# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### """ bl_info = { "name": "Curveaceous Galore!", "author": "Jimmy Hazevoet, testscreenings", "version": (0, 2, 3), "blender": (2, 80), "location": "View3D > Add > Curve", "description": "Adds many different types of Curves", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/" "Scripts/Curve/Curves_Galore", "category": "Add Curve", } """ import bpy from bpy_extras import object_utils from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, FloatVectorProperty ) from mathutils import Matrix, Vector from bpy.types import Operator from math import ( sin, cos, pi ) import mathutils.noise as Noise # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Some functions to use with others: # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate random number: def randnum(low=0.0, high=1.0, seed=0): """ randnum( low=0.0, high=1.0, seed=0 ) Create random number Parameters: low - lower range (type=float) high - higher range (type=float) seed - the random seed number, if seed is 0, the current time will be used instead (type=int) Returns: a random number (type=float) """ Noise.seed_set(seed) rnum = Noise.random() rnum = rnum * (high - low) rnum = rnum + low return rnum # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Make some noise: def vTurbNoise(x, y, z, iScale=0.25, Size=1.0, Depth=6, Hard=False, Basis=0, Seed=0): """ vTurbNoise((x,y,z), iScale=0.25, Size=1.0, Depth=6, Hard=0, Basis=0, Seed=0 ) Create randomised vTurbulence noise Parameters: xyz - (x,y,z) float values. (type=3-float tuple) iScale - noise intensity scale (type=float) Size - noise size (type=float) Depth - number of noise values added. (type=int) Hard - noise hardness: True - soft noise; False - hard noise (type=int) basis - type of noise used for turbulence (type=int) Seed - the random seed number, if seed is 0, the current time will be used instead (type=int) Returns: the generated turbulence vector. (type=3-float list) """ rand = randnum(-100, 100, Seed) if Basis is 9: Basis = 14 vec = Vector((x / Size + rand, y / Size + rand, z / Size + rand)) vTurb = Noise.turbulence_vector(vec, Depth, Hard) #mathutils.noise.turbulence_vector(position, octaves, hard, noise_basis='PERLIN_ORIGINAL', amplitude_scale=0.5, frequency_scale=2.0) tx = vTurb[0] * iScale ty = vTurb[1] * iScale tz = vTurb[2] * iScale return tx, ty, tz # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2D Curve shape functions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Profile: L, H, T, U, Z def ProfileCurve(type=0, a=0.25, b=0.25): """ ProfileCurve( type=0, a=0.25, b=0.25 ) Create profile curve Parameters: type - select profile type, L, H, T, U, Z (type=int) a - a scaling parameter (type=float) b - b scaling parameter (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] if type is 1: # H: a *= 0.5 b *= 0.5 newpoints = [ [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, b, 0.0], [1.0 - a, b, 0.0], [1.0 - a, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0 - a, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0 - a, -b, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, -b, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0] ] elif type is 2: # T: a *= 0.5 newpoints = [ [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0 - b, 0.0], [a, 1.0 - b, 0.0], [a, -1.0, 0.0], [-a, -1.0, 0.0], [-a, 1.0 - b, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0 - b, 0.0] ] elif type is 3: # U: a *= 0.5 newpoints = [ [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, -1.0 + b, 0.0], [1.0 - a, -1.0 + b, 0.0], [1.0 - a, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0] ] elif type is 4: # Z: a *= 0.5 newpoints = [ [-0.5, 1.0, 0.0], [a, 1.0, 0.0], [a, -1.0 + b, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0 + b, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-a, -1.0, 0.0], [-a, 1.0 - b, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0 - b, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0] ] else: # L: newpoints = [ [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, -1.0 + b, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0 + b, 0.0], [1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0] ] return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Arrow def ArrowCurve(type=1, a=1.0, b=0.5): """ ArrowCurve( type=1, a=1.0, b=0.5, c=1.0 ) Create arrow curve Parameters: type - select type, Arrow1, Arrow2 (type=int) a - a scaling parameter (type=float) b - b scaling parameter (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] if type is 0: # Arrow1: a *= 0.5 b *= 0.5 newpoints = [ [-1.0, b, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, b, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0 + a, -b, 0.0], [-1.0, -b, 0.0] ] elif type is 1: # Arrow2: newpoints = [[-a, b, 0.0], [a, 0.0, 0.0], [-a, -b, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] else: # diamond: newpoints = [[0.0, b, 0.0], [a, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -b, 0.0], [-a, 0.0, 0.0]] return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Square / Rectangle def RectCurve(type=1, a=1.0, b=0.5, c=1.0): """ RectCurve( type=1, a=1.0, b=0.5, c=1.0 ) Create square / rectangle curve Parameters: type - select type, Square, Rounded square 1, Rounded square 2 (type=int) a - a scaling parameter (type=float) b - b scaling parameter (type=float) c - c scaling parameter (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] if type is 1: # Rounded Rectangle: newpoints = [ [-a, b - b * 0.2, 0.0], [-a + a * 0.05, b - b * 0.05, 0.0], [-a + a * 0.2, b, 0.0], [a - a * 0.2, b, 0.0], [a - a * 0.05, b - b * 0.05, 0.0], [a, b - b * 0.2, 0.0], [a, -b + b * 0.2, 0.0], [a - a * 0.05, -b + b * 0.05, 0.0], [a - a * 0.2, -b, 0.0], [-a + a * 0.2, -b, 0.0], [-a + a * 0.05, -b + b * 0.05, 0.0], [-a, -b + b * 0.2, 0.0] ] elif type is 2: # Rounded Rectangle II: newpoints = [] x = a y = b r = c if r > x: r = x - 0.0001 if r > y: r = y - 0.0001 if r > 0: newpoints.append([-x + r, y, 0]) newpoints.append([x - r, y, 0]) newpoints.append([x, y - r, 0]) newpoints.append([x, -y + r, 0]) newpoints.append([x - r, -y, 0]) newpoints.append([-x + r, -y, 0]) newpoints.append([-x, -y + r, 0]) newpoints.append([-x, y - r, 0]) else: newpoints.append([-x, y, 0]) newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) newpoints.append([x, -y, 0]) newpoints.append([-x, -y, 0]) else: # Rectangle: newpoints = [[-a, b, 0.0], [a, b, 0.0], [a, -b, 0.0], [-a, -b, 0.0]] return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Star: def StarCurve(starpoints=8, innerradius=0.5, outerradius=1.0, twist=0.0): """ StarCurve( starpoints=8, innerradius=0.5, outerradius=1.0, twist=0.0 ) Create star shaped curve Parameters: starpoints - the number of points (type=int) innerradius - innerradius (type=float) outerradius - outerradius (type=float) twist - twist amount (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] step = 2.0 / starpoints i = 0 while i < starpoints: t = i * step x1 = cos(t * pi) * outerradius y1 = sin(t * pi) * outerradius newpoints.append([x1, y1, 0]) x2 = cos(t * pi + (pi / starpoints + twist)) * innerradius y2 = sin(t * pi + (pi / starpoints + twist)) * innerradius newpoints.append([x2, y2, 0]) i += 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Flower: def FlowerCurve(petals=8, innerradius=0.5, outerradius=1.0, petalwidth=2.0): """ FlowerCurve( petals=8, innerradius=0.5, outerradius=1.0, petalwidth=2.0 ) Create flower shaped curve Parameters: petals - the number of petals (type=int) innerradius - innerradius (type=float) outerradius - outerradius (type=float) petalwidth - width of petals (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] step = 2.0 / petals pet = (step / pi * 2) * petalwidth i = 0 while i < petals: t = i * step x1 = cos(t * pi - (pi / petals)) * innerradius y1 = sin(t * pi - (pi / petals)) * innerradius newpoints.append([x1, y1, 0]) x2 = cos(t * pi - pet) * outerradius y2 = sin(t * pi - pet) * outerradius newpoints.append([x2, y2, 0]) x3 = cos(t * pi + pet) * outerradius y3 = sin(t * pi + pet) * outerradius newpoints.append([x3, y3, 0]) i += 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Arc,Sector,Segment,Ring: def ArcCurve(sides=6, startangle=0.0, endangle=90.0, innerradius=0.5, outerradius=1.0, type=3): """ ArcCurve( sides=6, startangle=0.0, endangle=90.0, innerradius=0.5, outerradius=1.0, type=3 ) Create arc shaped curve Parameters: sides - number of sides (type=int) startangle - startangle (type=float) endangle - endangle (type=float) innerradius - innerradius (type=float) outerradius - outerradius (type=float) type - select type Arc,Sector,Segment,Ring (type=int) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] sides += 1 angle = 2.0 * (1.0 / 360.0) endangle -= startangle step = (angle * endangle) / (sides - 1) i = 0 while i < sides: t = (i * step) + angle * startangle x1 = sin(t * pi) * outerradius y1 = cos(t * pi) * outerradius newpoints.append([x1, y1, 0]) i += 1 # if type == 1: # Arc: turn cyclic curve flag off! # Segment: if type is 2: newpoints.append([0, 0, 0]) # Ring: elif type is 3: j = sides - 1 while j > -1: t = (j * step) + angle * startangle x2 = sin(t * pi) * innerradius y2 = cos(t * pi) * innerradius newpoints.append([x2, y2, 0]) j -= 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Cog wheel: def CogCurve(theeth=8, innerradius=0.8, middleradius=0.95, outerradius=1.0, bevel=0.5): """ CogCurve( theeth=8, innerradius=0.8, middleradius=0.95, outerradius=1.0, bevel=0.5 ) Create cog wheel shaped curve Parameters: theeth - number of theeth (type=int) innerradius - innerradius (type=float) middleradius - middleradius (type=float) outerradius - outerradius (type=float) bevel - bevel amount (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] step = 2.0 / theeth pet = step / pi * 2 bevel = 1.0 - bevel i = 0 while i < theeth: t = i * step x1 = cos(t * pi - (pi / theeth) - pet) * innerradius y1 = sin(t * pi - (pi / theeth) - pet) * innerradius newpoints.append([x1, y1, 0]) x2 = cos(t * pi - (pi / theeth) + pet) * innerradius y2 = sin(t * pi - (pi / theeth) + pet) * innerradius newpoints.append([x2, y2, 0]) x3 = cos(t * pi - pet) * middleradius y3 = sin(t * pi - pet) * middleradius newpoints.append([x3, y3, 0]) x4 = cos(t * pi - (pet * bevel)) * outerradius y4 = sin(t * pi - (pet * bevel)) * outerradius newpoints.append([x4, y4, 0]) x5 = cos(t * pi + (pet * bevel)) * outerradius y5 = sin(t * pi + (pet * bevel)) * outerradius newpoints.append([x5, y5, 0]) x6 = cos(t * pi + pet) * middleradius y6 = sin(t * pi + pet) * middleradius newpoints.append([x6, y6, 0]) i += 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: nSide: def nSideCurve(sides=6, radius=1.0): """ nSideCurve( sides=6, radius=1.0 ) Create n-sided curve Parameters: sides - number of sides (type=int) radius - radius (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] step = 2.0 / sides i = 0 while i < sides: t = i * step x = sin(t * pi) * radius y = cos(t * pi) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) i += 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 2DCurve: Splat: def SplatCurve(sides=24, scale=1.0, seed=0, basis=0, radius=1.0): """ SplatCurve( sides=24, scale=1.0, seed=0, basis=0, radius=1.0 ) Create splat curve Parameters: sides - number of sides (type=int) scale - noise size (type=float) seed - noise random seed (type=int) basis - noise basis (type=int) radius - radius (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] step = 2.0 / sides i = 0 while i < sides: t = i * step turb = vTurbNoise(t, t, t, 1.0, scale, 6, False, basis, seed) turb = turb[2] * 0.5 + 0.5 x = sin(t * pi) * radius * turb y = cos(t * pi) * radius * turb newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) i += 1 return newpoints # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Cycloid curve def CycloidCurve(number=100, type=0, R=4.0, r=1.0, d=1.0): """ CycloidCurve( number=100, type=0, a=4.0, b=1.0 ) Create a Cycloid, Hypotrochoid / Hypocycloid or Epitrochoid / Epycycloid type of curve Parameters: number - the number of points (type=int) type - types: Cycloid, Hypocycloid, Epicycloid (type=int) R = Radius a scaling parameter (type=float) r = Radius b scaling parameter (type=float) d = Distance scaling parameter (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ a = R b = r newpoints = [] step = 2.0 / (number - 1) i = 0 if type is 1: # Hypotrochoid / Hypocycloid while i < number: t = i * step x = ((a - b) * cos(t * pi)) + (d * cos(((a + b) / b) * t * pi)) y = ((a - b) * sin(t * pi)) - (d * sin(((a + b) / b) * t * pi)) z = 0 newpoints.append([x, y, z]) i += 1 elif type is 2: # Epitrochoid / Epycycloid while i < number: t = i * step x = ((a + b) * cos(t * pi)) - (d * cos(((a + b) / b) * t * pi)) y = ((a + b) * sin(t * pi)) - (d * sin(((a + b) / b) * t * pi)) z = 0 newpoints.append([x, y, z]) i += 1 else: # Cycloid while i < number: t = (i * step * pi) x = (t - sin(t) * b) * a / pi y = (1 - cos(t) * b) * a / pi z = 0 newpoints.append([x, y, z]) i += 1 return newpoints # ----------------------------------------------------------- # 3D curve shape functions: # ----------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 3DCurve: Helix: def HelixCurve(number=100, height=2.0, startangle=0.0, endangle=360.0, width=1.0, a=0.0, b=0.0): """ HelixCurve( number=100, height=2.0, startangle=0.0, endangle=360.0, width=1.0, a=0.0, b=0.0 ) Create helix curve Parameters: number - the number of points (type=int) height - height (type=float) startangle - startangle (type=float) endangle - endangle (type=float) width - width (type=float) a - a (type=float) b - b (type=float) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] angle = (2.0 / 360.0) * (endangle - startangle) step = angle / (number - 1) h = height / angle start = startangle * 2.0 / 360.0 a /= angle i = 0 while i < number: t = (i * step + start) x = sin((t * pi)) * (1.0 + cos(t * pi * a - (b * pi))) * (0.25 * width) y = cos((t * pi)) * (1.0 + cos(t * pi * a - (b * pi))) * (0.25 * width) z = (t * h) - h * start newpoints.append([x, y, z]) i += 1 return newpoints # ----------------------------------------------------------- # 3D Noise curve def NoiseCurve(type=0, number=100, length=2.0, size=0.5, scale=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], octaves=2, basis=0, seed=0): """ Create noise curve Parameters: number - number of points (type=int) length - curve length (type=float) size - noise size (type=float) scale - noise intensity scale x,y,z (type=list) basis - noise basis (type=int) seed - noise random seed (type=int) type - noise curve type (type=int) Returns: a list with lists of x,y,z coordinates for curve points, [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],...n] (type=list) """ newpoints = [] step = (length / number) i = 0 if type is 1: # noise circle while i < number: t = i * step v = vTurbNoise(t, t, t, 1.0, size, octaves, False, basis, seed) x = sin(t * pi) + (v[0] * scale[0]) y = cos(t * pi) + (v[1] * scale[1]) z = v[2] * scale[2] newpoints.append([x, y, z]) i += 1 elif type is 2: # noise knot / ball while i < number: t = i * step v = vTurbNoise(t, t, t, 1.0, 1.0, octaves, False, basis, seed) x = v[0] * scale[0] * size y = v[1] * scale[1] * size z = v[2] * scale[2] * size newpoints.append([x, y, z]) i += 1 else: # noise linear while i < number: t = i * step v = vTurbNoise(t, t, t, 1.0, size, octaves, False, basis, seed) x = t + v[0] * scale[0] y = v[1] * scale[1] z = v[2] * scale[2] newpoints.append([x, y, z]) i += 1 return newpoints # get array of vertcoordinates according to splinetype def vertsToPoints(Verts, splineType): # main vars vertArray = [] # array for BEZIER spline output (V3) if splineType == 'BEZIER': for v in Verts: vertArray += v # array for nonBEZIER output (V4) else: for v in Verts: vertArray += v if splineType == 'NURBS': # for nurbs w=1 vertArray.append(1) else: # for poly w=0 vertArray.append(0) return vertArray # create new CurveObject from vertarray and splineType def createCurve(context, vertArray, self): # output splineType 'POLY' 'NURBS' 'BEZIER' splineType = self.outputType # GalloreType as name name = self.ProfileType # create object if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_CURVE': Curve = context.active_object newSpline = Curve.data.splines.new(type=splineType) # spline else: # create curve dataCurve = bpy.data.curves.new(name, type='CURVE') # curve data block newSpline = dataCurve.splines.new(type=splineType) # spline # create object with newCurve Curve = object_utils.object_data_add(context, dataCurve, operator=self) # place in active scene # set newSpline Options newSpline.use_cyclic_u = self.use_cyclic_u newSpline.use_endpoint_u = self.endp_u newSpline.order_u = self.order_u # set curve Options Curve.data.dimensions = self.shape Curve.data.use_path = True if self.shape == '3D': Curve.data.fill_mode = 'FULL' else: Curve.data.fill_mode = 'BOTH' for spline in Curve.data.splines: if spline.type == 'BEZIER': for point in spline.bezier_points: point.select_control_point = False point.select_left_handle = False point.select_right_handle = False else: for point in spline.points: point.select = False # create spline from vertarray if splineType == 'BEZIER': newSpline.bezier_points.add(int(len(vertArray) * 0.33)) newSpline.bezier_points.foreach_set('co', vertArray) for point in newSpline.bezier_points: point.handle_right_type = self.handleType point.handle_left_type = self.handleType point.select_control_point = True point.select_left_handle = True point.select_right_handle = True else: newSpline.points.add(int(len(vertArray) * 0.25 - 1)) newSpline.points.foreach_set('co', vertArray) newSpline.use_endpoint_u = True for point in newSpline.points: point.select = True # move and rotate spline in edit mode if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_CURVE': if self.align == "WORLD": location = self.location - context.active_object.location bpy.ops.transform.translate(value = location, orient_type='GLOBAL') bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[0], orient_axis = 'X', orient_type='GLOBAL') bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[1], orient_axis = 'Y', orient_type='GLOBAL') bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[2], orient_axis = 'Z', orient_type='GLOBAL') elif self.align == "VIEW": bpy.ops.transform.translate(value = self.location) bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[0], orient_axis = 'X') bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[1], orient_axis = 'Y') bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[2], orient_axis = 'Z') elif self.align == "CURSOR": location = context.active_object.location self.location = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location - location self.rotation = bpy.context.scene.cursor.rotation_euler bpy.ops.transform.translate(value = self.location) bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[0], orient_axis = 'X') bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[1], orient_axis = 'Y') bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = self.rotation[2], orient_axis = 'Z') return # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Main Function def main(context, self): # options proType = self.ProfileType splineType = self.outputType innerRadius = self.innerRadius middleRadius = self.middleRadius outerRadius = self.outerRadius # get verts if proType == 'Profile': verts = ProfileCurve( self.ProfileCurveType, self.ProfileCurvevar1, self.ProfileCurvevar2 ) if proType == 'Arrow': verts = ArrowCurve( self.MiscCurveType, self.MiscCurvevar1, self.MiscCurvevar2 ) if proType == 'Rectangle': verts = RectCurve( self.MiscCurveType, self.MiscCurvevar1, self.MiscCurvevar2, self.MiscCurvevar3 ) if proType == 'Flower': verts = FlowerCurve( self.petals, innerRadius, outerRadius, self.petalWidth ) if proType == 'Star': verts = StarCurve( self.starPoints, innerRadius, outerRadius, self.starTwist ) if proType == 'Arc': verts = ArcCurve( self.arcSides, self.startAngle, self.endAngle, innerRadius, outerRadius, self.arcType ) if proType == 'Cogwheel': verts = CogCurve( self.teeth, innerRadius, middleRadius, outerRadius, self.bevel ) if proType == 'Nsided': verts = nSideCurve( self.Nsides, outerRadius ) if proType == 'Splat': verts = SplatCurve( self.splatSides, self.splatScale, self.seed, self.basis, outerRadius ) if proType == 'Cycloid': verts = CycloidCurve( self.cycloPoints, self.cycloType, self.cyclo_a, self.cyclo_b, self.cyclo_d ) if proType == 'Helix': verts = HelixCurve( self.helixPoints, self.helixHeight, self.helixStart, self.helixEnd, self.helixWidth, self.helix_a, self.helix_b ) if proType == 'Noise': verts = NoiseCurve( self.noiseType, self.noisePoints, self.noiseLength, self.noiseSize, [self.noiseScaleX, self.noiseScaleY, self.noiseScaleZ], self.noiseOctaves, self.noiseBasis, self.noiseSeed ) # turn verts into array vertArray = vertsToPoints(verts, splineType) # create object createCurve(context, vertArray, self) return class Curveaceous_galore(Operator, object_utils.AddObjectHelper): bl_idname = "curve.curveaceous_galore" bl_label = "Curve Profiles" bl_description = "Construct many types of curves" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'} # general properties ProfileType : EnumProperty( name="Type", description="Form of Curve to create", items=[ ('Arc', "Arc", "Arc"), ('Arrow', "Arrow", "Arrow"), ('Cogwheel', "Cogwheel", "Cogwheel"), ('Cycloid', "Cycloid", "Cycloid"), ('Flower', "Flower", "Flower"), ('Helix', "Helix (3D)", "Helix"), ('Noise', "Noise (3D)", "Noise"), ('Nsided', "Nsided", "Nsided"), ('Profile', "Profile", "Profile"), ('Rectangle', "Rectangle", "Rectangle"), ('Splat', "Splat", "Splat"), ('Star', "Star", "Star")] ) outputType : EnumProperty( name="Output splines", description="Type of splines to output", items=[ ('POLY', "Poly", "Poly Spline type"), ('NURBS', "Nurbs", "Nurbs Spline type"), ('BEZIER', "Bezier", "Bezier Spline type")] ) # Curve Options shape : EnumProperty( name="2D / 3D", description="2D or 3D Curve", items=[ ('2D', "2D", "2D"), ('3D', "3D", "3D") ] ) use_cyclic_u : BoolProperty( name="Cyclic", default=True, description="make curve closed" ) endp_u : BoolProperty( name="Use endpoint u", default=True, description="stretch to endpoints" ) order_u : IntProperty( name="Order u", default=4, min=2, soft_min=2, max=6, soft_max=6, description="Order of nurbs spline" ) handleType : EnumProperty( name="Handle type", default='AUTO', description="Bezier handles type", items=[ ('VECTOR', "Vector", "Vector type Bezier handles"), ('AUTO', "Auto", "Automatic type Bezier handles")] ) # ProfileCurve properties ProfileCurveType : IntProperty( name="Type", min=1, max=5, default=1, description="Type of Curve's Profile" ) ProfileCurvevar1 : FloatProperty( name="Variable 1", default=0.25, description="Variable 1 of Curve's Profile" ) ProfileCurvevar2 : FloatProperty( name="Variable 2", default=0.25, description="Variable 2 of Curve's Profile" ) # Arrow, Rectangle, MiscCurve properties MiscCurveType : IntProperty( name="Type", min=0, max=3, default=0, description="Type of Curve" ) MiscCurvevar1 : FloatProperty( name="Variable 1", default=1.0, description="Variable 1 of Curve" ) MiscCurvevar2 : FloatProperty( name="Variable 2", default=0.5, description="Variable 2 of Curve" ) MiscCurvevar3 : FloatProperty( name="Variable 3", default=0.1, min=0, description="Variable 3 of Curve" ) # Common properties innerRadius : FloatProperty( name="Inner radius", default=0.5, min=0, description="Inner radius" ) middleRadius : FloatProperty( name="Middle radius", default=0.95, min=0, description="Middle radius" ) outerRadius : FloatProperty( name="Outer radius", default=1.0, min=0, description="Outer radius" ) # Flower properties petals : IntProperty( name="Petals", default=8, min=2, description="Number of petals" ) petalWidth : FloatProperty( name="Petal width", default=2.0, min=0.01, description="Petal width" ) # Star properties starPoints : IntProperty( name="Star points", default=8, min=2, description="Number of star points" ) starTwist : FloatProperty( name="Twist", default=0.0, description="Twist" ) # Arc properties arcSides : IntProperty( name="Arc sides", default=6, min=1, description="Sides of arc" ) startAngle : FloatProperty( name="Start angle", default=0.0, description="Start angle" ) endAngle : FloatProperty( name="End angle", default=90.0, description="End angle" ) arcType : IntProperty( name="Arc type", default=3, min=1, max=3, description="Sides of arc" ) # Cogwheel properties teeth : IntProperty( name="Teeth", default=8, min=2, description="number of teeth" ) bevel : FloatProperty( name="Bevel", default=0.5, min=0, max=1, description="Bevel" ) # Nsided property Nsides : IntProperty( name="Sides", default=8, min=3, description="Number of sides" ) # Splat properties splatSides : IntProperty( name="Splat sides", default=24, min=3, description="Splat sides" ) splatScale : FloatProperty( name="Splat scale", default=1.0, min=0.0001, description="Splat scale" ) seed : IntProperty( name="Seed", default=0, min=0, description="Seed" ) basis : IntProperty( name="Basis", default=0, min=0, max=14, description="Basis" ) # Helix properties helixPoints : IntProperty( name="Resolution", default=100, min=3, description="Resolution" ) helixHeight : FloatProperty( name="Height", default=2.0, min=0, description="Helix height" ) helixStart : FloatProperty( name="Start angle", default=0.0, description="Helix start angle" ) helixEnd : FloatProperty( name="Endangle", default=360.0, description="Helix end angle" ) helixWidth : FloatProperty( name="Width", default=1.0, description="Helix width" ) helix_a : FloatProperty( name="Variable 1", default=0.0, description="Helix Variable 1" ) helix_b : FloatProperty( name="Variable 2", default=0.0, description="Helix Variable 2" ) # Cycloid properties cycloPoints : IntProperty( name="Resolution", default=100, min=3, soft_min=3, description="Resolution" ) cycloType : IntProperty( name="Type", default=1, min=0, max=2, description="Type: Cycloid , Hypocycloid / Hypotrochoid , Epicycloid / Epitrochoid" ) cyclo_a : FloatProperty( name="R", default=1.0, min=0.01, description="Cycloid: R radius a" ) cyclo_b : FloatProperty( name="r", default=0.25, min=0.01, description="Cycloid: r radius b" ) cyclo_d : FloatProperty( name="d", default=0.25, description="Cycloid: d distance" ) # Noise properties noiseType : IntProperty( name="Type", default=0, min=0, max=2, description="Noise curve type: Linear, Circular or Knot" ) noisePoints : IntProperty( name="Resolution", default=100, min=3, description="Resolution" ) noiseLength : FloatProperty( name="Length", default=2.0, min=0.01, description="Curve Length" ) noiseSize : FloatProperty( name="Noise size", default=1.0, min=0.0001, description="Noise size" ) noiseScaleX : FloatProperty( name="Noise x", default=1.0, min=0.0001, description="Noise x" ) noiseScaleY : FloatProperty( name="Noise y", default=1.0, min=0.0001, description="Noise y" ) noiseScaleZ : FloatProperty( name="Noise z", default=1.0, min=0.0001, description="Noise z" ) noiseOctaves : IntProperty( name="Octaves", default=2, min=1, max=16, description="Basis" ) noiseBasis : IntProperty( name="Basis", default=0, min=0, max=9, description="Basis" ) noiseSeed : IntProperty( name="Seed", default=1, min=0, description="Random Seed" ) edit_mode : BoolProperty( name="Show in edit mode", default=True, description="Show in edit mode" ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout # general options col = layout.column() col.prop(self, 'ProfileType') col.label(text=self.ProfileType + " Options:") # options per ProfileType box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) if self.ProfileType == 'Profile': col.prop(self, "ProfileCurveType") col.prop(self, "ProfileCurvevar1") col.prop(self, "ProfileCurvevar2") elif self.ProfileType == 'Arrow': col.prop(self, "MiscCurveType") col.prop(self, "MiscCurvevar1", text="Height") col.prop(self, "MiscCurvevar2", text="Width") elif self.ProfileType == 'Rectangle': col.prop(self, "MiscCurveType") col.prop(self, "MiscCurvevar1", text="Width") col.prop(self, "MiscCurvevar2", text="Height") if self.MiscCurveType is 2: col.prop(self, "MiscCurvevar3", text="Corners") elif self.ProfileType == 'Flower': col.prop(self, "petals") col.prop(self, "petalWidth") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "innerRadius") col.prop(self, "outerRadius") elif self.ProfileType == 'Star': col.prop(self, "starPoints") col.prop(self, "starTwist") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "innerRadius") col.prop(self, "outerRadius") elif self.ProfileType == 'Arc': col.prop(self, "arcType") col.prop(self, "arcSides") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "startAngle") col.prop(self, "endAngle") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "innerRadius") col.prop(self, "outerRadius") elif self.ProfileType == 'Cogwheel': col.prop(self, "teeth") col.prop(self, "bevel") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "innerRadius") col.prop(self, "middleRadius") col.prop(self, "outerRadius") elif self.ProfileType == 'Nsided': col.prop(self, "Nsides") col.prop(self, "outerRadius") elif self.ProfileType == 'Splat': col.prop(self, "splatSides") col.prop(self, "outerRadius") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "splatScale") col.prop(self, "seed") col.prop(self, "basis") elif self.ProfileType == 'Cycloid': col.prop(self, "cycloType") col.prop(self, "cycloPoints") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "cyclo_a") col.prop(self, "cyclo_b") if self.cycloType is not 0: col.prop(self, "cyclo_d") elif self.ProfileType == 'Helix': col.prop(self, "helixPoints") col.prop(self, "helixHeight") col.prop(self, "helixWidth") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "helixStart") col.prop(self, "helixEnd") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "helix_a") col.prop(self, "helix_b") elif self.ProfileType == 'Noise': col.prop(self, "noiseType") col.prop(self, "noisePoints") col.prop(self, "noiseLength") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "noiseSize") col.prop(self, "noiseScaleX") col.prop(self, "noiseScaleY") col.prop(self, "noiseScaleZ") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "noiseOctaves") col.prop(self, "noiseBasis") col.prop(self, "noiseSeed") row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "shape", expand=True) # output options col = layout.column() col.label(text="Output Curve Type:") col.row().prop(self, "outputType", expand=True) if self.outputType == 'NURBS': col.prop(self, 'order_u') elif self.outputType == 'BEZIER': col.row().prop(self, 'handleType', expand=True) col = layout.column() col.row().prop(self, "use_cyclic_u", expand=True) col = layout.column() col.row().prop(self, "edit_mode", expand=True) col = layout.column() # AddObjectHelper props col.prop(self, "align") col.prop(self, "location") col.prop(self, "rotation") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene is not None def execute(self, context): # turn off 'Enter Edit Mode' use_enter_edit_mode = bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode = False # main function main(context, self) if use_enter_edit_mode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') # restore pre operator state bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode = use_enter_edit_mode if self.edit_mode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') else: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): # deal with 2D - 3D curve differences if self.ProfileType in ['Helix', 'Cycloid', 'Noise']: self.shape = '3D' else: self.shape = '2D' if self.ProfileType in ['Helix', 'Noise', 'Cycloid']: self.use_cyclic_u = False if self.ProfileType in ['Cycloid']: if self.cycloType is 0: self.use_cyclic_u = False else: self.use_cyclic_u = True else: if self.ProfileType == 'Arc' and self.arcType is 1: self.use_cyclic_u = False else: self.use_cyclic_u = True self.execute(context) return {'FINISHED'} # Register classes = [ Curveaceous_galore ] def register(): from bpy.utils import register_class for cls in classes: register_class(cls) def unregister(): from bpy.utils import unregister_class for cls in reversed(classes): unregister_class(cls) if __name__ == "__main__": register()