# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # ##### BEGIN AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION ##### # NOTE: You can safely move around this auto-generated block (with the begin/end markers!), # and edit the translations by hand. # Just carefully respect the format of the tuple! # Tuple of tuples: # ((msgctxt, msgid), (sources, gen_comments), (lang, translation, (is_fuzzy, comments)), ...) translations_tuple = ( (("*", ""), ((), ()), ("fr_FR", "Project-Id-Version: AnimAll 0.9.6 (0)\n", (False, ("Blender's translation file (po format).", "Copyright (C) 2022 The Blender Foundation.", "This file is distributed under the same license as the Blender package.", "Damien Picard , 2022."))), ), (("*", "Tab Category"), (("bpy.types.AnimallAddonPreferences.category",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Catégorie d’onglet", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Choose a name for the category of the panel"), (("bpy.types.AnimallAddonPreferences.category",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Choisir un nom pour la catégorie du panneau", (False, ())), ), (("Operator", "Clear Animation"), (("bpy.types.ANIM_OT_clear_animation_animall",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Effacer l’animation", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Delete all keyframes for this object\nIf in a specific case it doesn't work\ntry to delete the keys manually"), (("bpy.types.ANIM_OT_clear_animation_animall",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Supprimer toutes les images clés pour cet objet.\n" "En cas d’échec, essayez de les supprimer manuellement", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert a Keyframe"), (("bpy.types.ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_animall",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer une image clé", (False, ())), ), (("Operator", "Delete Key"), (("bpy.types.ANIM_OT_delete_keyframe_animall",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Supprimer image clé", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Delete a Keyframe"), (("bpy.types.ANIM_OT_delete_keyframe_animall",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Supprimer une image clé", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Animate"), (("bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_animall",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Animer", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on active attribute values"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_attribute",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur l’attribut actif", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on edge bevel weight"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_edge_bevel",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur les poids de biseau d’arête", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on edge creases"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_edge_crease",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur les plis d’arête", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on face material indices"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_material_index",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur les indices de matériaux", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on point locations"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_point_location",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur les positions des points", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on point radius (Shrink/Fatten)"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_radius",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur le rayon de rayon de point (épaisseur de la courbe)", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Key Selected Only"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_selected",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Sélection uniquement", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes only on selected elements"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_selected",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des images clés seulement sur les éléments sélectionnés", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on active Shape Key layer"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_shape_key",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur le calque de clé de forme actif", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on point tilt"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_tilt",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur l’inclinaison des points", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on active UV coordinates"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_uvs",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur les coordonnées UV actives", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on vertex bevel weight"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_vertex_bevel",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur les poids de biseau des sommets", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Insert keyframes on active vertex group values"), (("bpy.types.AnimallProperties.key_vertex_group",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer des clés sur les valeurs des groupes de sommets", (False, ())), ), (("*", "AnimAll"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:142",), ()), ("fr_FR", "", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Key:"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:150",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Insérer :", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Tab Category:"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:658",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Catégorie d’onglet", (False, ())), ), # (("*", "Points"), # (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:156", # "scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:163", # "scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:192"), # ()), # ("fr_FR", "", # (False, ())), # ), (("*", "Others"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:159", "scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:175", "scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:200"), ()), ("fr_FR", "Autres", (False, ())), ), # (("*", "Bevel"), # (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:165", # "scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:169"), # ()), # ("fr_FR", "", # (False, ())), # ), # (("*", "Edges"), # (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:168",), # ()), # ("fr_FR", "", # (False, ())), # ), # (("*", "Crease"), # (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:170",), # ()), # ("fr_FR", "", # (False, ())), # ), # (("*", "Faces"), # (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:172",), # ()), # ("fr_FR", "", # (False, ())), # ), (("*", "\"Location\" and \"Shape Key\" are redundant?"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:222",), ()), ("fr_FR", "\"Position\" et \"Clé de forme\" sont redondants ?", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Splines"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:197",), ()), ("fr_FR", "", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Maybe set \"%s\" to 1.0?"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:213",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Essayez de mettre « %s » à 1.0 ?", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Cannot key on Basis Shape"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:216",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Impossible d’ajouter une clé sur la forme de base", (False, ())), ), (("*", "No active Shape Key"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:219",), ()), ("fr_FR", "Pas de clé de forme active", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Clear Animation could not be performed"), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:586",), ()), ("fr_FR", "La suppression de l’animation n’a pas pu aboutir", (False, ())), ), (("*", "Object includes old-style vertex colors. Consider updating them."), (("scripts/addons/animation_animall.py:186",), ()), ("fr_FR", "L’objet contient des couleurs de sommets à l’ancien format. Veuillez les mettre à jour", (False, ())), ), ) translations_dict = {} for msg in translations_tuple: key = msg[0] for lang, trans, (is_fuzzy, comments) in msg[2:]: if trans and not is_fuzzy: translations_dict.setdefault(lang, {})[key] = trans # ##### END AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION #####