# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # (c) 2011 Phil Cote (cotejrp1) ''' bl_info = { 'name': 'Mesh Pyramid', 'author': 'Phil Cote, cotejrp1, (http://www.blenderaddons.com)', 'version': (0, 3), "blender": (2, 5, 8), 'location': 'View3D > Add > Mesh', 'description': 'Create an egyption-style step pyramid', 'warning': '', # used for warning icon and text in addons panel 'category': 'Add Mesh'} ''' import bpy from bpy.props import IntProperty, FloatProperty from add_utils import AddObjectHelper, add_object_data def makePyramid(initial_size, step_height, step_width, number_steps): vert_list = [] face_list = [] cur_size = initial_size # how large each step will be overall # b = buttom, t = top, f = front, b = back, l = left, r = right x = y = z = 0 voffset = 0 # relative vert indices to help make faces fo each step sn = 0 # step number while sn < number_steps: # bottom verts for this iteration bfl = (x, y, z) bfr = (x + cur_size, y, z) bbl = (x, y + cur_size, z) bbr = (x + cur_size, y + cur_size, z) # top verts for this iteration. tfl = (x, y, z + step_height) tfr = (x + cur_size, y, z + step_height) tbl = (x, y + cur_size, z + step_height) tbr = (x + cur_size, y + cur_size, z + step_height) # add to the vert buffer vert_list.extend((bfl, bfr, bbl, bbr, tfl, tfr, tbl, tbr,)) # side faces face_list.extend(( (voffset + 4, voffset + 5, voffset + 1, voffset + 0), # back (voffset + 6, voffset + 7, voffset + 3, voffset + 2), # front (voffset + 2, voffset + 6, voffset + 4, voffset + 0), # left (voffset + 3, voffset + 7, voffset + 5, voffset + 1), # right )) # horizontal connecting faces ( note: n/a for the first iteration ). if voffset > 0: face_list.extend(( (voffset - 4, voffset - 3, voffset + 1, voffset + 0), # connector front (voffset - 2, voffset - 1, voffset + 3, voffset + 2), # back (voffset - 4, voffset - 2, voffset + 2, voffset + 0), # left (voffset - 3, voffset - 1, voffset + 3, voffset + 1), # right )) # set up parameters for the next iteration cur_size = cur_size - (step_width * 2) x = x + step_width y = y + step_width z = z + step_height sn = sn + 1 voffset = voffset + 8 voffset = voffset - 8 # remove extra voffset done on final iteration face_list.extend(( (voffset + 6, voffset + 7, voffset + 5, voffset + 4), # cap the top. (2, 3, 1, 0), # cap the bottom. )) return vert_list, face_list def add_pyramid_object(self, context): verts, faces = makePyramid(self.initial_size, self.step_height, self.step_width, self.number_steps) mesh_data = bpy.data.meshes.new(name="Pyramid") mesh_data.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) mesh_data.update() res = add_object_data(context, mesh_data, operator=self) class AddPyramid(bpy.types.Operator, AddObjectHelper): """Add a Mesh Object""" bl_idname = "mesh.primitive_steppyramid_add" bl_label = "Pyramid" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'} initial_size = FloatProperty(name="Initial Size", default=2.0, min=0.0, max=20.0, description="Set the initial size at the pyramid base") step_height = FloatProperty(name="Step Height", default=0.1, min=0.0, max=10.0, description="How tall each of the steps will be") step_width = FloatProperty(name="Step Width", default=0.1, min=0.0, max=10.0, description="How wide each step will be") number_steps = IntProperty(name="Number Steps", default=10, min=1, max=20, description="Total number of steps") def execute(self, context): add_pyramid_object(self, context) return {'FINISHED'} ''' def menu_func(self, context): self.layout.operator(OBJECT_OT_add_pyramid.bl_idname, text="Pyramid", icon="PLUGIN") def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(OBJECT_OT_add_pyramid) bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(OBJECT_OT_add_pyramid) bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add.remove(menu_func) if __name__ == "__main__": register() '''