# This try block allows for the script to psudo-intelligently select the # appropriate random to use. If Numpy's random is present it will use that. # If Numpy's random is not present, it will through a "module not found" # exception and instead use the slower built-in random that Python has. try: from numpy.random import random_integers as randint from numpy.random import normal as gauss from numpy.random import ( beta, uniform, ) except: from random import ( randint, gauss, uniform, ) from random import betavariate as beta from .utils import skewedGauss def randomizeTexture(texture, level=1): ''' Set the values for a texture from parameters. param: texture - bpy.data.texture to modify. level - designated tweaked settings to use -> Below 10 is a displacment texture -> Between 10 and 20 is a base material texture ''' noises = ['BLENDER_ORIGINAL', 'ORIGINAL_PERLIN', 'IMPROVED_PERLIN', 'VORONOI_F1', 'VORONOI_F2', 'VORONOI_F3', 'VORONOI_F4', 'VORONOI_F2_F1', 'VORONOI_CRACKLE'] if texture.type == 'CLOUDS': if randint(0, 1) == 0: texture.noise_type = 'SOFT_NOISE' else: texture.noise_type = 'HARD_NOISE' if level != 11: tempInt = randint(0, 6) else: tempInt = randint(0, 8) texture.noise_basis = noises[tempInt] texture.noise_depth = 8 if level == 0: texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.625, 1 / 24) elif level == 2: texture.noise_scale = 0.15 elif level == 11: texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.5, 1 / 24) if texture.noise_basis in ['BLENDER_ORIGINAL', 'ORIGINAL_PERLIN', 'IMPROVED_PERLIN', 'VORONOI_F1']: texture.intensity = gauss(1, 1 / 6) texture.contrast = gauss(4, 1 / 3) elif texture.noise_basis in ['VORONOI_F2', 'VORONOI_F3', 'VORONOI_F4']: texture.intensity = gauss(0.25, 1 / 12) texture.contrast = gauss(2, 1 / 6) elif texture.noise_basis == 'VORONOI_F2_F1': texture.intensity = gauss(0.5, 1 / 6) texture.contrast = gauss(2, 1 / 6) elif texture.noise_basis == 'VORONOI_CRACKLE': texture.intensity = gauss(0.5, 1 / 6) texture.contrast = gauss(2, 1 / 6) elif texture.type == 'MUSGRAVE': # musgraveType = ['MULTIFRACTAL', 'RIDGED_MULTIFRACTAL', # 'HYBRID_MULTIFRACTAL', 'FBM', 'HETERO_TERRAIN'] texture.musgrave_type = 'MULTIFRACTAL' texture.dimension_max = abs(gauss(0, 0.6)) + 0.2 texture.lacunarity = beta(3, 8) * 8.2 + 1.8 if level == 0: texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.625, 1 / 24) texture.noise_intensity = 0.2 texture.octaves = 1.0 elif level == 2: texture.intensity = gauss(1, 1 / 6) texture.contrast = 0.2 texture.noise_scale = 0.15 texture.octaves = 8.0 elif level == 10: texture.intensity = gauss(0.25, 1 / 12) texture.contrast = gauss(1.5, 1 / 6) texture.noise_scale = 0.5 texture.octaves = 8.0 elif level == 12: texture.octaves = uniform(1, 3) elif level > 12: texture.octaves = uniform(2, 8) else: texture.intensity = gauss(1, 1 / 6) texture.contrast = 0.2 texture.octaves = 8.0 elif texture.type == 'DISTORTED_NOISE': tempInt = randint(0, 8) texture.noise_distortion = noises[tempInt] tempInt = randint(0, 8) texture.noise_basis = noises[tempInt] texture.distortion = skewedGauss(2.0, 2.6666, (0.0, 10.0), False) if level == 0: texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.625, 1 / 24) elif level == 2: texture.noise_scale = 0.15 elif level >= 12: texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.2, 1 / 48) elif texture.type == 'STUCCI': stucciTypes = ['PLASTIC', 'WALL_IN', 'WALL_OUT'] if randint(0, 1) == 0: texture.noise_type = 'SOFT_NOISE' else: texture.noise_type = 'HARD_NOISE' tempInt = randint(0, 2) texture.stucci_type = stucciTypes[tempInt] if level == 0: tempInt = randint(0, 6) texture.noise_basis = noises[tempInt] texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.625, 1 / 24) elif level == 2: tempInt = randint(0, 6) texture.noise_basis = noises[tempInt] texture.noise_scale = 0.15 elif level >= 12: tempInt = randint(0, 6) texture.noise_basis = noises[tempInt] texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.2, 1 / 30) else: tempInt = randint(0, 6) texture.noise_basis = noises[tempInt] elif texture.type == 'VORONOI': metrics = ['DISTANCE', 'DISTANCE_SQUARED', 'MANHATTAN', 'CHEBYCHEV', 'MINKOVSKY_HALF', 'MINKOVSKY_FOUR', 'MINKOVSKY'] # Settings for first dispalcement level: if level == 0: tempInt = randint(0, 1) texture.distance_metric = metrics[tempInt] texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.625, 1 / 24) texture.contrast = 0.5 texture.intensity = 0.7 elif level == 2: texture.noise_scale = 0.15 tempInt = randint(0, 6) texture.distance_metric = metrics[tempInt] elif level >= 12: tempInt = randint(0, 1) texture.distance_metric = metrics[tempInt] texture.noise_scale = gauss(0.125, 1 / 48) texture.contrast = 0.5 texture.intensity = 0.7 else: tempInt = randint(0, 6) texture.distance_metric = metrics[tempInt] return