# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import bpy from mathutils import Matrix from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, ) from . import createMesh # ------------------------------------------------------------ # calculates the matrix for the new object depending on user pref def align_matrix(context): loc = Matrix.Translation(context.scene.cursor_location) obj_align = context.user_preferences.edit.object_align if (context.space_data.type == 'VIEW_3D' and obj_align == 'VIEW'): rot = context.space_data.region_3d.view_matrix.to_3x3().inverted().to_4x4() else: rot = Matrix() align_matrix = loc * rot return align_matrix class add_mesh_bolt(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.bolt_add" bl_label = "Add Bolt" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'} bl_description = "Construct many types of Bolts" align_matrix = Matrix() MAX_INPUT_NUMBER = 50 # edit - Whether to add or update edit = BoolProperty( name="", description="", default=False, options={'HIDDEN'} ) # Model Types Model_Type_List = [('bf_Model_Bolt', 'BOLT', 'Bolt Model'), ('bf_Model_Nut', 'NUT', 'Nut Model')] bf_Model_Type = EnumProperty( attr='bf_Model_Type', name='Model', description='Choose the type off model you would like', items=Model_Type_List, default='bf_Model_Bolt' ) # Head Types Model_Type_List = [('bf_Head_Hex', 'HEX', 'Hex Head'), ('bf_Head_Cap', 'CAP', 'Cap Head'), ('bf_Head_Dome', 'DOME', 'Dome Head'), ('bf_Head_Pan', 'PAN', 'Pan Head'), ('bf_Head_CounterSink', 'COUNTER SINK', 'Counter Sink Head')] bf_Head_Type = EnumProperty( attr='bf_Head_Type', name='Head', description='Choose the type off Head you would like', items=Model_Type_List, default='bf_Head_Hex' ) # Bit Types Bit_Type_List = [('bf_Bit_None', 'NONE', 'No Bit Type'), ('bf_Bit_Allen', 'ALLEN', 'Allen Bit Type'), ('bf_Bit_Philips', 'PHILLIPS', 'Phillips Bit Type')] bf_Bit_Type = EnumProperty( attr='bf_Bit_Type', name='Bit Type', description='Choose the type of bit to you would like', items=Bit_Type_List, default='bf_Bit_None' ) # Nut Types Nut_Type_List = [('bf_Nut_Hex', 'HEX', 'Hex Nut'), ('bf_Nut_Lock', 'LOCK', 'Lock Nut')] bf_Nut_Type = EnumProperty( attr='bf_Nut_Type', name='Nut Type', description='Choose the type of nut you would like', items=Nut_Type_List, default='bf_Nut_Hex' ) # Shank Types bf_Shank_Length = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Shank_Length', name='Shank Length', default=0, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Length of the unthreaded shank' ) bf_Shank_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Shank_Dia', name='Shank Dia', default=3, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Diameter of the shank' ) bf_Phillips_Bit_Depth = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Phillips_Bit_Depth', name='Bit Depth', default=1.1431535482406616, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Depth of the Phillips Bit' ) bf_Allen_Bit_Depth = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Allen_Bit_Depth', name='Bit Depth', default=1.5, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Depth of the Allen Bit' ) bf_Allen_Bit_Flat_Distance = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Allen_Bit_Flat_Distance', name='Flat Dist', default=2.5, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Flat Distance of the Allen Bit' ) bf_Hex_Head_Height = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Hex_Head_Height', name='Head Height', default=2, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Height of the Hex Head' ) bf_Hex_Head_Flat_Distance = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Hex_Head_Flat_Distance', name='Flat Dist', default=5.5, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Flat Distance of the Hex Head' ) bf_CounterSink_Head_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_CounterSink_Head_Dia', name='Head Dia', default=5.5, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Diameter of the Counter Sink Head' ) bf_Cap_Head_Height = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Cap_Head_Height', name='Head Height', default=5.5, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Height of the Cap Head' ) bf_Cap_Head_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Cap_Head_Dia', name='Head Dia', default=3, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Diameter of the Cap Head' ) bf_Dome_Head_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Dome_Head_Dia', name='Dome Head Dia', default=5.6, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Length of the unthreaded shank' ) bf_Pan_Head_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Pan_Head_Dia', name='Pan Head Dia', default=5.6, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Diameter of the Pan Head') bf_Philips_Bit_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Philips_Bit_Dia', name='Bit Dia', default=1.8199999332427979, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Diameter of the Philips Bit') bf_Thread_Length = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Thread_Length', name='Thread Length', default=6, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Length of the Thread') bf_Major_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Major_Dia', name='Major Dia', default=3, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Outside diameter of the Thread') bf_Pitch = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Pitch', name='Pitch', default=0.35, min=0.1, soft_min=0.1, max=7.0, description='Pitch if the thread' ) bf_Minor_Dia = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Minor_Dia', name='Minor Dia', default=2.6211137771606445, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Inside diameter of the Thread' ) bf_Crest_Percent = IntProperty( attr='bf_Crest_Percent', name='Crest Percent', default=10, min=1, soft_min=1, max=90, description='Percent of the pitch that makes up the Crest' ) bf_Root_Percent = IntProperty( attr='bf_Root_Percent', name='Root Percent', default=10, min=1, soft_min=1, max=90, description='Percent of the pitch that makes up the Root' ) bf_Div_Count = IntProperty( attr='bf_Div_Count', name='Div count', default=36, min=4, soft_min=4, max=4096, description='Div count determine circle resolution' ) bf_Hex_Nut_Height = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Hex_Nut_Height', name='Hex Nut Height', default=2.4, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Height of the Hex Nut' ) bf_Hex_Nut_Flat_Distance = FloatProperty( attr='bf_Hex_Nut_Flat_Distance', name='Hex Nut Flat Dist', default=5.5, min=0, soft_min=0, max=MAX_INPUT_NUMBER, description='Flat distance of the Hex Nut' ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column() # ENUMS col.prop(self, 'bf_Model_Type') col.separator() # Bit if self.bf_Model_Type == 'bf_Model_Bolt': col.prop(self, 'bf_Bit_Type') if self.bf_Bit_Type == 'bf_Bit_None': pass elif self.bf_Bit_Type == 'bf_Bit_Allen': col.prop(self, 'bf_Allen_Bit_Depth') col.prop(self, 'bf_Allen_Bit_Flat_Distance') elif self.bf_Bit_Type == 'bf_Bit_Philips': col.prop(self, 'bf_Phillips_Bit_Depth') col.prop(self, 'bf_Philips_Bit_Dia') col.separator() # Head if self.bf_Model_Type == 'bf_Model_Bolt': col.prop(self, 'bf_Head_Type') if self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_Hex': col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Head_Height') col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Head_Flat_Distance') elif self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_Cap': col.prop(self, 'bf_Cap_Head_Height') col.prop(self, 'bf_Cap_Head_Dia') elif self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_Dome': col.prop(self, 'bf_Dome_Head_Dia') elif self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_Pan': col.prop(self, 'bf_Pan_Head_Dia') elif self.bf_Head_Type == 'bf_Head_CounterSink': col.prop(self, 'bf_CounterSink_Head_Dia') col.separator() # Shank if self.bf_Model_Type == 'bf_Model_Bolt': col.label(text='Shank') col.prop(self, 'bf_Shank_Length') col.prop(self, 'bf_Shank_Dia') col.separator() # Nut if self.bf_Model_Type == 'bf_Model_Nut': col.prop(self, 'bf_Nut_Type') col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Nut_Height') col.prop(self, 'bf_Hex_Nut_Flat_Distance') # Thread col.label(text='Thread') if self.bf_Model_Type == 'bf_Model_Bolt': col.prop(self, 'bf_Thread_Length') col.prop(self, 'bf_Major_Dia') col.prop(self, 'bf_Minor_Dia') col.prop(self, 'bf_Pitch') col.prop(self, 'bf_Crest_Percent') col.prop(self, 'bf_Root_Percent') col.prop(self, 'bf_Div_Count') @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene is not None def execute(self, context): createMesh.Create_New_Mesh(self, context, self.align_matrix) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): # store creation_matrix self.align_matrix = align_matrix(context) self.execute(context) return {'FINISHED'}