# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # Converts a formatted string to a float tuple: # IN - '(0.5, 0.2)' -> CONVERT -> OUT - (0.5, 0.2) def toTuple(stringIn): sTemp = str(stringIn)[1:len(str(stringIn)) - 1].split(', ') fTemp = [] for i in sTemp: fTemp.append(float(i)) return tuple(fTemp) # Converts a formatted string to a float tuple: # IN - '[0.5, 0.2]' -> CONVERT -> OUT - [0.5, 0.2] def toList(stringIn): sTemp = str(stringIn)[1:len(str(stringIn)) - 1].split(', ') fTemp = [] for i in sTemp: fTemp.append(float(i)) return fTemp # Converts each item of a list into a float: def toFloats(inList): outList = [] for i in inList: outList.append(float(i)) return outList # Converts each item of a list into an integer: def toInts(inList): outList = [] for i in inList: outList.append(int(i)) return outList # Sets all faces smooth. Done this way since I can't # find a simple way without using bpy.ops: def smooth(mesh): import bmesh bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(mesh) for f in bm.faces: f.smooth = True bm.to_mesh(mesh) return mesh # This try block allows for the script to psudo-intelligently select the # appropriate random to use. If Numpy's random is present it will use that. # If Numpy's random is not present, it will through a "module not found" # exception and instead use the slower built-in random that Python has. try: # from numpy.random import random_integers as randint from numpy.random import normal as gauss # from numpy.random import (beta, # uniform, # seed, # weibull) # print("Rock Generator: Numpy found.") numpy = True except: from random import ( # randint, gauss, # uniform, # seed ) # from random import betavariate as beta # from random import weibullvariate as weibull print("Rock Generator: Numpy not found. Using Python's random.") numpy = False # Artificially skews a normal (gaussian) distribution. This will not create # a continuous distribution curve but instead acts as a piecewise finction. # This linearly scales the output on one side to fit the bounds. # # Example output historgrams: # # Upper skewed: Lower skewed: # | ▄ | _ # | █ | █ # | █_ | █ # | ██ | _█ # | _██ | ██ # | _▄███_ | ██ _ # | ▄██████ | ▄██▄█▄_ # | _█▄███████ | ███████ # | _██████████_ | ████████▄▄█_ _ # | _▄▄████████████ | ████████████▄█_ # | _▄_ ▄███████████████▄_ | _▄███████████████▄▄_ # ------------------------- ----------------------- # |mu |mu # Historgrams were generated in R (http://www.r-project.org/) based on the # calculations below and manually duplicated here. # # param: mu - mu is the mean of the distribution. # sigma - sigma is the standard deviation of the distribution. # bounds - bounds[0] is the lower bound and bounds[1] # is the upper bound. # upperSkewed - if the distribution is upper skewed. # return: out - Rondomly generated value from the skewed distribution. # # @todo: Because NumPy's random value generators are faster when called # a bunch of times at once, maybe allow this to generate and return # multiple values at once? def skewedGauss(mu, sigma, bounds, upperSkewed=True): raw = gauss(mu, sigma) # Quicker to check an extra condition than do unnecessary math. . . . if raw < mu and not upperSkewed: out = ((mu - bounds[0]) / (3 * sigma)) * raw + ((mu * (bounds[0] - (mu - 3 * sigma))) / (3 * sigma)) elif raw > mu and upperSkewed: out = ((mu - bounds[1]) / (3 * -sigma)) * raw + ((mu * (bounds[1] - (mu + 3 * sigma))) / (3 * -sigma)) else: out = raw return out # @todo create a def for generating an alpha and beta for a beta distribution # given a mu, sigma, and an upper and lower bound. This proved faster in # profiling in addition to providing a much better distribution curve # provided multiple iterations happen within this function; otherwise it was # slower. # This might be a scratch because of the bounds placed on mu and sigma: # # For alpha > 1 and beta > 1: # mu^2 - mu^3 mu^3 - mu^2 + mu # ----------- < sigma < ---------------- # 1 + mu 2 - mu # # def generateBeta(mu, sigma, scale, repitions=1): # results = [] # # return results