# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and / or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110 - 1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### bl_info = { "name": "Simple Curve", "author": "Spivak Vladimir (http://cwolf3d.korostyshev.net)", "version": (1, 5, 4), "blender": (2, 80, 0), "location": "View3D > Add > Curve", "description": "Adds Simple Curve", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/" "Py/Scripts/Curve/Simple_curves", "category": "Add Curve"} # ------------------------------------------------------------ import bpy from bpy.types import ( Operator, Menu, Panel, PropertyGroup, ) from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty, StringProperty, PointerProperty, ) from mathutils import ( Vector, Matrix, ) from math import ( sin, asin, sqrt, acos, cos, pi, radians, tan, hypot, ) # from bpy_extras.object_utils import * # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Point: def SimplePoint(): newpoints = [] newpoints.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Line: def SimpleLine(c1=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], c2=[2.0, 2.0, 2.0]): newpoints = [] c3 = Vector(c2) - Vector(c1) newpoints.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Angle: def SimpleAngle(length=1.0, angle=45.0): newpoints = [] angle = radians(angle) newpoints.append([length, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([length * cos(angle), length * sin(angle), 0.0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Distance: def SimpleDistance(length=1.0, center=True): newpoints = [] if center: newpoints.append([-length / 2, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([length / 2, 0.0, 0.0]) else: newpoints.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([length, 0.0, 0.0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Circle: def SimpleCircle(sides=4, radius=1.0): newpoints = [] angle = radians(360) / sides newpoints.append([radius, 0, 0]) if radius != 0 : j = 1 while j < sides: t = angle * j x = cos(t) * radius y = sin(t) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j += 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Ellipse: def SimpleEllipse(a=2.0, b=1.0): newpoints = [] newpoints.append([a, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, b, 0.0]) newpoints.append([-a, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, -b, 0.0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Arc: def SimpleArc(sides=0, radius=1.0, startangle=0.0, endangle=45.0): newpoints = [] startangle = radians(startangle) endangle = radians(endangle) sides += 1 angle = (endangle - startangle) / sides x = cos(startangle) * radius y = sin(startangle) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j = 1 while j < sides: t = angle * j x = cos(t + startangle) * radius y = sin(t + startangle) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j += 1 x = cos(endangle) * radius y = sin(endangle) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Sector: def SimpleSector(sides=0, radius=1.0, startangle=0.0, endangle=45.0): newpoints = [] startangle = radians(startangle) endangle = radians(endangle) sides += 1 newpoints.append([0, 0, 0]) angle = (endangle - startangle) / sides x = cos(startangle) * radius y = sin(startangle) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j = 1 while j < sides: t = angle * j x = cos(t + startangle) * radius y = sin(t + startangle) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j += 1 x = cos(endangle) * radius y = sin(endangle) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Segment: def SimpleSegment(sides=0, a=2.0, b=1.0, startangle=0.0, endangle=45.0): newpoints = [] startangle = radians(startangle) endangle = radians(endangle) sides += 1 angle = (endangle - startangle) / sides x = cos(startangle) * a y = sin(startangle) * a newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j = 1 while j < sides: t = angle * j x = cos(t + startangle) * a y = sin(t + startangle) * a newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j += 1 x = cos(endangle) * a y = sin(endangle) * a newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) x = cos(endangle) * b y = sin(endangle) * b newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j = sides - 1 while j > 0: t = angle * j x = cos(t + startangle) * b y = sin(t + startangle) * b newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) j -= 1 x = cos(startangle) * b y = sin(startangle) * b newpoints.append([x, y, 0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Rectangle: def SimpleRectangle(width=2.0, length=2.0, rounded=0.0, center=True): newpoints = [] r = rounded / 2 if center: x = width / 2 y = length / 2 if rounded != 0.0: newpoints.append([-x + r, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x - r, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, y - r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, -y + r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x - r, -y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([-x + r, -y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([-x, -y + r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([-x, y - r, 0.0]) else: newpoints.append([-x, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, -y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([-x, -y, 0.0]) else: x = width y = length if rounded != 0.0: newpoints.append([r, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x - r, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, y - r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x - r, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([r, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, y - r, 0.0]) else: newpoints.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, 0.0, 0.0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Rhomb: def SimpleRhomb(width=2.0, length=2.0, center=True): newpoints = [] x = width / 2 y = length / 2 if center: newpoints.append([-x, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, -y, 0.0]) else: newpoints.append([x, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([0.0, y, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, length, 0.0]) newpoints.append([width, y, 0.0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Polygon: def SimplePolygon(sides=3, radius=1.0): newpoints = [] angle = radians(360.0) / sides j = 0 while j < sides: t = angle * j x = sin(t) * radius y = cos(t) * radius newpoints.append([x, y, 0.0]) j += 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Polygon_ab: def SimplePolygon_ab(sides=3, a=2.0, b=1.0): newpoints = [] angle = radians(360.0) / sides j = 0 while j < sides: t = angle * j x = sin(t) * a y = cos(t) * b newpoints.append([x, y, 0.0]) j += 1 return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Trapezoid: def SimpleTrapezoid(a=2.0, b=1.0, h=1.0, center=True): newpoints = [] x = a / 2 y = b / 2 r = h / 2 if center: newpoints.append([-x, -r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([-y, r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([y, r, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x, -r, 0.0]) else: newpoints.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x - y, h, 0.0]) newpoints.append([x + y, h, 0.0]) newpoints.append([a, 0.0, 0.0]) return newpoints # ------------------------------------------------------------ # calculates the matrix for the new object # depending on user pref def align_matrix(context, location): loc = Matrix.Translation(location) obj_align = context.user_preferences.edit.object_align if (context.space_data.type == 'VIEW_3D' and obj_align == 'VIEW'): rot = context.space_data.region_3d.view_matrix.to_3x3().inverted().to_4x4() else: rot = Matrix() align_matrix = loc @ rot return align_matrix # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Main Function def main(context, self, align_matrix): # create object scene = bpy.context.scene if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_CURVE': newCurve = context.active_object.data newSpline = newCurve.splines.new('BEZIER') # spline else: name = self.Simple_Type # Type as name # create curve newCurve = bpy.data.curves.new(name, type='CURVE') # curvedatablock newSpline = newCurve.splines.new('BEZIER') # spline # set curveOptions newCurve.dimensions = self.shape # create object with newCurve SimpleCurve = bpy.data.objects.new(name, newCurve) # object scene.collection.objects.link(SimpleCurve) # place in active scene SimpleCurve.select_set(True) SimpleCurve.matrix_world = align_matrix # apply matrix SimpleCurve.rotation_euler = self.Simple_rotation_euler newSpline.use_endpoint_u = True sides = abs(int((self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 90)) # get verts if self.Simple_Type == 'Point': verts = SimplePoint() newSpline.use_cyclic_u = False if self.Simple_Type == 'Line': verts = SimpleLine(self.Simple_startlocation, self.Simple_endlocation) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = False newCurve.dimensions = '3D' if self.Simple_Type == 'Distance': verts = SimpleDistance(self.Simple_length, self.Simple_center) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = False if self.Simple_Type == 'Angle': verts = SimpleAngle(self.Simple_length, self.Simple_angle) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = False if self.Simple_Type == 'Circle': if self.Simple_sides < 4: self.Simple_sides = 4 if self.Simple_radius == 0: return {'FINISHED'} verts = SimpleCircle(self.Simple_sides, self.Simple_radius) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Ellipse': verts = SimpleEllipse(self.Simple_a, self.Simple_b) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Arc': if self.Simple_sides < sides: self.Simple_sides = sides if self.Simple_radius == 0: return {'FINISHED'} verts = SimpleArc( self.Simple_sides, self.Simple_radius, self.Simple_startangle, self.Simple_endangle ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = False if self.Simple_Type == 'Sector': if self.Simple_sides < sides: self.Simple_sides = sides if self.Simple_radius == 0: return {'FINISHED'} verts = SimpleSector( self.Simple_sides, self.Simple_radius, self.Simple_startangle, self.Simple_endangle ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Segment': if self.Simple_sides < sides: self.Simple_sides = sides if self.Simple_a == 0 or self.Simple_b == 0 or self.Simple_a == self.Simple_b: return {'FINISHED'} if self.Simple_a > self.Simple_b: verts = SimpleSegment( self.Simple_sides, self.Simple_a, self.Simple_b, self.Simple_startangle, self.Simple_endangle ) if self.Simple_a < self.Simple_b: verts = SimpleSegment( self.Simple_sides, self.Simple_b, self.Simple_a, self.Simple_startangle, self.Simple_endangle ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Rectangle': verts = SimpleRectangle( self.Simple_width, self.Simple_length, self.Simple_rounded, self.Simple_center ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Rhomb': verts = SimpleRhomb( self.Simple_width, self.Simple_length, self.Simple_center ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Polygon': if self.Simple_sides < 3: self.Simple_sides = 3 verts = SimplePolygon( self.Simple_sides, self.Simple_radius ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Polygon_ab': if self.Simple_sides < 3: self.Simple_sides = 3 verts = SimplePolygon_ab( self.Simple_sides, self.Simple_a, self.Simple_b ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True if self.Simple_Type == 'Trapezoid': verts = SimpleTrapezoid( self.Simple_a, self.Simple_b, self.Simple_h, self.Simple_center ) newSpline.use_cyclic_u = True vertArray = [] for v in verts: vertArray += v newSpline.bezier_points.add(int(len(vertArray) * 0.333333333)) newSpline.bezier_points.foreach_set('co', vertArray) all_points = [p for p in newSpline.bezier_points] d = 2 * 0.27606262 n = 0 for p in all_points: p.handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' p.handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' n += 1 if self.Simple_Type == 'Circle' or self.Simple_Type == 'Arc' or \ self.Simple_Type == 'Sector' or self.Simple_Type == 'Segment' or \ self.Simple_Type == 'Ellipse': for p in all_points: p.handle_right_type = 'FREE' p.handle_left_type = 'FREE' if self.Simple_Type == 'Circle': i = 0 for p1 in all_points: if i != n - 1: p2 = all_points[i + 1] u1 = asin(p1.co.y / self.Simple_radius) u2 = asin(p2.co.y / self.Simple_radius) if p1.co.x > 0 and p2.co.x < 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) elif p1.co.x < 0 and p2.co.x > 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u = u2 - u1 if u < 0: u = -u l = 4 / 3 * tan(1 / 4 * u) * self.Simple_radius v1 = Vector((-p1.co.y, p1.co.x, 0)) v1.normalize() v2 = Vector((-p2.co.y, p2.co.x, 0)) v2.normalize() vh1 = v1 * l vh2 = v2 * l v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) + vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) - vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 if i == n - 1: p2 = all_points[0] u1 = asin(p1.co.y / self.Simple_radius) u2 = asin(p2.co.y / self.Simple_radius) if p1.co.x > 0 and p2.co.x < 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) elif p1.co.x < 0 and p2.co.x > 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u = u2 - u1 if u < 0: u = -u l = 4 / 3 * tan(1 / 4 * u) * self.Simple_radius v1 = Vector((-p1.co.y, p1.co.x, 0)) v1.normalize() v2 = Vector((-p2.co.y, p2.co.x, 0)) v2.normalize() vh1 = v1 * l vh2 = v2 * l v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) + vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) - vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 i += 1 if self.Simple_Type == 'Ellipse': all_points[0].handle_right = Vector((self.Simple_a, self.Simple_b * d, 0)) all_points[0].handle_left = Vector((self.Simple_a, -self.Simple_b * d, 0)) all_points[1].handle_right = Vector((-self.Simple_a * d, self.Simple_b, 0)) all_points[1].handle_left = Vector((self.Simple_a * d, self.Simple_b, 0)) all_points[2].handle_right = Vector((-self.Simple_a, -self.Simple_b * d, 0)) all_points[2].handle_left = Vector((-self.Simple_a, self.Simple_b * d, 0)) all_points[3].handle_right = Vector((self.Simple_a * d, -self.Simple_b, 0)) all_points[3].handle_left = Vector((-self.Simple_a * d, -self.Simple_b, 0)) if self.Simple_Type == 'Arc': i = 0 for p1 in all_points: if i != n - 1: p2 = all_points[i + 1] u1 = asin(p1.co.y / self.Simple_radius) u2 = asin(p2.co.y / self.Simple_radius) if p1.co.x > 0 and p2.co.x < 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) elif p1.co.x < 0 and p2.co.x > 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u = u2 - u1 if u < 0: u = -u l = 4 / 3 * tan(1 / 4 * u) * self.Simple_radius v1 = Vector((-p1.co.y, p1.co.x, 0)) v1.normalize() v2 = Vector((-p2.co.y, p2.co.x, 0)) v2.normalize() vh1 = v1 * l vh2 = v2 * l if self.Simple_startangle < self.Simple_endangle: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) + vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) - vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 else: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) - vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) + vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 i += 1 if self.Simple_Type == 'Sector': i = 0 for p1 in all_points: if i == 0: p1.handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' p1.handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' elif i != n - 1: p2 = all_points[i + 1] u1 = asin(p1.co.y / self.Simple_radius) u2 = asin(p2.co.y / self.Simple_radius) if p1.co.x > 0 and p2.co.x < 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) elif p1.co.x < 0 and p2.co.x > 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / self.Simple_radius) u = u2 - u1 if u < 0: u = -u l = 4 / 3 * tan(1 / 4 * u) * self.Simple_radius v1 = Vector((-p1.co.y, p1.co.x, 0)) v1.normalize() v2 = Vector((-p2.co.y, p2.co.x, 0)) v2.normalize() vh1 = v1 * l vh2 = v2 * l if self.Simple_startangle < self.Simple_endangle: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) + vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) - vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 else: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) - vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) + vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 i += 1 if self.Simple_Type == 'Segment': i = 0 if self.Simple_a > self.Simple_b: Segment_a = self.Simple_a Segment_b = self.Simple_b if self.Simple_a < self.Simple_b: Segment_b = self.Simple_a Segment_a = self.Simple_b for p1 in all_points: if i < n / 2 - 1: p2 = all_points[i + 1] u1 = asin(p1.co.y / Segment_a) u2 = asin(p2.co.y / Segment_a) if p1.co.x > 0 and p2.co.x < 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / Segment_a) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / Segment_a) elif p1.co.x < 0 and p2.co.x > 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / Segment_a) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / Segment_a) u = u2 - u1 if u < 0: u = -u l = 4 / 3 * tan(1 / 4 * u) * Segment_a v1 = Vector((-p1.co.y, p1.co.x, 0)) v1.normalize() v2 = Vector((-p2.co.y, p2.co.x, 0)) v2.normalize() vh1 = v1 * l vh2 = v2 * l if self.Simple_startangle < self.Simple_endangle: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) + vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) - vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 else: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) - vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) + vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 elif i != n / 2 - 1 and i != n - 1: p2 = all_points[i + 1] u1 = asin(p1.co.y / Segment_b) u2 = asin(p2.co.y / Segment_b) if p1.co.x > 0 and p2.co.x < 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / Segment_b) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / Segment_b) elif p1.co.x < 0 and p2.co.x > 0: u1 = acos(p1.co.x / Segment_b) u2 = acos(p2.co.x / Segment_b) u = u2 - u1 if u < 0: u = -u l = 4 / 3 * tan(1 / 4 * u) * Segment_b v1 = Vector((-p1.co.y, p1.co.x, 0)) v1.normalize() v2 = Vector((-p2.co.y, p2.co.x, 0)) v2.normalize() vh1 = v1 * l vh2 = v2 * l if self.Simple_startangle < self.Simple_endangle: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) - vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) + vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 else: v1 = Vector((p1.co.x, p1.co.y, 0)) + vh1 v2 = Vector((p2.co.x, p2.co.y, 0)) - vh2 p1.handle_right = v1 p2.handle_left = v2 i += 1 all_points[0].handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' all_points[n - 1].handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' all_points[int(n / 2) - 1].handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' all_points[int(n / 2)].handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' return # ### MENU append ### def Simple_curve_edit_menu(self, context): bl_label = 'Simple edit' self.layout.operator("curve.bezier_points_fillet", text="Fillet") self.layout.operator("curve.bezier_spline_divide", text="Divide") self.layout.separator() def menu(self, context): oper1 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Angle", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper1.Simple_Change = False oper1.Simple_Type = "Angle" oper2 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Arc", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper2.Simple_Change = False oper2.Simple_Type = "Arc" oper3 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Circle", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper3.Simple_Change = False oper3.Simple_Type = "Circle" oper4 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Distance", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper4.Simple_Change = False oper4.Simple_Type = "Distance" oper5 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Ellipse", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper5.Simple_Change = False oper5.Simple_Type = "Ellipse" oper6 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Line", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper6.Simple_Change = False oper6.Simple_Type = "Line" oper7 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Point", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper7.Simple_Change = False oper7.Simple_Type = "Point" oper8 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Polygon", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper8.Simple_Change = False oper8.Simple_Type = "Polygon" oper9 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Polygon ab", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper9.Simple_Change = False oper9.Simple_Type = "Polygon_ab" oper10 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Rectangle", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper10.Simple_Change = False oper10.Simple_Type = "Rectangle" oper11 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Rhomb", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper11.Simple_Change = False oper11.Simple_Type = "Rhomb" oper12 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Sector", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper12.Simple_Change = False oper12.Simple_Type = "Sector" oper13 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Segment", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper13.Simple_Change = False oper13.Simple_Type = "Segment" oper14 = self.layout.operator(Simple.bl_idname, text="Trapezoid", icon="MOD_CURVE") oper14.Simple_Change = False oper14.Simple_Type = "Trapezoid" # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Simple operator class Simple(Operator): bl_idname = "curve.simple" bl_label = "Simple Curve" bl_description = "Construct a Simple Curve" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} # align_matrix for the invoke align_matrix : Matrix() # change properties Simple : BoolProperty( name="Simple", default=True, description="Simple Curve" ) Simple_Change : BoolProperty( name="Change", default=False, description="Change Simple Curve" ) Simple_Delete : StringProperty( name="Delete", description="Delete Simple Curve" ) # general properties Types = [('Point', "Point", "Construct a Point"), ('Line', "Line", "Construct a Line"), ('Distance', "Distance", "Construct a two point Distance"), ('Angle', "Angle", "Construct an Angle"), ('Circle', "Circle", "Construct a Circle"), ('Ellipse', "Ellipse", "Construct an Ellipse"), ('Arc', "Arc", "Construct an Arc"), ('Sector', "Sector", "Construct a Sector"), ('Segment', "Segment", "Construct a Segment"), ('Rectangle', "Rectangle", "Construct a Rectangle"), ('Rhomb', "Rhomb", "Construct a Rhomb"), ('Polygon', "Polygon", "Construct a Polygon"), ('Polygon_ab', "Polygon ab", "Construct a Polygon ab"), ('Trapezoid', "Trapezoid", "Construct a Trapezoid") ] Simple_Type : EnumProperty( name="Type", description="Form of Curve to create", items=Types ) # Line properties Simple_startlocation : FloatVectorProperty( name="", description="Start location", default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), subtype='TRANSLATION' ) Simple_endlocation : FloatVectorProperty( name="", description="End location", default=(2.0, 2.0, 2.0), subtype='TRANSLATION' ) Simple_rotation_euler : FloatVectorProperty( name="", description="Rotation", default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), subtype='EULER' ) # Trapezoid properties Simple_a : FloatProperty( name="Side a", default=2.0, min=0.0, soft_min=0.0, unit='LENGTH', description="a side Value" ) Simple_b : FloatProperty( name="Side b", default=1.0, min=0.0, soft_min=0.0, unit='LENGTH', description="b side Value" ) Simple_h : FloatProperty( name="Height", default=1.0, unit='LENGTH', description="Height of the Trapezoid - distance between a and b" ) Simple_angle : FloatProperty( name="Angle", default=45.0, description="Angle" ) Simple_startangle : FloatProperty( name="Start angle", default=0.0, min=-360.0, soft_min=-360.0, max=360.0, soft_max=360.0, description="Start angle" ) Simple_endangle : FloatProperty( name="End angle", default=45.0, min=-360.0, soft_min=-360.0, max=360.0, soft_max=360.0, description="End angle" ) Simple_sides : IntProperty( name="Sides", default=3, min=0, soft_min=0, description="Sides" ) Simple_radius : FloatProperty( name="Radius", default=1.0, min=0.0, soft_min=0.0, unit='LENGTH', description="Radius" ) Simple_center : BoolProperty( name="Length center", default=True, description="Length center" ) Angle_types = [('Degrees', "Degrees", "Use Degrees"), ('Radians', "Radians", "Use Radians")] Simple_degrees_or_radians : EnumProperty( name="Degrees or radians", description="Degrees or radians", items=Angle_types ) # Rectangle properties Simple_width : FloatProperty( name="Width", default=2.0, min=0.0, soft_min=0, unit='LENGTH', description="Width" ) Simple_length : FloatProperty( name="Length", default=2.0, min=0.0, soft_min=0.0, unit='LENGTH', description="Length" ) Simple_rounded : FloatProperty( name="Rounded", default=0.0, min=0.0, soft_min=0.0, unit='LENGTH', description="Rounded corners" ) # Curve Options shapeItems = [ ('2D', "2D", "2D shape Curve"), ('3D', "3D", "3D shape Curve")] shape : EnumProperty( name="2D / 3D", items=shapeItems, description="2D or 3D Curve" ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout # general options col = layout.column() col.prop(self, "Simple_Type") l = 0 s = 0 if self.Simple_Type == 'Line': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_endlocation") v = Vector(self.Simple_endlocation) - Vector(self.Simple_startlocation) l = v.length if self.Simple_Type == 'Distance': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_length") col.prop(self, "Simple_center") l = self.Simple_length if self.Simple_Type == 'Angle': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_length") col.prop(self, "Simple_angle") row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "Simple_degrees_or_radians", expand=True) if self.Simple_Type == 'Circle': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_sides") col.prop(self, "Simple_radius") l = 2 * pi * abs(self.Simple_radius) s = pi * self.Simple_radius * self.Simple_radius if self.Simple_Type == 'Ellipse': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_a", text="Radius a") col.prop(self, "Simple_b", text="Radius b") l = pi * (3 * (self.Simple_a + self.Simple_b) - sqrt((3 * self.Simple_a + self.Simple_b) * (self.Simple_a + 3 * self.Simple_b))) s = pi * abs(self.Simple_b) * abs(self.Simple_a) if self.Simple_Type == 'Arc': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_sides") col.prop(self, "Simple_radius") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "Simple_startangle") col.prop(self, "Simple_endangle") row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "Simple_degrees_or_radians", expand=True) l = abs(pi * self.Simple_radius * (self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 180) if self.Simple_Type == 'Sector': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_sides") col.prop(self, "Simple_radius") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "Simple_startangle") col.prop(self, "Simple_endangle") row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "Simple_degrees_or_radians", expand=True) l = abs(pi * self.Simple_radius * (self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 180) + self.Simple_radius * 2 s = pi * self.Simple_radius * self.Simple_radius * \ abs(self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 360 if self.Simple_Type == 'Segment': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_sides") col.prop(self, "Simple_a", text="Radius a") col.prop(self, "Simple_b", text="Radius b") col = box.column(align=True) col.prop(self, "Simple_startangle") col.prop(self, "Simple_endangle") row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "Simple_degrees_or_radians", expand=True) la = abs(pi * self.Simple_a * (self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 180) lb = abs(pi * self.Simple_b * (self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 180) l = abs(self.Simple_a - self.Simple_b) * 2 + la + lb sa = pi * self.Simple_a * self.Simple_a * \ abs(self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 360 sb = pi * self.Simple_b * self.Simple_b * \ abs(self.Simple_endangle - self.Simple_startangle) / 360 s = abs(sa - sb) if self.Simple_Type == 'Rectangle': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_width") col.prop(self, "Simple_length") col.prop(self, "Simple_rounded") box.prop(self, "Simple_center") l = 2 * abs(self.Simple_width) + 2 * abs(self.Simple_length) s = abs(self.Simple_width) * abs(self.Simple_length) if self.Simple_Type == 'Rhomb': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_width") col.prop(self, "Simple_length") col.prop(self, "Simple_center") g = hypot(self.Simple_width / 2, self.Simple_length / 2) l = 4 * g s = self.Simple_width * self.Simple_length / 2 if self.Simple_Type == 'Polygon': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_sides") col.prop(self, "Simple_radius") if self.Simple_Type == 'Polygon_ab': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text="Polygon ab Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_sides") col.prop(self, "Simple_a") col.prop(self, "Simple_b") if self.Simple_Type == 'Trapezoid': box = layout.box() col = box.column(align=True) col.label(text=self.Simple_Type + " Options:") col.prop(self, "Simple_a") col.prop(self, "Simple_b") col.prop(self, "Simple_h") box.prop(self, "Simple_center") g = hypot(self.Simple_h, (self.Simple_a - self.Simple_b) / 2) l = self.Simple_a + self.Simple_b + g * 2 s = (abs(self.Simple_a) + abs(self.Simple_b)) / 2 * self.Simple_h row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "shape", expand=True) box = layout.box() box.label(text="Location:") box.prop(self, "Simple_startlocation") box = layout.box() box.label(text="Rotation:") box.prop(self, "Simple_rotation_euler") if l != 0 or s != 0: box = layout.box() box.label(text="Statistics:", icon="INFO") if l != 0: l_str = str(round(l, 4)) box.label(text="Length: " + l_str) if s != 0: s_str = str(round(s, 4)) box.label(text="Area: " + s_str) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene is not None def execute(self, context): # main function self.align_matrix = align_matrix(context, self.Simple_startlocation) main(context, self, self.align_matrix) return {'FINISHED'} # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Fillet class BezierPointsFillet(Operator): bl_idname = "curve.bezier_points_fillet" bl_label = "Bezier points Fillet" bl_description = "Bezier points Fillet" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'} Fillet_radius : FloatProperty( name="Radius", default=0.25, unit='LENGTH', description="Radius" ) Types = [('Round', "Round", "Round"), ('Chamfer', "Chamfer", "Chamfer")] Fillet_Type : EnumProperty( name="Type", description="Fillet type", items=Types ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout # general options col = layout.column() col.prop(self, "Fillet_radius") col.prop(self, "Fillet_Type", expand=True) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene is not None def execute(self, context): # main function spline = bpy.context.object.data.splines.active selected = [p for p in spline.bezier_points if p.select_control_point] bpy.ops.curve.handle_type_set(type='VECTOR') n = 0 ii = [] for p in spline.bezier_points: if p.select_control_point: ii.append(n) n += 1 else: n += 1 if n > 2: jn = 0 for j in ii: j += jn selected_all = [p for p in spline.bezier_points] bpy.ops.curve.select_all(action='DESELECT') if j != 0 and j != n - 1: selected_all[j].select_control_point = True selected_all[j + 1].select_control_point = True bpy.ops.curve.subdivide() selected_all = [p for p in spline.bezier_points] selected4 = [selected_all[j - 1], selected_all[j], selected_all[j + 1], selected_all[j + 2]] jn += 1 n += 1 elif j == 0: selected_all[j].select_control_point = True selected_all[j + 1].select_control_point = True bpy.ops.curve.subdivide() selected_all = [p for p in spline.bezier_points] selected4 = [selected_all[n], selected_all[0], selected_all[1], selected_all[2]] jn += 1 n += 1 elif j == n - 1: selected_all[j].select_control_point = True selected_all[j - 1].select_control_point = True bpy.ops.curve.subdivide() selected_all = [p for p in spline.bezier_points] selected4 = [selected_all[0], selected_all[n], selected_all[n - 1], selected_all[n - 2]] selected4[2].co = selected4[1].co s1 = Vector(selected4[0].co) - Vector(selected4[1].co) s2 = Vector(selected4[3].co) - Vector(selected4[2].co) s1.normalize() s11 = Vector(selected4[1].co) + s1 * self.Fillet_radius selected4[1].co = s11 s2.normalize() s22 = Vector(selected4[2].co) + s2 * self.Fillet_radius selected4[2].co = s22 if self.Fillet_Type == 'Round': if j != n - 1: selected4[2].handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' selected4[1].handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' selected4[1].handle_right_type = 'ALIGNED' selected4[2].handle_left_type = 'ALIGNED' else: selected4[1].handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' selected4[2].handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' selected4[2].handle_right_type = 'ALIGNED' selected4[1].handle_left_type = 'ALIGNED' if self.Fillet_Type == 'Chamfer': selected4[2].handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' selected4[1].handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' selected4[1].handle_right_type = 'VECTOR' selected4[2].handle_left_type = 'VECTOR' bpy.ops.curve.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.curve.spline_type_set(type='BEZIER') return {'FINISHED'} def subdivide_cubic_bezier(p1, p2, p3, p4, t): p12 = (p2 - p1) * t + p1 p23 = (p3 - p2) * t + p2 p34 = (p4 - p3) * t + p3 p123 = (p23 - p12) * t + p12 p234 = (p34 - p23) * t + p23 p1234 = (p234 - p123) * t + p123 return [p12, p123, p1234, p234, p34] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # BezierDivide Operator class BezierDivide(Operator): bl_idname = "curve.bezier_spline_divide" bl_label = "Bezier Spline Divide" bl_description = "Bezier Divide (enters edit mode) for Fillet Curves" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} # align_matrix for the invoke align_matrix : Matrix() Bezier_t : FloatProperty( name="t (0% - 100%)", default=50.0, min=0.0, soft_min=0.0, max=100.0, soft_max=100.0, description="t (0% - 100%)" ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene is not None def execute(self, context): # main function spline = bpy.context.object.data.splines.active selected_all = [p for p in spline.bezier_points if p.select_control_point] selected = [] n = 0 for j in spline.bezier_points: n += 1 if j.select_control_point: selected.append(n) selected_all[0].handle_right_type = 'FREE' selected_all[0].handle_left_type = 'FREE' selected_all[1].handle_right_type = 'FREE' selected_all[1].handle_left_type = 'FREE' if abs(selected[0] - selected[1]) == 1: h = subdivide_cubic_bezier( selected_all[0].co, selected_all[0].handle_right, selected_all[1].handle_left, selected_all[1].co, self.Bezier_t / 100 ) bpy.ops.curve.subdivide(1) selected_all = [p for p in spline.bezier_points if p.select_control_point] selected_all[0].handle_right = h[0] selected_all[1].co = h[2] selected_all[1].handle_left = h[1] selected_all[1].handle_right = h[3] selected_all[2].handle_left = h[4] else: h = subdivide_cubic_bezier( selected_all[1].co, selected_all[1].handle_right, selected_all[0].handle_left, selected_all[0].co, self.Bezier_t / 100 ) bpy.ops.curve.subdivide(1) selected_all = [p for p in spline.bezier_points if p.select_control_point] selected_all[1].handle_right = h[0] selected_all[2].co = h[2] selected_all[2].handle_left = h[1] selected_all[2].handle_right = h[3] selected_all[0].handle_left = h[4] return {'FINISHED'} # Register classes = [ Simple, BezierDivide, BezierPointsFillet ] def register(): from bpy.utils import register_class for cls in classes: register_class(cls) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_curve_add.append(menu) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_edit_curve_specials.prepend(Simple_curve_edit_menu) def unregister(): from bpy.utils import unregister_class for cls in reversed(classes): unregister_class(cls) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_curve_add.remove(menu) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_edit_curve_specials.remove(Simple_curve_edit_menu) if __name__ == "__main__": register()