_data_camera
+from bl_ui import properties_data_lamp
+for member in dir(properties_data_lamp):
+ subclass = getattr(properties_data_lamp, member)
+ try:
+ except:
+ pass
+del properties_data_lamp
+class RenderButtonsPanel():
+ bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+ bl_context = "render"
+ # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ rd = context.scene.render
+ return (rd.use_game_engine == False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
+class MaterialButtonsPanel():
+ bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+ bl_context = "material"
+ # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ mat = context.material
+ rd = context.scene.render
+ return mat and (rd.use_game_engine == False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
+class TextureButtonsPanel():
+ bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+ bl_context = "texture"
+ # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ tex = context.texture
+ rd = context.scene.render
+ return tex and (rd.use_game_engine == False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
+class ObjectButtonsPanel():
+ bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+ bl_context = "object"
+ # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ obj = context.object
+ rd = context.scene.render
+ return obj and (rd.use_game_engine == False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
+class CameraDataButtonsPanel():
+ bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+ bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+ bl_context = "data"
+ # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ cam = context.camera
+ rd = context.scene.render
+ return cam and (rd.use_game_engine == False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
+class TextButtonsPanel():
+ bl_space_type = 'TEXT_EDITOR'
+ bl_region_type = 'UI'
+ bl_label = "P.O.V-Ray"
+ # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ text = context.space_data
+ rd = context.scene.render
+ return text and (rd.use_game_engine == False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
+class RENDER_PT_povray_export_settings(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Export Settings"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ scene = context.scene
+ rd = scene.render
+ layout.active = scene.pov.max_trace_level
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.label(text="Command line switches:")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "command_line_switches", text="")
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "tempfiles_enable", text="OS Tempfiles")
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable:
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "deletefiles_enable", text="Delete files")
+ else:
+ col = split.column()
+ split = layout.split()
+ if not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable:
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "scene_name", text="Name")
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "scene_path", text="Path to files")
+ #col.prop(scene.pov, "scene_path", text="Path to POV-file")
+ split = layout.split()
+ #col = split.column() # Bug in POV-Ray RC3
+ #col.prop(scene.pov, "renderimage_path", text="Path to image")
+ #split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "indentation_character", text="Indent")
+ col = split.column()
+ if scene.pov.indentation_character == "2":
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "indentation_spaces", text="Spaces")
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "comments_enable", text="Comments")
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "list_lf_enable", text="Line breaks in lists")
+class RENDER_PT_povray_render_settings(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Render Settings"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ scene = context.scene
+ rd = scene.render
+ layout.active = scene.pov.max_trace_level
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.label(text="Global Settings")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "max_trace_level", text="Ray Depth")
+ col.label(text="Global Photons")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "photon_max_trace_level", text="Photon Depth")
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "photon_spacing", text="Spacing")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "photon_gather_min")
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "photon_adc_bailout", text="Photon ADC")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "photon_gather_max")
+class RENDER_PT_povray_antialias(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Anti-Aliasing"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ scene = context.scene
+ self.layout.prop(scene.pov, "antialias_enable", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ scene = context.scene
+ rd = scene.render
+ layout.active = scene.pov.antialias_enable
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "antialias_method", text="")
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "jitter_enable", text="Jitter")
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "antialias_depth", text="AA Depth")
+ sub = split.column()
+ sub.prop(scene.pov, "jitter_amount", text="Jitter Amount")
+ if scene.pov.jitter_enable:
+ sub.enabled = True
+ else:
+ sub.enabled = False
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "antialias_threshold", text="AA Threshold")
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "antialias_gamma", text="AA Gamma")
+class RENDER_PT_povray_radiosity(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Radiosity"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ scene = context.scene
+ self.layout.prop(scene.pov, "radio_enable", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ scene = context.scene
+ rd = scene.render
+ layout.active = scene.pov.radio_enable
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_count", text="Rays")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_recursion_limit", text="Recursions")
+ split.prop(scene.pov, "radio_error_bound", text="Error Bound")
+ layout.prop(scene.pov, "radio_display_advanced")
+ if scene.pov.radio_display_advanced:
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_adc_bailout", slider=True)
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_gray_threshold", slider=True)
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_low_error_factor", slider=True)
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_pretrace_start", slider=True)
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_brightness")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_minimum_reuse", text="Min Reuse")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_nearest_count")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_pretrace_end", slider=True)
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.label(text="Estimation Influence:")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_media")
+ col.prop(scene.pov, "radio_normal")
+ split.prop(scene.pov, "radio_always_sample")
+class RENDER_PT_povray_media(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Atmosphere Media"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ scene = context.scene
+ self.layout.prop(scene.pov, "media_enable", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ scene = context.scene
+ rd = scene.render
+ layout.active = scene.pov.media_enable
+ row = layout.row()
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "media_samples", text="Samples")
+ row.prop(scene.pov, "media_color", text="")
+##class RENDER_PT_povray_baking(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+## bl_label = "Baking"
+## def draw_header(self, context):
+## scene = context.scene
+## self.layout.prop(scene.pov, "baking_enable", text="")
+## def draw(self, context):
+## layout = self.layout
+## scene = context.scene
+## rd = scene.render
+## layout.active = scene.pov.baking_enable
+class MATERIAL_PT_povray_mirrorIOR(MaterialButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "IOR Mirror"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ scene = context.material
+ self.layout.prop(scene.pov, "mirror_use_IOR", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ mat = context.material
+ layout.active = mat.pov.mirror_use_IOR
+ if mat.pov.mirror_use_IOR:
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ row = col.row()
+ row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+ row.label(text="The current Raytrace ")
+ row = col.row()
+ row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+ row.label(text="Transparency IOR is: " + str(mat.raytrace_transparency.ior))
+class MATERIAL_PT_povray_metallic(MaterialButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "metallic Mirror"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ scene = context.material
+ self.layout.prop(scene.pov, "mirror_metallic", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ mat = context.material
+ layout.active = mat.pov.mirror_metallic
+class MATERIAL_PT_povray_fade_color(MaterialButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Interior Fade Color"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ mat = context.material
+ self.layout.prop(mat.pov, "interior_fade_color", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ mat = context.material
+ #layout.active = mat.pov.interior_fade_color
+class MATERIAL_PT_povray_conserve_energy(MaterialButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "conserve energy"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ mat = context.material
+ self.layout.prop(mat.pov, "conserve_energy", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ mat = context.material
+ layout.active = mat.pov.conserve_energy
+class MATERIAL_PT_povray_iridescence(MaterialButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "iridescence"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ mat = context.material
+ self.layout.prop(mat.pov, "irid_enable", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ mat = context.material
+ layout.active = mat.pov.irid_enable
+ if mat.pov.irid_enable:
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "irid_amount", slider=True)
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "irid_thickness", slider=True)
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "irid_turbulence", slider=True)
+class MATERIAL_PT_povray_caustics(MaterialButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Caustics"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ mat = context.material
+ self.layout.prop(mat.pov, "caustics_enable", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ mat = context.material
+ layout.active = mat.pov.caustics_enable
+ if mat.pov.caustics_enable:
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "refraction_type")
+ if mat.pov.refraction_type == "1":
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "fake_caustics_power", slider=True)
+ elif mat.pov.refraction_type == "2":
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "photons_dispersion", slider=True)
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "photons_dispersion_samples", slider=True)
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "photons_reflection")
+ if mat.pov.refraction_type == "0" and not mat.pov.photons_reflection:
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ row = col.row()
+ row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+ row.label(text="Caustics override is on, ")
+ row = col.row()
+ row.alignment = 'CENTER'
+ row.label(text="but you didn't chose any !")
+class MATERIAL_PT_povray_replacement_text(MaterialButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Custom POV Code"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ mat = context.material
+ col = layout.column()
+ col.label(text="Replace properties with:")
+ col.prop(mat.pov, "replacement_text", text="")
+class TEXTURE_PT_povray_tex_gamma(TextureButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Image Gamma"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ tex = context.texture
+ self.layout.prop(tex.pov, "tex_gamma_enable", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ tex = context.texture
+ layout.active = tex.pov.tex_gamma_enable
+ layout.prop(tex.pov, "tex_gamma_value", text="Gamma Value")
+class TEXTURE_PT_povray_replacement_text(TextureButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Custom POV Code"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ tex = context.texture
+ col = layout.column()
+ col.label(text="Replace properties with:")
+ col.prop(tex.pov, "replacement_text", text="")
+class OBJECT_PT_povray_obj_importance(ObjectButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "POV-Ray"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ obj = context.object
+ col = layout.column()
+ col.label(text="Radiosity:")
+ col.prop(obj.pov, "importance_value", text="Importance")
+ col.label(text="Photons:")
+ col.prop(obj.pov, "collect_photons", text="Receive Photon Caustics")
+ if obj.pov.collect_photons:
+ col.prop(obj.pov, "spacing_multiplier", text="Photons Spacing Multiplier")
+class OBJECT_PT_povray_replacement_text(ObjectButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Custom POV Code"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ obj = context.object
+ col = layout.column()
+ col.label(text="Replace properties with:")
+ col.prop(obj.pov, "replacement_text", text="")
+class CAMERA_PT_povray_cam_dof(CameraDataButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "POV-Ray Depth Of Field"
+ def draw_header(self, context):
+ cam = context.camera
+ self.layout.prop(cam.pov, "dof_enable", text="")
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ cam = context.camera
+ layout.active = cam.pov.dof_enable
+ layout.prop(cam.pov, "dof_aperture")
+ split = layout.split()
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(cam.pov, "dof_samples_min")
+ col.prop(cam.pov, "dof_variance")
+ col = split.column()
+ col.prop(cam.pov, "dof_samples_max")
+ col.prop(cam.pov, "dof_confidence")
+class CAMERA_PT_povray_replacement_text(CameraDataButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "Custom POV Code"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ cam = context.camera
+ col = layout.column()
+ col.label(text="Replace properties with:")
+ col.prop(cam.pov, "replacement_text", text="")
+class TEXT_PT_povray_custom_code(TextButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+ bl_label = "P.O.V-Ray"
+ def draw(self, context):
+ layout = self.layout
+ text = context.space_data.text
+ if text:
+ layout.prop(text.pov, "custom_code", text="Add as POV code")
diff --git a/render_povray/update_files.py b/render_povray/update_files.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89d1b60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render_povray/update_files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+# <pep8 compliant>
+import bpy
+from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, \
+ FloatVectorProperty, EnumProperty
+def update2_0_0_9():
+ # Temporally register old props, so we can access their values.
+ register()
+ # Mapping old names → old default values
+ # XXX We could also store the new name, but as it is just the same without leading pov_ …
+ # Get default values of pov scene props.
+ old_sce_props = {}
+ for k in ["pov_tempfiles_enable", "pov_deletefiles_enable", "pov_scene_name", "pov_scene_path",
+ "pov_renderimage_path", "pov_list_lf_enable", "pov_radio_enable",
+ "pov_radio_display_advanced", "pov_media_enable", "pov_media_samples", "pov_media_color",
+ "pov_baking_enable", "pov_indentation_character", "pov_indentation_spaces",
+ "pov_comments_enable", "pov_command_line_switches", "pov_antialias_enable",
+ "pov_antialias_method", "pov_antialias_depth", "pov_antialias_threshold",
+ "pov_jitter_enable", "pov_jitter_amount", "pov_antialias_gamma", "pov_max_trace_level",
+ "pov_photon_spacing", "pov_photon_max_trace_level", "pov_photon_adc_bailout",
+ "pov_photon_gather_min", "pov_photon_gather_max", "pov_radio_adc_bailout",
+ "pov_radio_always_sample", "pov_radio_brightness", "pov_radio_count",
+ "pov_radio_error_bound", "pov_radio_gray_threshold", "pov_radio_low_error_factor",
+ "pov_radio_media", "pov_radio_minimum_reuse", "pov_radio_nearest_count",
+ "pov_radio_normal", "pov_radio_recursion_limit", "pov_radio_pretrace_start",
+ "pov_radio_pretrace_end"]:
+ old_sce_props[k] = getattr(bpy.types.Scene, k)[1].get('default', None)
+ # Get default values of pov material props.
+ old_mat_props = {}
+ for k in ["pov_irid_enable", "pov_mirror_use_IOR", "pov_mirror_metallic", "pov_conserve_energy",
+ "pov_irid_amount", "pov_irid_thickness", "pov_irid_turbulence", "pov_interior_fade_color",
+ "pov_caustics_enable", "pov_fake_caustics", "pov_fake_caustics_power",
+ "pov_photons_refraction", "pov_photons_dispersion", "pov_photons_reflection",
+ "pov_refraction_type", "pov_replacement_text"]:
+ old_mat_props[k] = getattr(bpy.types.Material, k)[1].get('default', None)
+ # Get default values of pov texture props.
+ old_tex_props = {}
+ for k in ["pov_tex_gamma_enable", "pov_tex_gamma_value", "pov_replacement_text"]:
+ old_tex_props[k] = getattr(bpy.types.Texture, k)[1].get('default', None)
+ # Get default values of pov object props.
+ old_obj_props = {}
+ for k in ["pov_importance_value", "pov_collect_photons", "pov_replacement_text"]:
+ old_obj_props[k] = getattr(bpy.types.Object, k)[1].get('default', None)
+ # Get default values of pov camera props.
+ old_cam_props = {}
+ for k in ["pov_dof_enable", "pov_dof_aperture", "pov_dof_samples_min", "pov_dof_samples_max",
+ "pov_dof_variance", "pov_dof_confidence", "pov_replacement_text"]:
+ old_cam_props[k] = getattr(bpy.types.Camera, k)[1].get('default', None)
+ # Get default values of pov text props.
+ old_txt_props = {}
+ for k in ["pov_custom_code"]:
+ old_txt_props[k] = getattr(bpy.types.Text, k)[1].get('default', None)
+ ################################################################################################
+ # Now, update !
+ # For each old pov property of each scene, if its value is not equal to the default one,
+ # copy it to relevant new prop…
+ for sce in bpy.data.scenes:
+ for k, d in old_sce_props.items():
+ val = getattr(sce, k, d)
+ if val != d:
+ setattr(sce.pov, k[4:], val)
+ # The same goes for materials, textures, etc.
+ for mat in bpy.data.materials:
+ for k, d in old_mat_props.items():
+ val = getattr(mat, k, d)
+ if val != d:
+ setattr(mat.pov, k[4:], val)
+ for tex in bpy.data.textures:
+ for k, d in old_tex_props.items():
+ val = getattr(tex, k, d)
+ if val != d:
+ setattr(tex.pov, k[4:], val)
+ for obj in bpy.data.objects:
+ for k, d in old_obj_props.items():
+ val = getattr(obj, k, d)
+ if val != d:
+ setattr(obj.pov, k[4:], val)
+ for cam in bpy.data.cameras:
+ for k, d in old_cam_props.items():
+ val = getattr(cam, k, d)
+ if val != d:
+ setattr(cam.pov, k[4:], val)
+ for txt in bpy.data.texts:
+ for k, d in old_txt_props.items():
+ val = getattr(txt, k, d)
+ if val != d:
+ setattr(txt.pov, k[4:], val)
+ # Finally, unregister old props !
+ unregister()
+class RenderCopySettings(bpy.types.Operator):
+ '''
+ Update old POV properties to new ones.
+ '''
+ bl_idname = "scene.pov_update_properties"
+ bl_label = "PovRay render: Update to script v0.0.9"
+ bl_option = {'REGISTER'}
+ @classmethod
+ def poll(cls, context):
+ return True
+ def execute(self, context):
+ update2_0_0_9()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+def register():
+ Scene = bpy.types.Scene
+ Mat = bpy.types.Material
+ Tex = bpy.types.Texture
+ Obj = bpy.types.Object
+ Cam = bpy.types.Camera
+ Text = bpy.types.Text
+ ###########################SCENE##################################
+ # File Options
+ Scene.pov_tempfiles_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Tempfiles",
+ description="Enable the OS-Tempfiles. Otherwise set the path where to save the files.",
+ default=True)
+ Scene.pov_deletefiles_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Delete files",
+ description="Delete files after rendering. Doesn't work with the image.",
+ default=True)
+ Scene.pov_scene_name = StringProperty(
+ name="Scene Name",
+ description="Name of POV-Ray scene to create. Empty name will use the name of the blend file.",
+ default="", maxlen=1024)
+ Scene.pov_scene_path = StringProperty(
+ name="Export scene path",
+ # description="Path to directory where the exported scene (POV and INI) is created", # Bug in POV-Ray RC3
+ description="Path to directory where the files are created",
+ default="", maxlen=1024, subtype="DIR_PATH")
+ Scene.pov_renderimage_path = StringProperty(
+ name="Rendered image path",
+ description="Full path to directory where the rendered image is saved.",
+ default="", maxlen=1024, subtype="DIR_PATH")
+ Scene.pov_list_lf_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="LF in lists",
+ description="Enable line breaks in lists (vectors and indices). Disabled: lists are exported in one line.",
+ default=True)
+ # Not a real pov option, just to know if we should write
+ Scene.pov_radio_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Radiosity",
+ description="Enable POV-Rays radiosity calculation",
+ default=False)
+ Scene.pov_radio_display_advanced = BoolProperty(
+ name="Advanced Options",
+ description="Show advanced options",
+ default=False)
+ Scene.pov_media_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Media",
+ description="Enable POV-Rays atmospheric media",
+ default=False)
+ Scene.pov_media_samples = IntProperty(
+ name="Samples", description="Number of samples taken from camera to first object encountered along ray path for media calculation",
+ min=1, max=100, default=35)
+ Scene.pov_media_color = FloatVectorProperty(
+ name="Media Color",
+ description="The atmospheric media color.",
+ subtype='COLOR',
+ precision=4,
+ step=0.01,
+ min=0,
+ soft_max=1,
+ default=(0.001, 0.001, 0.001),
+ options={'ANIMATABLE'})
+ Scene.pov_baking_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Baking",
+ description="Enable POV-Rays texture baking",
+ default=False)
+ Scene.pov_indentation_character = EnumProperty(
+ name="Indentation",
+ description="Select the indentation type",
+ items=(("0", "None", "No indentation"),
+ ("1", "Tabs", "Indentation with tabs"),
+ ("2", "Spaces", "Indentation with spaces")),
+ default="2")
+ Scene.pov_indentation_spaces = IntProperty(
+ name="Quantity of spaces",
+ description="The number of spaces for indentation",
+ min=1, max=10, default=4)
+ Scene.pov_comments_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Comments",
+ description="Add comments to pov file",
+ default=True)
+ # Real pov options
+ Scene.pov_command_line_switches = StringProperty(name="Command Line Switches",
+ description="Command line switches consist of a + (plus) or - (minus) sign, followed by one or more alphabetic characters and possibly a numeric value.",
+ default="", maxlen=500)
+ Scene.pov_antialias_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Anti-Alias", description="Enable Anti-Aliasing",
+ default=True)
+ Scene.pov_antialias_method = EnumProperty(
+ name="Method",
+ description="AA-sampling method. Type 1 is an adaptive, non-recursive, super-sampling method. Type 2 is an adaptive and recursive super-sampling method.",
+ items=(("0", "non-recursive AA", "Type 1 Sampling in POV-Ray"),
+ ("1", "recursive AA", "Type 2 Sampling in POV-Ray")),
+ default="1")
+ Scene.pov_antialias_depth = IntProperty(
+ name="Antialias Depth", description="Depth of pixel for sampling",
+ min=1, max=9, default=3)
+ Scene.pov_antialias_threshold = FloatProperty(
+ name="Antialias Threshold", description="Tolerance for sub-pixels",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.05, soft_max=0.5, default=0.1)
+ Scene.pov_jitter_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Jitter", description="Enable Jittering. Adds noise into the sampling process (it should be avoided to use jitter in animation).",
+ default=True)
+ Scene.pov_jitter_amount = FloatProperty(
+ name="Jitter Amount", description="Amount of jittering.",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.0, default=1.0)
+ Scene.pov_antialias_gamma = FloatProperty(
+ name="Antialias Gamma", description="POV-Ray compares gamma-adjusted values for super sampling. Antialias Gamma sets the Gamma before comparison.",
+ min=0.0, max=5.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=2.5, default=2.5)
+ Scene.pov_max_trace_level = IntProperty(
+ name="Max Trace Level", description="Number of reflections/refractions allowed on ray path",
+ min=1, max=256, default=5)
+ Scene.pov_photon_spacing = FloatProperty(
+ name="Spacing", description="Average distance between photons on surfaces. half this get four times as many surface photons",
+ min=0.001, max=1.000, soft_min=0.001, soft_max=1.000, default=0.005, precision=3)
+ Scene.pov_photon_max_trace_level = IntProperty(
+ name="Max Trace Level", description="Number of reflections/refractions allowed on ray path",
+ min=1, max=256, default=5)
+ Scene.pov_photon_adc_bailout = FloatProperty(
+ name="ADC Bailout", description="The adc_bailout for photons. Use adc_bailout = 0.01 / brightest_ambient_object for good results",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, default=0.1, precision=3)
+ Scene.pov_photon_gather_min = IntProperty(
+ name="Gather Min", description="Minimum number of photons gathered for each point",
+ min=1, max=256, default=20)
+ Scene.pov_photon_gather_max = IntProperty(
+ name="Gather Max", description="Maximum number of photons gathered for each point",
+ min=1, max=256, default=100)
+ Scene.pov_radio_adc_bailout = FloatProperty(
+ name="ADC Bailout", description="The adc_bailout for radiosity rays. Use adc_bailout = 0.01 / brightest_ambient_object for good results",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, default=0.01, precision=3)
+ Scene.pov_radio_always_sample = BoolProperty(
+ name="Always Sample", description="Only use the data from the pretrace step and not gather any new samples during the final radiosity pass",
+ default=True)
+ Scene.pov_radio_brightness = FloatProperty(
+ name="Brightness", description="Amount objects are brightened before being returned upwards to the rest of the system",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=10.0, default=1.0)
+ Scene.pov_radio_count = IntProperty(
+ name="Ray Count", description="Number of rays for each new radiosity value to be calculated (halton sequence over 1600)",
+ min=1, max=10000, soft_max=1600, default=35)
+ Scene.pov_radio_error_bound = FloatProperty(
+ name="Error Bound", description="One of the two main speed/quality tuning values, lower values are more accurate",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=10.0, default=1.8)
+ Scene.pov_radio_gray_threshold = FloatProperty(
+ name="Gray Threshold", description="One of the two main speed/quality tuning values, lower values are more accurate",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, default=0.0)
+ Scene.pov_radio_low_error_factor = FloatProperty(
+ name="Low Error Factor", description="Just enough samples is slightly blotchy. Low error changes error tolerance for less critical last refining pass",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, default=0.5)
+ # max_sample - not available yet
+ Scene.pov_radio_media = BoolProperty(
+ name="Media", description="Radiosity estimation can be affected by media",
+ default=False)
+ Scene.pov_radio_minimum_reuse = FloatProperty(
+ name="Minimum Reuse", description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the minimum radius of reuse for each sample point (At values higher than 2% expect errors)",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=0.1, default=0.015, precision=3)
+ Scene.pov_radio_nearest_count = IntProperty(
+ name="Nearest Count", description="Number of old ambient values blended together to create a new interpolated value",
+ min=1, max=20, default=5)
+ Scene.pov_radio_normal = BoolProperty(
+ name="Normals", description="Radiosity estimation can be affected by normals",
+ default=False)
+ Scene.pov_radio_recursion_limit = IntProperty(
+ name="Recursion Limit", description="how many recursion levels are used to calculate the diffuse inter-reflection",
+ min=1, max=20, default=3)
+ Scene.pov_radio_pretrace_start = FloatProperty(
+ name="Pretrace Start", description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the size of the blocks in the mosaic preview first pass",
+ min=0.01, max=1.00, soft_min=0.02, soft_max=1.0, default=0.08)
+ Scene.pov_radio_pretrace_end = FloatProperty(
+ name="Pretrace End", description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the size of the blocks in the mosaic preview last pass",
+ min=0.001, max=1.00, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.00, default=0.04, precision=3)
+ #############################MATERIAL######################################
+ Mat.pov_irid_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable Iridescence",
+ description="Newton's thin film interference (like an oil slick on a puddle of water or the rainbow hues of a soap bubble.)",
+ default=False)
+ Mat.pov_mirror_use_IOR = BoolProperty(
+ name="Correct Reflection",
+ description="Use same IOR as raytrace transparency to calculate mirror reflections. More physically correct",
+ default=False)
+ Mat.pov_mirror_metallic = BoolProperty(
+ name="Metallic Reflection",
+ description="mirror reflections get colored as diffuse (for metallic materials)",
+ default=False)
+ Mat.pov_conserve_energy = BoolProperty(
+ name="Conserve Energy",
+ description="Light transmitted is more correctly reduced by mirror reflections, also the sum of diffuse and translucency gets reduced below one ",
+ default=True)
+ Mat.pov_irid_amount = FloatProperty(
+ name="amount",
+ description="Contribution of the iridescence effect to the overall surface color. As a rule of thumb keep to around 0.25 (25% contribution) or less, but experiment. If the surface is coming out too white, try lowering the diffuse and possibly the ambient values of the surface.",
+ min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.0, default=0.25)
+ Mat.pov_irid_thickness = FloatProperty(
+ name="thickness",
+ description="A very thin film will have a high frequency of color changes while a thick film will have large areas of color.",
+ min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=10.0, default=1)
+ Mat.pov_irid_turbulence = FloatProperty(
+ name="turbulence",
+ description="This parameter varies the thickness.",
+ min=0.0, max=10.0, soft_min=0.000, soft_max=1.0, default=0)
+ Mat.pov_interior_fade_color = FloatVectorProperty(
+ name="Fade Color",
+ description="Color of filtered attenuation for transparent materials",
+ subtype='COLOR',
+ precision=4,
+ step=0.01,
+ min=0.0,
+ soft_max=1.0,
+ default=(0, 0, 0),
+ options={'ANIMATABLE'})
+ Mat.pov_caustics_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Caustics",
+ description="use only fake refractive caustics (default) or photon based reflective/refractive caustics",
+ default=True)
+ Mat.pov_fake_caustics = BoolProperty(
+ name="Fake Caustics",
+ description="use only (Fast) fake refractive caustics",
+ default=True)
+ Mat.pov_fake_caustics_power = FloatProperty(
+ name="Fake caustics power",
+ description="Values typically range from 0.0 to 1.0 or higher. Zero is no caustics. Low, non-zero values give broad hot-spots while higher values give tighter, smaller simulated focal points",
+ min=0.00, max=10.0, soft_min=0.00, soft_max=1.10, default=0.1)
+ Mat.pov_photons_refraction = BoolProperty(
+ name="Refractive Photon Caustics",
+ description="more physically correct",
+ default=False)
+ Mat.pov_photons_dispersion = FloatProperty(
+ name="chromatic dispersion",
+ description="Light passing through will be separated according to wavelength. This ratio of refractive indices for violet to red controls how much the colors are spread out 1 = no dispersion, good values are 1.01 to 1.1",
+ min=1.0000, max=10.000, soft_min=1.0000, soft_max=1.1000, precision=4, default=1.0000)
+ Mat.pov_photons_reflection = BoolProperty(
+ name="Reflective Photon Caustics",
+ description="Use this to make your Sauron's ring ;-P",
+ default=False)
+ Mat.pov_refraction_type = EnumProperty(
+ items=[("0", "None", "use only reflective caustics"),
+ ("1", "Fake Caustics", "use fake caustics"),
+ ("2", "Photons Caustics", "use photons for refractive caustics"),
+ ],
+ name="Refractive",
+ description="use fake caustics (fast) or true photons for refractive Caustics",
+ default="1")
+ ##################################CustomPOV Code############################
+ Mat.pov_replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Declared name:",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external .inc it points at. texture {} expected",
+ default="")
+ #Only DUMMIES below for now:
+ Tex.pov_replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Declared name:",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external .inc it points at. pigment {} expected",
+ default="")
+ Obj.pov_replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Declared name:",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external .inc it points at. Any POV shape expected e.g: isosurface {}",
+ default="")
+ Cam.pov_replacement_text = StringProperty(
+ name="Texts in blend file",
+ description="Type the declared name in custom POV code or an external .inc it points at. camera {} expected",
+ default="")
+ ##############################TEXTURE######################################
+ #Custom texture gamma
+ Tex.pov_tex_gamma_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Enable custom texture gamma",
+ description="Notify some custom gamma for which texture has been precorrected without the file format carrying it and only if it differs from your OS expected standard (see pov doc)",
+ default=False)
+ Tex.pov_tex_gamma_value = FloatProperty(
+ name="Custom texture gamma",
+ description="value for which the file was issued e.g. a Raw photo is gamma 1.0",
+ min=0.45, max=5.00, soft_min=1.00, soft_max=2.50, default=1.00)
+ #################################OBJECT####################################
+ #Importance sampling
+ Obj.pov_importance_value = FloatProperty(
+ name="Radiosity Importance",
+ description="Priority value relative to other objects for sampling radiosity rays. Increase to get more radiosity rays at comparatively small yet bright objects",
+ min=0.01, max=1.00, default=1.00)
+ #Collect photons
+ Obj.pov_collect_photons = BoolProperty(
+ name="Receive Photon Caustics",
+ description="Enable object to collect photons from other objects caustics. Turn off for objects that don't really need to receive caustics (e.g. objects that generate caustics often don't need to show any on themselves) ",
+ default=True)
+ ##################################CAMERA###################################
+ #DOF Toggle
+ Cam.pov_dof_enable = BoolProperty(
+ name="Depth Of Field",
+ description="Enable POV-Ray Depth Of Field ",
+ default=True)
+ #Aperture (Intensity of the Blur)
+ Cam.pov_dof_aperture = FloatProperty(
+ name="Aperture",
+ description="Similar to a real camera's aperture effect over focal blur (though not in physical units and independant of focal length).Increase to get more blur",
+ min=0.01, max=1.00, default=0.25)
+ #Aperture adaptive sampling
+ Cam.pov_dof_samples_min = IntProperty(
+ name="Samples Min",
+ description="Minimum number of rays to use for each pixel",
+ min=1, max=128, default=96)
+ Cam.pov_dof_samples_max = IntProperty(
+ name="Samples Max",
+ description="Maximum number of rays to use for each pixel",
+ min=1, max=128, default=128)
+ Cam.pov_dof_variance = IntProperty(
+ name="Variance",
+ description="Minimum threshold (fractional value) for adaptive DOF sampling (up increases quality and render time). The value for the variance should be in the range of the smallest displayable color difference",
+ min=1, max=100000, soft_max=10000, default=256)
+ Cam.pov_dof_confidence = FloatProperty(
+ name="Confidence",
+ description="Probability to reach the real color value. Larger confidence values will lead to more samples, slower traces and better images.",
+ min=0.01, max=0.99, default=0.90)
+ ###################################TEXT####################################
+ Text.pov_custom_code = BoolProperty(
+ name="Custom Code",
+ description="Add this text at the top of the exported POV-Ray file",
+ default=False)
+def unregister():
+ Scene = bpy.types.Scene
+ Mat = bpy.types.Material
+ Tex = bpy.types.Texture
+ Obj = bpy.types.Object
+ Cam = bpy.types.Camera
+ Text = bpy.types.Text
+ del Scene.pov_tempfiles_enable # CR
+ del Scene.pov_scene_name # CR
+ del Scene.pov_deletefiles_enable # CR
+ del Scene.pov_scene_path # CR
+ del Scene.pov_renderimage_path # CR
+ del Scene.pov_list_lf_enable # CR
+ del Scene.pov_radio_enable
+ del Scene.pov_radio_display_advanced
+ del Scene.pov_radio_adc_bailout
+ del Scene.pov_radio_always_sample
+ del Scene.pov_radio_brightness
+ del Scene.pov_radio_count
+ del Scene.pov_radio_error_bound
+ del Scene.pov_radio_gray_threshold
+ del Scene.pov_radio_low_error_factor
+ del Scene.pov_radio_media
+ del Scene.pov_radio_minimum_reuse
+ del Scene.pov_radio_nearest_count
+ del Scene.pov_radio_normal
+ del Scene.pov_radio_recursion_limit
+ del Scene.pov_radio_pretrace_start # MR
+ del Scene.pov_radio_pretrace_end # MR
+ del Scene.pov_media_enable # MR
+ del Scene.pov_media_samples # MR
+ del Scene.pov_media_color # MR
+ del Scene.pov_baking_enable # MR
+ del Scene.pov_max_trace_level # MR
+ del Scene.pov_photon_spacing # MR
+ del Scene.pov_photon_max_trace_level # MR
+ del Scene.pov_photon_adc_bailout # MR
+ del Scene.pov_photon_gather_min # MR
+ del Scene.pov_photon_gather_max # MR
+ del Scene.pov_antialias_enable # CR
+ del Scene.pov_antialias_method # CR
+ del Scene.pov_antialias_depth # CR
+ del Scene.pov_antialias_threshold # CR
+ del Scene.pov_antialias_gamma # CR
+ del Scene.pov_jitter_enable # CR
+ del Scene.pov_jitter_amount # CR
+ del Scene.pov_command_line_switches # CR
+ del Scene.pov_indentation_character # CR
+ del Scene.pov_indentation_spaces # CR
+ del Scene.pov_comments_enable # CR
+ del Mat.pov_irid_enable # MR
+ del Mat.pov_mirror_use_IOR # MR
+ del Mat.pov_mirror_metallic # MR
+ del Mat.pov_conserve_energy # MR
+ del Mat.pov_irid_amount # MR
+ del Mat.pov_irid_thickness # MR
+ del Mat.pov_irid_turbulence # MR
+ del Mat.pov_interior_fade_color # MR
+ del Mat.pov_caustics_enable # MR
+ del Mat.pov_fake_caustics # MR
+ del Mat.pov_fake_caustics_power # MR
+ del Mat.pov_photons_refraction # MR
+ del Mat.pov_photons_dispersion # MR
+ del Mat.pov_photons_reflection # MR
+ del Mat.pov_refraction_type # MR
+ del Mat.pov_replacement_text # MR
+ del Tex.pov_tex_gamma_enable # MR
+ del Tex.pov_tex_gamma_value # MR
+ del Tex.pov_replacement_text # MR
+ del Obj.pov_importance_value # MR
+ del Obj.pov_collect_photons # MR
+ del Obj.pov_replacement_text # MR
+ del Cam.pov_dof_enable # MR
+ del Cam.pov_dof_aperture # MR
+ del Cam.pov_dof_samples_min # MR
+ del Cam.pov_dof_samples_max # MR
+ del Cam.pov_dof_variance # MR
+ del Cam.pov_dof_confidence # MR
+ del Cam.pov_replacement_text # MR
+ del Text.pov_custom_code # MR