# gpl author: Mano-Wii bl_info = { "name": "Arrange on Curve", "author": "Mano-Wii", "version": (6, 3, 0), "blender": (2, 7, 7), "location": "3D View > Toolshelf > Create > Arrange on Curve", "description": "Arrange objects along a curve", "warning": "Select curve", "wiki_url": "", "category": "3D View" } # Note: scene properties are moved into __init__ # search for patterns advanced_objects and adv_obj import bpy import mathutils from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, ) from bpy.props import ( EnumProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, ) FLT_MIN = 0.004 class PanelDupliCurve(Panel): bl_idname = "VIEW3D_PT_arranjar_numa_curva" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "TOOLS" bl_context = "objectmode" bl_category = "Create" bl_label = "Arrange on Curve" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object and context.mode == 'OBJECT' and context.object.type == 'CURVE' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout adv_obj = context.scene.advanced_objects layout.prop(adv_obj, "arrange_c_use_selected") if not adv_obj.arrange_c_use_selected: layout.prop(adv_obj, "arrange_c_select_type", expand=True) if adv_obj.arrange_c_select_type == 'O': layout.column(align=True).prop_search( adv_obj, "arrange_c_obj_arranjar", bpy.data, "objects" ) elif adv_obj.arrange_c_select_type == 'G': layout.column(align=True).prop_search( adv_obj, "arrange_c_obj_arranjar", bpy.data, "groups" ) if context.object.type == 'CURVE': layout.operator("object.arranjar_numa_curva", text="Arrange Objects") class DupliCurve(Operator): bl_idname = "object.arranjar_numa_curva" bl_label = "Arrange Objects along a Curve" bl_description = "Arange chosen / selected objects along the Active Curve" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} use_distance = EnumProperty( name="Arrangement", items=[ ("D", "Distance", "Objects are arranged depending on the distance", 0), ("Q", "Quantity", "Objects are arranged depending on the quantity", 1), ("R", "Range", "Objects are arranged uniformly between the corners", 2) ] ) distance = FloatProperty( name="Distance", description="Distance between Objects", default=1.0, min=FLT_MIN, soft_min=0.1, unit='LENGTH', ) object_qt = IntProperty( name="Quantity", description="Object amount", default=2, min=0, ) scale = FloatProperty( name="Scale", description="Object Scale", default=1.0, min=FLT_MIN, unit='LENGTH', ) Yaw = FloatProperty( name="X", description="Rotate around the X axis (Yaw)", default=0.0, unit='ROTATION' ) Pitch = FloatProperty( default=0.0, description="Rotate around the Y axis (Pitch)", name="Y", unit='ROTATION' ) Roll = FloatProperty( default=0.0, description="Rotate around the Z axis (Roll)", name="Z", unit='ROTATION' ) max_angle = FloatProperty( default=1.57079, max=3.141592, name="Angle", unit='ROTATION' ) offset = FloatProperty( default=0.0, name="Offset", unit='LENGTH' ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.mode == 'OBJECT' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column() col.prop(self, "use_distance", text="") col = layout.column(align=True) if self.use_distance == "D": col.prop(self, "distance") elif self.use_distance == "Q": col.prop(self, "object_qt") else: col.prop(self, "distance") col.prop(self, "max_angle") col.prop(self, "offset") col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "scale") col.prop(self, "Yaw") col.prop(self, "Pitch") col.prop(self, "Roll") def Glpoints(self, curve): Gpoints = [] for i, spline in enumerate(curve.data.splines): segments = len(spline.bezier_points) if segments >= 2: r = spline.resolution_u + 1 points = [] for j in range(segments): bp1 = spline.bezier_points[j] inext = (j + 1) if inext == segments: if not spline.use_cyclic_u: break inext = 0 bp2 = spline.bezier_points[inext] if bp1.handle_right_type == bp2.handle_left_type == 'VECTOR': _points = (bp1.co, bp2.co) if j == 0 else (bp2.co,) else: knot1 = bp1.co handle1 = bp1.handle_right handle2 = bp2.handle_left knot2 = bp2.co _points = mathutils.geometry.interpolate_bezier(knot1, handle1, handle2, knot2, r) points.extend(_points) Gpoints.append(tuple((curve.matrix_world * p for p in points))) elif len(spline.points) >= 2: l = [curve.matrix_world * p.co.xyz for p in spline.points] if spline.use_cyclic_u: l.append(l[0]) Gpoints.append(tuple(l)) if self.use_distance == "R": max_angle = self.max_angle tmp_Gpoints = [] sp = Gpoints[i] sp2 = [sp[0], sp[1]] lp = sp[1] v1 = lp - sp[0] for p in sp[2:]: v2 = p - lp try: if (3.14158 - v1.angle(v2)) < max_angle: tmp_Gpoints.append(tuple(sp2)) sp2 = [lp] except Exception as e: print("\n[Add Advanced Objects]\nOperator: " "object.arranjar_numa_curva\nError: {}".format(e)) pass sp2.append(p) v1 = v2 lp = p tmp_Gpoints.append(tuple(sp2)) Gpoints = Gpoints[:i] + tmp_Gpoints lengths = [] if self.use_distance != "D": for sp in Gpoints: lp = sp[1] leng = (lp - sp[0]).length for p in sp[2:]: leng += (p - lp).length lp = p lengths.append(leng) return Gpoints, lengths def execute(self, context): if context.object.type != 'CURVE': return {'CANCELLED'} curve = context.active_object Gpoints, lengs = self.Glpoints(curve) adv_obj = context.scene.advanced_objects if adv_obj.arrange_c_use_selected: G_Objeto = context.selected_objects G_Objeto.remove(curve) if not G_Objeto: return {'CANCELLED'} elif adv_obj.arrange_c_select_type == 'O': G_Objeto = bpy.data.objects[adv_obj.arrange_c_obj_arranjar], elif adv_obj.arrange_c_select_type == 'G': G_Objeto = bpy.data.groups[adv_obj.arrange_c_obj_arranjar].objects yawMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(self.Yaw, 4, 'X') pitchMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(self.Pitch, 4, 'Y') rollMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(self.Roll, 4, 'Z') max_angle = self.max_angle # max_angle is called in Glpoints if self.use_distance == "D": dist = self.distance for sp_points in Gpoints: dx = 0.0 # Length of initial calculation of section last_point = sp_points[0] j = 0 for point in sp_points[1:]: vetorx = point - last_point # Vector spline section quat = mathutils.Vector.to_track_quat(vetorx, 'X', 'Z') # Tracking the selected objects quat = quat.to_matrix().to_4x4() v_len = vetorx.length if v_len > 0.0: dx += v_len # Defined length calculation equal total length of the spline section v_norm = vetorx / v_len while dx > dist: object = G_Objeto[j % len(G_Objeto)] j += 1 dx -= dist # Calculating the remaining length of the section obj = object.copy() context.scene.objects.link(obj) obj.matrix_world = quat * yawMatrix * pitchMatrix * rollMatrix # Placing in the correct position obj.matrix_world.translation = point - v_norm * dx obj.scale *= self.scale last_point = point elif self.use_distance == "Q": object_qt = self.object_qt + 1 for i, sp_points in enumerate(Gpoints): dx = 0.0 # Length of initial calculation of section dist = lengs[i] / object_qt last_point = sp_points[0] j = 0 for point in sp_points[1:]: vetorx = point - last_point # Vector spline section # Tracking the selected objects quat = mathutils.Vector.to_track_quat(vetorx, 'X', 'Z') quat = quat.to_matrix().to_4x4() v_len = vetorx.length if v_len > 0.0: # Defined length calculation equal total length of the spline section dx += v_len v_norm = vetorx / v_len while dx > dist: object = G_Objeto[j % len(G_Objeto)] j += 1 dx -= dist # Calculating the remaining length of the section obj = object.copy() context.scene.objects.link(obj) obj.matrix_world = quat * yawMatrix * pitchMatrix * rollMatrix # Placing in the correct position obj.matrix_world.translation = point - v_norm * dx obj.scale *= self.scale last_point = point else: dist = self.distance offset2 = 2 * self.offset for i, sp_points in enumerate(Gpoints): leng = lengs[i] - offset2 rest = leng % dist offset = offset2 + rest leng -= rest offset /= 2 last_point = sp_points[0] dx = dist - offset # Length of initial calculation of section j = 0 for point in sp_points[1:]: vetorx = point - last_point # Vector spline section # Tracking the selected objects quat = mathutils.Vector.to_track_quat(vetorx, 'X', 'Z') quat = quat.to_matrix().to_4x4() v_len = vetorx.length if v_len > 0.0: dx += v_len v_norm = vetorx / v_len while dx >= dist and leng >= 0.0: leng -= dist dx -= dist # Calculating the remaining length of the section object = G_Objeto[j % len(G_Objeto)] j += 1 obj = object.copy() context.scene.objects.link(obj) obj.matrix_world = quat * yawMatrix * pitchMatrix * rollMatrix # Placing in the correct position obj.matrix_world.translation = point - v_norm * dx obj.scale *= self.scale last_point = point return {"FINISHED"} def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(PanelDupliCurve) bpy.utils.register_class(DupliCurve) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(PanelDupliCurve) bpy.utils.unregister_class(DupliCurve) if __name__ == "__main__": register()