Blender ID addon ================ This addon allows you to authenticate your Blender with your [Blender ID]( account. This authentication can then be used by other addons, such as the [Blender Cloud addon]( Blender compatibility --------------------- Blender ID add-on version 1.2.0 removed some workarounds necessary for Blender 2.77a. As such, versions 1.1.x are the last versions compatible with Blender 2.77a, and 1.2.0 and newer require at least Blender 2.78. Building & Bundling ------------------- * To build the addon, run `python3 bdist` * To bundle the addon with Blender, run `python3 bdist bundle --path ../blender-git/blender/release/scripts/addons`. * If you don't want to bundle, you can install the addon from Blender (User Preferences → Addons → Install from file...) by pointing it to `dist/blender_id*`. Using the addon --------------- * Install the addon as described above. * Enable the addon in User Preferences → Addons → System. * Sign up for an account at the [Blender ID site]( if you don't have an account yet. * Log in with your Blender ID and password. You only have to do this once. Your password is never saved on your machine, just an access token. It is stored next to your Blender configuration files, in * Linux and similar: `$HOME/.config/blender/{version}/config/blender_id` * MacOS: `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Blender/{version}/config/blender_id` * Windows: `%APPDATA%\Blender Foundation\Blender\{version}\config\blender_id` where `{version}` is the Blender version. Using the addon from another addon ---------------------------------- The following functions can be used from other addons to use the Blender ID functionality: **blender_id.get_active_profile()** returns the `BlenderIdProfile` that represents the currently logged in user, or `None` when the user isn't logged in: lang=python class BlenderIdProfile: user_id = '41234' username = '' token = '41344124-auth-token-434134' **blender_id.get_active_user_id()** returns the user ID of the logged in user, or `''` when the user isn't logged in. **blender_id.is_logged_in()** returns `True` if the user is logged in, and `False` otherwise. Here is an example of a simple addon that shows your username in its preferences panel: lang=python, # Extend this with your info bl_info = { 'name': 'Demo addon using Blender ID', 'location': 'Add-on preferences', 'category': 'System', 'support': 'TESTING', } import bpy class DemoPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences): bl_idname = __name__ def draw(self, context): import blender_id profile = blender_id.get_active_profile() if profile: self.layout.label('You are logged in as %s' % profile.username) else: self.layout.label('You are not logged in on Blender ID') def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) if __name__ == '__main__': register()