'''bl_info = { "name": "Spirals", "description": "Make spirals", "author": "Alejandro Omar Chocano Vasquez", "version": (1, 2), "blender": (2, 62, 0), "location": "View3D > Add > Curve", "warning": "", # used for warning icon and text in addons panel "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.4/Py/" "Scripts/Object/Spirals", "tracker_url": "http://alexvaqp.googlepages.com?" "func=detail&aid=", "category": "Add Curve", } ''' import bpy, time from bpy.props import ( EnumProperty, BoolProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, ) from math import ( sin, cos, pi, exp ) from bpy_extras.object_utils import AddObjectHelper, object_data_add from bpy.types import Operator, Menu from bl_operators.presets import AddPresetBase # make normal spiral # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_spiral(props, context): # archemedian and logarithmic can be plottet in zylindrical coordinates # if props.spiral_type != 1 and props.spiral_type != 2: # return None # INPUT: turns->degree->max_phi, steps, direction # Initialise Polar Coordinate Enviroment # ------------------------------- props.degree = 360*props.turns # If you want to make the slider for degree steps = props.steps * props.turns # props.steps[per turn] -> steps[for the whole spiral] props.z_scale = props.dif_z * props.turns max_phi = pi*props.degree/180 # max angle in radian step_phi = max_phi/steps # angle in radians between two vertices if props.spiral_direction == 'CLOCKWISE': step_phi *= -1 # flip direction max_phi *= -1 step_z = props.z_scale/(steps-1) # z increase in one step verts = [] verts.extend([props.radius, 0, 0, 1]) cur_phi = 0 cur_z = 0 # ------------------------------ # Archemedean: dif_radius, radius cur_rad = props.radius step_rad = props.dif_radius/(steps * 360/props.degree) # radius increase per angle for archemedean spiral| (steps * 360/props.degree)...Steps needed for 360 deg # Logarithmic: radius, B_force, ang_div, dif_z # print("max_phi:",max_phi,"step_phi:",step_phi,"step_rad:",step_rad,"step_z:",step_z) while abs(cur_phi) <= abs(max_phi): cur_phi += step_phi cur_z += step_z # ------------------------------ if props.spiral_type == 'ARCH': cur_rad += step_rad if props.spiral_type == 'LOG': # r = a*e^{|theta| * b} cur_rad = props.radius * pow(props.B_force, abs(cur_phi)) # ------------------------------ px = cur_rad * cos(cur_phi) py = cur_rad * sin(cur_phi) verts.extend([px, py, cur_z, 1]) return verts # make Spheric spiral # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_spiral_spheric(props, context): # INPUT: turns, steps[per turn], radius # use spherical Coordinates step_phi = (2*pi) / props.steps # Step of angle in radians for one turn steps = props.steps * props.turns # props.steps[per turn] -> steps[for the whole spiral] max_phi = 2*pi*props.turns # max angle in radian step_phi = max_phi/steps # angle in radians between two vertices if props.spiral_direction == 'CLOCKWISE': # flip direction step_phi *= -1 max_phi *= -1 step_theta = pi / (steps-1) # theta increase in one step (pi == 180 deg) verts = [] verts.extend([0, 0, -props.radius, 1]) # First vertex at south pole #cur_rad = props.radius = CONST cur_phi = 0 cur_theta = -pi/2 # Beginning at south pole while abs(cur_phi) <= abs(max_phi): # Coordinate Transformation sphere->rect px = props.radius * cos(cur_theta) * cos(cur_phi) py = props.radius * cos(cur_theta) * sin(cur_phi) pz = props.radius * sin(cur_theta) verts.extend([px, py, pz, 1]) cur_theta += step_theta cur_phi += step_phi return verts # make torus spiral # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_spiral_torus(props, context): # INPUT: turns, steps, inner_radius, curves_number, mul_height, dif_inner_radius, cycles max_phi = 2*pi*props.turns * props.cycles # max angle in radian step_phi = 2*pi/props.steps # Step of angle in radians between two vertices if props.spiral_direction == 'CLOCKWISE': # flip direction step_phi *= -1 max_phi *= -1 step_theta = (2*pi / props.turns) / props.steps step_rad = props.dif_radius / (props.steps * props.turns) step_inner_rad = props.dif_inner_radius / props.steps step_z = props.dif_z / (props.steps * props.turns) verts = [] cur_phi = 0 # Inner Ring Radius Angle cur_theta = 0 # Ring Radius Angle cur_rad = props.radius cur_inner_rad = props.inner_radius cur_z = 0 n_cycle = 0 while abs(cur_phi) <= abs(max_phi): # Torus Coordinates -> Rect px = (cur_rad + cur_inner_rad * cos(cur_phi)) * cos(props.curves_number * cur_theta) py = (cur_rad + cur_inner_rad * cos(cur_phi)) * sin(props.curves_number * cur_theta) pz = cur_inner_rad * sin(cur_phi) + cur_z verts.extend([px, py, pz, 1]) if props.touch and cur_phi >= n_cycle * 2*pi: step_z = ((n_cycle+1) * props.dif_inner_radius + props.inner_radius) * 2 / (props.steps * props.turns) n_cycle += 1 cur_theta += step_theta cur_phi += step_phi cur_rad += step_rad cur_inner_rad += step_inner_rad cur_z += step_z return verts # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_curve(props, context): if props.spiral_type == 'ARCH': verts = make_spiral(props, context) if props.spiral_type == 'LOG': verts = make_spiral(props, context) if props.spiral_type == 'SPHERE': verts = make_spiral_spheric(props, context) if props.spiral_type == 'TORUS': verts = make_spiral_torus(props, context) curve_data = bpy.data.curves.new(name='Spiral', type='CURVE') curve_data.dimensions = '3D' spline = curve_data.splines.new(type=props.curve_type) ''' if props.curve_type == 0: spline = curve_data.splines.new(type='POLY') elif props.curve_type == 1: spline = curve_data.splines.new(type='NURBS') ''' spline.points.add(len(verts)*0.25-1) # Add only one quarter of points as elements in verts, because verts looks like: "x,y,z,?,x,y,z,?,x,..." spline.points.foreach_set('co', verts) new_obj = object_data_add(context, curve_data) class CURVE_OT_spirals(Operator): bl_idname = "curve.spirals" bl_label = "Add Curve: Spirals" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} # UNDO needed for operator redo and therefore also to let the addobjecthelp appear!!! bl_description = "Create different types of spirals" spiral_type = EnumProperty(items=[('ARCH', "Archemedian", "Archemedian"), ("LOG", "Logarithmic", "Logarithmic"), ("SPHERE", "Spheric", "Spheric"), ("TORUS", "Torus", "Torus")], default='ARCH', name="Spiral Type", description="Type of spiral to add") curve_type = EnumProperty(items=[('POLY', "Poly", "PolyLine"), ("NURBS", "NURBS", "NURBS")], default='POLY', name="Curve Type", description="Type of spline to use") spiral_direction = EnumProperty(items=[('COUNTER_CLOCKWISE', "Counter Clockwise", "Wind in a counter clockwise direction"), ("CLOCKWISE", "Clockwise", "Wind in a clockwise direction")], default='COUNTER_CLOCKWISE', name="Spiral Direction", description="Direction of winding") turns = IntProperty(default=1, min=1, max=1000, description="Length of Spiral in 360 deg") steps = IntProperty(default=24, min=2, max=1000, description="Number of Vertices per turn") radius = FloatProperty(default=1.00, min=0.00, max=100.00, description="radius for first turn") dif_z = FloatProperty(default=0, min=-10.00, max=100.00, description="increase in z axis per turn") # needed for 1 and 2 spiral_type # ARCHMEDEAN variables dif_radius = FloatProperty(default=0.00, min=-50.00, max=50.00, description="radius increment in each turn") # step between turns(one turn equals 360 deg) # LOG variables B_force = FloatProperty(default=1.00, min=0.00, max=30.00, description="factor of exponent") # TORUS variables inner_radius = FloatProperty(default=0.20, min=0.00, max=100, description="Inner Radius of Torus") dif_inner_radius = FloatProperty(default=0, min=-10, max=100, description="Increase of inner Radius per Cycle") dif_radius = FloatProperty(default=0, min=-10, max=100, description="Increase of Torus Radius per Cycle") cycles = FloatProperty(default=1, min=0.00, max=1000, description="Number of Cycles") curves_number = IntProperty(default=1, min=1, max=400, description="Number of curves of spiral") touch = BoolProperty(default=False, description="No empty spaces between cycles") def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column_flow(align=True) col.label('Presets:') row = col.row(align=True) row.menu("OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets", text=bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets.bl_label) row.operator("curve_extras.spiral_presets", text="", icon='ZOOMIN') #op = row.operator("curve.spiral_presets", text="SAVE") #op.name = bpy.types.OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets.bl_label op = row.operator("curve_extras.spiral_presets", text="", icon='ZOOMOUT') op.remove_active = True layout.prop(self, 'spiral_type') layout.prop(self, 'curve_type') layout.prop(self, 'spiral_direction') layout.label(text="Spiral Parameters:") layout.prop(self, 'turns', text="Turns") layout.prop(self, 'steps', text="Steps") box = layout.box() if self.spiral_type == 'ARCH': box.prop(self, 'dif_radius', text="Radius Growth") box.prop(self, 'radius', text="Radius") box.prop(self, 'dif_z', text="Height") if self.spiral_type == 'LOG': box.prop(self, 'radius', text="Radius") box.prop(self, 'B_force', text="Expansion Force") box.prop(self, 'dif_z', text="Height") if self.spiral_type == 'SPHERE': box.prop(self, 'radius', text="Radius") if self.spiral_type == 'TORUS': box.prop(self, 'cycles', text="Number of Cycles") if self.dif_inner_radius == 0 and self.dif_z == 0: self.cycles = 1 box.prop(self, 'radius', text="Radius") if self.dif_z == 0: box.prop(self, 'dif_z', text="Height per Cycle") else: box2 = box.box() box2.prop(self, 'dif_z', text="Height per Cycle") box2.prop(self, 'touch', text="Make Snail") box.prop(self, 'inner_radius', text="Inner Radius") box.prop(self, 'curves_number', text="Curves Number") box.prop(self, 'dif_radius', text="Increase of Torus Radius") box.prop(self, 'dif_inner_radius', text="Increase of Inner Radius") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): # method called by blender to check if the operator can be run return context.scene is not None def execute(self, context): time_start = time.time() draw_curve(self, context) print("Drawing Spiral Finished: %.4f sec" % (time.time() - time_start)) return {'FINISHED'} class CURVE_EXTRAS_OT_spirals_presets(AddPresetBase, Operator): '''Spirals Presets''' bl_idname = "curve_extras.spiral_presets" bl_label = "Spirals" preset_menu = "OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets" preset_subdir = "curve_extras/curve.spirals" preset_defines = [ "op = bpy.context.active_operator", ] preset_values = [ "op.spiral_type", "op.curve_type", "op.spiral_direction", "op.turns", "op.steps", "op.radius", "op.dif_z", "op.dif_radius", "op.B_force", "op.inner_radius", "op.dif_inner_radius", "op.cycles", "op.curves_number", "op.touch", ] class OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets(Menu): '''Presets for curve.spiral.''' bl_label = "Spiral Curve Presets" bl_idname = "OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets" preset_subdir = "curve_extras/curve.spirals" preset_operator = "script.execute_preset" draw = bpy.types.Menu.draw_preset if __name__ == "__main__": bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)