# GPL # Author, Anthony D'Agostino import bpy from mathutils import Vector from math import sin, cos, pi from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, IntProperty, StringProperty, ) from bpy_extras import object_utils def create_mesh_object(context, verts, edges, faces, name): # Create new mesh mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name) # Make a mesh from a list of verts/edges/faces. mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces) # Update mesh geometry after adding stuff. mesh.update() from bpy_extras import object_utils return object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=None) # ======================== # === Torus Knot Block === # ======================== def k1(t): x = cos(t) - 2 * cos(2 * t) y = sin(t) + 2 * sin(2 * t) z = sin(3 * t) return Vector([x, y, z]) def k2(t): x = 10 * (cos(t) + cos(3 * t)) + cos(2 * t) + cos(4 * t) y = 6 * sin(t) + 10 * sin(3 * t) z = 4 * sin(3 * t) * sin(5 * t / 2) + 4 * sin(4 * t) - 2 * sin(6 * t) return Vector([x, y, z]) * 0.2 def k3(t): x = 2.5 * cos(t + pi) / 3 + 2 * cos(3 * t) y = 2.5 * sin(t) / 3 + 2 * sin(3 * t) z = 1.5 * sin(4 * t) + sin(2 * t) / 3 return Vector([x, y, z]) def make_verts(ures, vres, r2, knotfunc): verts = [] for i in range(ures): t1 = (i + 0) * 2 * pi / ures t2 = (i + 1) * 2 * pi / ures a = knotfunc(t1) # curr point b = knotfunc(t2) # next point a, b = map(Vector, (a, b)) e = a - b f = a + b g = e.cross(f) h = e.cross(g) g.normalize() h.normalize() for j in range(vres): k = j * 2 * pi / vres l = (cos(k), 0.0, sin(k)) l = Vector(l) m = l * r2 x, y, z = m n = h * x o = g * z p = n + o q = a + p verts.append(q) return verts def make_faces(ures, vres): faces = [] for u in range(0, ures): for v in range(0, vres): p1 = v + u * vres p2 = v + ((u + 1) % ures) * vres p4 = (v + 1) % vres + u * vres p3 = (v + 1) % vres + ((u + 1) % ures) * vres faces.append([p4, p3, p2, p1]) return faces def make_knot(knotidx, ures): knots = [k1, k2, k3] knotfunc = knots[knotidx - 1] vres = ures // 10 r2 = 0.5 verts = make_verts(ures, vres, r2, knotfunc) faces = make_faces(ures, vres) return (verts, faces) class AddTorusKnot(bpy.types.Operator, object_utils.AddObjectHelper): bl_idname = "mesh.primitive_torusknot_add" bl_label = "Add Torus Knot" bl_description = "Construct a torus knot mesh" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} TorusKnot : BoolProperty(name = "TorusKnot", default = True, description = "TorusKnot") change : BoolProperty(name = "Change", default = False, description = "change TorusKnot") resolution: IntProperty( name="Resolution", description="Resolution of the Torus Knot", default=80, min=30, max=256 ) objecttype: IntProperty( name="Knot Type", description="Type of Knot", default=1, min=1, max=3 ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.prop(self, 'resolution', expand=True) layout.prop(self, 'objecttype', expand=True) if self.change == False: col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(self, 'align', expand=True) col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(self, 'location', expand=True) col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(self, 'rotation', expand=True) def execute(self, context): # turn off 'Enter Edit Mode' use_enter_edit_mode = bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode = False if bpy.context.mode == "OBJECT": if context.selected_objects != [] and context.active_object and \ ('TorusKnot' in context.active_object.data.keys()) and (self.change == True): obj = context.active_object oldmesh = obj.data oldmeshname = obj.data.name verts, faces = make_knot(self.objecttype, self.resolution) mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('TorusKnot') mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) obj.data = mesh for material in oldmesh.materials: obj.data.materials.append(material) bpy.data.meshes.remove(oldmesh) obj.data.name = oldmeshname else: verts, faces = make_knot(self.objecttype, self.resolution) mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('TorusKnot') mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) obj = object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=self) obj.data["TorusKnot"] = True obj.data["change"] = False for prm in TorusKnotParameters(): obj.data[prm] = getattr(self, prm) if bpy.context.mode == "EDIT_MESH": active_object = context.active_object name_active_object = active_object.name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') verts, faces = make_knot(self.objecttype, self.resolution) mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('TorusKnot') mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) obj = object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=self) obj.select_set(True) active_object.select_set(True) bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = active_object bpy.ops.object.join() context.active_object.name = name_active_object bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') if use_enter_edit_mode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') # restore pre operator state bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode = use_enter_edit_mode return {'FINISHED'} def TorusKnotParameters(): TorusKnotParameters = [ "resolution", "objecttype", ] return TorusKnotParameters