from math import sin, cos, pi from . import braid from .braid import angle_point import bpy def poly_line(curve, points, join=True, type='NURBS'): polyline = polyline.points.add(len(points) - 1) for num in range(len(points)): polyline.points[num].co = (points[num]) + (1,) polyline.order_u = len(polyline.points) - 1 if join: polyline.use_cyclic_u = True def poly_lines(objname, curvename, lines, bevel=None, joins=False, ctype='NURBS'): curve =, type='CURVE') curve.dimensions = '3D' obj =, curve) obj.location = (0, 0, 0) # object origin # for i, line in enumerate(lines): poly_line(curve, line, joins if type(joins) == bool else joins[i], type=ctype) if bevel: curve.bevel_object =[bevel] return obj def nurbs_circle(name, w, h): pts = [(-w / 2, 0, 0), (0, -h / 2, 0), (w / 2, 0, 0), (0, h / 2, 0)] return poly_lines(name, name + '_curve', [pts], joins=True) def star_pts(r=1, ir=None, points=5, center=(0, 0)): '''Create points for a star. They are 2d - z is always zero r: the outer radius ir: the inner radius ''' if not ir: ir = r / 5 pts = [] dt = pi * 2 / points for i in range(points): t = i * dt ti = (i + .5) * dt pts.append(angle_point(center, t, r) + (0,)) pts.append(angle_point(center, ti, ir) + (0,)) return pts def clear(): for obj in if obj.type not in ('CAMERA', 'LAMP'): = True else: = False bpy.ops.object.delete() def defaultCircle(w=.6): circle = nurbs_circle('braid_circle', w, w) circle.hide = True return circle def defaultStar(): star = poly_lines('star', 'staz', [tuple(star_pts(points=5, r=.5, ir=.05))], type='NURBS') star.hide = True return star def awesome_braid(strands=3, sides=5, bevel='braid_circle', pointy=False, **kwds): lines = braid.strands(strands, sides, **kwds) type = {True: 'POLY', False: 'NURBS'}[pointy] return poly_lines('Braid', 'Braid_c', lines, bevel=bevel, joins=True, ctype=type)